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The Ornamental Farm as a Large- -Area Landscape Concept – New Findings in Research on the Cultural Landscape of Wilanów
Wielkoobszarowa koncepcja krajobrazowa ferme ornée - nowe ustalenia do badań krajobrazu kulturowego Wilanowa
Sikora, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
cultural landscape
ornamental farm
ferme ornée
krajobraz kulturowy
Krajobraz Wilanowa zazwyczaj postrzegany jest przez pryzmat barokowej rezydencji, stanowiącej jego architektoniczną dominantę. Ale również pokolenia właścicieli z końca XVIII w. i 1. połowy wieku XIX miały ogromny wpływ na jego kształtowanie, wdrażając inspirowany wzorcami angielskimi model ferme ornée (ornamental farm). Ich działania dotyczyły głównie budowania formalnych i funkcjonalnych relacji pomiędzy wilanowską rezydencją a folwarkiem, wsią oraz obiektami filialnymi. Przez współczesnych były uważane za pionierskie na ziemiach polskich. Powstałe w ich wyniku obiekty i powiązania przestrzenne są w znacznej mierze już dziś nieczytelne. Z uwagi na ich ogromną wartość artystyczną i znaczenie dla budowania tożsamości krajobrazu kulturowego Wilanowa ich relikty powinny być uwzględniane w lokalnych działaniach ochronnych i planistycznych. Przeprowadzone przez autorkę badania dotyczyły centralnego fragmentu klucza wilanowskiego, z usytuowaną pośrodku rezydencją królewską, obejmującego obszar od Wisły na wschodzie po skarpę warszawską i leżące na jej koronie rezydencje na zachodzie, Natolin i Jezioro Powsinkowskie na południu i Jezioro Sielanka oraz Morysin wraz z sąsiadującymi z nim polami uprawnymi na północy i polegały na: rozpoznaniu stanu badań w zakresie zjawiska ferme-ornée i krajobrazu Wilanowa w literaturze przedmiotu, ustaleniu na podstawie literatury przedmiotu definicji ferme-ornée oraz zespołu cech właściwych dla tej formy zagospodarowania przestrzeni, kwerendzie archiwalnej, rozpoznaniu historycznych zasad kształtowania krajobrazu wilanowskiego pod kątem obecności elementów reprezentatywnych dla ferme-ornée, pracach terenowych mających na celu określenie obecnego stanu zachowania elementów wilanowskiej ferme-ornée. Badania podsumowano wnioskami, kładąc nacisk na potrzebę ochrony zachowanych reliktów.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2018, 1; 32-47
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Założenie pałacowo-folwarczne w Mańczycach w krajobrazie podwrocławskiej wsi
The group of palace and farm buildings in Mańczyce in the landscape of villages around Wrocław
Gubańska, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
zespół pałacowo-folwarczny
cultural landscape
The magnates' manors, which were palaces or mansions with farming facilities, go back in tradition to the middle ages. Similarly to those of other regions, the fate of the Silesian estates was brutally changed by the World War II. After 1945 the majority of land estates became the State property. Since that time, most of them have been gradually and systematically deteriorating, and finally getting destroyed, both in their architectural and space substances. In this paper an effort has been made to draw attention to the cultural values of both the whole space distribution and setting, as well as to the individual architectural items belonging to the group of palace and farm buildings in Mańczyce and especially to its role in shaping the cultural landscape of Lower Silesian villages. Here, sriving along the road you can notice already from a distance the towers emerging from the park which surrounds the residence of Mańczyce. Approaching the village, you can see the other elements: oblong blocks of stables, high roofs of barns, tall walls of granary, as well as the chimney of distillery - a significant distinguishing element in the scenery. The Mańczyce palace draws two axes: the main one and the lateral one. There is a park in the north part of the main axis and a representative court in its southern side. From the east, the lateral axis is encircled by a yard shaped in an elongated rectangle around which the farm building are clustered; and from the west - by a small rectangular yard surrounded by residential buildings. Part of it is the remains of the former workers and servants' quarters of the begining of the 20th century. Both, the palace and most of the farm buildings, among others the distillery, have not been managed nor taken care of for the last 20 years. As long as they were in use in a proper or less proper way, their technical conditions were satisfactory. Since they became empty and not used, they have fallen relatively quickly into ruin. At the moment one can only cherish a hope that Mańczyce's estate as well as many others which remain in a similar situation will regain their former splendour. Maybe this will happen thanks to a rather quick and conscious action in protection of antique group of palace and farm buildings and mansions.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2002, 3-4; 79-83
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja wsi tematycznej a problemy ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego na przykładzie Starej Wsi koło Przedborza
Theme village concept and problems of cultural landscape protection for instance Stara Wieś near Przedbórz
Gawryszewska, B. J.
