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Od spowiednika do społecznika. Transformacja roli społecznej duchownego w II Rzeczypospolitej
From confessor to social activist. Transformation of a social role of a priest in the Second Republic of Poland
Chylak, Karol
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
społeczna rola
social role
social activist
The easiest and perhaps a bit stereotypical thinking about the role of priest makes him positioned in sacred space. Undoubtedly, he is an activist in this area by taking responsibility for leading his flock to redemption. Without any doubt the roles connected with holding particular positions in the governmental structures were traditional. In addition clergy, especially lower ones, were often in a position of a mediator (peasant – landlord). These traditional roles were built in feudal society and in this social structure. Meanwhile, the industrial revolution and intense processes of industrialization and urbanization changed the face of the world, they changed the circumstances in which people were supposed to live in those days. There were social and political changes that could not be unnoticed, in particular voting rights were given to other groups of people and modern concepts – which met with a wide public response (socialism especially) – were developed. They became the basis for the change of church’s and clergy’s attitudes towards both society and their place and role in the society. A doctrinal basis of this transformation became the encyclical of Pope Leon XIII Rerum novarum as of 1891 together with it the Quadragesimo anno (1931) implemented four decades later. There was a great social movement in Poland at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. The movement that initiated and activated, in other words woke communities up to life, that built social capital. Of course that movement had different social composition but a very important part in that composition was assumed by clergy. Both social status and priestly role were formed again. Changes in attitudes towards a man and interest in man’s mundane part of life had to result in both the transformation of the clergy’s role and the extension of their responsibility for the secular sphere. Times of the Second Republic of Poland led to a complete development of new roles and attitudes among clergy.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2017, 26, 4; 165-182
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Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duties of the penitent and confessor in the light of 21 Constitution of the Fourth Lateran Council
Dohnalik, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Prawo kanoniczne
sakrament pokuty
obowiązek corocznej spowiedzi
obowiązki spowiednika
Canon law
sacrament of Penance
duty of annual confession
duties of confessor
At the beginning of the 13th century there was a crisis in the institutional Church, in response to which Pope Innocent III during the Fourth Lateran Council introduced the obligation of annual confession and emphasised the importance of this sacramental practice. The 21st Council Constitution obliged every believer to go to Confession at least once a year and to receive the Eucharist during the Easter season. This obligation applied to every baptised man and woman upon reaching the age of discernment, which the Council’s commentators at the time put at around seven years. Although, according to the medieval canonists, this obligation referred to confession of mortal sins, in practice all the faithful were encouraged to go to confession annually. The own parish priest had the duty to see that this commandment was fulfilled by the faithful entrusted to his pastoral care. In response to the serious obligation of the faithful, the Constitution Omnis utriusque sexus also imposed important duties on confessors. The confessor was to be prudent towards the confession of the penitent; he was compared to a doctor who must choose the treatment appropriate to the illness. Finally, the 21st Constitution of the Fourth Lateran Council emphasises the obligation of confessional secrecy on the part of the confessor and at the same time introduces severe penalties for a priest who breaks it. Many of the provisions described are still relevant in contemporary Church legislation. Even today, in the face of the Church’s crisis, it seems advisable to return to the fruitful celebration of the sacrament of Penance, which concerns both confessors and penitents.
Na początku XIII w. nastąpił kryzys Kościoła instytucjonalnego. Papież Innocenty III podczas Soboru Laterańskiego IV, w odpowiedzi na kryzys, wprowadził obowiązek corocznej spowiedzi i podkreślił znaczenie tej praktyki sakramentalnej. Konstytucja Omnis utriusque sexus zawierała zobowiązanie każdego wiernego do spowiedzi przynajmniej raz w roku oraz do przyjmowania Eucharystii w okresie wielkanocnym. Obowiązek ten dotyczył każdego ochrzczonego mężczyzny i kobiety po osiągnięciu wieku rozeznania, który ówcześni komentatorzy Soboru określali na około siedem lat. Choć według średniowiecznych kanonistów obowiązek ten odnosił się do spowiedzi z grzechów śmiertelnych, w praktyce wszyscy wierni byli zachęcani do corocznej spowiedzi. Własny proboszcz miał obowiązek dopilnować wypełnienia tego przykazania przez wiernych powierzonych jego duszpasterskiej pieczy. W odpowiedzi na poważne zobowiązanie wiernych Konstytucja Omnis utriusque sexus nakładała istotne obowiązki także na spowiedników. Spowiednik miał być roztropny wobec spowiedzi penitenta, był porównywany do lekarza, który musi wybrać leczenie odpowiednie dla danej choroby. Wreszcie 21 Konstytucja Soboru Laterańskiego IV podkreśla obowiązek zachowania tajemnicy spowiedzi ze strony spowiednika i jednocześnie wprowadza surowe kary dla kapłana, który ją złamie. Wiele z opisanych przepisów jest nadal aktualnych we współczesnym ustawodawstwie kościelnym. Również dzisiaj, w obliczu kryzysu Kościoła, wydaje się wskazane, aby powrócić do owocnego sprawowania sakramentu pokty, co dotyczy zarówno spowiedników, jak i penitentów.  
