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Transgraniczny przepływ danych osobowych wiernych Kościoła katolickiego z Polski – na przykładzie kazusu
Chojara-Sobiecka, Małgorzata
Karsten, Kinga
Kroczek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
cross-border flow of personal data
personal data
the faithful
the Catholic Church
Kościół katolicki
The article shows the practical application of data protection regulations in the process of cross-border data transfer by church public legal entities, using a case study as an example. After the presentation of the case study data, the author of the articles makes a few remarks concerning the binding regulations and their application. At the end of the article, the general request is formulated, which orders the controllers to undertake cross-border data transfer with great caution.
Artykuł pokazuje na przykładzie kazusu praktyczne zastosowanie regulacji dotyczących ochrony danych osobowych w procesie transgranicznego przekazywania danych przez kościelne publiczne osoby prawne. Po przedstawieniu danych kazusu autor artykułu czyni kilka uwag dotyczących obowiązujących regulacji i ich zastosowania. Na końcu artykułu zostaje sformułowany ogólny wniosek, który nakazuje administratorom podejmować transgraniczne przekazywanie danych z wielką ostrożnością.
Annales Canonici; 2019, 15, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa i obowiązki wiernych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem praw i obowiązków rodziny
The rights and duties of the Christ’s faithful in the CIC 1983 with particular focus on the rights and duties of family
Kornecki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
CIC 1983
Catholic Church
rights and duties
The Canon Law of the Catholic Church
The Church
The members of the Catholic Church have both rights and responsibilities, which result from the nature of the human being, as people are called to follow their vocation in life. However, to make it possible people and their activities must be protected by the rights and duties. Code of Canon Law sets out the rights and responsibilities of those who believe. It should be emphasized that these rights and duties permeate each other. A human being, as a member of the community of the Church through baptism, has the right, but also the obligation to promote holiness in life and thus strive to achieve it, since not only does it enrich inner life, but it also affects family life making it more human and more Christian. Parents should enjoy the right to educate their children according to their own beliefs and systems of values, and the state authorities cannot infract or destroy these systems. The right to education is a part of the idea of evangelization, which should originate from the closest members of a family. At the same time members of the Church, including both parents and children, can rely on help from the clergy in achieving salvation. They have the right to form associations and the right to defend the good name.
Annales Canonici; 2014, 10; 151-162
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ancora sul concetto di diritto soggettivo nell’ordinamento della Chiesa
Subjective rights within the Code of canon law once again
Raz jeszcze o prawie podmiotowym wiernych
Michowicz, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Synod Biskupów
Principia quæ
communio i współuczestnictwo
prawa i obowiązki wiernych
Synod of Bishops
communion and participation
rights and obligations of faithful
Przedmiotem artykułu jest jeden z najbardziej dyskutowanych tematów w kanonistyce posoborowej, tj. podmiotowe prawo osoby ochrzczonej zawarte w przepisach kodeksu prawa kanonicznego z 1983 roku. Poruszana problematyka została poddana analizie w oparciu o zasady rewizji kodeksu wypracowane przez I Synod Biskupów. Autor podkreśla, że zasadniczym zamierzeniem odnowy prawa kościelnego miała być nie tyle pilna konieczność poszerzenia katalogu praw wszystkich wiernych, ile bardziej kwestia sposobu sprawowania władzy rządzenia przez kościelnych przełożonych, którzy winni się wystrzegać arbitralności lub innych form poważnych nadużyć w tym zakresie. W konsekwencji autor wskazuje na przewagę obowiązków nad tzw. prawami i postuluje, by tzw. prawa podmiotowe wyrażać poprzez termin „wolność”, z uwagi na istotę założeń, na których zbudowany jest prawny system Kościoła katolickiego.
The paper discuses one of the most commented topic in the contemporary science of canon law, that is the bill of subjective rights and obligations set by the ecclesiastical legislator in the Code of canon law for the Western Church. The author analyses the concept of those rights and obligations in the light of the Principles of revision elaborated by the first Synod of Bishops held in 1967. One of the commission’s first actions was to draft a set of principles to guide the work of rethinking the Code, especially the significance of rights and obligations of the Christian faithful. Given the nature of the Catholic Church developed by the Second Vatican Council (communion and participation), the examination of this document let the author to affirm that the main goal was to emphasise the exercise of authority that should have appear more clearly as service and should be free from abuse rather to define and safeguard the rights of persons. Furthermore, it was also possible to determine the correct intention of the Synod Fathers whose idea was to define the subjective rights in term of liberties in the same way in which they are obtainable in catalogues of human rights. Eventually, the author demonstrates consequences related to the new vision of rights and obligations highlighting for example the clear priority of obligations over rights.