Herman, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
wieś tematyczna
cultural landscape
theme village
The text connects problems of village renewal, especially a new approach for development of the countryside - a conception of the "thematic village" and need for protection of cultural landscape. In the landscape of Stara Wieś near Przybórz a newly found Japanese sportsand culture center will be a strong spatial and cubature accent. Also, it will have a significant influence on existing cultural and social values. This investment will become a differing element for the village. On such a base a thematic village can be created. Social participation takes a key role in it's correct functioning - due to which the local population will identify with the "theme" of their village. Stress has also been laid in this work on the estimation of the influence of this investment on changes in spatial order and forming a new spirit of place (genius loci). Recapitulation leads to the conclusion, in which the concept of a "thematic village" has been systemized. A "Thematic village" can also function, when differing elements (just like in Stara Wieś) are introduced artificially, in the form of a new and significant investment.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 64-71
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Deformed Landscape. The Land of Pomerania – Paradise Lost or Common Heritage? (The Mental Image of Pomerania)
Krajobraz zdeformowany. Kraina Pomorska - utracony raj czy wspólne dziedzictwo? (Obraz mentalny ziemi pomorskiej)
Szymski, Adam M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
deformed landscape
cultural identity
cultural landscape
krajobraz zdeformowany
ziemia pomorska
tożsamość kulturowa
krajobraz kulturowy
Autor na podstawie własnych badań (w latach 2003-2009 był kierownikiem Katedry Projektowania Krajobrazu w Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie, której głównym zadaniem badawczym było poznanie specyfiki kulturowej dawnego regionu pomorskiego) oraz dostępnej literatury w j. polskim i niemieckim stara się dociec fenomenu, jakim jest pamięć o rzeczywistości, w której materialne atrybuty są nadal zachowane w przestrzeni, ale która - w swej formie intelektualnej zwartości - straciła rację bytu i dziś już nie istnieje. Dokonując skojarzeń zarówno co do zbieżności w rozumieniu treści poznawczych (vide monografia H. Szulc a opracowania autorów niemieckich dotyczących form osadnictwa wiejskiego i przywołując kolejno po sobie następujące działania administracyjno-porządkowe na terenie niegdysiejszego regionu pomorskiego wraz z całkowitą (!) wymianą ludnościową, autor stara się uwypuklić problem - także i natury politycznej - czy i w jakim zakresie tradycja ukształtowana na danym terytorium przez inny naród winna być kontynuowana przez nową „kolonizację” i w jakim zakresie. Autor zwraca uwagę na potrzebę zachowania tego, co przyjmuje się za „granice” kulturowe regionów rozumianych jako wydzielone skupiska „małych ojczyzn” - charakteryzujących się specyficznym rodzajem lokalnego patriotyzmu uzewnętrznionego w języku, stroju i tradycji. Kierując się specyficznym resentymentem, jako obecny mieszkaniec tego regionu przywołuje emocjonalny stosunek do Pomorza tych, dla których owa dziś już nieistniejąca kraina stanowi niezbywalny (w ich odczuciu) „świat pamięci”.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2019, 2; 4-27
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość, trwałość, rozwój; Ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego w projektach odnowy wsi
Identity, durability, development; Cultural landscape protection in projects of village renewal
Raszeja, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
odnowa wsi
cultural landscape
village renewal
When facing growing endangerment of cultural heritage and village landscape caused by modern tendencies and development processes, it is necessary to encircle with protection not only particular objects but also all spatial sets and landscape forms. These problems should be included into village renewal projects, and individual solutions have to be preceded by comprehensive examinations. In modern programs of village renewal the need to rebuild spatial identity, based on durable values preserved in the cultural landscape of a village, is underlined. The ability to read these values and to respect them is connected with it. The article presents three projects connected with widely understood village renewal. One of them is an Irish project, ranging from researches to records of cultural heritage in the Belcoo region, carried out mutually by scientists, artists and village inhabitants. Within its limits commodious archival material was gathered and the history of this region which had been recorded in archeological, architectonical and spatial heritage was recreated. The next example originates from the region of Sławno in Middle Pomerania, where complex researches (archeological, architectonical, scenic, biological) on cultural landscape have been run in the River Wieprza valley over last few years. It is a specific terrain due to its natural values, and also the stage of preservation of cultural landscape resources. It is characterized by cultural apposition - Slavic origin, medieval settlements based on German law and German influence in 19th and 20th century village building. The region of Nowy Tomyśl in Great Poland is an example of cultural landscape, created by colonization of 18th century Dutch settlers. In the place of stumped forest this homogeneous landscape structure was created which has lasted in an almost unchanged form until today. The research run at Pomerania and in Great Poland included identifica ion of cultural landscape resources, choice and character of the elements defining its specification, evaluation of the stage of preservation of characteristics and traditional forms and the study of landscape perception.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 41-50
