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Badania nad prewencją generalną: problemy metodologiczne
General Deterrence Research: Some Methodological Problems
Szamota, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
efekty odstraszające
prewencja generalna
deterrent effects
deterrence research
      The results of empirical studies on general deterrence carried out so far are far from being unequivocal. Taking general deterrence research as a whole, it can be concluded only that in some situationa some individuals are deterred from some crimes by some punishments. Moreover, it is now obvious to most researchers that the problem is not whether punishment has deterrent effects but rather under what conditions and to what extent they occur. Thus, as the deterrent effects of the punishment threats are tentatively confirmed, further studies in this direction seem to be called for. So far the main achievement of the general deterrence studies has been overcoming some simplified approach to formulating problems (in research) and improvement in research methods rather than verification of hypotheses.         Therefore, instead of describing the results of these studies, this paper has been limited to methodological problems. It seems to the author that with the present-day knowledge on the deterrent effeets of punishment threats, the above approach will help to ensure continuation of empirical studies and will contribute to the gradual and cumulative enrichment of theoretical interpretations of the abovementioned problem.         Owing to the limited scope of this presentation only some selected problems have been dealt with. While carrying out this selection the author had to bear in mind that no such empirical studies had been carried out  this selection the author had to bear in mind that no such empirical studies had been carried out in poland so far and the results of studies made elsewhere had not become popular among Polish readers. This article has been confined to the penal law and the deterrent effects of criminal punishment threats rather than the punishment in general and it was mostly based on works published in the English language.       Apart from the Introduction, the article consists of the following parts: I. Notion of general deterrence, II. Deterrence vs. other general preventive effects of punishment, III. Types of general deterrence, IV. Theoretical foundations of general deterrence research, V. Conditions for effective general deterrence, and Summary.        I.  Notion of general deterrence       The author points to the differences in the definition of general deterrence, to the ambiguity and vagueness in the formulations found in the literature on this subject. She stresses the importance of a clear definition of the above notion for the purposes of empirical studies, which will, as a result, help to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the research evidence. Since punishment, or strictly speaking, the threat of punishment, prevents people from committing an offence in a variety of ways, the deterrent being  only one of them, the researcher should clearly define what mechanisms he is going to study. For empirical studies a narrow definition of general deterrence, i.e., restriction to one mechanism only, seems to be more appropriate. So far, most studies have been devoted to the mechanism of deterrence.        II. Deterrence vs. other general preventive effects of punishment        At this point the author discusses also other mechanisms of the preventive effect of punishment threats, especially its moral and educational influence as well as its role in habit formation. Many  mechanisms of general preventive effect of punishment have not yet even been identified. In spite of the fact that it is advisable to restrict the subject of investigation to but one mechanism, it is difficult in practice to differentiate between the various mechanisms of general prevention. When interpreting the data it will probably be necessary to determine the impact of these other processes on the results of investigations. The study of the other general preventive effects of criminal sanctions brings about some specific problems such as those of a diffcrent time perspective, as they are of no direct character and require some longer period of time to bring down the crime rate. Although the present paper is confined to the effects of criminal sanctions, the author emphasizes the need for considering a wider perspective of reasons for compliance with the law.        III. Types of general deterrence.        When considering general deterrence from the terminological point of view one has to include its various types. The author discusses the following types of general deterrence encountered in literature: quantitative vs. qualitative; absolute vs. marginal; particularized vs. generalized or selective; total or complete vs. restrictive; replacing vs. non-replacing partial vs. Modifying or substituting or displacing. The distinctions suggested are often neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Still the general deterrence typology even in this form is of considerable methodological importance. Different types of evidence are relevant when an attempt is made to determine the different types of general deterrence. If the distinctions are not made then it may be concluded that a sanction had no deterrent effect at all simply because no evidence was collected for what is only one type of general deterrence.        