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Podział Puszczy Białowieskiej i problemy jej ochrony jako wspólnego dziedzictwa Polski i Białorusi
The division of the Białowieża Forest and problems of its protection as a common heritage of Poland and Belarus
Paszko, Paulina
Sialverstava, Sviatlana
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
the Białowieża Primeval Forest
The Białowieża Primeval Forest is a compact forest complex in Poland and Belarus, which divides the border of these countries. The last fragments of primeval forests in the European Lowlands have been preserved; the general area is about 145 thousand hectares. The Belarusian part is entirely a national park, while the Polish part has a different status. The Białowieża National Park covers about 10 thousand hectares. The remaining area is divided between three forest districts of the State Forests: Białowieża, Browsk, and Hajnówka. The richness of the fauna and flora of the Forest is a jewel in the crown of the nature of Poland. Its areas have been under protection at least from the beginning of the 15th century. The Białowieża National Park, which was created, was entered on the World Heritage List in 1979, while in 1992, this area was extended to the Belarusian part of the Forest. The protection and management of the Forest require close and practical cooperation not only between Poland and Belarus but also between institutions managing the area. The article presents the history of the eastern border formation after the end of World War II and the impact of these changes on the division of the Białowieża Forest. The Authors also discuss the forms of forest protection in Poland and Belarus, who administers the areas, and what problems occur on both sides of the Forest.
Lasy przyszłości. Wyzwania współczesnego leśnictwa; 113-118
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
  • odwiedzone
Alleged burial mounds from the late Roman Period at leśnictwo Sacharewo site 3, Białowieża Primeval Forest
Krasnodębski, Dariusz
Olczak, Hanna
Mizerka, Jagoda
Niedziółka, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Roman Period
Białowieża Primeval Forest
Wielbark culture
post-Zarubintsy culture
The article presents results of excavations carried out at an alleged barrow cemetery located in the western part of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. The site, discovered in 1996 and verified in 2016, consists of 10 mounds. In 2017, the first excavations were carried out when the mound no. 3, with a diameter of c. 9 m and a relative height of c. 0.7 m, located on the northern edge of the site, was chosen for research. In the mound 39 potsherds were found. The scarcity of ceramic material and the high degree of its fragmentation make the stylistic analysis difficult. The technological and stylistic features of the discussed pottery are typical for ceramics from a wide timespan, ranging from the Pre-Roman Period to the Late Roman Period. Their precise dating and cultural affiliation are difficult to determine due not only to the small size of the collection but also to the lack of well-dated comparative materials from the Białowieża Forest and its surroundings. A 14C analysis of charcoal obtained from the embankment of the mound yielded an approximation which fits between the second half of the 3rd century and the early 6th century. The cul- tural situation of north-eastern Poland in the Pre-Roman and Roman periods remains insufficiently recognised. Excavations carried out over the past dozen years have revealed many settlements related to the local culture group of the Hatched Pottery Culture and the Wielbark Culture, with some influences flowing from the postZarubintsy circle. In the course of the excavations, no human bones were found which would unambiguously confirm the sepulchral function of the mound. The Sacharewo mound is a part of a wider category of objects known from throughout the Białowieża Forest in which no bones were discovered but only fragments of clay vessels or charcoal layers.
Światowit; 2018, 57; 89-99
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagrożenie pożarowe Puszczy Białowieskiej
Forest Fire Risk at Białowieża Primeval Forest
Szczygieł, R.
Kwiatkowski, M.