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of Small Towns and Villages with Urban Traditions in the Cultural Landscape
Rola małych miast i wsi o tradycjach miejskich w krajobrazie kulturowym
Borcz, Z.
Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, I.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
cultural landscape
Praca stanowi próbę analizy transformacji małych miast we wsie oraz wsi w miasta. Obszar badań obejmuje Dolny Śląsk oraz Opolsz-czyznę i Lubuskie. Do badań wybrano zdegradowane miasta, które na przestrzeni dziejów utraciły prawa miejskie w wyniku wojen, pożarów, zarazy jak również wyczerpania złóż rudy żelaza i kopalń węgla. Do chwili obecnej około połowa z nich utrzymała swój miejski wygląd i odzyskała utracone prawa miejskie. Natomiast innymi miejscowościami są wsie, w których do dzisiaj zachował się miejski charakter. W badaniach przeprowadzono analizę historycznego charakteru rozważanych miejscowości oraz wnioski z obecnego stanu hierarchii sieci osadniczej.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2011, 2; 7-15
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zrównoważona rehabilitacja przedmieść – powrót do kultury europejskiej
Sustainable rehabilitation of outskirts - reeuropeisation cultural landscape
Kosiński, W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
rehabilitacja zrównoważona
kultura europejska
sustainable rehabilitation
cultural landscape
Outskirts surrounding towns in post-communist East Europe, represent most deteriorated landscape, more destructed then townscape, villages and open landscapes. However transformation in this region since 1989 brings several positive features in space, but unfortunately outskirts and provincial landscapes present not cultural landscape, but chaotic, nomans land without identity. Restoring this areas is exceptionaly difficult, because they are huge and complex. But province is most significant indicator of quality in the country - social, economic and last but not least - aesthetic. So the way from postcommunist East Europe towards free United Europe, goes through this rehabilitation. In our outskirts and province there are several factors - elements of space, which spoil the cultural landscape. This elements need reparation, which opens a great chance - reeuropeisation the East. 1/Housing-communist modelI; blocks, and extensive, chaotic houses, covering areas between towns and villages. 2/ Housing -postcommunist modell; pseudo-American condominiums collective or row houses, intensive, buttotaly cut of from urban or rural structures. 3/ Market buildings; as well pseudo-American modell, located far from urban centres, brutaly dominating landscape, as blocks of flats built in communism. 4/ Market areas, "stock markets" where people sell cars, or green products. This are mainly primitive large squares without landscape values. 5/ Traffic lines, areas and facilities, as motorways check-in centres, airportrs, and harbours. 6/Agriculture areas, mainly turned from natural growing culture, into semi-industrial production using pesticides, concentrated in monotonous green houses, also without landscape values. 7/ Parks and forest areas dominated with meadows, trees and water, as well gardens and cemeteries. Green terrains play double role: at first they serve as ecological sources for nearby towns, eg. circular green belts and diagonal natural corridors offering fresh air and supplay of salubrious waters; secondly they are used for numerous types of health service, recreation, spacy sports, and tourism. Conclusions. 1. Traditional, classical European town means harmonious "Gestalt" of built up area, and clear edge between it and open surrounding. Eventual "fringes" are logical urban or rural settlements with identity and beauty. This model still exists in leading Westeuropean countries. 2. Communism together with false interpretation of Modern Movement occured with blocks of flats surrounding towns, and with uncontrolled dispersion of chaotic family-houses, around towns in open landscape. 3. Postcommunism during first decade of transformation in Easteuropean countries occures in suburbs with pseudo-American concepts oriented for fast money only, not for quality of landscape. 4. The most logical idea for better future of cultural landscapes in suburbs, fringes, outskirts and province is rehabilitation according to evergreen pattern of European town-and-land-scape design. It has double advantage: it will make the landscape more efficient and beautiful, also it will be significant prove that standards in East European countries become closer to these in United Europe.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2002, 1-2; 13-21
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu kulturowego wsi w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej
