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Direction and pace of changes in rural areas of highly and less urbanized regions – a case study
Kapusta, Franciszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
The purpose of this study was to characterize the scope, direction and pace of the evolution taking place in the rural part of highly and less urbanized regions, including without limitation changes to the territorial distribution and percentage of the rural population in the voivodeships covered by this study; the levels of the technical and social infrastructure; the condition of agricultural productive inputs and the level of the farms’ commercial production; the development level of non-agricultural activities in rural areas. The source of information were books, magazines and publications of the Central Statistical Office (GUS). Once collected, the information was processed and interpreted with the use of a vertical and horizontal comparison method, the statistical method and the relative valuation method. It was found that: a) the rural population grows (and so does its share in the country’ population) though rural areas become smaller in size, b) more and more rural areas are transformed into residential areas, improving the level of technical and social infrastructure, c) the Śląsk region is characterized by a slower evolution of the general and rural infrastructure compared to Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, d) the regions covered by this study demonstrate a high decrease rate of agricultural land resources, accompanied by the growth of other productive inputs and of agricultural commercial production, e) rural areas are increasingly engaged in economic activities covered by the REGON register. The characteristics and consequences of entrepreneurship are diversified across the rural areas under consideration. The most positive effects can be noted in Śląsk region.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2017, 46, 4; 771-778
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Michalik, Mirosław
Solak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Edukacji Medycznej, Promocji Zdrowia, Sztuki i Kultury Ars Medica
pace of speech
phonemic string
pragmatic aspect
The article presents the results of research into the pace of speech of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) when compared to their peers with no such disabilities. The analysed criteria included: the number of syllables and phones used in 30 second-long utterances, the number of pauses made and their characteristics, and the percentage of the pauses within an utterance. The results of the analysis allowed for the study of the speech pace of the children as well as their general pace of speaking. We tested 5 girls and 11 boys, all of the children were intellectually disabled. The average age of the control group was 9 years and 1 month. Both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the speech were analysed. The obtained data consisted of audio recordings which were subsequently re-played multiple times in order to properly analyse the crucial phenomena occurring within the speech samples. This part of the research made use of the Audacity software (Audacity(R): Free Audio Editor and Recorder [Computer program]. Version 2.1.0 retrieved September 19th 2015 from The material obtained in the research through the usage of Audacity software was subsequently analysed with the use of the Shapiro-Wilk test and the Mann-Whitney test. Estimative qualitative and quantitative analyses showed differences between the groups in all of the parameters which influence the pace of speech. However, the statistical analyses did not confirm any statistically significant differences in the average pace of speech, the ratio and the percentage of pauses within the speech samples, and the average duration of all types of pauses. The formulated hypotheses for the presence of significant diffe rences in the average pace of speech of children with autistic spec trum disorder and the normative group of children have not been confirmed. No significant differences have been noted in the average pace of speech, the ratio and the percentage of pauses within the speech samples, and the average duration of all types of pauses between the two groups.