Kołakowski, B.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej im. Józefa Tuliszkowskiego
Puszcza Białowieska
zagrożenie pożarowe
martwe drewno
Białowieża Primeval Forest
fire risk
dead wood
Cel: Celem publikacji jest ocena zagrożenia pożarowego Puszczy Białowieskiej w kontekście rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych w wyniku gradacji kornika drukarza. Artykuł powstał w dużej mierze na podstawie pracy pt. „Wpływ ilości martwego drewna w Puszczy Białowieskiej na zagrożenie pożarowe oraz zagrożenie dla ludzi” [1] zleconej przez Ministerstwo Środowiska, sfinansowanej ze środków Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Wprowadzenie: Puszcza Białowieska jest szczególnie cennym pod względem przyrodniczym obszarem, na którym wskutek niespotykanej gradacji kornika drukarza (Ips typographus) w ostatnich latach doszło do rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych na powierzchni kilku tysięcy hektarów. To zjawisko o charakterze klęskowym spowodowało wzrost obciążenia ogniowego oraz zwiększenie łatwopalnej martwej biomasy, która stwarza duże zagrożenie pożarowe. W tle toczących się sporów i dyskusji pomiędzy różnymi grupami interesariuszy na temat ochrony Puszczy, kluczowe staje się pytanie, czy człowiek powinien czynnie przeciwdziałać i ograniczać degradację cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych, czy nie ingerować w siłę natury i pozostawić je samym sobie. Jednym z istotnych elementów czynnej ochrony Puszczy Białowieskiej jest jej ochrona przeciwpożarowa, dlatego w artykule przedstawiono ocenę istniejącego zagrożenia pożarowego, analizę obecnego systemu zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowego wraz z propozycją jego poprawy. Metodologia: Oceny zagrożenia pożarowego Puszczy Białowieskiej dokonano w oparciu o analizy: kategoryzacji zagrożenia pożarowego lasu sporządzonych w planach urządzenia lasu nadleśnictw puszczańskich i planie ochrony Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego; występowania pożarów lasu w latach 2000-2015; obecnie funkcjonującego systemu ochrony przeciwpożarowej i jego oceny w świetle obowiązującego prawa oraz wpływu ilości i rodzaju wydzielonej biomasy na zagrożenie pożarowe. Wnioski: Zagrożenie pożarowe Puszczy Białowieskiej wzrosło w wyniku rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych i związanych z nim zwiększeniem obciążenia ogniowego oraz pojawieniem się pokrywy trawiastej, która uschnięta sprzyja powstawaniu i rozprzestrzenianiu się ognia. W związku z zaniechaniem działań prewencyjnych i odstąpieniem od zasad gospodarki leśnej, które spowodowały wzrost ryzyka pożarowego, konieczne jest dostosowanie istniejącego systemu ochrony przeciwpożarowej Puszczy Białowieskiej do występującego ryzyka.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to reveal evaluation findings in respect of forest fire risk at Białowieża Primeval Forest, in the context of spruce trees degradation caused by a bark beetle invasion. The article is based on the report “Level of forest fire risk and threat to humans in relation to the volume of dead wood in Białowieża Forest” [1], which was commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Introduction: Białowieża Primeval Forest is of particular importance in relation to environmental values. However, in recent years, spruce tree stock has been exposed to progressive degradation across an area exceeding thousands of hectares, caused by an unusually large infestation of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.). Such developments, accompanied by symptoms associated with natural disasters, have increased the presence of combustible materials creating a potential fire hazard. Current debate and controversy amongst diverse interest groups revolves around the question of whether active human intervention should constrain the degree of degradation in the precious environment or avoid interference and allow nature to pursue its own course. One essential element of proactive defence at Białowieża Forest is an endeavour to protect it from the risk of fire. For this reason the article contains an evaluation of existing fire hazards, an analysis of current protection systems in place and proposals for the improvement of such systems. Methodology: An evaluation of fire risk in Białowieża Primeval Forest was made by reference to the following: Forest fire risk categorization for Białowieża forest area management plan and conservation plan of Białowieża National Park; frequency of forest fires during the years 2000-2015; current forest fire protection system in force and evaluation of the system in context of current legal requirements, taking account of influences on the risk of fire caused by a volumetric increase and type of biomass generated through degradation. Conclusions: The risk associated with Forest fires has increased as a result of spruce trees degradation in Białowieża Primeval Forest. In addition to this increase of combustible material other factors, which contribute, include the emergence of grass overlays across dead wood areas. Such grass, when dry, leads to outbreaks and propagation of fires in forest areas. Abandonment of prevention activities and departure from forest management principles compel the adaptation and adjustment of existing fire protection systems in accordance with emerging threats.