The preservation and creation of the countryside cultural landscape versus market economy
Wycichowska, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
gospodarka rynkowa
cultural landscape
market economy
The introduction of a market economy intensified certain socioeconomic phenomena occurring in the countryside, which negatively affect the space and cause problems as regards the preservation and creation of the countryside cultural landscape. The low cost-effectiveness of agricultural production based on the present system (small, parceled and scattered farms) led to a massive sell-out of private land. Set against the worsening conditions for residential building in cities, the low prices of plots and the clean natural environment encouraged many city inhabitants to invest in rural areas. Unfortunately, the specifically Polish approach to one's own property, i.e. identifying the property rights with a full freedom of activity, led to littering rural areas with destructive "urban development". The building line is beginning to dangerously dominate the greenery line, so far unthreatened in the panorama of the traditional Polish countryside. The total negligence of the landscape composition and aesthetics results in a complete loss of the desired historical hierarchy of cultural elements and structures of the countryside panorama. Thus market economy has brought about the degradation of the cultural landscape of rural areas. The Polish countryside needs a proper agricultural development policy, which will adjust the economically and culturally neglected historical space to the new living and working conditions modified by market economy. Any activity which regards landscape and nature (creating a complex cultural landscape preservation system), as well as spatial planning (introducing changes in the local legal regulations), should consider the consequences of the social, economic and cultural transformations in the country, as they significantly affect the space. Creating a cultural landscape means caring for the areas and buildings which are already protected by law, as well as consistently raising the space aesthetics in accordance with the cultural features of a given region (propagating regional architecture).
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 3-4; 31-37
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trudne dziedzictwo – cmentarze poniemieckie w krajobrazie kulturowym Dolnego Śląska
Dissonant Heritage - Former German Cemeteries in the Lower Silesia Cultural Landscape
Chylińska, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
cmentarz poniemiecki
krajobraz kulturowy
Dolny Śląsk
German cemeteries
cultural landscape
Lower Silesia
Former German cemeteries (civil and military) are one of the components of the Lower Silesia cultural landscape. As a result of territorial changes of Poland after the Second World War, not only a certain geographical area has been attached to Poland, but also many products of the German material culture, including cemeteries. They belong to the so-called 'dissonant heritage'. Despite the fact that many decades have passed since the end of the WW II, various matters connected with them, like uncertain future, their place and functions in contemporary cultural landscape, protection of the premises and ways of conduction, require quick solutions. Spontaneous destruction of German cemeteries in post-war times was directly connected with the WW II trauma which has decided on the negative and hostile perception of any product of German material culture. German cemetery liquidation and so-called 'censorship of graves' were manifestations of a political process called 'Repolonization' of Lower Silesia. The uncertain political situation of Lower Silesia after the end of the WW II, devaluation of death and lack of lasting connections between the space and new local communities were conducive to destructive activities. Confrontation with different cultural traditions and patterns preserved in the landscape brought about a sense of strangeness, lack of concern with the leftover German heritage and the need of "getting used to" this cultural landscape. Nowadays the biggest problems facing German cemeteries in Lower Silesia are vandalism and lack of social and administrative supervision. Destructive activities, which have taken place in German cemeteries, are diverse with regards to the extent of intensity and kinds of results - there is total liquidation, partial liquidation, devastation, partial adaptation and total adaptation. Concern for preservation of the Lower Silesian German civil cemeteries is dictated by a need to protect their values, especially landscape ones, thus it shouldn't arouse any resentment. Cemeteries of foreign nations testify to the former multicultural nature of the region, which had been influencing its physiognomy for centuries and decided on a great diversity and abundance of its material and spiritual heritage. The contemporary functions of former cemeteries, which lost their original burial use, should be in creating new public and individual spaces of penetration intended for recreational and tourist activities. Thus, the protection of German cemeteries in the Lower Silesia cultural landscape may consist of incorporating them into a 'living' cultural environment (through fulfilling a useful social function, not necessarily utilitarian), avoiding their spatial and functional exclusion, featuring mainly their universal aesthetic, symbolic and landscape values.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2007, 1; 31-39
