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Nurt fenomenologiczno-egzystencjalny w polskiej współczesnej filozofii Boga
Phenomenological-Existential Trend in Polish Contemporary Philosophy of God
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
filozofia Boga
Marian Jaworski
Józef Tischner
Karol Tarnowski
Philosophy of God
The main followers of phenomenological-existential trend in the field of philosophy of God in Poland are: Marian Jaworski, Józef Tischner and Karol Tarnowski. Jaworski united thomistic arguments for existence of God with augustian philosophy of subject and personal-axiological experience. Tischner completely rejected thomism and his philosophy of God based on anthropology and personal values. Tarnowski also was critical toward ontological-cosmological arguments for existence of God. He is fallower of G. Marcel and therefore accepted religious faith as basis of theism.
Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 1; 505-511
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bp Ignacy Dec, Siejba słowa, t. XXII: Otoczmy troską życie. Cz. II, Homilie i rozważania z drugiej połowy roku 2009, Świdnicka Kuria Biskupia, Świdnica 2011
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny; 2018, 20, 2
Pojawia się w:
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jeremy’ego Rifkina utopia gospodarki obfitości
Jeremy Rifkin’s utopia of the economy of abundance
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
global economy
human population
development strategies
gospodarka światowa
redukcja populacji ludzkości
The article is a voice in the discussion on the directions of the evolution of the global economy. The reference plane is a reflection J. Rifkin's book titled: The Zero marginal Cost Society. The article critically analyzed some of the assumptions and conclusions contained in the work of Rifkin. The main topics of discussion included the reality of such principles as the need to reduce the human population, or total elimination of intellectual property rights. On the other hand, the dubious trends was inter alia dominance of communities production in the world economy already about half the twenty-first century. Also pointed to issues relevant to the future development strategies completely omitted in the work of Rifkin.
Artykuł jest głosem w dyskusji o kierunkach ewolucji gospodarki światowej. Płaszczyzną odniesienia do rozważań jest książka J. Rifkina pt: Społeczeństwo zerowych kosztów krańcowych. W artykule krytycznej analizie poddano niektóre założenia, jak i konkluzje zawarte w pracy Rifkina. Do głównych zagadnień dyskusyjnych zaliczono realność takich założeń jak konieczność redukcji populacji ludzkości, czy całkowita eliminacja praw własności intelektualnej. Z kolei za wątpliwe kierunki zmian uznano dominację wspólnot produkcyjnych w gospodarce światowej już około połowy XXI w. Wskazano także na zagadnienia istotne dla przyszłych strategii rozwojowych, zupełnie pominięte w pracy Rifkina.
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie; 2017, 43, 2; 40-49
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Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bezpieczeństwo żywności w epoce nierówności
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
modele ryzyka
oszustwa żywnościowe i fałszowanie żywności
bezpieczeństwo żywności
W następstwie globalizacji dochodzi w strukturze świata do głębokich zmian politycznych, społecznych i gospodarczych. Odnosi się to także do produkcji i obrotu żywnością. Zmia-ny polegają głównie na wydłużaniu się łańcuchów dostaw i postępującej anonimowości tego rynku. Pojawiło się wraz z tym wiele niekorzystnych zjawisk: wzrost oszustw, w tym fałszerstw żywności, zatruć i skażeń przekładających się na epidemie chorób pokarmowych, a w konsekwencji obniżenie poziomu jakości i bezpieczeństwa żywności. Wymaga to radykalnych działań zaradczych, które musi poprzedzić dogłębna analiza ryzyka związanego z żywnością. Próbą odpowiedzi na tak sformułowany postulat jest autorski model JOOB. Autor przyjmuje założenie, że pierwotna jest jakość żywności, która jest zagrożona oszustwami i fałszerstwami żywności oraz działaniami bioterrorystycznymi. W następstwie podejmowanych działań zaradczych osiągany jest pożądany stan bezpieczeństwa żywności.
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie; 2016, 39, 2; 5-14
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Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wolność nauki i kultury
Freedom of science and culture
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wolność wewnętrzno-moralna
wolność zewnętrzno-społeczna
wolność nauki i kultury
freedom internal-moral
freedom external-social
freedom of science and culture
totalitarian system
The author analyses the problem of freedom of science and art that are integral elements of intellectual culture. Although the Church has always been an inspirer and patron of culture, there have been controversies between this institution and scientists (the cases of Galileo and Copernicus, the Darwinian theory of evolution). Liberalism rightly propagates the idea of freedom of culture but it minimises the role of truth that is the leading value in culture. Totalitarian systems (Hitlerism, Communism) questioned the value of culture and practically destroyed it. Documents of the Vatican Council II and Pope John Paul II's teaching allow formulation of three fundamental paradigms of personalism: 1. Science and culture require freedom in social life (which is confirmed by the pluralism of branches of science and culture currents). 2. Development of authentic culture requires moral righteousness and responsibility from the scientist and one who creates culture. 3. The good of a human person (of his biological and spiritual life) and the society's common good (protection of its integrity and ethos) sometimes require limitation of research freedom that should be regulated by the law (e.g. in genetic engineering).