IV. Theoretical foundations of general deterrencę research.        First the author presents the deterrence doctrine. It is because what lies at the foundation of general deterrence research,  i.e., a set of loosely connected and vague statements and assumptions, can at most be called a doctrine. Besides, the present shape of this doctrine does not differ much from that of the classical model of general deterrence formulated by C. Beccaria and J. Bentham. The drawbacks and ambiguities of the deterrence doctrine, as pointed out by the author, have come to bear on the results of studies aimed at the verification of the doctrine's propositions. What is necessary is to reformulate the deterrence doctrine into an empirical theory.        Then, directions are discussed in which the deterrence doctrine has been and still is developing.        First of all, the deterrence doctrine is being developed through a different conceptualization of the relationship between legal sanction and behaviour. It is now generally agreed that general deterrence cannot be conceptualized as a unitry bivariate relationship between punishment threats and crime. Instead, it is maintained that the relationship is moderated by a number  of conditions yet to be identified empirically. The number of variables to be considered have also become larger. What is specially worth noting is the fact that other, extralegal factors have been included in deterrence models.       Another important trend in the development of the deterrence doctrine is that of emphasizing its psychological character and including the so-called perceptual variables characterizing the way how sanction characteristics are perceived by potential  offenders.  The emphasis on perceptions of punishment developed  from an awareness that deterrence is a communicative proces. In order to deter, actual threats of legal punishment must be communicated to individuals. It will be most essential for the formulation of the general deterrence theory to determine the relationship between objective properties of legal sanctions.          V. Conditions for effective general deterrence.         The basic research problem consist in identifying the conditions for effective general deterrence. As for  determining these conditions, there are so far only few empirical data available. Besides, one can hardly see what the consistent theoretical assumptions could be which  will help to have some relevant factors included in the study, especially in the case of extralegal conditions. One should also be aware of the fact that the numer of possibly relevant factors is, practically speaking, unlimited and that many of these factors will influence behavior only when particural values of a large number of the others are present. But, characteristic of most „theoretical” writings is that the authors usually confine themselves to summing up a list of possible relevant factors, not dealing with possible interaction. The author discusses the concept of a „marginal group”.        Summary       The article ends with a short description of the methods used in the study on general deterrence. The author points out to limitations of the  methods and data that have most frequently been used in addressing the deterrence question. It is necessary to collect better data about perceptual processes.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 93-122
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozytywna prewencja ogólna w nauce niemieckiej (wybrane koncepcje)
Positive General Prevention (Chosen Theories)
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
pozytywna prewencja
prawo karne
polityka karna
positive general prevention
criminal law
penal policy
 The idea of socio-educating function of punishment is not recent. It appeared in XVIIIth century. Its renewal of XXth century is explained by the disappointment of the deterrent and re-socialising effectiveness of criminal punishment. It is also a reaction towards the abolitionary postulates’ questioning the sense of existence of the criminal punishment. There are many versions of this theory. It is widely popular in Germany where it is calted ‘positive general prevention’ or the ‘integrating prevention’.         The term ‘positive general prevention’ was constructed in Germany in opposition to the traditional term ‘general prevention’ understood solely as a general deterrence. It is meant to stress the turn away from the so understood ‘general prevention’ and a promoting of the positive function of criminal punishment. This ‘positive’ or ‘integrating’ function of punishment is, in most simple terms, based on strengthening the morality, supporting the desired attitudes and ways of behaving, strengthening the trust in law, in shaping the law awareness, and also encouraging norms recognition. The purpose of the punishment is preserving and strengthening the normative integration of society. It is realised not by creating fear but by using persuasion, by teaching about necessity and usefulness of the criminal law norms and by obeying them for the social order. It is also important to bring about a custom of law obedience.         