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie dominanty historycznej w krajobrazie kulturowym na przykładzie Cytadeli w Poznaniu
Meaning of historical dominant in cultural landscape based on the example of Citadel Park in Poznań
Pardela, Ł.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
dominanta historyczna
historical dominant
cultural landscape
Citadel Park
Fortifications hide landscape interiors. They include a series of separate elements, captivated within limits of outline of a defensive work. Such interiors, in the way they were built, are seldom different from landscape interiors which can be seen in antique parks or gardens. Their uniqueness are most of all of historical and natural value. Therefore they create an ideal range for research on the importance of dominant in landscape. As terrain researches, supervised by eng. arch. Jerzy Potyrała in 2003-2006 and performed by students from Landscape Architecture, direction of Lower Silesia nature University, show that the key element of reception of landscape interiors, which are included in sightseeing routes, is the order of viewing. Citadel Park in Poznań, which is a dominant in Poznań landscape, has unique aesthetical and composition values because of its historical lineage and multiple relics of defense works. The correct exposition of those pearls of defense architecture, which most often are in ruin, and careful space management which will allow one to perceive the fortification as a whole.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2006, 1-2; 32-35
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metoda oceny przydatności rekreacyjnej złożonych struktur krajobrazu kulturowego w środowisku silnie zurbanizowanym
Method for Assessing Recreational Usability of Complex Cultural Landscape Structures in Highly Urbanized Environments
Pałubska, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
cultural landscape structures
Among the tested methods of valorisation for recreation the analysis in terms of usefulness for recreational investment or attractiveness of recreation play a leading role (they relate to areas of highest natural values). There are many partial methods for assessing the usefulness of areas for recreation (or tourism) dependent on spatial scale, degree of assessment generalization and professional orientation of the author. For urban areas or regions the role of the diversity of the geographical environment and communication accessibility of the area (the planning and spatial aspect,) stands out in the foreground. In studies on a local scale assessments of the resilience and health properties of the natural environment (the physiographic or phytosociological aspect) or following the needs of the people (the social aspect) are becoming more important. The new issue is a orientation of the conservational valorisation methods on determining of the recreation suitability of the cultural landscape of cities. The proper assessment of the recreation usefulness of historical areas needs by author to develop an indirect method, in which the analysis of the individual components of the geographical environment would impose usage patterns, taking into account the investment and spatial availability of areas, and natural and cultural values as elements of co-creating a harmonious landscape. Also the economic factors affecting the value of the land, and so far included occasionally have been subjected to a more detailed evaluation. The developed method of assessing the recreation usefulness of complex structures of the cultural landscape was based on the analysis of fortification works, preserved in the spatial structure of Warsaw. The method is based on the selected subgroups of criteria: primary- determining the recreation functions (the possibility of the introduction of recreational functions); secondary - determining the type of recreation. The primary criteria determine the current investment availability of areas and depend mainly on the way of development and use, ownership structure and purpose in the planning records. The secondary criteria determine the values of the area in terms of program and type of recreational behaviors.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2012, 3; 22-36
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przekształcenia krajobrazu kulturowego Skarpy Warszawskiej na obszarach granicznych Warszawy w południowej części miasta
Transformation of cultural landscape on Warsaw Escarpment Area
Pluta, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
Skarpa Warszawska
kształtowanie krajobrazu
landscape shaping
cultural landscape
Escarpment Area
