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A Miocene anastomosing river system in the area of Konin Lignite Mine, central Poland
Widera, M.
Kowalska, E.
Fortuna, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial deposits
palaeochannel pattern
anastomosing river
sand-filled channels
This sedimentological study of the Wielkopolska Member of the Miocene Poznań Formation in the Jóźwin IIB opencast lignite-mining field, central Poland, reveals a late mid-Miocene anastomosing fluvial system with ribbon-shaped channels filled mainly by sandy and muddy deposits. The fluvial system, extending across the eastern flank of the post-Mesozoic Kleczew Graben, was tributive in its eastern upper reaches, but was increasingly distributive and northwards deflected in its lower reaches near the graben axis. Lithofacies analysis of a representative palaeochannel indicates that the river discharge significantly fluctuated and that the channels were filled with mud-bearing stratified fine-grained sand by low-density tractional turbulent flow during the high and low water stages and with a massive mud or sandy mud by a high-density flow during the rising and falling stages. The spatial pattern of fluvial channels and deformation channel-fill sandbodies were controlled by the graben topography and the differential compaction of peat substrate, with possible influence of bedrock faults. The fluvial system is thought to have drained to an endorheic ‘terminal’ basin to the north, rather than into the hypothetical Baltic River and further westwards to the distant North Sea basin, as postulated by some previous authors. The present case study contributes to the known spectrum of anastomosing river systems as a sand- to mud-dominated end-member.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2017, 87, 2; 157-168
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chronostratigraphy and changes of environment of Late Pleistocene and Holocene at Starunia palaeontological site and vicinity (Carpathian region, Ukraine)
Sokołowski, T.
Stachowicz-Rybka, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Late Pleistocene
fluvial deposits
Carpathian region
This paper presents the results of absolute dating and biostratigraphical analysis carried out for alluvial sediments of an abandoned Starunia ozokerite mine located in the Velyky Lukavets River valley, in which large mammal remains were discovered in the first half of the 20th century. The sediments build up three terrace levels. The highest one, up to 8 m high (terrace II), is likely to be associated with a stage of aggradation, as well as with a short episode of valley broadening, which occurred in the Weichselian Late Pleniglacial. The lower one, 4 m high (terrace I), is most likely to be linked with the Holocene, despite a considerable transformation of its top due to mining activity. The lower part of this terrace cover bears coarse-grained channel sediments dated to 120.6-58.9 ka BP (Eemian Interglacial?-Early Pleniglacial - OIS 5e, 4 and 3), and overbank (distal floodplain) mud with intercalations of biogenic deposits (peat, peat mud and biogenic mud). The overbank deposits are dated to 48.2-11.11 ka BP (Glinde Interstadial?-Younger Dryas, OIS 3-2) and are overlain by Holocene (OIS 1) mud and biogenic deposits. In boreholes drilled in the vicinity of the present-day river channel, younger sediments occur more frequently. These include sediments originating from the Late Weichselian overlain by Holocene sediments. However, sediments originating exclusively from the Holocene are infrequent. The deposition of sediments took place in specific conditions of a permanent saturation of the environment with brine, petroleum and thickened bitumen. In the longest period of deposition (48.2-1.27 ka BP), ephemeral swamps, ponds and lakes were developed in different parts of the floodplain. They were marked by the presence of: Juncus glaucus/effusus, J. articulatus, Typha sp., Batrachium sp., Potamogeton filliformis, Bidens tripartita, Ranunculus sceleratus and Phragmites communis, as well as by halophytic species, like: Zannichellia palustris, Triglochin maritimum, Schoenoplectus tabernemontani, Puccinelia distans and Eleocharis palustris. Rhythmic oscillations between cold and warm climatic conditions, typical of the Weichselian age and well identified in Western Europe, are here marked by the changes of plant communities (woody assemblages passing into steppe and tundra), but are not noticeably recorded in the sediments of the Velyky Lukavets River. This shows that the greatest part of the discussed period involved the formation of poorly differentiated silty overbank sediments with intercalations of biogenic sediments. However, the variability of sediments provides evidence for extreme events which occurred in the Holocene.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 3; 315-331
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origin and age of Pleistocene ‘mixed gravels’ in the northern foreland of the Carpathians
Lindner, L.