Annales Canonici; 2021, 17, 2; 83-100
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
I precetti ecclesiali – la pastorale e il diritto tra universale e particolare
Dohnalik, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
precepts of the Church
obligations of the faithful
particular law
Catechism of the Catholic Church
precetti della Chiesa
i diritti e gli obblighi dei fedeli
il diritto particolare
il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica
The article is to illustrate the development of this important part of the Canon law and catholic teaching in the universal Church and in Poland.The first part outlines the history of this catechetical formulation of basic catholic obligations, from the time of the Council of Trent until mid 20th century, including the perspective of the Church in Poland. Fundamental issues, namely the obligation of celebrating Sunday, Easter duty or the fasting precept, have been the same throughout the catholic world, even though their specific wording evolved depending on time and place.The second part touches upon the formulation of the commandements of the Church in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This fundamental document of the catholic doctrine was first published in French in 1992, while its revised version in Latin was promulgated in 1997. Finally, in 2005 there was issued Compedium of the Catechism. The article contains an analysis of exact wording of the Church precepts in all above mentioned editions of the catechism. The matter is of great importance, since the it refers to the first official and universal formulation of the precepts.The third part deals with the Polish version of the commandements, promulgated by the Polish Episcopal Conference in 2003. Polish bishops took advantage of their right to adjust the universal text to specific needs of particular Church. With approval of the Holy See, the Polish pastors dispensed from certain feasts of precept and introduced the obligation to abstain from dances during Lent and on Fridays throughout the year. In the 2014 revised version the latter ban was lifted and since then only Lent has been the period of party abstinence.Not only does the article highlight the correlation between canon law and pastoral practice of the Church, but refers to the role of implementation of the universal law in the life of particular Churches.
L’articolo espone lo sviluppo di una parte importante del diritto canonico e dell’insegnamento cattolico nella Chiesa universale e in quella presente in Polonia.Nella prima parte viene descritta la storia delle formule catechistiche riguardanti i principali obblighi del fedele dal tempo del Concilio di Trento fino alla metà del ventesimo secolo, prendendo in considerazione la prospettiva della Chiesa cattolica in Polonia. Le indicazioni fondamentali – l’obbligo di festeggiare la domenica, il precetto della confessione e della comunione pasquale, le esigenze circa il digiuno – sono presenti in tutto il mondo cattolico, anche se le specifiche condizioni del tempo e del luogo hanno influenzato la loro forma concreta.Nella seconda parte è dibattuto il problema dei precetti ecclesiali nel Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica. Questo documento fondamentale fu pubblicato per la prima volta in lingua francese nel 1992. Dopo molte correzioni, nel 1997 è stata presentata l’editio tipica in lingua latina. Infine nel 2005 papa Benedetto XVI ha ordinato la pubblicazione del Compedio del Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica. Nell’articolo vengono analizzate le formule dei precetti ecclesiali in tutte e tre le versioni del catechismo. Va notato che, malgrado 500 anni di storia della propagazione dei precetti della Chiesa, solo adesso sono stati formulati come vincolanti in tutta la Chiesa universale.La terza parte verte sulla versione polacca dei precetti della Chiesa, promulgata dalla Conferenza Episcopale Polacca nel 2003 e riformata nel 2014. I vescovi polacchi hanno approfittato della possibilità di accomodare il testo dei precetti agli specifici bisogni e aspettative delle Chiese particolari. Con il consenso della Sede Apostolica, i pastori della Chiesa cattolica in Polonia hanno esonerato i fedeli dall’obbligo di festeggiare alcuni giorni festivi, ma nello stesso tempo hanno confermato la proibizione di partecipare ai divertimenti durante la Quaresima, ampliandola anche a tutti i venerdì dell’anno. Nel 2014 fu introdotto l’ultimo cambiamento nel testo dei precetti, con la decisione di lasciare la proibizione dei divertimenti solamente nel tempo di Quaresima.In conformità con il suo titolo, l’articolo espone il profondo legame tra il diritto e la pastorale, ma anche la relazione tra il diritto universale e il suo adattamento nel diritto particolare.
Annales Canonici; 2017, 13
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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