Acta Neuropsychologica; 2017, 15(4); 433-441
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neuropsychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diritto alla pace, giustizia e “guerra giusta”
Dammacco, Gaetano
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
just war
guerra giusta
Oggi esiste la terza guerra mondiale a pezzi (papa Francesco), contro le attese nate dopo la caduta del sistema bipolare. I conflitti oggi sono guerre di quarta generazione, in cui sono cambiati i soggetti e lo scenario geopolitico. Le guerre pongono il problema del rapporto con la pace e con la giustizia. Il diritto alla pace (come diritto umano e come valore costituzionale) non è ancora riconosciuto: questo diritto renderebbe illegittime tutte le guerre. Il diritto alla pace richiede l’eliminazione delle ingiustizie, generate dalle guerre giustificate da ragioni e parole deviate. Vi sono parole, come pace e giustizia, che non possono avere un significato relativistico perché esse esprimono un valore superiore, esprimono il “giusto”. La legittimazione della guerra (ius ad bellum) e le regole di condotta (ius in bello) interessano diversi settori (teologico, filosofico, storico, giuridico). Il cristianesimo costituì un punto di svolta circa il tema della “guerra giusta”. L’illuminismo iniziò la riflessione sul valore della pace in modo parallelo alla mentalità comune, per cui la guerra prescinde da ogni valutazione morale e serve solo per conseguire altri obiettivi politici (Clausewitz). Questa concezione nel secolo XX ha prodotto disastri drammatici, generando due guerre mondiali e altri violenti conflitti armati. Il tema della guerra giusta nel secondo dopoguerra ha impegnato pensatori e teologi. Nel mondo laico di particolare interesse sono le posizioni di Norberto Bobbio (sostenitore del pacifismo giuridico) e di Michael Walzer (la guerra giusta come difesa per necessità). Queste idee sono rappresentative e importanti ma limitate, perché non tengono conto dei valori religiosi. I valori religiosi sono importanti per costruire la pace anche secondo il Vangelo. La riflessione sulla guerra giusta nel cristianesimo fu avviata da Sant’Agostino e fu proseguita da San Tommaso d’Aquino. Ma le guerre attuali vogliono uno sviluppo della riflessione anche sulla base del magistero pontificio (Giovanni XXIII, Paolo VI, Giovanni Paolo II, Benedetto XVI e Francesco), dal quale vengono alcune indicazioni: la guerra è sempre ingiusta, la guerra di difesa è giusta se per difendere l’uomo, i suoi diritti e il bene comune. Le religioni hanno il compito di costruire la pace attraverso il dialogo.
Today, a third world war is taking place in pieces (Pope Francis) against the expectations born after the fall of the bipolar system. Conflicts today are fourth-generation wars, in which the subjects and the geopolitical scenario have changed. Wars pose the problem of the relationship between peace and justice. The right to peace (as a human right and as a constitutional value) is not yet recognized: this right would make all wars illegitimate. The right to peace requires the elimination of injustices generated by wars justified by deviant reasons and words. There are words, such as “peace” and “justice”, which cannot have a relativistic meaning because they express a higher value; they express the “just”. The legitimation of war (ius ad bellum) and the rules of conduct (ius in bello) affect various sectors (theological, philosophical, historical, juridical). Christianity was a turning point on the theme of the “just war”. The Enlightenment began the reflection on the value of peace in parallel with the common mentality, for which war is independent of any moral evaluation and only serves to achieve other political objectives (Clausewitz). This conception produced dramatic disasters in the twentieth century, generating two world wars and other violent armed conflicts. The theme of just war after World War II has engaged thinkers and theologians. In the secular world, the positions of Norberto Bobbio (supporter of legal pacifism) and Michael Walzer (just war as a defence out of necessity) are of particular interest. These ideas are representative and important but limited because they do not consider religious values. Religious values are important for building peace, according to the Gospel. The reflection on just war in Christianity was initiated by St Augustine and was continued by St Thomas Aquinas. But the current wars demand the development of reflection on the basis of the papal magisterium as well (John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis), from which some conflicting indications arise: war is always unjust, or war of defence is just if it is used to defend man, his rights, and the common good. Religions have the task of building peace through dialogue.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana; 2020, 36; 37-65
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postęp jako aksjomat transhumanizmu
Progress as an axiom of transhumanism
Gabrysz, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydział Teologiczny
osobliwość technologiczna superinteligencja
tempo wykładnicze
technological singularity superintelligence
exponential pace
Jeśli kategoria postępu jest punktem wyjścia dla złożonego programu transhumanistycznego, to należy zdiagnozować – jakie jest w stanie wygenerować konsekwencje natury naukowo-etycznej. Transhumaniści dostrzegają w przyspieszającym progresie naukowo- technologicznym szansę na „ucieleśnienie” projektu postczłowieka. Dlatego tempo wykładnicze rozwoju lub erupcja inteligencji (superinteligencja) – choć budzi pewne kontrowersje – jest nie tylko nieuchronne, ale wręcz pożądane dla dalszego rozwoju naszej inteligencji. Należy zatem dostrzec, że powolne mechanizmy ewolucji mogą zostać zastąpione stymulowanym (postewolucyjnym) przekształcaniem człowieka na drodze do postczłowieczeństwa. Prometeizm postawy transhumanistów polega zaś na tym, aby wspierać kreatywne działania, które wpisują się w dalszą modyfikację człowieka. Jeśli epimeteizm stanowi tendencję ku zacofaniu, zdegenerowaniu i wstecznictwu, to równocześnie tkwi w tym inspiracja do moralizacji postępu – tak aby rozszerzenia potencjału ludzkiego przyniosły jak najwięcej korzyści. Choć transhumanizm podziela w pewnym zakresie naiwną wiarę w postęp, to jednak równocześnie formułuje takie postulaty, które domagają się wnikliwszej oceny etycznej i naukowej. Dopiero taka argumentacja może przynieść realne korzyści w rozwoju człowieka oraz określić właściwą aksjologię, która zostanie odpowiednio odniesiona do programu progresu transhumanizmie.