Marks, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial interglacial deposits
Carpathian and Scandinavian erratics
Early-Middle Pleistocene
northern fore land of Carpathians
Accumulations of pebbles in the northern foreland of the Carpathians in Ukraine and Poland, composed mostly of Carpathian sandstones, but with a small admixture of Scandinavian rocks, have been known for many years as the ‘mixed gravels’. The occurrence of these gravels in the San–Dnistr and Vistula–Odra interfluves proves that they are of fluvial origin and were deposited by rivers that flowed northwards during the Podlasian (Martonosha and Shirokino) and Ferdynandovian (Lubny) Interglacials. The Scandinavian material was derived from eroded glacial deposits of Nidanian (Turskian) and Sanian 1 (Vyzhivskian, equivalent to Donian) Glaciations.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2013, 83, 1; 29-36
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conditions of accumulation and sedimentary architecture of the upper Westphalian Cracow Sandstone Series (Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland)
Warunki akumulacji i architektura krakowskiej serii piaskowcowej górnośląskiego zagłębia węglowego
Doktor, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
braided fluvial system
fluvial architecture
coal-bearing deposits
Upper Silesia
The Cracow Sandstone Series (upper Westphalian) forms the uppermost segment of the coal-bearing succession that makes up the bulk of the Variscan foredeep-basin fill in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin. The series, up to 1640 m in stratigraphic thickness, consists entirely of non-marine deposits. Fiveteen lithofacies have been distinguished in the sediments of this series. The Cracow Sandstone Series is subdivided here in two lithofacies associations. The sandstone association consists mainly of medium- to coarse-grained sandstones that form packages up to several tens of metres thick (max. 140 m), with surfaces of erosion at base. These bodies are separated by less voluminous packages of the mudstone association that consists mainly of mudstones and coal seams, which locally make up the predominant part in the sequences of this association. The sediments of the sandstone association are believed to have originated within wide channel tracts of distal sandy braided rivers. The sediments of the mudstone association with the interbedded coal seams are interpreted as floodplain deposits. The predominant type of peat bogs, represented now in the coals of the Cracow Sandstone Series, were wet forest swamps. The peat bogs were probably slightly domed and their margins received clastic material from adjacent channels. This resulted in the frequent lateral splitting of the coal seams. The large-scale splitting of seams is associated with lateral transition of fine-grained floodplain deposits into coarse-grained channel deposits. The vertical alternation of the channel and floodplain deposits is the result of natural processes on an alluvial plain that resulted in shifting positions of depositional environments, first of all avulsion of the whole fluvial tracts. The coal seams in the Cracow Sandstone Series do not form extensive sheets of persistent thickness, and their geometry depends on the course and evolution of the network of fluvial tracts in the alluvial system. The internal geometry of the Cracow Sandstone Series was controlled to a large extent by differential compaction of sediments, notably by rapid compaction of peat.
