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Udzial mieszanki traw w procesie respiracji gleby [Eutric Histosol] nawadnianej sciekami miejskimi po II stopniu oczyszczenia
The share of mixed grasses in soil respiration after irrigation of water (after II step of purification)
Stepniewska, Z
Pasztelan, M.
Kotowska, U.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
gleby torfowo-murszowe
powietrze glebowe
nawadnianie gleby
mieszanki traw
potencjal wzrostu
scieki komunalne
grass mixture
peat-muck soil
soil air
soil respiration
growth potential
municipal waste
Badania prowadzono w warunkach polowych na glebie torfowo-murszowej (Eutric Histosol) nawadnianej ściekami po drugim stopniu oczyszczania. Pole doświadczalne porośnięte było mieszanką traw odpowiednio dobranych gatunków gdzie w okresie wegetacji stosowano dwie dawki ścieków odpowiednio 600 i 1200 mm rocznie. Ścieki wprowadzano na pole w jednorazowej dawce odpowiednio: 60 i 120 mm. Badania obejmowały analizę C02 emitowanego z powierzchni gleby bez udziału i z udziałem wybranych roślin. Celem zaś pracy było prześledzenie procesu respiracji gleb w zastosowanych obiektach doświadczenia. Do pomiarów emisji wykorzystano zestawy metalowych podstaw i przezroczystych komór instalowanych po rozpoczęciu nawodnień. Skład powietrza pobranego z punktów pomiarowych do odpowietrzonych fiolek oznaczano chromatograficznie. Równocześnie oznaczano w glebie na głębokościach od 10-100 cm potencjał oksydoredukcyjny (Eh) elektrodami platynowymi na stałe umieszczonymi w profilu glebowym wobec elektrody kalomelowej. Stan oksydoredukcyjny podczas trwania cyklu zalewowego, od momentu wprowadzenia ścieków do ich przemieszczenia w głąb profilu, był cechą charakteryzującą dobrze stan natlenienia gleby. Obecność traw na polu irygowanym ściekami miejskimi spowodowała zmniejszenie emisji C02 z powierzchni o ok. 25% w porównaniu z glebą bez udziału roślin.
Investigation was carried out under field conditions with organic soil (Eutric Histosol) irrigated with municipal wastewater after second step of purification. Experimental field was covered with mixed grass. Wastewater was added 10 times a year with the dose 60 and 120mm. Investigations comprised gas emission from the surface of soil covered with plants and with out them. The main objective of this paper was to investigate process of respiration of soil under different experimental treatments. Measurements of gas emission were performed with the use of metal cylinders as a basement and plexiglas chamber installed after irritations. Composition of air, taken up from plexiglas chambers to vacuum containers, was analysed by gas chromatographic technique. Paralelly in the soil profiles on 10-100 cm depth redox potential (Eh) was measured by permanently installed platinum electrodes with respect to calomel electrodes as a reference. Soil redox potential, during irrigated cycle, from the initial movement of waste added to their migration through soil profile gives good soil aeration characteristics. CO2 emission from the surface of soil covered with mixed grass was 25% lower than from the soil with out plants.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 38; 193-199
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Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
ODR modifications by the storing conditions of soil samples
Bieganowski, A
Wyczolkowski, A.