If the category of progress is the starting point for a complex transhumanist program, then it should be diagnosed – what are the scientific and ethical consequences. Transhumanists find in the accelerating scientific and technological progress a chance to embody the posthuman project. The exponential pace of development or the eruption of intelligence (superintelligence) – although it raises some controversy - is not only inevitable, but even desirable for the further development of our intelligence. It should therefore be noted that the slow mechanisms of evolution can be replaced by stimulated transformation of man on the path to posthumanity. Prometheism of the attitude of transhumanists consists in supporting creative activities that are part of further human modification. If epimetheism is an attitude of backwardness, degeneration and backwardness, then this is the inspiration for increased control of further development, moralization of progress - so that extensions of human potential bring the most benefits. Although transhumanism shares to some extent the naive faith in progress, it also formulates such postulates that demand a more thorough ethical and scientific assessment. Only such argumentation can bring real benefits in human development and proper axiology related in an appropriate way to programmatic progress in transhumanism.
Studia Paradyskie; 2019, 29; 47-59
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paradyskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tempo artykulacji i tempo mówienia w otępieniu alzheimerowskim
The Pace of Articulation and Pace of Speech in Cases of Alzheimer’s Disease
Michalik, Mirosław
Milewski, Stanisław
Kaczorowska-Bray, Katarzyna
Solak, Anna
Krajewska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne
szybkość mówienia
choroba Alzheimera
pace of speech
Alzheimer’s disease
W opracowaniu podjęto temat szybkości mówienia osób dotkniętych chorobą Alzheimera (AD). Odwołując się do studiów literaturowych, badań eksperymentalnych, obliczeń ilościowych oraz ich statystycznej weryfikacji z wykorzystaniem testów: Shapiro-Wilka i Manna-Whitneya, wyznaczono tempo tworzenia wypowiedzi słownych w tej jednostce chorobowej. Dokonując analizy i deskrypcji tempa artykulacji (articulation rate) oraz tempa mówienia (speaking rate), decydujących o szybkości, z jaką mówią osoby dotknięte otępieniem alzheimerowskim, ocenie poddano także następujące parametry szczegółowe: średni udziału pauz w wypowiedziach (liczba + dane procentowe), średni czas trwania wszystkich pauz (s), średni czas trwania pauz właściwych (s), średni czas trwania pauz wypełnionych (s), średni czas trwania pauz częściowo wypełnionych (s). Rezultaty porównano z normami określonymi dla polszczyzny na gruncie ontolingwistyki. Otrzymane wyniki odniesiono także do wyników analogicznych, uzyskanych w grupie osób starzejących się fizjologicznie. Dodatkowo, dążąc do szerszej perspektywy badawczej, rezultaty porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi wśród osób autystycznych oraz niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie.
