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The place of a woman on the literary scene. The strategies of legal validation
Barthelmebs-Raguin, Hélène
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
women in literature, literary history, feminine writing, writing startegies, terminology
Women in literature, Literary History, Feminine writing, Writing startegies, Terminology.
Der Artikel enthält Zusammenfassungen nur in Englisch und Französisch.
In the line of recent studies (Reid, 2010; Planté, 2003), this contribution deals with the place of the feminine authors in the French literary canon and with the status of author. This political question also raises questions about the corpus’ construction of the classics of the literature which are taught and serve as references in literary studies. If women represent approximately 50 % of the world’s population, they are far from proportionally representing in literature. Thus, the scarcity of women in Literary History will be at the center of our preoccupation, and we will endeavor to show how societies have influenced the representation of women in literature, and how feminine authors have denunced the image of inequalities between men and women in their works.
L'article ne contient que des résumés en anglais.
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature; 2019, 43, 1
Pojawia się w:
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy męskie kobiety i zniewieściali mężczyźni to wytwór kultury współczesnej? Ślady przenikania się ról płciowych w dramacie Barbara jeszcze Gasztołdowa żona Dominika Magnuszewskiego
Are masculine women and effeminate men a product of contemporary culture? Traces of gender role interpenetration in Dominik Magnuszewski’s play Barbara jeszcze Gasztołdowa żona
Lemański, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Dominik Magnuszewski
kobieta w historii i literaturze
androcentryczna nieświadomość
women in history and literature
androcentric ignorance
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie procesów społecznych i kulturowych, które utrwalają patriarchalny model społeczeństwa na podstawie dramatu Dominika Magnuszewskiego Barbara jeszcze Gasztołdowa żona. Wykorzystując badania z zakresu antropologii kulturowej, rozpatruję utwór w kontekście przedstawienia ról płciowych w sposób niezgodny z archetypowymi wzorami. Król Zygmunt reprezentuje typ zniewieściałej męskości, natomiast królową Bonę zestawiam z typem kobiecości zwanym virago, łączącym cechy uznawane za męskie z kobiecymi. Artykuł rozwija stan badań nad problemem dominacji patriarchatu w XIX wieku w Polsce, wykorzystując w tym celu terminologię zaczerpniętą z antropologii kulturowej (androcentryczna nieświadomość).
The aim of the paper is to show the social and cultural processes that perpetuate the patriarchal model of society using the example of Dominik Magnuszewski’s play Barbara jeszcze Gasztołdowa żona. Using research in the field of cultural anthropology, I consider the work in the context of the representation of gender roles in a manner inconsistent with the archetypal patterns. King Sigismund represents the type of effeminate masculinity, while Queen Bona is referred here to the virago femininity type, combining traits considered as masculine and feminine. The paper develops research into the problem of the domination of patriarchy in 19th century Poland, using terminology taken from cultural anthropology (androcentric ignorance).
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2020, 26, 2; 157-170
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mujeres que comparten una misma lengua. Españolas y latinoamericanas de la educación a la ciudadanía
Women Who Share the Same Language. Spanish and Latin American Women from Education to Citizenship
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
mujeres en la historia
derechos de ciudadanía
acceso de mujeres a la educación
mujeres en la Universidad
women in history
citizenship rights
women’s access to education
women in university
El patriarcado en distintos momentos históricos ha impedido a las mujeres el acceso a la educación, pero muchas han encontrado la forma de burlar los mandatos del poder para acceder al conocimiento. Las reivindicaciones de las mujeres han sido obviadas muchas veces, así como su obra y aportaciones desde la ciencia, la filosofía y el pensamiento feminista. Recuperar los nombres de las que abrieron camino con sus tratados, de las que accedieron a las universida-des buscando recovecos legales y lograron ser referentes para otras muchas, reflexionar sobre la influencia que unas tuvieron en otras que hablaban su misma lengua, es tan fundamental como contextualizar los discursos reaccionarios de los que defienden los privilegios del varón frente a los derechos de ciudadanía. Es, por tanto, fundamental incorporar la perspectiva de género en el análisis histórico.