Gawlik, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
air dry soil
soil aeration
oxygen diffusion rate
soil sample
storing condition
ODR was calculated for the soil water extracts prepared from freshly taken soil, wet soil stored in plastic bags and air dry soil. ODR in KCI solution was used as reference.ODR recorded for the extracts obtained from freshly taken soil was lower than for the extracts prepared from the stored soil samples. This indicates that for ODR measurements fresh soil should be investigated.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 35
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Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wplyw zlokalizowanego stresu tlenowego w glebie na rozwoj korzeni i czesci nadziemnych kukurydzy [ modelowe badania rizotronowe ]
Effect of localized soil oxygen stress on root and shoot development in maize ( a model rhizotrone study)
Bennicelli, R P
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
system korzeniowy
wzrost roslin
badania modelowe
badania rizotronowe
dynamika rozwoju
powietrze glebowe
stres tlenowy
root system
plant growth
model research
development dynamics
soil air
oxygen stress
The aim of the study was to test the usefulness of split rhizotrone technique to investigate the effect of localized soil anoxia on root and shoot developement, using maize as a test plant. The experiment was performed in 6 split rhizotrons enabling differentiation of soil aeration status in each half of the rhizotron by blowing nitrogen or air through them. The rhizotrone consists of two parts (each 16.6 dm3 in volume) inclined with an angle 60°. Each part is constructed of 1 mm thick stainless steel plate with a glass inner wall for root observation and has dimensions 84 cm x 40.5 cm x 5.0 cm. The rhizotrons were filled in with a brown loess soil material (Eutric Camhisol) from Ap horizon (from Eli/6wka, near Lublin). Maize seedlings with the roots splitted between the rhizotrone halves (eukivars KLG 2210 and DEA) were used in the experiments. Until the stress period the soil moisture tension of 20-80 kPa provided good water and air conditions. At a stage of 8 leaves three treatments were applied for a period of 7 days; an oxic control (P/P), a localized anoxia with 50% of the roots in nitrogen treated part (P/A), and a complete anoxia (A/A) with gas nitrogen in both parts. During the stress period diurnal elongation rates of primary roots (by marking positions of the tips each day) as well as distribution of two indicators of soil oxygenation status with depth viz. of oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) and of redox potential (Eh) in soil were measured. Shoot elongation rates were monitored with a potentiometer attached to the youngest leaf. Microscopic photographs of cross- sections of the caps and of apical meristems of primary roots at 400 magnification were made to show the changes in their anatomy due to anoxia. Chemical analysis of the shoots was performed after the stress period. For each cultivar the experiment was repeated three times. The investigations performed allowed the following conclusions to be drown out: 1. The split rhizotrone was shown to be a useful technique to study behaviour of the primary maize roots under localized anoxia conditions. 2. The ODR and Eh distribution with depth showed deterioration of oxygenation status (drop of ODR from control values above 100 |µg m-2 s-1 to the level 30 µg m-2 s-1, decrease of Eh from control values above 550 mV to the level, 300 mV) due to replacement of the soil air with gaseous nitrogen. 3. Root elongation rates under anoxic conditions (both under complete - A/A, and localized - A/P anoxia) were on the level of about 50% of the controle (P/P) during first 4 days and decreased practically to zero by the end of the stress period. In turn, the oxic part of the rhizotrone combined with localized anoxia treatment of the same plant (P/A) exhibited compensation effect and was characterized by stimulation of the root elongation rate up to 80%. This effect was especially distinct after 2-5 days of the stress duration and then tended to decrease. 4Distribution of the root mass in depth under anoxic treatments was characterized by concentration of about 80% of the root mass within first 10 cm of the soil. 5.Microscopic photographs of the root tips showed, under anoxic conditions, shorter meristematic zone, smaller number of mitosis, beginning of aerenchyma formation and dying of the cells at a distance of 1 mm from the root cap. 6.The shoots responded to applying anoxia to both rhizotrone parts by 20% reduction of the growth rate. 7.Both root and shoot elongation rates were correlated also with the temperature. 8.Oxygen deficiency in soil resulted in an increase of exchangeable manganese, what was reflected by its increased concentration in the maize shoots.