This work discusses the subject of the pace of speech among people affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Referring to published studies, experimental research, quantitative calculations and their statistical verification with the use of the Shapiro–Wilk and Mann–Whitney tests, the tempo of formation of word utterances with this disease is indicated. In conducting an analysis and description of the articulation rate as well as the speaking rate, determining the speed at which people suffering from Alzheimer’s speak, the following detailed parameters were evaluated: average share of pauses in utterances (number + percentage data), average duration of all pauses (s), average duration of appropriate pauses (s), average duration of filled pauses (s), average duration of partially filled pauses (s). The results were compared with norms determined for the Polish language on an ontolinguistic basis. The obtained results were also referred analogically to those obtained in the group of people physically aging. Additionally, in aiming to achieve a broader research perspective, the results were compared with results obtained among autistic and intellectually disabled people.
Logopedia; 2019, 48, 1; 231-250
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tempo wypowiedzi jako kategoria badawcza – w normie i w zaburzeniach
Pace of speech as a research category – in normative and in impaired speech
Michalik, Mirosław
Milewski, Stanisław
Kaczorowska-Bray, Katarzyna
Solak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
pace of speech
tempo wypowiedzi
The article characterizes the pace of speech as a research category which gives us the ability to analyze both normative and impaired speech. The practical part consists of the description of the research process and the obtained results. It is preceded by the theoretical part which describes the notions of the pace of speech and the pace of utterance and their main components. Special emphasis has been put on the notion of pause. Additionally, selected quantitative and qualitative aspects of speech have been outlined, together with the ways of their analysis which include measuring tools (Audacity software) and statistical tests (Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney, Fisher-Snadecor).
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica; 2018, 13; 87-99
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of the Council of Europe and other European institutions on the media law system in postSoviet states
Richter, Andrei
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej
media law
Council of Europe
post-Soviet countries
public broad-casting
In the post-Soviet states of today globalization is taking place predominantly to the West’s values for human rights and fundamental freedoms. This process is being driven by such interna- tional organizations as the European Union, Council of Europe and OSCE, which operate here prima- rily as human-rights protectors. Th organizations have exerted significant pressure on the authori- ties in the countries in this study, especially Azerbaijan, Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova and Ukraine. The media reforms that international bodies are influencing in these countries are generally leading towards a more robust model for independent journalism. The concept of free- dom of mass information is reviving, state broadcasters are being turned into public-service, and other changes are taking place.
Central European Journal of Communication; 2009, 2, 1(2); 15-26
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Using of Lean Manufacturing Method in Planned Body Production Line
Jaworski, J.
Kluz, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
production pace
tool life
tooling service
Lean Manufacturing
zużycie narzędzi
analiza zużycia
Organization of the tooling service mainly depends on the profile of the production plant. In large enterprises the important problem are both the organization of the tooling service and tool flow. For realized manufacturing process besides the flow tools process the correct selection of the cutting parameters is also important. In mechanical working operations, an important issue is to select the tools that will limit the size of the designated production pace and provide for them the required tool life. The aim of this study is to analyze the wear of cutting tools on the production line of bodies at the metallurgical plant. Cutting tools used for this line are mainly drills, milling cutters and multi-blade inserts for face milling cutters and end mills. The paper presents the analysis of tool wear on the machining line of brackets. It has been shown that the cost of tool wear is about 4.2% of production costs of parts. It corresponds to the costs reported in the literature. The proper selection of the machining parameters makes it possible to reduce these costs.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2015, 15, 1 spec.; 47-50
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tempo wypowiedzi w oligofazji
The Pace of Speech in Oligophasia
Michalik, Mirosław
Cholewiak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne
tempo wypowiedzi
niepełnosprawność intelektualna
pace of speech
intellectual disability
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad tempem wypowiedzi uczniów szkoły specjalnej dotkniętych oligofazją o podłożu niepełnosprawności intelektualnej w stopniu lekkim odniesionych do grupy kontrolnej – rówieśników niedotkniętych żadnymi zaburzeniami rozwojowymi. Analizy wypowiedzi uczniów objęły wybrane ilościowe i jakościowe aspekty mowy. Wśród analizowanych parametrów znalazły się: liczba sylab i głosek użytych w 30-sekundowym fragmencie wypowiedzi, liczba pauz wraz z ich charakterystyką, a także procentowy udział pauz w wypowiedzi. Uzyskany dzięki zastosowaniu programu Audacity materiał poddano analizom statystycznym za pomocą testów: Shapiro-Wilka oraz Manna-Whitneya.