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2001, 1; 5-16
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antyczna idea sprawiedliwości
The Ancient Idea of Justice
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The idea of justice was mainly the subject matter of Plato and Aristotle. Plato's works (The Republic, The Laws, The Gorgias) allows us to distinguish twofold elements in his conception of justice: ethical and socio-political. The former elements bear the objective-universal character. They are as follows: 1) justice as giving everybody what they rightly deserve, 2) the distinction between commutative justice (based on a mathematical equality), and distributive justice (based on a mere proportional equality). Now the socio-political elements of the Platonic conception of justice are connected with the approval of an authoritarian model of the state. Aristotle, while discussing the idea of justice mainly in the fifth book of his Nicomachean Ethics, distinguished two kinds of justice: general and particular. General justice, being man's internal righteousness, contains other moral virtues. Particular justice denotes a respect for the principles of equality in social relations. Following Plato, Aristotle distinguished commutative justice and distributive justice; the former is realized, for instance, in the act of purchase-sale, the latter in the relationships between the state and its citizens. The Roman thinkers applied the Greek idea of justice to the sphere of law. It was, above all, Ulpianos who did it. He defined justice as a permanent will to give everybody what they deserve.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1998, 26, 1; 171-179
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawowe elementy nauczania społecznego Jana Pawła II
The Basic Elements in the Social teaching of John Paul II
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The author refers mainly to the social encyclicals of the Pope John Paul II. He analyzes, in a synthetic manner, the principal aspects of the Pope’s teaching. One of them being the conception of social community as a fellowship. The pope renounces both the radical individualism of liberalism and Marxist collectivism, and he refers to the categories of the common good, participation and neighbour. In the second point of the paper the author is discussing the principle of solidarity and the principle of Personalism. John Paul II binds the principle of solidarity with the idea of the common good, therefore he distinguishes various circles of social life, circles which call for respecting the law of solidarity. The principle of Personalism postulates the priority of the human person before social community, therefore it is indispensable to have some mediate communities between citizens and the state. The third point of the paper looks at the Personalistic conception of John Paul II’s work, that is the priority of labour over capital, workers’ rights and the dignity of man as the subject of labour. The final parts of the paper are devoted to John Paul II’s attitude towards Marxism and Liberalism. The encyclical Centesimus annus distinguishes three levels of Marxism (philosophical, economic and political), the levels he deems negative as being false and leading to the totalitarian regime. Ideological Liberalism has also earned a critical evaluation in its ethical and social aspect (the idea of maximum freedom, the spirit of consumerism), although the pope accepts some economic elements of liberal capitalism.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1997, 25, 1; 85-100
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna prof. dra hab. Adama Rodzińskiego
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Adam Rodziński was born on 28 November 1920; earned PhD in 1956 and wrote habilitation in 1966 on ethics; dean of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy (1979/80); author of four books (Sprawiedliwość chrześcijańska wobec problemów nierówności majątkowych w II i III wieku, 1960 [Christian Justice Towards the Problems of Property Inequality in the Second and Third Centuries]; U podstaw kultury moralnej, 1968 [At the Foundations of Moral Culture]; Osoba i kultura, 1985 [Person and Culture]; Osoba, moralność, kultura, 1989 [Person, Morality, Culture] and a few dozen other learned works (studies, papers, essays, reports and reviews). The subject matter of his scientific research converges on the borderline between the following disciplines: philosophical anthropology, axiology, ethics and philosophy of culture. He accepts the essential elements of Thomism, but at the same time utilizes the fruits of modern philosophy, mainly axiology, phenomenology and social Personalism. His conception of man distinguishes two orders: ontological and axiological. Man, in his ontological aspect, is a substantial being; in the axiological order man is a subject of social relations and the highest value of the visible world. Man is a being directed to other people, it is „someone towards somebody”. The second subject matter of Professor’s interests is the theory of values. Value differs from the ontological good, for it always refers to the world of people. Value is a relational being, but not subjective or relative. Values are differentiated as to their quality, their opposition being anti-values which are an expression of disharmony between the deeds of man and his indispenrable. Ethics, according to Professor, differs from utilitarianism, felicitology and individualistic perfectionism. The ethics of universal dignity of man is a normative ethics, referring to intellectual intuition and the voice of conscience. Person is a superior value, therefore the criterium of valuing makes the constant dignity of man. Natural law is an integral element of ethics, a law which is expression of that dignity. Ethics includes also personalistic aretology, wherein priority must be given to the virtue of wisdom. An important element of ethics, too, is justice, especially social justice, linked with charity. The philosophy of culture is yet another subject matter of Professor’s scientific research. He proposes various descriptions of culture: ontological, axiological and sociological, stressing above all the relationship between culture, personalism and axiology. Professor Adam Rodziński conducted scientific and didactic classes for over 40 years (1952-1996) and from 1968 on headed the Chair of Ethics, later to be named the Chair of the Philosophy of Culture.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1997, 25, 1; 7-26