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza; 2016, 43, 3; 143-160
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
History of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, NE Poland
Milecka, Krystyna
Noryśkiewicz, Agnieszka M.
Kowalewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Pollen and macrofossil analysis
Białowieża Primeval Forest
NE Poland
Late Glacial
Bia³owie¿a in Po land is a very fa mous re gion in Eu rope (be cause of its pri me val for est and bi son pop u la tion), but its en vi ron men tal his tory is poorly known. This ar ti cle shows the re sults of palynological anal y sis, macrofossil anal y sis and geo log i cal set tings of two mires in the Bia³owie¿a For est. The pol len di a grams show changes of the veg e ta tion cover from the youn ger part of the Late Gla cial un til the pres ent time. The rel a tive time scale is based on palynostratigraphy and com par i son to pub lished re sults of other sites from the ad ja cent re gions. Dur ing the Late Gla cial two stages of the veg e ta tion suc ces sion were re vealed: steppe and for est dur ing the Alleröd pe riod and tun dra-like veg e ta tion during the Youn ger Dryas. The Ho lo cene his tory con sists of five stages of plant cover de vel op ment. The spe cial fea tures of the Bia³owie¿a For est are con di tioned by two main fac tors: low de gree of anthropogenic im pact and in flu ences of con ti nen tal cli mate and bo real zone, stron ger than in the other re gions of Po land.
Studia Quaternaria; 2009, 26; 25-39
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spór o restytucję – zapomniana koncepcja ratowania żubra Bison bonasus z lat 1921-1923
Restitution dispute – the forgotten concept of European bison Bison bonasus rescue
Sobociński, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
european bison
białowieża primeval forest
society for the protection of the european bison
Contemporary factual evidence treats the creation of the Society for the Protection of the European Bison as the beginning of the European bison restitution. The event that is considered decisive for this process was Jan Sztolcman’s speech at the Congress of Nature Conservation in Paris in the spring of 1923. Thanks to the search for documents stored in the Archives of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow as well as articles published in years 1919−1924 in the press dedicated to forest, hunting and nature protection, it was established that the discussion on the necessity and possible ways of restoring this species to nature began in Poland as early as in 1921. In 1922, a private fund initiative arose to restore the European bison to the Białowieża Primeval Forest, curb the prevailing poaching, and recreate the former reputation of this hunting ground. It is possible that this concept – promoted by Władysław Janta−Połczyński – was treated as competitive to the creation of a representative hunting ground in Białowieża Primeval Forest planned from May 1921. For this reason, it was blocked by the government, and the funds donated to the restitution of European bison were not utilised. This delayed the actual beginning of the restitution of this species in the Białowieża Primeval Forest by several years, and the activities of hunters gathered around Władysław Janta−Połczyński at that time are now completely unknown. The article introduces some details of this concept, but also presents an unknown document from 1921, which shows that there was a notion of restoring European bison in the Białowieża Primeval Forest among state officials already at that time.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 10; 870-878
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ funduszu leśnego na rozwój sylwanoturystyki w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Impact of the Forest Fund on the Development of Sylvan Tourism in the Białowieża Primeval Forest
Jalinik, Mikołaj
Roman, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Forest Fund
sylvan tourism
forest districts
Białowieża Primeval Forest
tourist infrastructure
Fundusz Leśny
Puszcza Białowieska
infrastruktura turystyczna
Fundusz Leśny został utworzony w celu umożliwienia prowadzenia gospodarki leśnej przez nadleśnictwa, w których koszty są wyższe od osiąganych przychodów. Jego zadaniem jest wyrównywanie niedoborów finansowych w nadleśnictwach deficytowych. Lasy Państwowe prowadzą działalność na zasadzie samodzielności finansowej i pokrywają koszty z własnych przychodów. Celem artykułu jest analiza wykorzystania środków pozyskanych z Funduszu Leśnego w nadleśnictwach Białowieża, Browsk i Hajnówka na rozwój sylwanoturystyki w Puszczy Białowieskiej (PB). W badaniach użyto metody sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem ankiety badawczej i wywiadu bezpośredniego, literatury specjalistycznej oraz sprawozdań finansowo-gospodarczych za lata 2020-2021. Badane nadleśnictwa przeznaczyły najwięcej środków na budowę ścieżek pieszych i rowerowych, wykonanie tablic promujących PB, remont dróg dojazdowych do ,,miejsc mocy”, edukację przyrodniczo-leśną oraz inne usługi związane z ruchem turystycznym na obszarze badanych nadleśnictw.