Throughout history, patriarchy has prevented women from accessing education. However, many of them have found ways to circumvent the dictates of male power to gain access to knowledge. Women's demands are often invisible, as well as their work and contributions from science, philosophy and feminist thought. It is imperative to recover the names of those who broke new ground with their treaties, of those who managed to be admitted to universi-ties through the search for legal nooks and crannies, and became a touchstone for many ot-hers, as well as to reflect on the influence that some of them had on others who spoke the same language. It is also crucial to contextualize the reactionary discourses of those who de-fend the privileges of men against citizenship rights. It is therefore essential to incorporate a gender perspective into the historical analysis.
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2018, 21; 11-27
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Returning the Other
Przywracając Inną
Harbuziuk, Maiia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Irena Solska
biografia aktorki
polska aktorka
kobiety w historii teatru
actress' biography
Polish actress
women in theater history
The author reviews Nataliya Yakubova’s monograph Irena Solska: The Burden of Unusualness (Moscow 2019) which is the result of more than ten years of work. Yakubova emphasizes that for her the past remains an “open project” to which one can (and should) return many times and her book can be seen as such “portal to the past”. The creative and life path of Irena Solska was chosen as the object of research, and its subject was defined as the “burden of unusualness” of the actress’s personality. Yakubova sees the main analytical problem in the conservation of social stereotypes about Irena Solska and diagnoses the fundamental bias, spread in Polish culture, of the myth of Irena Solska as a “demonic woman”. Therefore, the purpose of the study was the interpretation of sources, the destruction of stereotypes, and overcoming patterns of representations. The principle of interdisciplinary research allows her to consider the fate of the star actress as a phenomenon of her time, in the dynamics of complex socio-political, socio-cultural, aesthetic-technological and ideological-emancipatory changes from the late nineteenth century to the late 1930s. (Transl. S. Harbuziuk)
Autorka recenzuje monografię Natalii Jakubowej Irena Solska: Ciężar niezwykłości (Moskwa 2019) stanowiącą efekt przeszło dziesięcioletnich badań. Jakubowa podkreśla, że przeszłość jest dla niej „otwartym projektem”, do którego można (i trzeba) wracać wielokrotnie. Jej książkę należy traktować jako tego rodzaju „bramę do przeszłości”. Przedmiotem badań stała się twórcza i życiowa droga Solskiej, temat zaś został określony jako „ciężar niezwykłości” osobowości aktorki. Jakubowa podejmuje problem społecznych stereotypów narosłych wokół aktorki, zwłaszcza powszechnego w polskiej kulturze podtrzymywania mitu Solskiej jako „kobiety demonicznej”. Dlatego głównym celem studium jest interpretacja źródeł, kwestionowanie stereotypów i przekraczanie dotychczasowych modeli reprezentacji. Interdyscyplinarne założenia pracy pozwalają ująć losy aktorskiej gwiazdy w kontekście dynamiki złożonych zmian społeczno-politycznych, społeczno-kulturowych, estetyczno-technologicznych i ideologiczno-emancypacyjnych od końca XIX wieku do późnych lat trzydziestych XX wieku. (Przeł. E. Partyga)
Pamiętnik Teatralny; 2020, 69, 3; 225-237
Pojawia się w:
Pamiętnik Teatralny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o specyfice badań nad historią kobiet w późnej starożytności i Bizancjum
A few comments on the specific character of the research into the history of women in late antiquity and Byzantium
Kosiński, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo HUMANICA
dzieje kobiet w antyku
kobiety w Bizancjum
proweniencja źródeł antycznych
history of women in Antiquity
women in the Byzantine Empire
provenance of sources in Antiquity
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą ukazania najważniejszych trudności w badaniach prowadzonych nad historią kobiet w późnej starożytności i Bizancjum. Wskazuje najistotniejsze różnice w tego typu badaniach dotyczących różnych epok historycznych. Największym problemem w badaniach kobiecych w epokach przed-nowożytnych jest charakter źródeł, których autorkami w niewielkim jedynie zakresie były kobiety, w dodatku przede wszystkim kobiety wywodzące się z elit. Zazwyczaj na świat kobiet w tych czasach patrzymy przez pryzmat autorów, którzy byli mężczyznami, najczęściej również pochodzącymi z elit. Dlatego aby badać dzieje kobiet w antyku i Bizancjum, trzeba przede wszystkim wykorzystywać metodologię charakterystyczną dla studiów klasycznych, umiejętnie łącząc ją z metodologią wypracowaną dla zgłębiania historii kobiet.