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2023, 32, 3; 141-150
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Błogosławiony ks. Michał Sopoćko. Kapłan o miłosiernym obliczu
Blessed father Michał Sopoćko. A priest with a merciful face
Wiśniewski, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
ks. Michał Sopoćko (1888–1975)
krzewiciel Bożego miłosierdzia
pastoralne horyzonty miłosierdzia
spowiednik św. Faustyny
fr. Michał Sopoćko (1888–1975)
propagator of the Divine Mercy
pastoral mercy
saint Faustina’s confessor
This article is an attempt of a holistic outlook on blessed father Michał Sopoćko. Looking in this way we can easily see in him a passion to speak and teach about the endless Divine Mercy. Firstly and mainly we discover in him a priest with model zeal, as it flows out of his personal convictions and surrendering to the Divine Mercy. The whole life of blessed Michał has three main motifs: the first one was the experience of the Divine Mercy (active in sacraments) and of human mercy (particularly in his youth and seminarian life). The second motif was demonstrating mercy in concrete actions addressed towards relatives, the faithful in his care (parishioners, soldiers, seminary students and religious sisters) and towards particular groups (youth, national minorities). The third motif which joined the two previous ones and activated them was his personal devotion to the Divine Mercy. Thanks to such deep prayer life and its consistency, conscientious research of the truth of the Divine Mercy in the Bible, liturgy, tradition and Church magisterium he was filled with genuine mercy.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2015, 24, 4; 111-121
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gli aspetti teologici della poesia di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena
The poetry of John Scotus Eriugena and its theological aspects
Teologiczne aspekty poezji Jana Szkota Eriugeny
Colnago, Filippo
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Giovanni Scoto Eriugena
poesia medievale
teologia medievale
filosofia medievale
Massimo il Confessore
John Scotus Eriugena
Medieval Poetry
Medieval Theology
Medieval Philosophy
Maximus the Confessor
Jan Szkot Eriugena
poezja średniowieczna
teologia średniowieczna
filozofia średniowieczna
Maksym Wyznawca
The poetic works of John Scotus Eriugena, dating about from 855 to 877, is one of the lesser known works of the Irish philosopher and theologian, renowned for his treatises De divina praedestinatione and Periphyseon or De divisione naturae and for his Latin translations of Greek patristic works (Pseudo-Dionysius, Maximus the Confessor and Gregory of Nyssa). In this article, after the presentation of some synthetic elements on the figure of John Scotus and his poetic corpus, the major theological aspects of Eriugena’s poems are analysed. From the poetry, often not easy to interpret, the theological depth of John Scotus comes to light. In fact, beyond a concrete occasion, usually liturgical, which originates them, the carmina develop an articulated meditation on themes such as the relationship between the divine Persons in the Trinity, the creation of the world and of man, the incarnation, death on the cross, descent into hell and resurrection of Christ as the fulfillment of the Son’s inhumanatio for the resulting human théosis, the ascensus of the soul toward God and eschatology. The poetry is thus for John Scotus a special way of doing theology, versifying his rich and complex view about God and man.
La produzione poetica di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena, databile tra l’855 e l’877 circa, è uno dei lavori meno conosciuti del filosofo e teologo irlandese, noto soprattutto per i trattati De divina praedestinatione e Periphyseon o De divisione naturae e per le traduzioni in latino di opere della patristica greca (Pseudo-Dionigi, Massimo il Confessore e Gregorio di Nissa). Nel presente articolo, dopo la presentazione di alcuni elementi sintetici sulla figura di Giovanni Scoto e sul suo corpus poetico, si analizzano i principali aspetti teologici dei carmi eriugeniani. Dai componimenti, spesso di non facile interpretazione, emerge la profondità teologica di Giovanni Scoto. In effetti, al di là dell’occasione concreta, normalmente liturgica, che li origina, essi sviluppano un’articolata meditazione su tematiche quali la relazione intratrinitaria tra le Persone divine, la creazione del mondo e dell’uomo, l’incarnazione, morte in croce, discesa agli inferi e resurrezione di Cristo lette quali compimento dell’inhumanatio del Figlio per la conseguente théosis dell’uomo, l’ascensus dell’anima verso Dio e l’escatologia. La composizione poetica si rivela dunque per Giovanni Scoto un modo speciale di fare teologia, mettendo in versi la sua ricca e complessa visione su Dio e sull’uomo.
Poezja Jana Skota Eriugeny, pochodząca z lat około 855–877, jest najmniej znaną częścią twórczości irlandzkiego filozofa i teologa, który zasłynął głównie traktatami De divina praedestinatione i Periphyseon, czyli De divisione naturae, oraz tłumaczeniami na łacinę dzieł greckich Ojców Kościoła (Pseudo-Dionizego, Maksyma Wyznawcy i Grzegorza z Nyssy). W niniejszym artykule, po przedstawieniu niektórych syntetycznych informacji na temat osoby Jana Skota i jego poetyckiej twórczości, poddano analizie najważniejsze aspekty teologiczne jego pieśni. Z tychże utworów, nie zawsze łatwych do zinterpretowania, wyłania się głębia teologiczna Jana Skota. I rzeczywiście, pomijając konkretny kontekst, z reguły liturgiczny, który był inspiracją do ich napisania, poezje Eriugeny stanowią rozbudowaną medytację nad rozmaitymi tematami, jakimi były np.: związek międzytrynitarny między Boskimi Osobami, problem stworzenia świata i człowieka, Wcielenie Syna Bożego, Jego śmierć na krzyżu, wstąpienie do piekieł, Zmartwychwstanie, czyli te wszystkie wydarzenia, w których wypełniała się inhumanatio Syna Bożego i w konsekwencji théosis człowieka, ascenus duszy do Boga i eschatologia. Twórczość poetycka Jana Skota jawi się więc jako szczególny sposób uprawiania teologii, potrafił bowiem wpleść w poetyckie wersy swoją bogatą i złożoną wizję Boga i człowieka.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2016, 25, 1; 143-170
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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