The Forest Fund was established in order to enable forest management to be carried out by forest districts, where the costs are higher than the revenues generated. Its task is to compensate for financial shortages in deficit forest districts. The State Forests operate on the basis of financial independence and cover the costs from their own revenues. The aim of the study is to analyze the use of funds obtained from the Forest Fund in the Białowieża, Browsk and Hajnówka Forest Districts for the development of sylvan tourism in the Białowieża Forest (PB). The research used the method of a diagnostic survey with the use of a research questionnaire and direct interview, specialist literature and financial and economic reports for the years 2020-2021, „places of power”, forest nature education and other services related to tourist traffic in the area of the studied forest districts.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2022, 66, 3; 38-49
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nietoperz karlik malutki Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber 1774) w faunie Puszczy Białowieskiej
Common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber, 1774) in the bat fauna of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Rachwald, A.
Ruczyński, I.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Puszcza Bialowieska
karlik malutki
Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Common pipistrelle
Białowieża Primeval Forest
The occurrence of the Common pipistrelle in the bat fauna of the Białowieża Primeval Forest was expected, because the taxon P. pipistrellus was previously comprised of two separate species. Earlier observations of P. pipistrellus in the Białowieża area can mostly be counted for by the new species Soprano pipistrelle, which is considered equally widely distributed in the area. In this study, we were able to record and distinguish several passes of the Common pipistrelle by means of bat detecting techniques. Bats were found in two locations, the first one being the Białowieża village, whereas the second one is the woodland in close proximity of the Czerlonka village. It is very likely, that this species is more widely distributed in the Białowieża area, especially in the vicinity of human settlements.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2015, 76, 2; 180-183
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie wielkości ciała gatunków rodzaju Carabus w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Skłodowski, J.W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
entomologia lesna
Puszcza Bialowieska
białowieża primeval forest
body length
competition avoidance
Nearly 27 000 individuals of 10 species belonging to the Carabus genus were caught on over 160 research plots in 13 different habitats in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. The body length of eight species was analysed. The mean body length ratio of two adjacent species ranged between 1.00−1.10, irrespective of the number of the number of Carabus species in the assemblage. The mean ratio of the smallest to the largest species increased with the number of species in the assemblage. To study coexistence mechanisms further, automatic traps were used to catch carabid beetles in decaying stumps and tree holes. In tree holes, the species C. hortensis was caught in the greatest numbers. Morphological differences and ecological preferences suggest spatio−temporal niche partitioning as the main coexistence mechanism for Carabus species in this forest.
Sylwan; 2005, 149, 02; 50-59
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie próchniejących drzew jako mikrośrodowisk występowania epigeicznych biegaczowatych w Puszczy Białowieskiej
The role of decaying trees as microsites for epigeic carabid beetles in Białowieża Primeval Forest
Skłodowski, J.W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa zamierajace
ekologia lasu
Puszcza Bialowieska
białowieża primeval forest
tree hollows
decaying stumps
In the paper attention is given to the occurrence of carabid beetles in the environment of fallen decaying trees and hollows of standing trees. The catches of carabids in these environments are on the level of 1/6 of the catching efficiency of Barber's traps, which emphasizes the importance of such environments for epigeic carabid beetles. The paper discuses the causes of carabids to visit trees, as well as differences in their activity when on trees resulting from differences in anatomy of legs of these insects.