The present article aims to show the most important difficulties connected with the research on the history of women in Late Antiquity and Byzantium. It also points to the significant differences that exist in such studies as relating to various historical periods. The major problem occurring in the women’s studies focused on pre-modern periods is the nature of the sources as represented by only a very limited number of female authors (most of whom would represent the elite circles of society). Most often, the world of women in that period is depicted from the perspective of male authors, usually members of the upper classes themselves. For this reason, the study of the history of women in Antiquity and in the Byzantine period should require the use of the methodology specific to classical studies with the reliance on the applicable methods elaborated for the purposes of women’s studies.
Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych; 2020, 2(9); 9-25
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
DADEJ, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Women’s history
gender history in Germany
Frauen-und Geschlechtergeschichte
institutionalization of women’s history
In this article, I analyze the process of implementing various kinds of the feminist criticism in the fi eld of history in contemporary Germany. I am trying to answer the question about how much Historikerinnenstreit, conceptual inventions in new areas of historical knowledge, institutionalization and professionalisation contributed to visibility Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte in the German scientifi c landscape.
Historia@Teoria; 2017, 2, 4; 189-197
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Women in Polish otorhinolaryngology
Kobiety w otorynolaryngologii polskiej
Bruzgielewicz, Antoni
Bartoszewicz, Robert
Kaczmarczyk, Dariusz
Niemczyk, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
history of medicine
women in medicine
women in otorhinolaryngology
Historia medycyny
Kobiety w medycynie
The first woman with a doctor's degree to practice in Poland was Anna Tomaszewicz-Dobrska (1854-1918). In Polish literature it is difficult to establish which of the women was the first to deal with diseases in the field of otorhinolaryngology. Pioneers in the specialty of otorhinolaryngology could be women who graduated from medical studies and completed "specialization" in clinics outside Poland or in Krakow, where the first department was established in Poland, and women were the first to have the opportunity to study medicine. In Poland, in 1925, out of 738 female doctors, only 4 of them dealt with diseases in the area of the head and neck, in 1938 21 women out of 2018 female doctors, and in 2020 out of 90,435 women, 1991 out of 3,378 doctors practicing the otorhinolaryngology. In Poland, Aleksandra Salomea Mitrinowicz-Modrzejewska was probably the first female otorhinolaryngologist who obtained her habilitation in 1947 and riched the title of associate professor in 1954. Until now, it has been established that only 28 women in Poland associated with otorhinolaryngology who have obtained the full profesor title.
Pierwszą kobietą z dyplomem lekarza, która praktykowała na ziemiach polskich, była Anna Tomaszewicz-Dobrska (1854–1918). Na podstawie zachowanego piśmiennictwa polskiego trudno ustalić nazwisko kobiety lekarki, która jako pierwsza zajmowała się chorobami z zakresu otorynolaryngologii. Pionierkami w specjalności otorynolaryngologii mogły być kobiety, które ukończyły studia medyczne i odbyły „specjalizację” w klinikach poza Polską lub w Krakowie, gdzie powstała pierwsza katedra otolaryngologii na ziemiach polskich i kobiety po raz pierwszy uzyskały możliwość studiowania medycyny. W Polsce, w 1925 roku na 738 kobiet-lekarzy chorobami obejmującymi zakres otorynolaryngologii zajmowały się 4; w 1938 roku na 2018 kobiet – 21; w 2020 roku na 90 435 kobiet-lekarzy było 1991 otolaryngologów. Stanowiło to większość wśród 3378 wszystkich lekarzy tej specjalności. W Polsce najprawdopodobniej pierwszą kobietą otorynolaryngologiem, która uzyskała habilitację w 1947 roku i tytuł profesora nadzwyczajnego w 1954 roku, była Aleksandra Salomea Mitrinowicz-Modrzejewska. Udało się ustalić, że 28 kobiet w Polsce związanych z otorynolaryngologią uzyskało tytuł profesora.