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja życia społecznego klasycznego liberalizmu
The Conception of Social Classical Liberalism
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Classical liberalism represented, among others, by Th. Hobbes and J.J. Rousseau, explains the establishment of social life through the so-called theory of social contract. Radical individualism, nominalism and apersonal understanding of the human person undermines its ontological foundations of social character. That is why the liberal conception of social life may be defined as energetic interactionism. Social community is the place where individuals governed exclusively by private and egoistic aims encounter. The following principles are taken as the basis of social life: unrestrained freedom of the individual, free market and competition, pluralism and tolerance. The idea of the common good is wanting here or else it is understood as a group of economic values. The nature of the social character of the state is interpreted in the same manner. The state’s aim being above all: ensuring citizens’s life and security, respecting and guaranteeing their personal freedom; economic activity, political pluralism and parliamentary democracy dominate here. The laissez faire principle equals discarding the state’s interventionism, its function being reduced to the role of quasi-policeman. Classical liberalism belittles the role of natural communities, such as family and nation, though Rousseau put more value on them.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1995, 1; 143-156
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Personalizm i solidaryzm jako podstawowe kierunki w społecznym nauczaniu Kościoła
Personalism and Solidarism as the Basic Directions in the Churchs Social Teaching
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
At the beginning the author states that Christianity is transcendent to various political systems and economico- social models, but it is not indifferent to the realities of socio-economical and political life. Christian ethos has a superindividual dimension and deals with social life as well. Ethico-normative indications on the part of philosophy and theology make the so-called principles of social life. He shows first the Christian conception of the human being, his psychosomatic and at the same time social nature. Social life bears a finalistic and axiological character. The society does not exist beyond or above persons; it is in them. The adequate conceptions of man and society make the proper understanding of the principles of social life possible. Although there are many social principles in Christian philosophy, yet, according to the author, they can be reduced to two: personalism (auxiliariness) and common good (solidarity). The first lays stress on the good of the human person and his primacy towards the society; the second emphasizes the society's rights. Both these principles should be taken in a complementary manner. In Rerum novarum Leo XIII exposed the principle of the common good. In the following encyclicals the stress is laid on the principle of personalism. Gaudium et spes reads as follows: „the human person is and should be the principle, subject and goal of all social facilities” (25), though, as the author pinpoints, Paul VI more often emphasized the principle of solidarity. John Paul II is in favour of the principle of personalism. The priority of the human person is linked with the exposition of human rights and human labour over capitalism. One cannot put the principle of personalism into practice without the principle of the common good, because there is no common good without an ethos which would safeguard the good of man as the human person.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1992, 1; 161-176
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja człowieka i społeczeństwa Fryderyka Nietzschego
The Concepts of Man and Society of Friedrich Nietzsche
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The article discusses a philosophical anthropology of F. Nietzsche. The first part of the paper speaks about the basic foundations of his philosophy of man. These foundations are following: epistemological sensualism, methological scientism, ontological materialism and biological vitalism. The second part of the paper gives a general explanation of Nietzsche’s concept of man. He said that a man is "a bridge between animal and superman". A German thinker rejected the traditional dualistic theory of human being, first of all the existence of the immaterial and immortal soul. The man is not a person and a ontic subject but only an animal. This materialistic theory of man is connected with a naturalistic axiology: ethic relativism and immoralism. The third part of paper discusses Nietzsche’s concepts of society and superman. The human society is not a community of persons but only a crowd or a flock. The theory of sociological egalitarism was rejected. A concept of superman can be interpreted in many ways: as axiological as ontological. The last part of paper is an estimation of Nietzsche's philosophical anthropology.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1989, 1; 193-214
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polski personalizm współczesny
Contemporary Polish Personalism
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