The popularity of the positive general prevention is explained differently in the German studies. Most often, it is pointed out that, on the one hand, a return towards the absolutist theories is commonly rejected there, and on the other hand, that there is a popular disappointment with the efficiency of prevention and re-socialisation. The positive general prevention an opportunity for keeping a preventive character of theory of punishment with a simultaneous introduction of a retributive element in form of guilt rule. It thus creates a combination of rationality of prevention theories with a guaranteed character of the absolutist theories. It also has an advantage over the mixed theories of punishment as it is directed at a single goal.         Despite of a significant differentiation of the positive general prevention theories, it is relatively easy to define some of its characteristics: the addressee of an execution of the criminal law and punishment is society and not an individual person, where it is mostly about the influence on those members of society who do obey the law. the positive general prevention aims at long term, indirect activity and not at an immediate, short term effect on society. the persuasive nature of the criminal law is stressed, its ability to persuade, as well as the symbolic, expressive meaning of punishment as means of communicating. The content of that message in German conception is, in general, that criminal law norm is still valid. It exceptionally evokes to the moral condemnation of a deed as a subject of that message. the representatives of the theory of positive general prevention educe the purpose of the punishment from the entire penal law system. Penal law and the penalty itself come in those ideas on the very same grounds. Therefore it is not a theory of punishment but a theory of the penal law. these theories agree that the positive, integrating effect can be brought about only by a just punishment. a very typical feature of the German ideas is using the term of guilt in reference to functionality. It makes them vulnerable to a reproach that, in fact, they are veiled absolutist theories.        I analyse five ideas of the positive general prevention in this article. It was my aim to select those ideas which could indicate its diversity. Mayer's theory contributed to the rebirth of the socio-educational theory of punishment function in German studies. It belongs to the movement of the expressive punishment theories. According to Mayer penalty has an educational aspect for the society by strengthening or creating morality of the community.        Integrating prevention, as understood by H. Muller-Dietz, is an activity of punishment which is based on creating and strengthening the ways that law is perceived by the citizens. The integrating function is realised by the regulatory and court systems of justice.       The most popular in Germany is the theory of G. Jakobs. It clearly refers to the theory of systems by Niklas Luhmann. Jakobs stresses that punishment expresses a protest against breaking a norm paid by the offender. It shows that the norm broken with a deed is still valid and that it is determinant as an orientation example for social interactions.       A very strong feature of W. Hasserman’s idea is the emphasis of how the penal law system influences the entirety of social control processes. Streng refers to the psychoanalysis and psychology of the punishing society, in order to explain the general preventative activity of punishment. He mentions three unconscious, emotional sources of punishment.       In the conclusion I discuss the significance of the presented theories for the studies of criminal law and the practices of administration of criminal justice.  
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2004, XXVII; 43-66
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena wykorzystania wiedzy naukowej w powiatowych programach prewencyjnych województwa świętokrzyskiego. Evidence based crime prevention w praktyce
Assessment of using the scientific knowledge in district prevention programs Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. Evidence based crime prevention in practice
Wzorek, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prewecja kryminalna oparta o dowody
prewencja kryminalna
polityka publiczna oparta o dowody
zapobieganie przestępczości
lokalna prewencja kryminalna
evidence-based crime prevention
crime prevention
evidence-based policy
community crime prevention
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, w jaki sposób wiedza naukowa wykorzystywana jest przy przygotowywaniu, wdrażaniu oraz ocenie realizacji powiatowych programów zapobiegania przestępczości oraz ochrony bezpieczeństwa obywateli i porządku publicznego. Analizy zostały osadzone w nurcie prewencji kryminalnej  opartej o dowody naukowe. Przeprowadzono jakościową analizę powiatowych polityk bezpieczeństwa powiatów województwa świętokrzyskiego, które zostały zrekonstruowane w oparciu o treść powiatowych programów zapobiegania przestępczości oraz corocznych sprawozdań komisji bezpieczeństwa. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych oraz przedstawionych standardów Beccaria przygotowano narzędzie służące do oceny stopnia wykorzystania wiedzy naukowej w ramach powiatowych polityk bezpieczeństwa. Z przeprowadzanych analiz wynika, że pomimo szerokich możliwości wykorzystania wiedzy naukowej do przygotowania, wdrożenia i oceny programów prewencyjnych, wiedza naukowa nie jest często stosowana.