Acta Agrophysica; 1994, 03; 3-72
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Właściwości wodne i powietrzne gleb parku miejskiego – Ogrodu Saskiego w Lublinie
Water and air properties of soils of urban park – Saski Garden in Lublin (Poland)
Jaroszuk-Sierocińska, Monika
Kołodziej, Beata
Bryk, Maja
Słowińska-Jurkiewicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Ogród Saski
gleby kulturoziemne
właściwości wodno-powietrzne
: Lublin
Saski Garden
soil water and air properties
Przeprowadzono badania właściwości wodno-powietrznych gleb kulturoziemnych w parku miejskim – Ogrodzie Saskim w Lublinie. Próbki do badań pobrano z pięciu pedonów, z warstw 0-20, 20-40 i 40-60 cm do cylindrów o objętości 100 cm3. Wykonano oznaczenia gęstości objętościowej gleby, gęstości stałej fazy i pojemności wodnej w różnych stanach potencjału wody. Obliczono porowatość ogólną, retencję wody produkcyjnej i użytecznej dla roślin oraz pojemność powietrzną w poszczególnych stanach potencjału wody. Oceniając właściwości fizyczne badanych gleb, można stwierdzić, że są one w większości przypadków bardzo dobre. Gęstość objętościowa w analizowanym materiale glebowym była najczęściej mniejsza od 1,30 Mg·m−3, zaś porowatość ogólna większa od 0,500 m3·m−3. Parametry charakteryzujące właściwości wodne były również bardzo korzystne: polowa pojemność wodna (−15,54 kPa) przekraczała w większości przypadków 0,350 m3·m−3, a retencja wody użytecznej dla roślin (−1554 <Ψ< −15,54 kPa) była większa od 0,250 m3·m−3. Za zbyt niską należy jednak uznać polową pojemność powietrzną gleby w warstwie 0-20 cm w pedonie 1, znajdującym się w strefie, w której osoby piesze przemieszczają się po trawniku. Polowa pojemność powietrzna okazała się tą cechą fizyczną, która jako pierwsza zareagowała na zagrożenie wynikające z nadmiernej antropopresji.
The water-air properties of Anthrosols were studied in a city park – the Saski Garden in Lublin. Samples for analyses were taken from five pedons, from three horizons: 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm, into metal cylinders with volume of 100 cm3. The analyses included determination of bulk density of the soil, density of the solid phase and water capacity in various states of water potential. Values of total porosity, retention of productive water and water usable for plants, and air capacity in different states of water potential were calculated. Analysing the physical properties of the soils we can conclude that they are, in most cases, very good. The bulk density of the soil in the analysed material was usually less than 1.30 Mg m–3, while the total porosity greater than 0.500 m3 m–3. The parameters characterising the properties of water were also very beneficial: field water capacity (–15.54 kPa) exceeded in most cases the level of 0.350 m3 m–3, and the retention of water usable for plants (–1554 < Ψ < –15.54 kPa) was higher than 0.250 m3 m–3. The field air capacity of the soil layer of 0-20 cm in pedon 1, located in the zone in which persons walk on the lawn, should be considered as too low. The field air capacity proved to be the physical feature that first responded to the risks arising from excessive anthropopressure.
Acta Agrophysica; 2017, 24, 2; 239-251
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geomorphological conditions of water-air properties in the silt soils from the edge zone of the Carpathian Foothills
Klimek, M
Zaleski, T.