This article is written in three parts. Part I characterizes thomistie-phenomenological personalism. This current of thought was represented by Cardinal Wojtyła who later became Pope John Paul II. The sources of his personalism are presented and discussed: the thomistic conception of being and the thought of M. Scheler, his methods - phenomenological intuition and metaphysical analysis, the phenomenological description of the dynamism of man as a way of recognizing the being of Ban /agere sequitur esse/, the metaphysical theory of person /nature vs. personhood/, the relation of the Individual to society /Christian personalism on opposition to individualism and collectivism/. Fr. U. Jaworski also makes reference to thomistic-phenomenological personalism and emphasizes the ontic function of God in the creation of the human person. Part II of this dissertation discusses other currents of Polish personalism: augustinlan, existential-thomistic and phenomenological. The augustinian-thomistic current is represented by Fr. F. Sawicki /the thomistic definition of the person is combined with his emphasis of value in the existential experience of man/ as well by Fr. J. Pastuszka /thomistic intellectualism entiches augustinlan voluntarism/. A sort of thomistic-existential personalism is accepted by Fr. M. A. Krąpiec OP /the priority of the theory of hylemorphism before the moment of experience, the Internal "I" and the person, the common good of society and the rights of the individual/ as well by H. Gogacz /the distinction between the substantial and relational concepts of the human person/. Phenomenological personalism in Poland is represented by Professor B. Ingarden /earlier Ingarden spoke about an ontology of human consciousness; later he accepted certain existential dimension of man, e.g. freedom/, as well by Fr. J. Tischner /the "axiological ego" as a point of departure for thought concerning the nature of the human person/. Part III of this article mentions some of personalisms inspirations in extra-metaphysical thought: in theology /Fr. W. Grant/, in ethics /J. Woroniecki, T. Ślipko, T. Styczeń/, in pedagogy /S. Kunowski/, in social philosophy /the Lublin School with Professor Cz. Strzeszewski et its head in particular/ and finally in social, political activity /the Catholic lay groupings Znak and the Centre for Documentation and Social Studies /ODiSS//.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1986, 14, 1; 97-123
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczny personalizm Maritaine’a
Social Personalism of J. Maritain
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The article discusses a conception of Jacques Maritain’s personalism. The author shows that his socio-political philosophy was stimulated by the philosophy of man. Maritain describes a man as an animal endowed with reason, A human being is a substance, composed of two co-principles, namely: material body and spiritual soul. Soul and matter are the two ontological parts of one and the same reality, called man. A Christian conception of man is entirely different from materialistic and platonic anthropology. Maritain accepted the biporality of the human being, which is composed of individuality and personality. Individuality constitutes the material pole of the man, personality its spiritual pole. An individual is a part of the universe and of the society, a person is independent toward both. The human being is something more than an individual, he is a person. The human person, that is in so far as he is spirit, is capable of communicating with others in order of intellectual knowledge and of love. Against empiricism and Idealism, Maritain maintains that human intellect is capable of knowing of the truth. A man is also endowed with a free will, than ne is capable of self-possession and self -perfecting. At the core of Maritain’s personalism is a distinction between the freedom of choice /or free will/ and the freedom of internal autonomy /freedom of perfection/, The virtue of his ontological dynamism, the human person is a social being and he yearns to live in society. Maritain rejects the individualism which subordinate the common good to individual freedom. He rejects also any form of collectivism which would sacrifice the human person to social imperatives. Maritain’s personalism is connected with a humanism which is directed toward God. His personalism is also an apology of plurality and of community of human life.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1985, 13, 1; 31-51
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozofia pokoju św. Tomasza z Akwinu
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Tomaszowa filozofia pokoju zachowuje swą aktualność po dzień dzisiejszy, choć oczywiście nie można jej ujmować literalnie, statycznie i ahistorycznie. Wiele jej elementów jest związanych z ówczesną sytuacją społeczno-polityczną, militarną i kulturową, dotyczy to zwłaszcza teorii "słusznej wojny". Tym niemniej aktualne są dalej fundamentalne elementy koncepcji pokoju Akwinaty, przede wszystkim antropologiczne i aksjologiczno-moralne. Nie straciło aktualności przekonanie, że pokój to w pierwszym rzędzie rzeczywistość personalno-aksjologiczna. Pokojem prawdziwym nie jest jeszcze brak wojny, marazm ludzi tchórzliwych, zastraszonych czy znajdujących się w sytuacji przymusu. Pokój stoi na straży człowieka jako osoby, dlatego naruszenie tego dobra czy dobra wspólnoty ludzkiej wymaga aktywnej obrony. To właśnie było powodem, iż Tomasz z Akwinu nie wykluczył apriorycznie alternatywy wojny. Dziś perspektywy wojny nuklearnej nakazują przemyśleć ideę "wojny słusznej", dalej jednak kontrowersyjne wydają się ideały klasycznego pacyfizmu. Jego ewidentnym brakiem jest pomijanie realiów psychospołecznych, iż trwały pokój można budować wyłącznie na fundamencie sprawiedliwości i miłości. Pokój jest dla dobra człowieka, a nie człowiek dla pokoju - parawanu ludzkiej krzywdy. Tomaszowa filozofia pokoju jest apelem chrześcijańskiej mądrości, aby pokój budować na trwałym fundamencie wolności, prawdy i dobra.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1989, 1; 69-90
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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