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Assessment of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the HoReCa Industry in the Opinion of Customers and Employees
Cichorska, Joanna
Zielina, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
COVID-19 pandemic
HoReCa industry
change in consumption habits
The purpose of the article/hypothesis: The COVID-19 pandemic and imposed restrictions negatively affected the economy and social life. Their effects were particularly hard for the HoReCa industry, i.e. the hotel and catering industry. The purpose of the article is an analysis of the activities of the hotel and catering industry in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. The article uses questionnaire surveys on a sample of owners, employees and consumers of the hotel and catering industry in Poland in the years 2020–2021. A total of 164 respondents took part in the study. Three independent surveys were conducted. In the part concerning consumers, 144 respondents took part in the survey, including 111 women and 33 men. The majority of the respondents were people aged 16–24 - 69 people (47,9%), 52 people were in the range of 25–40 years (36,1%), 16 people (11,1%) were from the age group of 41–55, and the remaining 7 people were aged over 55 (4,9%). Most of the respondents were people with secondary education, 74 people (51,4%). Higher education was declared by 51 people (35,4%), vocational education by 9 people (6,3%) and primary education by 10 people (6,9%). 20 respondents - business entities - responded to the study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the HoReCa industry from the perspective of a manager. They were mostly people running a restaurant (55%), a hotel (40%) and a restaurant with a predominant catering activity (20%). The respondents represented facilities in various voivodships, however, the largest number of people managed facilities in the Śląskie (35%) and Małopolskie (25%) voivodships. Radical restrictions resulted in significant scaling down of hotel and restaurant activity. As a result of the decline in consumption in tourist services, the value of sales revenues and the profitability of the HoReCa industry decreased. In the group of employees, the most burdensome effects of the pandemic included reduction in employment, compulsory holidays and the lack of comfort at work. However, a pandemic with many negative economic and social consequences may also have positive long-term effects. Paradoxically, unfavorable circumstances forced entrepreneurs to look for alternative solutions to maintain financial liquidity and to survive in the industry. The subject of the article is an analysis of the activities of the hotel and catering industry in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. Its purpose is to assess the impact of the pandemic on employees and consumers of the HoReCa industry. In accordance with the goals defined in this paper, the following hypotheses were formulated: The imposed restrictions and above all, closing of the premises, contributed to a significant decrease in consumption in the HoReCa industry and prevented the development of many enterprises, and the effects of the stagnation will be felt for a long time both by employees and consumers. In many companies in the HoReCa industry, the level of sales revenues decreased, led to a loss of profitability. The negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic were felt by all stakeholder groups in the HoReCa industry, including: a. employers - loss of income;b. employees - loss of job and inconvenience of work due to the obligation to maintain specific hygiene conditions;c. customers - closing the premises, obligation to keep social distance. In connection with these theses, the first part of the article discusses the social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this section, the authors used original reports, including those of the WHO. The next section presents the opinion of employees and owners of hotels and catering establishments on the impact of the pandemic on working conditions and income. The last part presents the clients' feelings about the HoReCa sector as regards the level and availability of services. For this purpose questionnaire surveys were used on a sample of owners, employees and clients of the hotel and catering industry in Poland in the years 2020–2021. The undertaken research problem is very important due to a large scale of restrictions that affected the HoReCa industry during the pandemic and resulted in related financial losses. Methodology: Analysis of the environment of the HoReCa sector along with its foreseeable evolution has been carried out using intelligence techniques such as the identification and analysis of government public sources and reports about behavior of consumers and market trends, published by consulting companies and public research institutes. The use of quality secondary information sources instead of the primary ones does not imply a decrease in the scientific validity of a study when the principle of strategic intelligence of never accepting a single information authority is respected. The method of competitive intelligence consists of the collection, transmission, analysis, and dissemination of relevant information publicly available and legally obtained, to produce actionable knowledge for the improvement of the decision making process. The assessment of the financial situation of the HoReCa industry was presented on the basis of eight selected companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, including three largest hotel chains in Poland. Additionally, this method has been supplemented with a questionnaire survey applied to HoReCa sector users and