The physical and functional structure of Warsaw was determined by natural local environment - the Vistula valley with a high Escarpment on its left bank, where magnificent buildings were located, built in harmony with nature. The Warsaw Escarpment represents the priceless value in town with its green and the landscape open to the horizon, because of its rarity - single eminence on the city area. Contemporarily there are many recommended and more frequently observed methods of planning the cities, which should assure their sustainable development. But to reach that aim it is demanded, that built environment should be treated in the same way as natural. Both environments should be developed equally and simultaneously in the scale which is clear and understandable by citizens. The correct solution of the question for optimal integration of natural and artificial reality is the first problem of models of settlements for sustainable development. So it seems to everybody, that the unique situation of Warsaw needs to be enhanced. There is only one important priority: to preserve the natural landscape of Vistula Valley and Warsaw Escarpment. Opening Warsaw for the Vistula river by realising a continuous system of pedestrian paths in the area of the Escarpment as well as shaping the landscape there, will create a sustainable city form and will make the public greatly value it. It will also become important element in the historic process of the restoration of our capital.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2002, 3-4; 48-54
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walory krajobrazu kulturowego wsi położonych w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie dużych aglomeracji miejskich na przykładzie wsi Leoeno Górne i miasta Szczecina. Szanse i zagrożenia
Values of country cultural landscape situated nearby cities on the example of Leśno Górne and city of Szczecin
Rzeszotarska, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
aglomeracja miejska
krajobraz kulturowy
rozwój zrównoważony
cultural landscape
sustainable development
Sustainable development of rural areas situated nearby towns causes set-back of cultural degradation processes on these areas, their activation and harmonious cultivation of natural and landscape values. Neighbourhood of a "big brother" has huge influence on condition of small villages. Particularly situated village has chances of economic development, but at the same time, it could lose it's homely appearance and cultural heritage. Country historical values, it's architecture and natural worth should be protected and appropriately used according to improvement of quality of inhabitants life.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2004, 3-4; 38-43
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Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kompozycja krajobrazu kulturowego
Composition of a cultural landscape
Rylke, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
cultural landscape
A landscape filled with fields, woods and factories; divided by roads and railway lines was so far perceived by the functions it fulfils rather than characterizing it composition. Composition was referred to in reference to parks, representative town planning solutions - about the beauty in reference to natural forms- mountains, lakes, waterfalls. Today when agricultural and industrial landscape is shrinking and many areas are not filled by productive functions, other than functional sources of the order are sought. This article is an attempt to view a landscape not from the side of its utility but from the cultural characteristics which are visible and their meaning. Because through culture, throughout centuries of the process of society living in a landscape, that society shaped its form which we can analyze now. The places which were used to describe the researched landscape in the south of Warmia, Warsaw and the set of former estates of Wilanów presently situated in the southern part of Warsaw.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2006, 1-2; 24-31
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Źródła i studnie wody pitnej w krajobrazie kulturowym Warszawy
Springs and wells in the cultural landscape of Warsaw
Skalski, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
woda pitna
krajobraz kulturowy
drinking water
cultural landscape
A number of historic wells and springs from which drinking water was drawn until the mid-20th century have survived in Warsaw. The development of the municipal water-pipe network at the end of the 19th century made them obsolete, resulting in their gradual transformation into monuments of material culture. The wells in which the mechanism for drawing water was destroyed have became "dead" architectural objects and are no longer perceived as springs. Their architecture and treatment of details are often very elaborate. The systematic decline of the quality of drinking water drawn from the Vistula River has resulted in the necessity to give the public an access to strategic deep wells and to drill new ones. The new wells, built very fast in order to deliver good quality drinking water to the population, are purely utilitarian structures lacking the architectural splendour typical of their historic counterparts. The activity of drawing drinking water from the well has become a social phenomenon in Warsaw. This can be perceived as a positive process as it creates and strengthens community ties so precious in a modern city. This process should be facilitated by thoughtful design of wells as public places to provide an attractive architectural framework for drawing drinking water. The new and historic wells should create a legible sequence of beautiful places, enhancing the city. Because of their special importance to communal life and public health these structures should be treated as the "holy graves" within the city's urban structure.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2001, 2-3; 41-46
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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