The aim of this paper is to investigate how scientific evidence is used in the preparation, implementation, and final evaluation of local crime prevention strategies and the protection of citizens’ security and public order. The analysis is conducted using an evidence-based crime prevention approach. A qualitative analysis has been made of the local security strategies of the local self-government of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, which have been reconstructed from the content of poviat crime prevention strategies and annual reports of the security commission. Based on the conclusions presented in the Beccaria Standards, a tool has been prepared to assess the degree to which scientific knowledge was used in poviat security strategies. The analysis shows that although there are different possibilities for using scientific evidence to prepare, implement, and evaluate preventive strategies, scientific knowledge is not often used.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2020, XLII/2; 99-132
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Europeizacja prewencji kryminalnej
Europeanisation of Crime Prevention
Czapska, Janina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prewencja kryminalna
Unia Europejska
zapobieganie przestępczości
polityka bezpieczeństwa
ochrona swobód
Europejska Sieć Zapobiegania Przestępczości
crime prevention
European Union
security policy
European Crime Prevention Network
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 459-472
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczno-wychowawcza funkcja kary a koncepcje natury ludzkiej (na przykładzie koncepcji Michaela Baurmanna)
Socio-educational function of a punishment and conceptions of human nature (on the example of Michael Baurmann conception)
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prewencja generalna
funkcje kary
criminological theory
In the present debate on theory of positive general prevention more emphasis is put on empirical than normative issues. It is understandable since the number of empirical studies, proving the theses of moral-educational role of the punishment, carried out so far is low and the results are inconclusive and preliminary. This justifies the question if these theories have any grounds in social reality. It is even suggested that the theories are lawyers’ ideas and their greatest asset is the difficulty of obtaining an empirical proof. Because of this, one may refer to them without a fear that the claims will be rejected in empirical research (disregarding purely normative theories, that is). What is a characteristic feature of various version of positive general prevention is that it is meant to be achieved not by fear of punishment but other mechanisms which do not emphasise the element of constraint and real affliction of state-imposed punishment. It is most of all about emphasising persuasive, educational, socialising and symbolic character of criminal law impact as well as about creating a habit. In some theories, state-imposed punishment plays a role of an argument in shaping rationally motivated convictions which should favour voluntary obedience of criminal law norms. Since state-imposed punishment becomes a motivating measure which can be combined with autonomy and dignity of an individual, ethical reservations concerning it use are eliminated to a great extent. Because of this masking of the real character of stateimposed punishment, this is the point where the risk of its broader use appears. Therefore the primary task is to restate the theory of positive prevention into a general empirical theory whose claims can be verified. Previous studies have shown that these theories are available for empirical research, which belies the widespread belief that they can not be subjected to empirical verification. There is no doubt that the rearrangement of the thesis of general positive prevention and making terminology more precise would help in building an empirical theory. The biggest challenge is to develop a theoretical model of human behaviour which could support the theory of general positive prevention. The need to provide such a theoretical model of human behaviour was shown by German sociologist, Michael Baurmann, and it was him who undertook this task. Importantly, not only has he developed such a model, but he applied it directly to reformulate selected varieties of positive general prevention in an empirical theory. On an example of two models designed for different versions of positive general prevention, Baurmann showed not only how to organize the varieties of moral and educational theory of punishment, but also how to describe them in the language of empirical research. General prevention understood as general deterrence is based on a model of rational choice in the sense of homo economicus.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2009, XXXI; 73-100