experts, conducted during the pandemic in Poland in 2020 and 2021. The survey was quasi-representative, i.e. the sample meets the requirements of the representative method in some respects. The study was conducted using the direct interview method. Respondents were asked single choice and multiple choice questions. The survey was conducted in three areas: HoReCa service clients, industry employees and hotel and restaurant owners. Three independent surveys were conducted, in which 164 respondent participated. Results of the research: The observations and opinions of respondents contained in the surveys were used to formulate conclusions about the future and the necessary changes in the provision of HoReCa services. A. The analysis of financial statements of selected HoReCa companies made it possible to state that the restrictions imposed in the pandemic resulted in lower sales revenues and lower profitability, especially in the smallest hotels.B. The survey conducted in the group of hotel owners shows that the decrease in profitability in the HoReCa industry was mainly due to the closure of hotels and the ban on the operation of stationary catering establishments. The owners expressed an opinion that the state aid was insufficient to cover the losses related to the pandemic. C. Surveys in the group of employees showed that the pandemic resulted in a reduction in employment and a deterioration of work comfort in HoReCa facilities. D. The surveyed guests confirmed that during the pandemic, they mostly used catering and take-away services. They most willingly spent their holidays in summer houses, which enabled them to maintain social distancing.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2023, 2, 38; 45-73
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public Support for Large Companies to Prevent the Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic – Study Based on the Example of the Guarantee of the PLG FGP Guarantee Line – Legal and Economic Aspects
Kowalski, Dariusz
Zając, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
large enterprises
Covid-19 pandemic
public support
SME sector
The purpose of the article/hypothesis: The purpose of the article is to determine whether, taking into account the current legal framework determining the state role in the economy, it is advisable to support large enterprises in relation to preventing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis will be conducted based on one of the types of guarantees - PLG FGP guarantee line. Methodology: In order to achieve the assumed goals, the analysis was based on non-reactive research, consisting in the assessment of available information. It included studies of normative acts, official statistical data and industry reports and analyses. Two basic research methods were used, namely legal dogmatic and comparative analyses. Results of the research: Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that taking into account the characteristics of economic difficulties resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e. a decrease in demand for goods and services, reduced mobility of the population, limited supply caused by disruption of supply chains and absence of employees at the workplace), it is justified to support sector of large enterprises, because these problems concern both the SME sector and large enterprises to a similar extent. However, it is reasonable to direct the aid because financing was also used by enterprises that were not affected by the crisis.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2023, 4, 40; 7-22
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieprawidłowości w umowach o kredyt konsumencki w Polsce, kontekst ochrony konsumenta na rynku usług finansowych
Irregularities in Consumer Credit Agreements in Poland, the Contex of Consumer Protection in the Financial Services Market
Czechowska, Iwona Dorota
Hajdys, Dagmara
Ślebocka, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
pandemia COVID-19
kredyt konsumencki
ochrona konsumentów
COVID-19 pandemic
consumer credit
consumer protection
Cel artykułu, pytania badawcze. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i ocena funkcjonowania rynku bankowego w Polsce z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa usług bankowych związanego z ochroną konsumentów. Realizacja celu ograniczała się do rynku kredytów konsumenckich i nieprawidłowości zidentyfikowanych przez instytucje ochrony konsumentów w czasie pandemii Covid-19. W artykule postawiono pytania badawcze: Jakie działania podjął rząd i sektor bankowy, aby chronić konsumentów przed skutkami pandemii Covid-19? Jakie instytucje wchodzą w skład systemu ochrony konsumentów na rynku usług bankowych? Jakie nieprawidłowości zgłosili kredytobiorcy w sektorze bankowym? Metodyka. Badania dotyczyły przeglądu literatury oraz regulacji wprowadzonych w związku z pandemią Covid-19, a także danych o orzeczeniach wydanych przez Rzecznika Bankowego i Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów w związku z niedoskonałościami rynku bankowego wobec konsumentów. Rezultaty badania. Stwierdzono, że „wakacje kredytowe” były sposobem na zabezpieczenie sytuacji finansowej konsumentów/kredytobiorców w czasie pandemii Covid-19, kiedy stracili oni pracę lub źródło dochodu. Klienci zgłaszali nieprawidłowości do: Rzecznika Finansowego, Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów oraz Arbitra Bankowego. Duża liczba ofert kredytowych, ich wysoki poziom skomplikowania i niski wpływ na umowę kredytową powodowały, że konsument był narażony na nieuczciwe i nieetyczne praktyki kredytodawców. Nieprawidłowości występowały zarówno na etapie przedkontraktowym, jak i w trakcie trwania umowy kredytowej oraz po jej zakończeniu.
