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Církevní právo, 2. přepracované a doplněné vydání [Church Law, the 2nd revised and completed edition] Eds. Jiří Rajmund Tretera and Záboj Horák Praha: Leges, 2021
Menke, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Kościół katolicki
Prawo kościelne
Catholic Church
Church Law
W recenzji książki „Církevní právo, 2. přepracované a doplněné vydání“ [Church Law, 2nd revised and completed edition], Jiří Rajmund Tretera and Záboj Horák, Praha: Leges, 2021, 2. ed. 440 pp. ISBN 978-80-7502-535-7 przedstawiono ważną pracę dwóch autorów, zajmującą się prawem kościelnym w ogóle i konkretnie w Czechach, która stanowi podstawowy korpus podręczników wraz z dwoma innymi publikacjami tych samych autorów, które zostały omówione w recenzji. Wprowadza czytelników w metodę, treść i znaczenie tej publikacji.
Review of book: „Církevní právo, 2. přepracované a doplněné vydání“ [Church Law, 2nd revised and completed edition], Jiří Rajmund Tretera and Záboj Horák, Praha: Leges, 2021, 2. ed. 440 pp. ISBN 978-80-7502-535-7 presents an important work by two authors, dealing with church law in general and specifically in the Czech Republic, which forms the basic corpus of textbooks together with two other publications by the same authors, which are discussed in the review. It introduces readers to the method, content and significance of this publication.
Ecumeny and Law; 2023, 11, 1; 157-160
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Synod as the Embodiment of the Church — the Evolution of Lutheran Understanding of Synodality
SSinodo in quanto incarnazione della Chiesa — l’evoluzione dell’accezione luterana della sinodalità
Hintz, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Church Law
diritto della chiesa
The concept of the synod plays a special role in the Evangelical ecclesiology. In the 20th century, the synod was radically defined as “the personification of the Church.” In the Evangelical tradition, however, there are equal Church management systems: episcopal, synodal-consistory, presbyterian (mainly in the Evangelical-Reformed denomination), and to a lesser extent congregational (especially observed in the so-called free Churches). Reformation theology understands the Church as a community of all saints, where the Gospel is preached purely and the sacraments are properly administered (Augsburg Confession — CA VII). The system of the Church does not belong to the so-called notae ecclesiae. An important theological doctrine of the Reformation is the teaching about the universal priesthood of all believers, which is the theological foundation of the idea of the synodal responsibility of the Church. In the 19th century synods concerned mainly clergy. In the 20th century, in the course of democratisation processes, most Evangelical Churches raised the importance of the synod in the overall management of the Church, and the Polish Lutheran Church introduced a provision into her law which stipulates that the synod is “the embodiment of the Church” and its supreme authority.
Il concetto di sinodo svolge un ruolo speciale nell’ecclesiologia evangelica. Nel XX secolo, il sinodo è stato definito in modo radicale come “personificazione della Chiesa”. Nella tradizione evangelica, tuttavia, ci sono sistemi equiparati di gestione della Chiesa: episcopale, sinodale-concistoro, presbiteriano (principalmente nella Chiesa evangelica riformata) e, in misura minore, congregazionalista (praticato soprattutto nelle strutture della chiesa libera). La teologia della Riforma intende la Chiesa come una comunità di santi in cui il Vangelo è chiaramente predicato e i sacramenti sono amministrati correttamente (Confessione di Augsburgo — CA VII). Il sistema della Chiesa non appartiene alle cosiddette notae ecclesiae. Un’importante dottrina teologica della Riforma è la dottrina del sacerdozio universale di tutti i credenti, che è il fondamento teologico dell’idea di responsabilità sinodale per la Chiesa. Nel XIX secolo, i sinodi riguardavano principalmente il clero. Nel corso dei processi democratici nel XX secolo, la maggior parte delle chiese evangeliche ha sollevato l’importanza del sinodo nella gestione generale della Chiesa, e la Chiesa luterana polacca ha introdotto una disposizione nella sua legge secondo cui il sinodo è l’incarnazione della Chiesa e la sua autorità suprema.