Niemyska-Lukaszuk, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Carpathian foot-hills
air property
water property
silt soil
In this paper an attempt to estimate the influence of the relief on the selected physical soil properties from the edge zone of the Carpathian Foothills has been presented.Differentiation of water-air properties related to the location on the slope was evaluated.It results from, both, the main soil forming process-lessivage, erosion and accumulative changes in the morphology of the soil profile.Soils lessives situated on tops and slopes less prone to erosion are characterised by deeper eluvial horizons - luvic with a higher total porosity and water retention in comparison to illuvial horizons - argillic. Eroded lessivé soils occur on the slopes prone to erosion with the argillic horizon outeropped to the surface which determins their properties in the whole soil profile, first of all, their porosity is low and they have a limited capacity for water retention. Gley soils occur in the valley bottoms and synclines of slopes. They arc characterised by higher total porosity and retention in the whole profile in comparison to the lessivé soils.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 35; 93-98
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The properties of humus in some profiles of the black earth-gleyic phaeozems - from the Malopolska Upland
Mazurek, R
Niemyska-Lukaszuk, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
soil formation
water deposit
air condition
moisture condition
Malopolska Upland
black earth
terrestrial ecosystem
The aim of the present research work was to evaluate the influence of lithogenic conditions on the physico-chemical properties, quantity and quality of humus components in the black earths from the Małopolska Upland. Soil samples were collected from 5 soil profiles which represented proper black earth (profiles No. 1-4) and degraded black earth (profile No. 5). All the investigated soils were under sward. The examined black earths were characterised by different physico-chemical properties strongly related to the parent rock type. Their pH level and sorption capability were decreasing with a decrease in the clay content of the soil texture. Humus resources were the lowest in sandy black earths (average 212 t ha-1) and the highest in the black earh derived from clay (454 t ha1). In the humus composition of the examined black earths, humic acids dominated over fulvic acids. In the A horizons, the Ch:Cf ratio was close to 1, and lower in the upper parts of these horizons which is typical of turf soils. Humus horizons in some of the investigated black earths were classified as epipedon anthropoid according to phosphorus content soluble in 1% citric acid (109 P kg-1 soil).
Acta Agrophysica; 2001, 50; 197-205
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An attempt to characterise soil macroporosity on the basis of structure standards
Bryk, M
Domzal, H.
Pranagal, J.
Slowinska-Jurkiewicz, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
soil macroporosity
rendzina soil
computer image analysis
structure standard
soil porosity
water property
morphometric analysis
air property
soil preparation
black earth
The aim of this work was to characterise macro porosity of soil preparations by means of image analysis. Preparations were made from the samples taken from 0-20 cm layer of four types of soil: typical soil lessive developed from loess, proper rendzina developed Irom cretaceous marl, chernozemic rendzina developed from chalk and mud-gley soil developed from clayey silt. The values of porosity by image analysis, Pk, (pores of the diameter greater than 200 (µm) were compared with the values of field air capacity, (Ppp, pores greater than 20 µm) and total porosity, determined by classical methods used in soil science. For most of the samples porosity obtained by computer image analysis, Pk, was lower than the values of field air capacity, Ppp„ as expected. For the rest of standards, the values obtained morphometrically, Pk, were higher than Ppp. It probably- resulted fram unequal pore sizes in the dried and moistened soil material and innate altributes of the method of soil water desorption. Statistical analyses revealed strong, statistically valid dependencies, with high values of the correlation coefficients (0.883 - 0.951) between porosity, Pk, total porosity, Po, and field air capacity, Ppp. Moreover, correlation indices calculated for Po and Ppp confirmed the already known relation.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 35; 23-30
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Heavy metals in soils subjected to industrial emission in the Stalowa Wola Region
Mikos-Bielak, M
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
air pollution
environment pollution
Stalowa Wola Region
soil property
degraded ecosystem
industrial emission
anthropogenic ecosystem
heavy metal
The content of Cd Pb, Ni, Co, Cu, Zu and Mn was analysed in 54 soil samples collected at 8 experimental sites in the Stalowa Wola region. The soils examined were characterized by an increased concentration of zinc and manganese. The concentrations of those remaining elements determined, could be reported as being low.
Acta Agrophysica; 2001, 51; 121-130
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trace elements content in soils of the Krzywiczyny Forest Reserve
Kusza, G
Duzynski, M.
Marcinkowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
trace element
water quality
air pollution
Namyslow Forest Inspectorate
forest soil
soil environment
Krzywiczyny Forest Reserve
terrestrial ecosystem
The aim of the work was to investigate various soils properties in the partial forest reserve "Krzywiczyny", in the Namysłów Forest Inspectorate (Opole Voivodeship). It was found that upper soil horizons, including organic, humic and illuvial ones, indicated clear accumulation of Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd. However, a tendency to diminution of these elements content with profile depth was noted. High positive correlation was stated between organic matter content and Mn, Zn, and Cu amounts in the brown leached soils studied.