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny; 2021, 10, 2; 59-64
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cleopatra and kandake
Łukaszewicz, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
women rulers in antiquity
Ptolemaic Egypt
Roman history
Cleopatra VII
Meroitic Kingdom
The author discusses the circumstances of Cleopatra VII taking power as the sole ruler of Egypt in 49/48 BC. The queen was forced out of Alexandria by her brother and co-regent Ptolemy XIII. When she reappeared in Egypt, it was from Palestine. The author considers the possibility that she traveled from Alexandria through the Thebaid, the Meroitic Kingdom and Arabia to Palestine, where she expected to obtain financial support necessary for recruiting mercenaries. She need not have modeled her political activity on that of the Meroitic kandake, but personal contacts between the two queens are plausible. The author suggests that a woman’s head represented on the cover of a box containing a mirror, found at Faras in Nubia, may be a portrait of Cleopatra.
Aegyptus et Nubia Christiana. The Włodzimierz Godlewski jubilee volume on the occasion of his 70th birthday; 691-698
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In Search of Female Agency: Latest Trends in Polish Research into Women’s History in Polish Lands in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Sierakowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
History of women
oral history
biographies in the late nineteenth century and twentieth century
memoirs in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries
The article discusses the latest trends in research on women’s history in Poland. Attention is drawn to the increasing number of biographies, and an attempt is made to answer the question of whether and in what direction this type of writing is changing our perception of women’s roles in Polish history. The article discusses the autobiographical literature written by women, whose publications reflect a growing interest in individual history and are a response to the demand to give a voice to previously unheard groups. It raises questions about the role of memoirs in describing past societies and gender order. The role of oral history methods in gaining insight into the past of women and society is also discussed.
Acta Poloniae Historica; 2023, 128; 277-292
Pojawia się w:
Acta Poloniae Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Scholarly Careers of Polish Women Historians in the Era of the People’s Republic of Poland (Selected Universities)
Kolbuszewska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
history of historiography
history of science
women in science
academic careers
the Polish People’s Republic
This article offers a survey of the careers of 54 Polish female historians who received the habilitacja degree in 1945–1989 at seven Polish universities – four of those were founded soon after the Second World War (University of Łódź, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Wrocław, Maria Skłodowska‑Curie University in Lublin), while three had been established earlier (University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). Analysis of personal files and various biographical materials has led the author to a number of conclusions about female historians’ academic careers. The careers reflected the discipline’s development, both in terms of the expansion of its field of inquiry, as well its methodological diversity and the conditions in which it operated. Career paths followed by women were not much different from those followed by men. Neither advancement requirements, nor employment policy at the schools of higher learning were discriminatory towards any of the sexes. However, as far as the female career advancement is concerned, there were some differences between the old and new universities: it was easier for women to obtain managerial positions at the latter.
Historyka studia metodologiczne; 2021, 51, Spec. iss.; 283-297
Pojawia się w:
Historyka studia metodologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Academic emancipation of women. Scholarly careers of Polish female historians (nineteenth and twentieth century) – case study
Akademicka emancypacja kobiet. Kariery naukowe polskich kobiet-historyków (XIX–XX wiek) – studium przypadku
Kolbuszewska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
history of science
history of historiography
history of women
gender in
historia nauki
historia historiografii
historia kobiet
płeć w nauce
This article is an attempt to bridge the gap existing in the current scientific reflection. Unlike in the United States and Western Europe, in Poland and other countries of the region no comprehensive reflection on the historical condition of women in science, their contribution to the development of individual disciplines, or individual mechanisms that affect the course of women’s careers etc. has been undertaken. The author presents the struggles of Polish women fighting for access to higher education, outlines the obstacles that had had to be overcome before the university doors were finally opened to female-scholars (which only happened at the end of the nineteenth century). Next, the first scientific achievements of female humanists were presented in the field of history. The experience of Polish female historians could be generalized. Their careers reflected the experiences of other women in science from Central and Eastern Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth century. The text consists of three parts; an introductory part shows women’s struggle for higher education. A second is dedicated to women – pioneers of scientific autonomy in the field of Polish history. The author presents the problem in chronological order including two epochs: the interwar period and the period of so-called real socialism. The third part contains conclusions and refers to the contemporary situation in Polish science.