The article presents the results of the research into the pace of speech of the students with oligophasia which results from the mild intellectual disability as compared to their peers with no disabilities. Both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the speech were analysed. The analysed criteria included: the number of syllables and phonemes used in the 30 seconds-long utterances, the number of pauses made and their characteristics, and the percentage of the pauses within the utterance. The material obtained in the research through the usage of Audacity software was subsequently analysed with the use of Shapiro–Wilk test and Mann–Whitney test.
Logopedia; 2017, 46; 267-283
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kariery zawodowe różnych prędkości i ich społeczne uwarunkowania
Different Speeds of Professional Careers and Their Social Determinants
Wołk, Zdzisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Spraw Społecznych
kariera zawodowa
praca zawodowa
tempo zmian
professional career
professional work
pace of change
Praca zawodowa w warunkach pokapitalistycznych cechuje się niestabilnością, a jej przebiegi mają charakter nieliniowy i nieciągły. Rozwój zawodowy wykonujących ją pracowników jest sekwencją niezliczonych stanów chwilowych. Wyznaczają ją różne czynniki, które niegdyś były przewidywalne, natomiast obecnie mogą wywoływać nieprzewidziane następstwa. Wymaga to bieżącego wyznaczania kolejnych celów i dobierania sposobów ich realizacji. Ważną rolę odgrywa edukacja, której interwencje zachodzące na przestrzeni całego życia mogą znacząco modyfikować przebiegi biografii zawodowych.
Professional work in post-capitalistic conditions is characterized by instability and its course has non-linear and discontinuous nature. Professional development of employees performing professional work is a sequence of countless momentary states. These moments are defined as a number of different factors that in past were predictable, today however may cause unexpected consequences. it requires subsequent setting new goals and selecting ways of their implementation. The education plays an important role here, which interventions taking place over the entire life may significantly modify course of professional biography.
Labor et Educatio; 2016, 4; 69-82
Pojawia się w:
Labor et Educatio
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The specifics of suburban architecture
Winskowski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii
suburb architecture; suburb life pace; city centre space; suburb inside the city centre; potential of the suburb
The fundamental differences between the suburbs and the city centre that I would like to point out concern the pace of life and the intensity of urban development. Certainly, these differences are not absolute but are rather relative, as they are defined in relation to the surrounding neighbourhood that serves as a reference for self-determination. A suburb has some small‑ ‑town traits, but its close location to the city prevents it from becoming a local centre. The same concerns the architecture whose intensity is, after all, a consequence of the increasing intensity in other aspects of life, the differentiation of sources of people’s income, the demand for services, trade contacts, etc. Its incompleteness, imperfection, slower pace and focus on an unattained and unattainable ideal can make one see in the suburb as a theoretically extremely promising area. Indeed, its promise lies in this aspect of failure, incompleteness and fragmentation — which is long lasting and relatively permanent. Many traits of suburban architecture are conservative; whereas others, such as its impermanence and improvisational qualities, are experimental and are characterised by an almost guerrilla ‑like aspect. However, present day advanced postmodern thinking at times achieves an ability to take contradictory spatial, visual, artistic and functional characteristics and, through a theoretical analysis, make them into a complex ‘difficult whole’. Here, the combination itself is probably not so much harmonious but rather contains certain internal tensions, imbalances and longings of one opposite towards another. Anyway, this combination does take place and — in line with the direction of many diagnoses of contemporaneity — instead of creating abstract constructs, we must register the facts and try to conceptualise them.