The purpose of the article and the research question. The aim of the article is to present and evaluate the functioning of the banking market in Poland from the perspective of the safety of banking services related to consumer protection. The realisation of the objective was limited to consumer credit market and the irregularities identified by consumer protection institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article poses the research questions: What measures have been taken by the government and the banking sector to protect consumers from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic? Which institutions are part of the system of consumer protection on the banking services market? What irregularities were reported by borrowers in the banking sector? Methodology. The research focused on the literature review, regulations introduced in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and data on rulings issued by the Banking Ombudsman and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection related to banking market failures against consumers. Results of the research. It has been found that “Credit holidays” were a way of protecting the financial situation of consumers/borrowers during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they lost their jobs or their source of income. Customers reported irregularities to: Financial Ombudsman, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and Bank Arbitrator. The large number of credit offers, their high level of complexity and the low impact on the credit agreement meant that the consumer was exposed to unfair and unethical practices of creditors. Irregularities occurred both at the pre-contractual stage and during and after the credit agreement.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2023, 2 (Numer Specjalny); 215-231
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pandemia czy wojna pokoleń?
Solarz, Jan Krzysztof
Waliszewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
pandemia COVID-19
finanse osobiste
zarządzanie kryzysowe
COVID-19 pandemic
personal finances
crisis management
Artykuł dotyczy pandemii koronawirusa COVID-19 i jego potencjalnego wpływu na gospodarkę, system finansów publicznych oraz finanse osobiste. Szok związany z wybuchem i ekspansją wirusa w skali globalnej stawia przez gospodarkami, finansami publicznymi i systemami zdrowotnymi ogromne wyzwania związane z groźbą recesji, drastycznego zmniejszenia dochodów osobistych w gospodarstwach domowych, konieczność opracowania programów rządowych, łagodzących skutki pandemii oraz włączenia się Banku Centralnego w postaci obniżki stóp procentowych i stopy rezerwy obowiązkowej, a także uruchomienia niestandardowych instrumentów polityki monetarnej tzw. luzowania ilościowego (QE). Celem opracowania jest zaproponowanie języka nanofinansów do opisania pandemii jako destrukcji mechanizmu solidarności międzypokoleniowej i wewnątrzpokoleniowej. Główną hipotezą badania jest, że jakość zarządzania ryzykiem finansowym codzienności przesądzi o skali strat finansowych oraz czasie niezbędnym do wyjścia z załamania społeczno-gospodarczego wywołanego pandemią.
The article deals with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and its potential impact on the economy, public finance system and personal finances. The shock of the virus outbreak and expansion on a global scale poses enormous challenges to economies, public finances and health systems related to the threat of recession, drastic reduction in personal income in households, the need to develop government programs mitigating the effects of a pandemic, and the central bank joining in the form of rate cuts interest and reserve requirements, as well as the launch of non-standard monetary policy instruments quantitative easing (QE). The aim of the study is to propose a language of nanofinance to describe a pandemic as a destruction of the mechanism of intergenerational and intra-generational solidarity. The main hypothesis of the study is that the quality of financial risk management of everyday life will determine the scale of financial losses and the time necessary to overcome the socio-economic collapse caused by a pandemic.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2020, 2, 26; 99-114
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pandemia czy wojna pokoleń?
Pandemic or Generational War?
Solarz, Jan Krzysztof
Waliszewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
pandemia COVID-19
finanse osobiste
zarządzanie kryzysowe
COVID-19 pandemic
personal finances
crisis management
Artykuł dotyczy pandemii koronawirusa COVID-19 i jego potencjalnego wpływu na gospodarkę, system finansów publicznych oraz finanse osobiste. Szok związany z wybuchem i ekspansją wirusa w skali globalnej stawia przez gospodarkami, finansami publicznymi i systemami zdrowotnymi ogromne wyzwania związane z groźbą recesji, drastycznego zmniejszenia dochodów osobistych w gospodarstwach domowych, konieczność opracowania programów rządowych, łagodzących skutki pandemii oraz włączenia się Banku Centralnego w postaci obniżki stóp procentowych i stopy rezerwy obowiązkowej, a także uruchomienia niestandardowych instrumentów polityki monetarnej tzw. luzowania ilościowego (QE). Celem opracowania jest zaproponowanie języka nanofinansów do opisania pandemii jako destrukcji mechanizmu solidarności międzypokoleniowej i wewnątrzpokoleniowej. Główną hipotezą badania jest, że jakość zarządzania ryzykiem finansowym codzienności przesądzi o skali strat finansowych oraz czasie niezbędnym do wyjścia z załamania społeczno-gospodarczego wywołanego pandemią.