Artykuł stanowi próbę uzupełnienia luki w polskiej refleksji naukowej. W przeciwieństwie do Stanów Zjednoczonych i Europy Zachodniej w Polsce i innych krajach regionu brak kompleksowego historycznego namysłu nad kondycją kobiet w nauce, ich wkładem w rozwój poszczególnych dyscyplin lub indywidualnych mechanizmów wpływających na przebieg akademickiej kariery kobiet itp. Autorka w sposób syntetyczny zarysowuje zmagania Polek walczących o dostęp do szkolnictwa wyższego; wskazuje przeszkody, które musiały zostać pokonane, zanim drzwi akademii zostały otwarte dla kobiet-uczonych (co miało miejsce w Galicji w 1897 r.). Następnie zaprezentowane zostały losy oraz pierwsze osiągnięcia naukowe humanistek na przykładzie nauki historycznej. Doświadczenia polskich historyczek można uogólnić. Ich kariery odzwierciedlały bowiem to, co było udziałem kobiet w nauce krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w XIX i XX wieku. Tekst składa się z trzech części. W partii wprowadzającej autorka pokazuje walkę kobiet o dostęp do szkolnictwa wyższego. Część zasadnicza poświęcona została kobietom – pionierkom naukowej autonomii w dziedzinie historii. Przedstawia problem w porządku chronologicznym obejmującym dwie epoki: okres międzywojenny i czasy PRL-u. Trzecia część zawiera wnioski i odnosi się do współczesnej sytuacji kobiet w polskiej nauce.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2020, 15, 2; 56-69
Pojawia się w:
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieobecna „książka białogłowskiego konceptu”. Kobiety, kanon i badania literatury dawnej
Staniszewski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Early Modern women’s literature, literacy of women in 17th century, canon and canon formation, methodology of literary history, teaching literary history, Anna Stanisławska
The absent book “penned by one of the fairer sex”. Women, canon and the studies of early modern Polish literatureThe main goal of the paper is to focus on the image of the past suggested by the present state of the studies of early modern Polish literature and to propose a new and more inclusive approach to it. Using the debate on Western canon and its formation as well as the specific example of A Transaction, or an Account of the Entire Life as an Orphan, a memoir by a 17th century author, Anna Stanisławska, the author of the paper argues that what is believed now to be the canon of early modern Polish literature is rather a result of conscious decisions made by present scholars rather than an adequate representation of the past literature. The paper proposes answers to the following questions: What is lost from the image of the past as argued by the scholars when they fail to mention texts like the Transaction? How does the image of the cultural past change when one decides to acknowledge such texts? In Canon’s discourse. Fragments, the first part of the paper, the author relates briefly the debate on Western canon and its formation. He reminds that the different answers to the central question ‘what Western canon is and how it came to be’ translate to different sets of professional and political responsibilities associated with being a scholar. In Canons, syllabuses, reading material. What is ‘early modern Polish literature’?, which is the second part of the paper, the author tries to pinpoint texts which form the canon of early modern Polish literature. It consists of the texts that are actually taught at the faculties of Polish literature and are presented to their students as the early modern literature. The author analyses the curriculums of certain literary courses held in six Polish universities and finds ten recurring authors. He argues then that these authors, although respected, represent only one type of early modern Polish literature – written by the well-educated, Latin-speaking men. Consequently, the author proposes to broaden the perspective of literary studies by including in their focus such texts as the above mentioned Transaction. In Case study. Anna Stanisławska, women’s literacy and writing in the 17th century, the third part of the paper, he recapitulates briefly Stanisławska’s life and proceeds to show strong connection between Anna’s memoir and literary culture of her age (which can be seen in the way she employs topos humilitatis). He also points out that the appearance of such a text in the 17th century of all periods was no accident. During Stanisławska’s life, the number of schools dedicated solely to educating women in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was increasing. Although the literacy remained far below the level achieved in Western Europe, reading and writing became much more widespread among women. The author argues that leaving Stanisławska’s text out of the curriculum results also in failing to properly represent cultural shifts which came to pass in the 17th-century Poland. The author of the paper concludes that practicing literary history focused both on writers well-known as well as neglected like Stanisławska is a valid opportunity for a modern scholar. Not only does it enable them to create more complete narration about the past, but it also helps them grasp the consequences of the images of the past produced by their narration.