Ecumeny and Law; 2019, 7; 77-94
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Accompanying Migrants” as a Touchstone of the Realisation of the Synodal Church Idea. A Canonist’s Remarks
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
kairós of synodality
mission of synodal Church
Pope Francis
“accompanying migrants”
rights of (Christian) migrants
the “millennial” path of the Church’s renewal
the postulate of the Church law renewal
ecumenical context
“Synodality is a style, it is walking together, and it is what the Lord expects of the Church in the third millennium” (Francis). The specific motto and wording of this study in the quoted “programme” thought of Pope Francis, articulated in the Address to Members of the International Theological Commission (2019). The Pope expresses appreciation for the extensive work of the Commission crowned with the “theological clarification” of the mentioned idea, and above all by demonstrating the importance in the perception of the mission of the Church today. If, in the opinion of the Holy Father, factual and competent expert argumentation, step by step, reveals the truth that “a synodal Church is a Church of participation and co-responsibility,” such a determination cannot remain without impact on the praxis of undertaking the most serious pastoral challenges of the present time — on various levels of realization: local, regional, and universal, including ecumenical commitment. This applies in its entirety to the creation of strategies and specific actions of the Church towards the growing phenomenon of human mobility, especially in its forms that manifest themselves as dramatic and devastating to families and individuals. What we mean here is the Church’s multi-track postulate — or more precisely: communion, synodal — efficiency (with its determinants: dynamics, efficiency, effectiveness), for which in 2016 Francis coined the term: “accompanying migrants”. Consequently, in recent years there have been a number of normative and operational activities of the present successor of St. Peter, which in our time — rightly called: “the era of migration” (Francis) — set a new trend of clothing/embellishing the aforementioned critical area of salus animarum with synodal accents. As it is showed in the study, a canonist, with the horizon of the principle of ius sequitur vitam before his eyes, cannot remain passive towards the pressing challenges delineated here. Indeed, within the orbit of the study of canon law a weighty question appears — what conclusions of a canonical nature stem from the “millennium” project of the realization of the Synodal Church Idea.
Ecumeny and Law; 2021, 9, 2; 7-40
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Synodality — Participation — Co-Responsibility. Remarks on the Determinants of the Aggiornamento of the Church Law
Sinodalità – partecipazione – responsabilità condivisa Osservazioni sulle determinanti dell’aggiornamento del diritto ecclesiastico
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
communio principle
aggiornamento of Church law
principio di communio
aggiornamento del diritto ecclesiastico
In the communio Ecclesiae reality, of a unitarian, charismatic, and institutiona structure, the crucial concepts of participation and co-responsibility are firmly anchored in the juridical and canonical discourse. This is the way in which the horizon of the subject matter reveals itself, the study of which — from the point of view of the title triad: synodality — participation — co-responsibility — will never lose its relevance. What is, at the same time, important is the idea of “synodality,” which is adequately recognized as the sacra potestas of a sacramental origin (ontological aspect), which gains the dynamism of libertas sacra (existential and dynamic aspect) through the charisms of the Holy Spirit, thus leading to the inseparability of its personal and synodal aspects. Therefore, in the attempt to illuminate the determinant of the aggiornamento of the Church law in this study, it was appropriate, on the one hand, to consistently refer to the essence of the idea of the communio hierarchica, according to which Christ makes selected servants participate in his authority by means of an office, the exercise of which always remains a diaconia in the community of faith. On the other hand, in reference to the contemporary understanding of communio fidelium, the axis of scientific reflection was to be the communion-creative phenomenon of charisms — gifts of the Holy Spirit that awaken in the People of God synodal co-responsibility for the good of the entire Church community. In both cases — without losing sight of the obvious truth that, in the sacramental structure of the Church (communio), both hierarchical and charismatic gifts converge in the service of the bishop, who updates — according to the logic of the Vaticanum II aggiormamento and the ecclesiological principles of the Council: collegiality, the title synodality and subsidiarity — the fullness of Christ’s service: as Prophet, Priest, and King.
Nella realtà della communio Ecclesiae, che si caratterizza per una struttura carismatica e istituzionale unitaria, i concetti di partecipazione e di responsabilità condivisa — essenziali nel discorso giuridico e canonico, sono fortemente ancorati. Si svela così l’orizzonte della questione, il cui studio — nei termini della triade apparsa nel titolo: sinodalità — partecipazione — responsabilità condivisa — non perderà mai la sua rilevanza. È importante sottolineare che l’idea di “sinodalità” — adeguatamente riconosciuta come sacra potestas di origine sacramentale (aspetto ontologico), guadagnando il dinamismo di libertas sacra grazie ai carismi dello Spirito Santo (aspetto esistenziale e dinamico) —conduce all’inseparabilità dei suoi aspetti: personale e sinodale. Pertanto, nel tentativo compiuto in questo studio di illuminare le determinanti dell’ “aggiornamento” del diritto ecclesiastico, è stato opportuno, da un lato, riferirsi sistematicamente all’essenza dell’idea di communio hierarchica, secondo la quale Cristo rende i servi eletti partecipi del suo potere mediante un ufficio il cui adempimento resta sempre una diaconia nella comunità di fede; d’altra parte, in riferimento alla concezione contemporanea di communio fidelium — asse della riflessione scientifica dovrebbe essere il fenomeno dei carismi collegato con la comunione e la creazione — questi doni dello Spirito Santo, suscitando la responsabilità condivisa e sinodale per il bene dell’intera comunità ecclesiale nel popolo sacerdotale. In entrambi i casi — senza perdere di vista l’ovvia verità che nella struttura sacramentale della Chiesa (communio) sia i doni gerarchici che quelli carismatici coincidono nel ministero del vescovo che attua — secondo la logica dell’aggiormamento esposta dal Vaticano II e dei principi ecclesiologici conciliari: la collegialità, la sinodalità e la sussidiarietà — la pienezza del ministero di Cristo: Profeta, Sacerdote e Re.