Sylwan; 2003, 147, 12; 45-52
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowienie naturalne dębu w Leśnym Kompleksie Promocyjnym "Puszcza Białowieska" - stan, warunki i perspektywy
Paluch, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lesne kompleksy promocyjne
odnowienia naturalne
Puszcza Bialowieska
drzewa lesne
natural regeneration
białowieża primeval forest
hornbeam expansion
The paper presents the state and conditions of oak natural regeneration in the „Białowieża Primeval Forest” Promotional Forest Complex. It has been stated that under natural conditions oak appears in all forest types but it infrequently grows into a stand. With the recent expansion of hornbeam, it is difficult for oak effectively to regenerate. It has been confirmed in this study that the shelterwood cutting system (leaving some trees to dye naturally) is the most efficient method of natural regeneration of oak in the Białowieża stands.
Sylwan; 2005, 149, 01; 30-41
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany jakości wód w rzekach Łutownia i Perebel w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Changes of water quality in the Lutownia and Perebel rivers in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Janek, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Puszcza Bialowieska
rzeka Lutownia
rzeka Perebel
jakosc wody
wody plynace
wlasciwosci fizykochemiczne
klasy jakosci
water quality
water chemistry
the Białowieża Primeval Forest
The aim of the study was to determine changes in water quality, including chemistry of outflow from two rivers: Łutownia and Perebel located in the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Water chemistry was investigated once in every three months in the years 2011-2014. Catchments differed in forest cover and habitat types. The results of the analysis of river waters were compared with the limit values for each class of water quality as settled by the legal standards. It was found that the quality of the water in rivers declined due to high concentrations of carbon and nitrogen organic forms. In general, there was observed a decrease of the concentration of organic nitrogen and an increase of the concentration of mineral nitrogen, especially in the Perebel catchment area.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2016, 77, 4
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Puszcza Białowieska i żubr w publikacjach „Łowca Polskiego” w latach 1899–1939
Białowieża Primeval Forest and the European bison in the journal “Łowiec Polski” in 1899–1939
Daszkiewicz, Piotr
Samojlik, Tomasz
Ričkienė, Aurika
Fedotova, Anastasia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów
Puszcza Białowieska
polska prasa myśliwska przed 1939 r.
Jan Sztolcman
przyrodnicy i myśliwi
European bison
Białowieża Primeval Forest
Polish hunting press before 1939
naturalists and hunters
The article, based on a detailed query in the archival issues of “Łowiec Polski” from 1899 to 1939, shows the perception of the bison and the Białowieża Primeval Forest among the authors and readers of this periodical. The founder and first editor-in-chief of the magazine was Jan Sztolcman, a naturalist best known for his crucial role in saving the European bison. Among the collaborators of the magazine were the best naturalists of that period, so the subject matter undertaken in its papers was much broader than just strictly hunting. This article discusses issues related to the Białowieża Primeval Forest and its most valuable inhabitant (European bison) presented in the journal from the perspective of nature conservation, old hunting traditions, the search for the last free-living European bison in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, European bison breeding in Pszczyna, international efforts to rescue the European bison, monographs about the species published in the inter-war period, issues of European and American bison hybridisation, and finally, the return of the European bison to the Białowieża Primeval Forest. The journal was examined for the first time from the point of view of the history of natural sciences. Analysis of the content of the journal, often unpublished elsewhere, makes “Łowiec Polski” one of the most important sources of information about the European bison and the Białowieża Primeval Forest during this period.