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Characteristics of suicides committed in Polish prisons, 2015–2019
Charakterystyki samobójstw popełnianych w polskich więzieniach w latach 2015–2019
Lizińczyk, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
suicides in prison
suicidal risk
suicide prevention in isolation
prison suicides
samobójstwa w więzieniu
ryzyko samobójcze
prewencja samobójstw w izolacji
więzienni samobójcy
 In the activities carried out towards prisoners, concern for their safety is the key role in the implemented system of pre-suicidal prevention. The manuscript describes a list of risk factors identified in the literature that may be important in the correct estimation of the suicide risk assessment. Therefore, the preventive procedures developed in the polish prison system, are focused on monitoring and early identification of suicidal risk factors for inmates. Diagnosis and classification of inmates to the risk group triggers a series of preventive actions taken in prison. Their implementation contributes to limiting the occurrence of the phenomenon of suicides in penitentiary isolation. The subject of the research described in the manuscript is the characteristics of successful suicides in isolation in 2015–2019. The analysis of data from the group of suicides (N = 114) in terms of suicidal risk indicators allowed to identify many aspects of the suicidal process in penitentiary isolation in Poland. Many presented variables were estimated, including temporality of the phenomenon, selected penitentiary characteristics of suicides and data on responsibility for the occurrence of the event. The obtained results provide useful data that may be used to improve the diagnosis system and early identification of prisoners at risk of suicide.
 In the activities carried out towards prisoners, concern for their safety is the key role in the implemented system of pre-suicidal prevention. The manuscript describes a list of risk factors identified in the literature that may be important in the correct estimation of the suicide risk assessment. Therefore, the preventive procedures developed in the polish prison system, are focused on monitoring and early identification of suicidal risk factors for inmates. Diagnosis and classification of inmates to the risk group triggers a series of preventive actions taken in prison. Their implementation contributes to limiting the occurrence of the phenomenon of suicides in penitentiary isolation. The subject of the research described in the manuscript is the characteristics of successful suicides in isolation in 2015–2019. The analysis of data from the group of suicides (N = 114) in terms of suicidal risk indicators allowed to identify many aspects of the suicidal process in penitentiary isolation in Poland. Many presented variables were estimated, including temporality of the phenomenon, selected penitentiary characteristics of suicides and data on responsibility for the occurrence of the event. The obtained results provide useful data that may be used to improve the diagnosis system and early identification of prisoners at risk of suicide. W oddziaływaniach prowadzonych wobec osób pozbawionych wolności, troska o ich bezpieczeństwo jest kluczową rolą w systemie prewencji presuicydalnej. W artykule opisano listę czynników ryzyka zidentyfikowanych w literaturze, które mogą mieć znaczenie dla prawidłowego oszacowania oceny ryzyka samobójstwa. Procedury prewencji samobójczej opracowane w polskim systemie więziennictwa koncentrują się na monitorowaniu i wczesnej identyfikacji czynników ryzyka samobójstwa osadzonych. Diagnoza i kwalifikacja osadzonego do grupy ryzyka, powoduje podjęcie w zakładzie karnym szeregu działań zapobiegawczych ukierunkowanych na ochronę ich życia. Ich realizacja przyczynia się do ograniczenia zjawiska samobójstw w izolacji penitencjarnej. Przedmiotem badań opisanych w pracy jest charakterystyka udanych samobójstw w izolacji w latach 2015–2019. Analiza danych z grupy samobójców (N = 114) pod kątem wskaźników ryzyka samobójstwa pozwoliła na zidentyfikowanie wielu aspektów procesu samobójczego w izolacji penitencjarnej w Polsce. Oszacowano wiele cech charakterystycznych (zmiennych) dla skutecznych samobójstw w polskich więzieniach, w tym czasowość zjawiska, wybrane cechy penitencjarne samobójstw oraz dane dotyczące odpowiedzialności za zajście zdarzenia. Uzyskane wyniki dostarczają użytecznych danych, które mogą posłużyć do usprawnienia systemu diagnostycznego i wczesnej identyfikacji skazanych zagrożonych samobójstwem.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2020, XLII/2; 313-336
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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