Ecumeny and Law; 2019, 7; 95-114
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jurij Popovič: „Hierarchical organization of the Church according to the CCEO" Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa, 2021, pp. 379.
Přibyl, Stanislav
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
prawo kanoniczne
Kościoły wschodnie
historia Kościoła
Canon Law
history of Church
Oriental Churches
Ecumeny and Law; 2022, 10, 2; 175-181
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sources of the Encyclical „Ut unum sint"
Přibyl, Stanislav
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Holy Scripture
ecumenical dialogue
Catholic Church
Orthodox Churches
Protestant Reformation
Code of Canon Law
Catholic faith
John Paul II’s encyclical Ut unum sint on commitment to ecumenism was published 30 years after the ground-breaking ecumenism decree of Vatican II Unitatis redintegratio. It was meant to present a summary of everything the Catholic Church and its partners achieved in the field of ecumenical efforts. However, the article does not list these achievements but discusses the very fundamentals of Catholic identity, namely, how the Catholic Church is to remain faithful to itself in developing ecumenical dialogue with other churches and ecclesial communities. The article thus provides a detailed analysis of the way the encyclical uses the basic sources of faith, that is, the logia of the Sacred Scripture, Church Fathers and the Magisterium. As one might expect, the documents of the Magisterium that are quoted are the documents of Vatican II because this council represents a real turning point in the relations of the Catholic Church towards ecumenism. The article also considers the role of the canon law for ecumenism because both codices of canon law as well as the ecumenical directory represent major tools for the realisation of ecumenical efforts.
Encyklika Jana Pawła II Ut unum sint o zaangażowaniu w ekumenizm została opublikowana 30 lat po przełomowym dla ekumenizmu dekrecie Vaticanum II Unitatis redintegratio. Miała ona przedstawić podsumowanie wszystkiego, co Kościół katolicki i jego partnerzy osiągnęli w dziedzinie wysiłków ekumenicznych. Artykuł nie wylicza jednak tych osiągnięć, ale omawia same podstawy tożsamości katolickiej, czyli to, w jaki sposób Kościół katolicki ma pozostać wierny sobie w rozwijaniu dialogu ekumenicznego z innymi Kościołami i wspólnotami kościelnymi. W artykule dokonano zatem szczegółowej analizy sposobu, w jaki encyklika wykorzystuje podstawowe źródła wiary, tj. logia Pisma Świętego, Ojców Kościoła i Magisterium. Jak można się spodziewać, cytowanymi dokumentami tego Magisterium są dokumenty Soboru Watykańskiego II, ponieważ sobór ten stanowi prawdziwy punkt zwrotny w relacjach kościoła katolickiego do ekumenizmu. W artykule rozważana jest również rola prawa kanonicznego dla ekumenizmu, ponieważ zarówno kodeksy prawa kanonicznego, jak i katalog ekumeniczny stanowią główne narzędzia realizacji wysiłków ekumenicznych.
Ecumeny and Law; 2022, 10, 2; 7-28
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Love Builds Communion between Persons (UUS, n. 21): Christological-Ecclesiological Key to Confirm the Identity of Marriages of Baptised Non-Catholics
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
canonical matrimonial law
the mystery of communion
sacrament of matrimony
the mission of the “domestic Church
the eo ipso sacramentum principle
marriage of baptised non-Catholics
The words derived from the Ut unum sint encyclical as well as the fruits of the newest research by theologians (among others the members of the International Theological Commission) on the meaning of the Catechism formula of Christian Marriage: “the Sacrament of Faith in the Service of Communion” — became an inspiration to attempt to verify the assumptions confirming the sacramental Identity of Marriages of Baptised Non-Catholics. The author assumes that the today’s challenge for the study of canon law should be to explore more the subject matter of the “the mystery of communion” (UUS, n. 5) in all the complexity of its detailed issues, including the development of relevant conclusions in the canonical (lawmaking) and canonical-pastoral (application of the law) spheres. This is in the name of the rule that church legislation, especially in clarifying key/systemic issues — and among such is the issue of the universality of Bellarmine’s principle of eo ipso sacramentum — is always based on the widely adopted theological foundations.