Krakowska seria piaskowcowa stanowi najwyższą część sukcesji węglonooenej Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego wypełniającej waryscyjskie, fleksuralne zapadlisko przedgórskie. Seria osiąga 1640 m miąższości stratygraficznej i zbudowana jest wyłącznie z osadów lądowych. W osadach tej serii wyróżniono 15 litofacji oraz dwie, wyraźnie różniące się asocjacje facjalne, określone jako piaskowcowa i mułowcowa. Osady pierwszej z tych asocjacji, złożonej w przewadze z piaskowców średnioziarnistych, dominują w całej serii i z reguły tworzą grube ciała (litosomy),dochodzące nawet do 140 m miąższooeci. Litosomy te rozdzielone są cieńszymi pakietami osadów asocjacji mułowcowej, w których obok osadów klastycznych, z reguły drobnozianistych, pospolicie występują pokłady węgla, nieraz znacznej miąższości. Cała krakowska seria piaskowcowa interpretowana jest jako osady rozległej równiny aluwialnej związanej z systemem piaszczystych, dystalnych rzek roztokowych. W obrębie traktów koryt rzek roztokowych powstawały tam ciała piaszczyste, które zazwyczaj wykazują cechy wielopiętrowych nagromadzeń osadów korytowych. Obszary pozakorytowe były miejscem depozycji materiału drobnoziarnistego i miejscem rozwoju węglotwórczych torfowisk; w pobliżu traktów koryt rozwijały się tam też glify krewasowe. Dominującym typem torfowisk w omawianej serii były wilgotne torfowiska leśne. Pokłady węgla nie mają charakteru ciągłych pokryw o stałej miąższości, a ich geometria i lateralne rozprzestrzenienie zależało od przebiegu i rozwoju sieci traktów systemu rzecznego. Obserwowane zjawiska wielkoskalowego rozszczepiania pokładów węgla i widoczne w tych miejscach lateralne przejścia do osadów korytowych dowodzą współistnienia traktów rzecznych i węglotwórczych torfowisk rozwiniętych na obszarach pozakorytowych Litosomy piaskowcowe mają geometrię pokryw, ale o ograniczonym zasięgu lateralnym. Za stosunkowo dużą stabilnością macierzystych traktów koryt przemawia znaczna miąższość tych litosomów, podobnie jak pospolita, znaczna miąższość pokładów węgla. Naprzemianległe występowanie w profilach pionowych ciał piaskowcowych i ciał reprezentujących osady asocjacji mułowcowej jest wynikiem naturalnych procesów zachodzących na równinie aluwialnej, które powodowały przemieszczanie się środośrodowisk depozycyjnych, głównie procesów awulsji całych traktówkoryt rzecznych. Architektura sedymentacyjna krakowskiej serii piaskowcowej odzwierciedla przede wszystkim efekty wspomnianych procesów, a w dużym stopniu związana jest też ze zróżnicowaną kompakcją osadów gruboziarnistych, drobnoziarnistych i torfów.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2007, 77, No 3; 219-268
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sand- and mud-filled fluvial palaeochannels in the Wielkopolska Member of Neogene Poznań Formation, central Poland
Widera, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial lithosomes
floodplain deposits
channel-fill facies
channel width-depth ratio
hyperconcentrated flow
anastomosing river system
This study focuses on the single- and multi-storey fluvial palaeochannel lithosomes encased in mud- rich floodplain deposits in the alluvial succession of the late Neogene Wielkopolska Member of the Poznań For- mation, central Poland, well-exposed in the lignite mining pits of the region. The fluvial lithosomes include both sand-filled and mud-filled channel varieties. The channel-fill facies are not diagnostic for any particular type of fluvial system, as the fine- to very fine-grained sandy deposits are massive to trough cross-stratified and also the muddy deposits are massive to weakly flat-laminated. The scarcity of lateral accretion bedding precludes the possibility of meandering rivers, whereas the low width/thickness ratios of the palaeochannels preclude braided rivers. The width/thickness ratio is in the range of 4.5–14 (averaging 7.5) for sand-filled channels and in the range of 6–10 (averaging 9) for mud-filled ones, which indicates narrow ribbons in general classification of fluvial channel belts. The origin of the alluvial succession is attributed to a W-/NW-directed anastomosing river system characterized by laterally inactive cut-and-fill channels with cohesive and vegetated banks. The sand-filled chan- nels conveyed water and sediment discharges on a perennial basis, whereas the mud-filled conduits are thought to have been the cut-and-abandoned branches of the system, filled by overbank flooding from adjacent active channels. Minor lateral migration of channels occurred probably during periods of minimum subsidence rate, when the fluvial system was forced to develop lateral accommodation for its discharges.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2013, 83, 1; 19-28
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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