Acta Agrophysica; 2001, 50; 169-175
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modelowanie termo i hydrofizycznych zmian w glebie ogrzewanej powietrzem
Modelling of the thermo-and hydrophysical changes in a soil heated by air
Kurpaska, S
Bozek, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
woda glebowa
zawartosc wody
zmiany hydrofizyczne
zmiany termofizyczne
ogrzewanie gleby
ogrzewanie powietrzne
modele matematyczne
soil water
water content
hydrophysical change
thermophysical change
soil heating
air heating
mathematical model
W pracy przedstawiono porównanie zmian temperatury i zawartości wody w glebie ogrzewanej ciepłym powietrzem. Do opisu ruchu ciepła i masy wykorzystano dwa modele: uproszczony model Łykowa i model Philipa i de Vriesa. Analizę przepływu ciepła i wody glebowej przeprowadzono w elemencie powtarzalnym instalacji z przyjętymi warunkami symetrii oraz izolacyjności na obydwu brzegach elementu. Obliczenia symulacyjne przeprowadzono dla piasku. Na podstawie analizy stwierdzono, że tendencje zmian analizowanych wartości opisujących stan fizyczny piasku są porównywalne ze sobą, zgodność między obliczonymi wartościami temperatury i zawartości wody uzyskanymi z rozwiązania analizowanych modeli waha się od 61% do 92%. W zbudowanych algorytmach numerycznych (zarówno w uproszczonym modelu Łykowa jak i modelu Philipa i de Vriesa) istnieje możliwość zmian parametrów wejściowych modelu, w wyniku czego można przeprowadzić eksperymenty symulacyjne, jednakże algorytm uproszczonego modelu Łykowa z racji występowania sprzężenia jednostronnego jest prostszy do rozwiązania.
The paper presents quantitative comparison of results conceming temperaturę and water content changes in a soil heated by air. In description of the heat and soil water movement two models have been used: simplificated model of Luikov and model of Philip and de Vries. An analysis of the heat and soil water flow has been madę in a reproducible element of the installation, assuming symmetry and isolation of both edges of the element. Calculations by means of simulation have been madę for the sand. On the basis of achieved results has been stated that trends of changes of the analysed values describing the physical State of the sand are comparable. Compatibility between values of temperaturę and water content calculated by means of the analysed models amounts from 61% to 92%. The developed numerical algorithms (both for drying model and de Vries model) make possible to introduce changes of the model input parameters and to carry out experiments by means of simulation. Nevertheless, solution of the algorithm for drying model is morę simple because a unilateral feedback takes place. Keywords: air, soil, heating, mathematical models.
Acta Agrophysica; 1999, 22; 115-129
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zależność jakości fizycznej gleb płowych wytworzonych z glin zwałowych od ich przydatności rolniczej
Relationship of soil physical quality of Luvisols developed from moraine loams to their agricultural suitability
Paluszek, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
gleby plowe
wlasciwosci fizyczne
przydatnosc rolnicza
wlasciwosci wodno-powietrzne
grey-brown podzolic soil
physical property
agricultural suitability
water-air property
Celem pracy była ocena wodnych i powietrznych właściwości gleb płowych wytworzonych z glin zwałowych, zaliczanych do różnych kompleksów rolniczej przydatności. Gleby należące do kompleksu pierwszego charakteryzowały się istotnie większą zawartością makroporów o średnicy równoważnej >20 μm, natomiast mniejszą polową pojemnością wodną od gleb kompleksu drugiego. Gleby kompleksu pierwszego miały istotnie mniejsze przewodnictwo wodne w strefie nasyconej od gleb kompleksu trzeciego. Gleby kompleksu drugiego w porównaniu z glebami kompleksu trzeciego istotnie różniły się większą polową pojemnością wodną oraz mniejszą zawartością makroporów o średnicy >20 μm i mniejszym przewodnictwem wodnym nasyconym. Gęstość gleby w poziomach Ap (0-25 cm) oceniono jako średnią, a w poziomach podpowierzchniowych Et, Bt i C (25-100 cm) jako dużą. Polową pojemność wodną w badanych glebach oceniono jako średnią. W poziomach Ap gleb zawartość makroporów o średnicy >20 μm i retencję wody użytecznej dla roślin oceniono jako średnią lub dużą, przewodnictwo wodne nasycone oceniono jako małe lub średnie, a przepuszczalność powietrzną w stanie polowej pojemności wodnej – jako średnią lub dużą. Wartości bezwzględne wskaźnika jakości fizycznej S dla poziomów Ap gleb zaliczanych do kompleksu pierwszego i trzeciego wskazują na średnią jakość fizyczną, a poziomów Ap gleb kompleksu drugiego – na dobrą jakość. Jakość fizyczna poziomów podpowierzchniowych oceniona została najczęściej jako słaba lub bardzo słaba.