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki; 2018, 27, 2; 139-171
Pojawia się w:
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodowa uprawa zachowawcza jodły pospolitej z rezerwatu "Tisovik" w Puszczy Białowieskiej
The ancestral conservative tillage of silver fir in the "Tisovik" reserve of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Korczyk, A.F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
rezerwat Tisovik
drzewa lesne
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
uprawa zachowawcza
Puszcza Bialowieska
uprawy rodowe
wartosc hodowlana
Abies alba Mill.
progeny test
Białowieża Primeval Forest
The ‘Tisovik’reserve, located in the Belarusian part of the Białowieża Forest, holds an isolated relic stand of silver fir, situated 120 km to the north-east of the main forest. In order to preserve this relic fir stand, a ancestral conservative tillage consisting of the Jd 92 trial (plot I) and the Jd 94 trial (plots II and III) was established between 1992 and 1994 in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest on the territory of the Hajnówka Forest District. The growth and development of the progeny of 20 firs were characterized by means of long-term observations made in these trials. In 2000 (at the age of 18), the firs in the Jd 92 trial (plot I) reached an average height of 394.86 cm with a mean diameter at breast height of 42.42 mm and the average rate of survival amounted to 75%. In the Jd 94 trial, the rate of fir survival on plot II was 70% (at the age of 15) with an average height of 277.08 cm and a diameter at breast height of 36.62 mm, while on plot III only 50 trees with an average height of 198.6 cm and a diameter at breast height of 24.49 mm survived. The results of this study show that the fir progeny in the ‘Tisovik’ reserve is of high breeding value. Therefore, the silver fir seed stock of the ‘Tisovik’ reserve is suitable for the establishment of new plantations in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest and the Mazury-Podlasie Region.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2015, 76, 2; 153-167
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Profil genetyczny najstarszych drzew Picea abies (L.) Karst. w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Genetic profile of the oldest Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees in the Białowieza Primeval Forest
Wojnicka-Półtorak, A.
Celiński, K.
Chudzińska, E.
Prus-Głowacki, W.
Korczyk, A.F.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
drzewa lesne
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
drzewa stare
struktura genetyczna
populacje roslin
profil genetyczny
markery izoenzymatyczne
genetic structure
picea abies
isoenzymatic markers
białowieża primeval forest
The aim of this study was to: 1) describe the genetic structure of the population of old Picea abies trees in the Białowieża Primeval Forest and 2) design the genetic database for every examined tree in scope of 26 isoenzymatic loci containing: the genotype pattern, the number of stated alleles and the level of individual heterozygosity. We found that 101 out of 117 trees are characterized by a unique genotype pattern and 20 ones are completely homozygous individuals. The oldest Norway spruces in the Białowieża Primeval Forest are characterized by rather low level of genetic variation and their homozygous genotypes that are well adapted to their environment let them live to a ripe old age.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 05; 370-376
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagrożenie lasu przez wiatr na przykładzie nadleśnictw Puszczy Białowieskiej
Risk of wind damage to stands on the example of selected forest districts in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Bruchwald, A.
Dmyterko, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
Nadlesnictwo Browsk
Nadlesnictwo Bialowieza
Nadlesnictwo Hajnowka
zagrozenia lasu
uszkodzenia drzewostanow
ryzyko uszkodzenia
modele ryzyka uszkodzenia
stand damage risk model
stand damage risk factor
białowieża primeval forest
Stand damage risk model was applied to three forest districts located in the Białowieża Primeval Forest: Browsk, Hajnówka and Białowieża. For this purpose, information contained in the database of the State Forests Information System was used. The obtained values of the stand damage risk factor allowed assigning each stand to one of the six risk classes. Higher class indicates higher damage risk to stands. The share of the stand area was calculated for each class. The weighted average of the areal shares of stands in the two highest damage risk factor classes was used as a measure of wind damage risk to forests. The values of this measure for individual forest districts were as follows: Browsk – 27.3%, Hajnówka – 33.0%, Białowieża – 38.3%. The degree of risk to these forests ranges from average to high, which is mainly because of large proportion of the high, old−growth spruce stands. Forest stands of the Białowieża Primeval Forest with a high risk factor are threatened by damage in the event of strong winds in this area.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 10; 750-764
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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