Ecumeny and Law; 2022, 10, 2; 29-57
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plenary Council in the Czech Republic (1997—2005)
Synode plénier en République tchèque (1997—2005)
Sinodo plenario nella Repubblica Ceca (1997—2005)
Menke, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Plenary Council in the Czech Republic
pastoral care
Commission for the Particular Law
Czech Bishops’ Conference
the life and mission of Christians in the Church and the world
This article analyses the preparation, process and conclusions of the Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic held in 1997—2005. The Plenary Council was one of the few manifestations of the collegiality of the Czech Church, because the diocesan synods are not used here as a tool. The Decree on convocation of the Assembly was announced by the Czech and Moravian bishops on 5 July 1997 in Velehrad. The council was also an opportunity for priests and laity in the country to realise their responsibility for the Church and the co-responsibility of the Church for the condition of society. The Council had a preparatory phase (1997—2003), a stage of the 1st Session (July 2003), and a second phase of the Session (July 2005) where the project was completed and followed by the process of post-conciliar steps. Three final messages were the immediate output from the Second Plenary Session: the Message of the Council to the Public; the Message of the Council to the Believers of the Catholic Church and the Message of the Council to Christians in the Czech Republic. The resulting document was published in 2007 under the title The Life and Mission of Christians in the Church and the World. It was a document of a pastoral nature, in no way of a normative nature (no rules were actually adopted despite the work of the commission and the proposals). The Czech situation is described as “post-Christian missionary territory” there and — estimated the course of the conciliar process and of the Council itself — as an introduction of more intensive implementation of synodality in the Czech Church.
In questo articolo tratterò la preparazione, il percorso e le conclusioni del Sinodo Plenario nella Repubblica Ceca, tenutosi negli anni 1997—2005. Il Sinodo Plenario è stato una delle poche manifestazioni della collegialità della Chiesa ceca, perché i sinodi diocesani non vengono indetti. Il decreto sulla convocazione del Sinodo Plenario è stato annunciato dai vescovi il 5 luglio 1997 a Velehrad. Il Sinodo doveva anche dare occa sione ai sacerdoti e laici di prendere coscienza della loro responsabilità per la Chiesa e della corresponsabilità della Chiesa per lo stato della società. Il Sinodo ha avuto una fase preparatoria (1997—2003), la prima fase della sessione (luglio 2003), seguita dalla seconda fase (luglio 2005), durante la quale si è concluso il progetto, e infine le fasi post-sinodali. Tre messaggi finali della 2a fase del Sinodo Plenario sono: il Messaggio del Sinodo alla società, il Messaggio ai fedeli della Chiesa cattolica e il Messaggio ai cristiani nella Repubblica Ceca. Il documento finale, intitolato La vita e la missione dei cristiani nella Chiesa e nel mondo, è stato pubblicato nel 2007 e. Era un documento di carattere pastorale, per nulla normativo (contrariamente all’operato del Comitato di diritto particolare e alle sue proposte, nessuna norma è stata infine adottata). La situazione ceca è stata definita come «un territorio di missione post-cristiana», e il percorso del processo sinodale è stato valutato come un’introduzione a una sinodalità più completa nella Chiesa ceca.
Dans le présent article, je traite de la préparation, du déroulement et des conclusions du Synode Plénier en République Tchèque, qui a eu lieu dans les années 1997—2005. Le Synode Plénier a été l’une des rares manifestations de la collégialité dans l’Église tchèque, car il n’y a pas de tradition de synodes diocésains en Tchéquie. Le décret sur la convocation du Synode Plénier a été annoncé par les évêques le 5 juillet 1997 à Velehrad. Le Synode devait aussi donner l’occasion aux prêtres et aux laïcs de prendre conscience de leur responsabilité envers l’Église et de la coresponsabilité de l’Église pour l’état de la société. Le Synode a eu une phase préparatoire (1997—2003), la première phase de la session (juillet 2003) a été suivie d’une deuxième phase de la session (juillet 2005), lors de laquelle le projet a été achevé, et enfin la phase d’étapes post-synodales. Les trois messages finaux de la deuxième phase du Synode Plénier sont : le Message du Synode à la Société, le Message aux Fidèles de l’Église catholique et le Message aux Chrétiens de la République tchèque. Le document final a été publié en 2007 sous le titre La vie et la mission des chrétiens dans l’Église et dans le monde. C’était un document à caractère pastoral, nullement normatif (contrairement aux travaux de la Commission du droit particulier et de ses propositions, aucune norme n’a finalement été adoptée). La situation tchèque a été décrite comme «un territoire de mission postchrétienne» et le déroulement du processus synodal a été vu comme une introduction à une synodalité plus complète dans l’Église tchèque.
Ecumeny and Law; 2020, 8; 73-93
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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