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal; 2015, 5, 2; 337-358
Pojawia się w:
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The pace of removing asbestos-containing products in Poland and the forecast time for the completion of this process
Tempo usuwania wyrobów zawierających azbest w Polsce i prognozowany czas zakończenia tego procesu
Klojzy-Karczmarczyk, Beata
Staszczak, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
asbestos cement products
pace of removal
estimated indices
process completion
wyroby azbestowo cementowe
tempo usuwania
szacowane wskaźniki
zakończenie procesu
The asbestos removal in Poland is carried out based on the Programme of Country Cleaning from Asbestos for the Years 2009–2023. Pursuant to this document asbestos-containing materials should be removed from the territory of the whole country by the end of 2032. The pace of asbestos-containing products removal was estimated and also the time necessary to implement this process. These figures were estimated using two resources of data. The data gathered in the Asbestos Database (Asbestos Database... 2022) were analysed, and the analysis of detailed stocktaking and its update for 20 selected communes of various nature was carried out. The pace of removing in the analysed communes is definitely diversified. The obtained values generally range from 0.28 to 6.35 kg/R/y (kg per resident/year). An averaged pace of asbestos removal for the entire country is from 2.24 to 3.65 kg/R/y, depending on the adopted method of calculations. The analysis has shown that considering the current pace of asbestos-containing products removing, these materials will not be removed from the area of Poland by the set date, i.e. by the end of 2032. In individual provinces the amount of asbestos and the pace of removal are drastically different. Retaining the current pace of asbestos-containing products removing, such products will disappear from Poland only within 27–193 years, depending on the province. An average pace of removal, given for the country scale, allows to state that 83 years are needed for the total removal of asbestos products.
Usuwanie azbestu w Polsce realizowane jest na podstawie Programu oczyszczania kraju z azbestu na lata 2009–2032. Zgodnie z tym dokumentem materiały zawierające azbest powinny zostać usunięte z terytorium całego kraju do końca roku 2032. Oszacowano tempo usuwania wyrobów zawierających azbest oraz czas potrzebny do realizacji tego procesu. Wielkości te szacowano z wykorzystaniem dwóch zasobów danych. Przeprowadzono analizę danych zgromadzonych w Bazie Azbestowej (Asbestos Database... 2022) oraz przeprowadzono analizę szczegółowej inwentaryzacji oraz jej aktualizacji dla 20 wybranych gmin o różnym charakterze. Tempo usuwania w analizowanych gminach jest zdecydowanie zróżnicowane. Uzyskane wartości kształtują się generalnie w granicach od 0,28 do 6,35 kg/M/rok (kg/mieszkańca/rok). Uśrednione tempo usuwania azbestu dla całego kraju wynosi od 2,24 do 3,65 kg/M/rok w zależności od przyjętej metody obliczeń. Analiza wykazała, że biorąc pod uwagę obecne tempo usuwania wyrobów zawierających azbest, materiały te nie zostaną usunięte z obszaru Polski w ustalonym terminie, czyli do końca 2032 roku. W poszczególnych województwach ilość azbestu oraz tempo usuwania diametralnie się różnią. Przy zachowaniu obecnego tempa usuwania wyrobów zawierających azbest, wyroby te znikną z obszaru Polski dopiero na przestrzeni 27–193 lat, w zależności od województwa. Średnie tempo usuwania podane w skali kraju pozwala na stwierdzenie, że do całościowego usunięcia wyrobów azbestowych potrzeba 83 lat.