The article deals with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and its potential impact on the economy, public finance system and personal finances. The shock of the virus outbreak and expansion on a global scale poses enormous challenges to economies, public finances and health systems related to the threat of recession, drastic reduction in personal income in households, the need to develop government programs mitigating the effects of a pandemic, and the central bank joining in the form of rate cuts interest and reserve requirements, as well as the launch of non-standard monetary policy instruments quantitative easing (QE). The aim of the study is to propose a language of nanofinance to describe a pandemic as a destruction of the mechanism of intergenerational and intra-generational solidarity. The main hypothesis of the study is that the quality of financial risk management of everyday life will determine the scale of financial losses and the time necessary to overcome the socio-economic collapse caused by a pandemic.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2021, Numer Specjalny; 119-134
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jakość obsługi klientów w zakresie kredytów hipotecznych przez banki i pośredników kredytowych w Polsce w czasie pandemii COVID-19
Quality of Customer Service in the field of Mortgage Loans by Banks and Credit Intermediaries in Poland during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Waliszewski, Krzysztof
Łukaszewski, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
jakość obsługi
kredyty hipoteczne
pośrednicy kredytowi
pandemia COVID-19
service quality
mortgage loans
credit brokers
COVID-19 pandemic
Cel/Hipoteza: Prezentacja i ocena  poziomu jakości obsługi klienta detalicznego w zakresie kredytu hipotecznego w czasie pandemii COVID-19. Hipoteza wysunięta przez autorów jest następująca: pośrednicy kredytowi radzili sobie lepiej niż banki pod względem jakości obsługi kredytów hipotecznych podczas pandemii COVID-19. Metoda badań: W opracowaniu zastosowano metodę monograficzną, studia literatury, analizę przypadków metodą tajemniczego klienta (mystery shopping). Wyniki :W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania jakości obsługi klienta w zakresie kredytów hipotecznych przez banki i pośredników kredytowych. Oryginalność / wartość / implikacje / rekomendacje : W artykule zaprezentowano szereg rozwiązań, które należy wdrożyć, aby poprawić jakość obsługi klienta w zakresie kredytu hipotecznego w przypadku banków i pośredników kredytowych.
The purpose of the article/hypothesis: Presentation and assessment of the quality level of retail customer service in the field of mortgage loans during the COVID-19 pandemic. The hypothesis argued by the authors is as follows: credit brokers did better than banks on the quality of mortgage service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: The study uses the monographic method, literature studies and case studies using the mystery shopping method. Results of the research: The article presents the results of the research on the quality of customer service in the field of mortgage loans by banks and credit intermediaries. Originality / Value / Implications / Recommendations: The article presents a number of solutions that should be implemented to improve the quality of customer service in the field of mortgage loans for banks and credit intermediaries.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2022, 2, 34; 101-124
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of Capital Structure on the Company’s Financial Situation during the Pandemic – Analysis Based on Examples of Listed Companies
Wpływ struktury kapitału na kondycję finansową przedsiębiorstw podczas pandemii na przykładzie spółek giełdowych
Jasiniak, Magdalena
Rudzki, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
strategie finansowania
struktura kapitału
analiza finansowa
modele dyskryminacyjne
pandemia COVID-19
financing strategies
capital structure
financial analysis
discriminant models
COVID-19 pandemic
Under the conditions of increased uncertainty making right financial decisions can determine success or failure of every company. Maintaining financial liquidity is especially important during impactful economic fluctuations when the risk of bankruptcy rises significantly. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the impact of financing strategies on economic situation of companies during the pandemic as well as to verify whether safe strategy can be a reliable measure of protection from the danger of bankruptcy. Methodology. Empirical research has been based on the analysis of 30 commercial sector companies’ financial statements from 2018 to 2020. The research has been completed with discriminant analysis models, and in order to receive clear interpretation of results a new indicator has been created. The indicator shows effectiveness of financing strategies as protection from negative results of the pandemic. Results of the research prove that under the conditions of strong and rapid economic changes a conservative strategy is a relatively safer strategy than moderate and aggressive ones, yet, it does not guarantee full protection from bankruptcy. Additionally, moderately higher risk of financing allows to increase liquidity and profitability even during the pandemic which was also indicated in the research.