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the water and air properties of Luvisols developed from moraine loams and classified to various complexes of agricultural suitability. Soils classified in the very good wheat (first) complex were characterised by significantly greater content of macropores with equivalent diameter >20 μm, however by smaller field water capacity than soils classified in the good wheat (second) complex. Soils classified in the first complex had significantly smaller saturated hydraulic conductivity than soils classified in the deficient wheat (third) complex. Soils of the second complex, in comparison to soils classified in the third complex, had significantly greater field water capacity, smaller content of macropores >20 μm and smaller saturated hydraulic conductivity. The bulk density of Ap horizons (0-25 cm) was estimated as medium, and that of the Et, Bt and C horizon (25-100 cm) as large. The field water capacity in the investigated soils was estimated as medium. The content of macropores >20 μm and the retention of water useful to plants were estimated as medium or large, the saturated hydraulic conductivity was estimated as low or medium, and air permeability at field water saturation – as medium or large in Ap horizons of the soils. The values of index S for the Ap horizons of soils classified in the first and third complex indicate a medium physical quality, and values for Ap horizons of soils in the second complex – as good quality. The physical quality of subsoil was estimated generally as weak or very weak.
Acta Agrophysica; 2013, 20, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of Betula pendula seedlings growing on the Silesia Steelworks dumping grounds in Katowice
Franiel, I
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Betula pendula
Katowice city
zinc-lead waste dump
toxic substance
air pollution
reclamation technique
Silesia Steelworks in Katowice
smelter waste
soil property
industrial waste
degraded ecosystem
anthropogenic ecosystem
water pollution
heavy metal
Zinc-lead waste dumps belong to the type of industrial waste areas which are unyielding to natural reclamation techniques. Heterogeneous composition of waste results in numerous complex physical and chemical processes causing serious air and water pollution in the surrounding areas. Moreover, industrial waste is characterized by high concentration of heavy metal compounds and other toxic substances which constantly affected all living organisms exposed to them. The present research shows the results of research aimed to establish degree of the sensitivity of Betula pendula seedlings to the adverse conditions of zinc-lead waste from the "Silesia Steelworks" in Katowice. Two kinds of substrate, i.e. slag and post-flotation waste was placed in pot cultures (17 cm in top diameter) and for each kind of waste a different soil variant was applied: (I) dump soil, (II) dump soil fertilized with NPK fertilizer, (III) dump soil covered with a 2.5 cm layer of garden soil, (IV) dump soil mixed with peat. In the experiment each variant of the soil type was used in 3 pots (repetitions). Additionally, pots with garden soil were used as control. Each pot received 25 seeds. The seeds of Betula pendula growing on smelter waste dumps had been collected in the vicinity of the dumps. At the end of the experiment, the seedlings were counted and the leaf colouring, height, root length of each seedling was measured. The results of the experiment showed that the most favourable soil type for Betula pendula seedlings were variants Nos (III) and (IV).
Acta Agrophysica; 2001, 51; 51-55
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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