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi; 2022, 38, 3; 191--207
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan zrównoważenia dostępu do infrastruktury liniowej ochrony środowiska w regionach o dużym udziale obszarów prawnie chronionych
Sustainable access to linear environmental protection infrastructure in regions with a high percentage of areas protected by law
Witkowska-Dąbrowska, Mirosława
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
linear infrastructure
environmental protection
nature protection
sustainable access
pace of change
infrastruktura liniowa
ochrona środowiska
ochrona przyrody
zrównoważony dostęp
tempo zmian
Badania objęły obszar województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego, które charakteryzuje się dużym udziałem obszarów prawnie chronionych. Opierając się na danych statystycznych publikowanych przez GUS oraz danych GDOŚ i RDOŚ w Olsztynie przeprowadzono analizę poziomą i pionową uwzględniającą podział na gminy wiejskie, miejskie i miejsko-wiejskie. Analiza dotyczyła zmian w dostępie do infrastruktury liniowej ochrony środowiska oraz zmian w udziale obszarów prawnie chronionych w trzech typach gmin, w latach 2005–2012. W wyniku badań stwierdzono duże dysproporcje w dostępności do infrastruktury ochrony środowiska w trzech typach gmin. Dysproporcje, choć wolnym tempie zmniejszały się. Jednocześnie przy utrudnionym dostępie do infrastruktury ochrony środowiska w gminach wiejskich stwierdzono znacząco wyższe udziały obszarów prawnie chronionych niż w gminach miejskich i miejsko-wiejskich. Jednak dynamika zmian w przypadku obszarów prawnie chronionych charakteryzowała się stałym wynikiem od 2007 roku.
The research presented in this paper covered the areas of the Warmia-Mazury voivodeship, which is characterized by a large share of legally protected areas. Based on statistics published by the GUS and data provided by GDOŚ and RDOŚ in Olsztyn, an analysis was carried out taking into account the horizontal and vertical division of rural, urban and urban-rural communities. The analysis included changes in the access to linear environmental protection infrastructure and changes in the share of legally protected areas in three types of municipalities in the years 2005–2012. The research revealed large disparities in the availability of environmental infrastructure in different types of municipalities, although these disparities slowly decreased. At the same time, rural communities with limited access to environmental infrastructure had significantly higher shares of legally protected areas than urban and urban-rural areas. However, the rate of change in the case of protected areas has been constant since 2007.
Gospodarka w Praktyce i Teorii; 2015, 2(39)
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka w Praktyce i Teorii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nicholas of Cusa’s Cribratio Alkorani (1461): Sources, Scholars, and Narrative Maintenance
Cribratio Alkorani Mikołaja z Kuzy (1461). Źródła, uczeni i podtrzymywanie dominującej narracji
Ron, Nathan
Data publikacji:
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Cribratio Alkorani
De Pace Fidei
interreligious dialogue
Mikołaj z Kuzy
dialog międzyreligijny
The article points out that Cusanus scholars tend to celebrate their subject as a proponent of ‘interreligious dialogue.’ Preoccupied with Cusanus’ irenic and much-praised dialogue On the Peace of the Faith (De Pace Fidei, 1453), they either ignore or belittle significant issues, such as Cusanus’ active engagement in preparations for a crusade, the harsh polemical Scrutiny of the Qur’an (Cribratio Alkorani, 1461), which rejects the prophethood of Mohammad, and the harsh expressions against Mohammad in Cusanus’ sermons. The author’s thesis is that scholars employ filters that establish their agenda by devaluing or wiping away entirely anything not in line with On the Peace of the Faith; they defend and cultivate the prevalent narrative and their hero’s received image. In this paper, Nathan Ron exposes this unacceptable phenomenon and condemns it.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę, że badacze Mikołaja z Kuzy mają tendencję do uznawania go za zwolennika „dialogu międzyreligijnego”. Zajmując się analizą irenicznego wysoce poważanego dialogu Kuzańczyka O pokoju wiary (De Pace Fidei, 1453), ignorują albo bagatelizują istotne kwestie, takie jak aktywne zaangażowanie myśliciela w przygotowania do krucjaty czy ostra polemika w dziele Przesiewanie Koranu (Cribratio Alkorani, 1461), w którym Mikołaj z Kuzy odrzuca proroctwa Mahometa i wypowiada się o nim w ostrym tonie. Autor artykułu postawił tezę, że uczeni ustawiają filtry, za pomocą których dewaluują lub całkowite wymazują wszystko, co nie jest zgodne z O pokoju wiary; w ten sposób bronią i podtrzymują dominującą narrację i otrzymany wizerunek swojego bohatera. W niniejszym artykule Nathan Ron ujawnia i potępia to niedopuszczalne zjawisko.
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny; 2023, 31, 1; 139-164
Pojawia się w:
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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