W warunkach zwiększonej niepewności, podejmowanie trafnych decyzji finansowych może przesądzić o sukcesie lub porażce każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Utrzymanie płynności finansowej jest szczególnie istotne w okresie silnych zmian gospodarczych, gdzie ryzyko zagrożenia upadłością znacząco wzrasta. Celem artykułu jest ocena wpływu strategii finansowania na sytuację ekonomiczną przedsiębiorstw w czasie pandemii oraz weryfikacja czy bezpieczna strategia finansowania może stanowić ochronę przedsiębiorstwa przed zagrożeniem upadłością. Metodologia. Badania empiryczne zostały oparte na analizie sprawozdań finansowych 30 przedsiębiorstw należących do sektora handlowego w latach 2018-2020. Badanie uzupełniono analizą z wykorzystaniem modeli dyskryminacyjnych, natomiast w celu ułatwienia interpretacji wyników, stworzono wskaźnik określający efektywność strategii finansowania w ochronie przed negatywnymi skutkami pandemii. Wyniki badania wskazują, że w warunkach silnych i nagłych zmian gospodarczych, strategia konserwatywna jest relatywnie bezpieczniejszą strategią finansowania, jednak nie gwarantuje ona ochrony przed zagrożeniem upadłością. Wskazano również, że umiarkowanie większe ryzyko finansowania pozwala zwiększyć płynność i rentowność nawet w okresie pandemii.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2023, 3, 39; 15-29
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Governmental Local Investment Fund as a Financial Instrument to Support Urban Investment by the Example of Cities with District Status in the Lodz Voivodeship
Rządowy lokalny fundusz inwestycyjny jako instrument finansowy wspierający inwestycje miejskie na przykładzie miast na prawach powiatu w województwie łódzkim
Hajdys, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Rządowy Fundusz Inwestycji Lokalnych
pandemia COVID-19
sytuacja finansowa samorządów
miasta na prawach powiatu
wsparcie finansowe
Government Local Investment Fund
COVID-19 pandemic
financial situation of local governments
cities with a district status
financial support
The purpose of the article/hypothesis is to present the Government's Local Investment Fund as a financial tool to support municipalities and districts during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and to provide an assessment of the support received in the context of investment expenditure incurred by cities with district rights in the Lodz Voivodeship. Methodology: On the basis of data from the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the financial reports of the Cities with a District Status, the amount of funding granted from the Government Local Investment Fund was reviewed. Based on data from the Local Data Bank, the basic financial data for three Cities with a District Status from the Lodz Voivodeship in the years 2019–2021 was analysed, i.e. in the context of the use of funds from the Government Local Investment Fund. Results of the research: Local government units during the COVID-19 pandemic had an opportunity to obtain financial support from the state budget for the implementation of investment tasks from the Government Local Investment Fund. A total amount of PLN 13 billion was allocated to local governments. The funds were distributed in three rounds using two different qualification methods: algorithm and competition mode. Cities with a District Status under the competition procedure received less support than other local governments, and there were even situations in which they were deprived of this support. The distribution and the amount of support awarded caused a lot of controversy at the same time highlighting a need for changes in the system of local finances.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie Rządowego Funduszu Inwestycji Lokalnych jako narzędzia finansowego wsparcia gmin i powiatów w dobie kryzysu pandemii COVID-19 oraz ocena otrzymanego wsparcia w kontekście wydatków inwestycyjnych poniesionych przez miasta na prawach powiatu w województwie łódzkim. Metodyka: Na podstawie danych z Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów oraz sprawozdań finansowych miast na prawach powiatu dokonano przeglądu wysokości udzielonego finansowania z Rządowego Funduszu Inwestycji Lokalnych. W oparciu o dane z Banku Danych Lokalnych przeanalizowano podstawowe dane finansowe dla trzech miast na pra-wach powiatu z województwa łódzkiego w latach 2019–2021, tj. w kontekście wykorzystania środków z Rządowego Funduszu Inwestycji Lokalnych. Wyniki/Rezultaty badania: Jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w okresie pandemii CO-VID-19 miały możliwość pozyskania z budżetu państwa wsparcie finansowe na realizację zadań inwestycyjnych z Rządowego Funduszu Inwestycji Lokalnych. Do samorządów trafiła łączna kwota 13 mld PLN. Środki zostały rozdzielone w trzech turach przy wykorzystaniu dwóch odmiennych sposobów kwalifikowania: algorytm i tryb konkursowy. Miasta na prawach powiatu w trybie konkursowym otrzymywały niższe wsparcie niż pozostałe samorządy, a nawet zdarzały się sytuacje, że tego wsparcia były pozbawione. Rozdział i wysokość przyznanego wsparcia wzbudziły wiele kontrowersji, jednocześnie uwypuklając konieczność zmian w systemie finansów lokalnych.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2023, 4, 40; 131-149
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Insurance Market in the Light of Covid-19 Pandemic
Ratowska-Dziobiak, Eleonora
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