Terminus; 2014, 16, 2(31)
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Święta Tekla – ikonografia i miejsce świętej w historii Kościoła
Saint Thecla – the Iconographic Pattern of this Female Saint and Her Role in the History of Christianity
Zalewska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Święta Tekla
Pierwsza męczennica
Święta równa Apostołom
ikonografia świętej Tekli
rola kobiety w historii chrześcijaństwa
Saint Thecla
The first female martyr
Saint Thecla equal to the Apostles
the iconography of Saint Thecla
the role of women in the history of Christianity
The article concentrate on several aspects related to the person of Saint Thecla. One of the most important issues is the presentation of Thecla as historical figure and her role – a female Saint equal to the apostles – in the history of Christianity. Another aspect of the considerations is the searching for this saint woman iconography based on the analysis of the oldest surviving examples in comparison with the content of the hagiographic “Acts of Paul and Thecla”, which were written in the 2nd and 3rd centuries after Christ. The considerations were used in the development of an iconographic pattern, which contains historiographic premises of presenting the first martyr Saint Thecla on the Deacon’s Doors into the orthodox church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in Topilec village.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2020, Dzieci w kulturze duchowej Prawosławia, 11; 223-240
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Greek Culture and Language in the History of Central and Eastern Europe (Germany, Poland, Silesia). Woman in Greek Poetry Written by Silesians in the 17th Century
Gaj, Beata Maria
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
ancient Greek
history of Central and Eastern Europe
Silesian literature in Greek
women’s history at the beginning of modernity
The main idea of the paper is the rarely investigated holistic issue of the literary, historical and cultural influence of ancient Greece on the nations of Central and Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their statehood up until modern times. Special attention is paid to three crucial centuries: 15th, 16th and 17th when Greek was taught in Central Europe; works of this era created in this language by the Germans, the Polish and the Silesians have survived up to the present day as old prints in special collections of many libraries. However, so far not much attention has been paid to them, while some of these works, written especially in Silesia, constitute interesting examples of occasional literature, different from the more common literature found in that region of Europe, New-Latin literature. Special emphasis shall be put particularly on works by Ursinus Velius, who also willingly brought up women’s issues, using Greek language to create and pass on to posterity the ideal of Silesian woman having Venus’s beauty, the goddess of persuasion Peitho – Πείθω’s pro-nunciation, Calliope’s maturity, Themis’s mind and Minerva’s palms. The Silesian humanists published their works in Latin more often than in Polish and German, and it should be taken into consideration that the fluency and literary knowledge of Greek at that time in Europe was, using Polish historian Henryk Barycz's comparison, as prestigious as the study of nuclear physics was in the middle of the 20th century. The presented paper also addresses the historical contacts and re-lations between Greece and the aforementioned part of Europe in modern times, especially after World War II, when a number of Greek people settled in Poland, including Silesia.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 2(2); 57-66
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wine and Myrrh as Medicaments or a Commentary on Some Aspects of Ancient and Byzantine Mediterranean Society
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
history of medicine
history of medical literature in antiquity and Byzantium
ancient medicine
Byzantine medicine
history of wine
wine in ancient and Byzantine medicine
myrrh in ancient and Byzantine medicine
hellebore in ancient and Byzantine medicine
women in antiquity
abortifacient wines
abortifacient medicaments
Sextius Niger
Pliny the Elder
The present study has resulted from a close reading of prescriptions for therapeutic wines inserted in book V of De materia medica by Pedanius Dioscorides, the eminent expert in materia medica of the 1st century A.D. The authors emphasise the role of wine varieties and selected flavourings (and especially of myrrh) in order to determine the social status of those to whom the formulas were addressed. This perspective gives the researchers ample opportunity for elaborating not only on the significance of wine in medical procedures but also for underscoring the importance of a number of aromatics in pharmacopoeia of antiquity and Byzantium. The analysis of seven selected formulas turns out to provide a fairly in-depth insight into Mediterranean society over a prolonged period of time, and leads the authors to draw the following conclusions. First, they suggest that medical doctors were social-inequality-conscious and that Dioscorides and his followers felt the obligation to treat both the poor and the rich. Second, they prove physicians’ expertise in materia medica, exemplifying how they were capable of adjusting market value of components used in their prescriptions to financial capacities of the patients. Third, the researchers circumstantiate the place of medical knowledge in ancient, and later on in Byzantine society. Last but not least, they demonstrate that medical treatises are an important source of knowledge, and therefore should be more often made use of by historians dealing with economic and social history of antiquity and Byzantium.
Studia Ceranea; 2019, 9; 615-655
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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