insurance market
The COVID-19 pandemic has been compared to world wars or other tragic events in terms of the death toll it has taken and huge economic losses it has caused. It is not a finished process, so it is difficult to predict the scale of its impact. According to IMF estimates, the contraction of the world economy will be much greater than in the years of the financial crisis of 2008–2009. The negative effects in different countries may depend on the severity and extent of the applied lock-down or interventions undertaken by governments. Changes taking place in various sectors of the economy are of a different nature. The effects of the pandemic can be also seen in the insurance segment. The aim of this article is to find answers to the following research questions: To what extent did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the situation on the insurance market? In which areas are its consequences particularly visible? What kind of opportunities and threats does the pandemic bring from the perspective of the insurance market? Methodology. The analysis used available scientific publications, reports prepared by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Polish Insurance Association and entities conducting brokerage activities or selected consulting companies. The result of the research. In a few days, in March 2020, a real revolution took place on the insurance market. The insurers faced the need to introduce completely remote customer service. They also had to launch new tools, which in many cases were still in the testing phase and which they did not have the opportunity to use on a large scale. With the onset of the pandemic, they were quickly implemented. It was related to additional funds, huge commitment and discipline of all employees, liquidators, agents, sales departments, and administration. Consequent on this, clients gained full access to all services and insurance products, without leaving home. On the other hand, pandemic has led to the significant changes within the demand for the insurance services and customers’ expectations, but also to growing scale of damages and compensation paid to the clients leading to the higher insurance premiums.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2022, 2 (Numer Specjalny); 73-86
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public Aid and Entrepreneurship During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the European Union Countries
Jabłońska, Małgorzata
Stawska, Joanna
Dziuba, Radosław
Tekce, Mahmut
Krasoń, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
public aid
The aim of the article: The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic made it necessary to involve the state in the process of rescuing numerous business entities from bankruptcy. In the European Union, the aid measure for entrepreneurs takes a form of public aid, which, as it turns out, is the necessary and the only tool to protect SME sector enterprises against bankruptcy. Social isolation caused by the virus that spread on a large scale effectively inhibited the development of entrepreneurship, which is inherently related to the economic development of countries. The aim of the article is therefore to indicate that supporting entrepreneurs within the framework of public aid may help to reverse the unfavorable economic trends related to the disturbed development of entrepreneurship. Methodology: The article analyzes and assesses the government solutions introduced to the Polish economic reality, the purpose of which is to counteract the effects of Covid-19. The paper presents the current public aid tools available to entrepreneurs along with their financial dimension. Results of the research: State aid granted by the state to entrepreneurs during the crisis caused by Covid-19 is indispensable for their further functioning. The paper presents aid instruments related to COVID-19 that are available to entrepreneurs. The analysis shows that public aid addressed to entrepreneurs injured as a result of the lockdown comes from many sources and is almost tailored to the individual entrepreneur. The entities providing aid on the basis of state aid include: banks, local government units, executive bodies of local government units, Social Insurance Fund, State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People, financial intermediaries, bodies constituting local government units, the European Investment Bank, Polish Development Fund, district and voivodeship labor offices and BGK (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego). Having prepared a package of systemic solutions, the government introduced them systematically, depending on the situation of individual sectors of the economy. Special solutions in the form of financial shields were addressed directly to the tourism sector (e.g. loans for tour operators) or the catering sector, which in the face of the pandemic were most exposed to a decrease in revenues. The impact of introduced solutions on the country’s economy can be assessed only in the next few years, but the multitude and diversified nature of the anti-crisis solutions introduced in Poland will certainly contribute to slowing down the negative consequences of Covid-19 in the economy.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2021, 3, 31; 57-77
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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