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Wyszukujesz frazę "disciple" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Maryja, uczennica Pańska, wzorem bycia uczniem Chrystusa (Łk 1,26-38; 2,19.51)
Mary, disciple of the Lord, model of being a disciple of Christ (Luk 1,26-38; 2,19.51)
Wielgut, Franciszek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
uczeń Chrystusa
Maryja uczennicą
wybranie i powołanie
słowo Boże
wzór uczniostwa
disciple of Christ
Mary as disciple
election and vocation
Word of God
model of discipleship
Autor stawia pytanie o ewangeliczny obraz Maryi jako uczennicy własnego Syna, Jezusa Chrystusa. W tym celu najpierw wyjaśnia znaczenie określenia „uczeń” w Nowym Testamencie i bada, czym charakteryzuje się uczeń Jezusa. Następnie opisuje moment powołania Maryi w scenie zwiastowania (por. Łk 1,26-38) oraz Jej relację zażyłości ze słowem Bożym (por. Łk 2,19.51). Analiza tych fragmentów prowadzi do odkrycia postaci Maryi jako uczennicy Chrystusa. Świadczą o tym przede wszystkim Jej powołanie i wybór oraz relacja zjednoczenia ze słowem Bożym. W podsumowaniu autor podaje kilka praktycznych wniosków, w czym wyraża się wzór Maryi jako uczennicy dla wierzących.
The author asks a question about the evangelical image of Mary as a disciple of her own Son, Jesus Christ. With this end in view, he first explains the meaning of the term „disciple” in the New Testament and analyses the characteristics of a disciple of Jesus. Then he describes the moment of calling Mary in the scene of the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38) and her relationship of intimacy with the word of God (Luke 2:19,51). An analysis of these passages leads to the discovery of the figure of Mary as a disciple of Christ. This is evidenced above all by her vocation and choice, and the relationship of union with the word of God. In the conclusion, the author gives some practical applications, which expresses the model of Mary as a disciple for believers.
Sympozjum; 2020, 2(39); 161-175
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le maître dans l’œil du disciple. À propos de l’apprentissage ou de l’initiation écologique dans Les Neuf consciences du Malfini de Patrick Chamoiseau
The master in his disciple’s eye(s). On learning or ecological education in Les Neuf Consciences du Malfini by Patrick Chamoiseau
Kana Nguetse, Paul
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydawnictwo Werset
déclin écologique
responsabilité écologique
predatory behaviour
ecological degradation
ecological responsibility
Les Neuf Consciences du Malfini by Patrick Chamoiseau is a Bildungsroman centred around pedagogical experience of a disciple, and didactic and pedagogical achievements of a master. The educational process based on careful observation and formative imitation of the master, allows the novice to transcend his predatory impulses to reach the stage of ecological responsibility. Unlike the traditional Bildungsroman in which the master mobilizes some multisensory and multimodal devices to relay knowledge or truth, the novel in question confronts the reader with an archetypal "pedagogical" situation, where the master-disciple relationship is not interpersonal, interactive, voluntary or ritualized. Moreover, a pedagogical bond forms not only between the protagonists of the text, but also between the novel and the reader, its target audience. The paper proposes to approach the educational process and the master-disciple relationship from the point of view of ecocriticism, using semiotic analysis of  a character. It is argued that by means of the allegorical account, Chamoiseau criticizes anthropocentrism for being the main cause of ecological degradation and advocates horizontality in the human-nature relationship, as a guarantee of ecological balance.
Les Neuf consciences du Malfini de Patrick Chamoiseau est un roman initiatique articulé autour de l’expérience pédagogique d’un disciple et des prouesses didactico-pédagogiques d’un maître. Fondé sur l’observation minutieuse et l’imitation formatrice du maître, cet apprentissage permet à l’initié de transcender ses élans prédateurs pour accéder au stade de la responsabilité écologique. Contrairement au roman de formation traditionnel dans lequel le maître mobilise le dispositif multisensoriel et multimodal pour relayer le savoir ou la vérité, celui-ci met le lecteur devant une situation « pédagogique » archétypale où la relation maître-disciple n’est pas interpersonnelle, interactive, volontaire ou ritualisée. En outre, le lien pédagogique ne s’y déploie pas seulement entre les protagonistes mis en texte, mais aussi entre le roman et le lecteur qui en est la cible privilégiée. À l’aune de l’écocritique et de l’approche sémiologique du personnage, cette réflexion se propose d’étudier le processus d’initiation et la dynamique des relations maître-disciple pour montrer que, par ce récit allégorique, Chamoiseau fait le procès de l’anthropocentrisme comme cause principale du déclin écologique et préconise l’horizontalité dans les relations Homme/Nature, gage de l’équilibre écologique.
Quêtes littéraires; 2019, 9; 158-170
Pojawia się w:
Quêtes littéraires
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Du disciple au maître : Victor Segalen et Paul Gauguin
From the disciple to the teacher: Victor Segalen and Paul Gauguin
Kukuryk, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydawnictwo Werset
Victor Segalen
Paul Gauguin
culture Maorie
Maori culture
The aim of this paper is to present a particular relationship between the painter and the poet, and to examine the influences of Gauguin’s vision that Segalen calls Maître-du-Jouir on the literary creation of the writer. The two Frenchmen had much in common: a sense of mystery, a fascination with the primitive and the exotic, and a gift for ambiguity. From 1903 until his death in 1919, Segalen’s poetry and prose would, like Gauguin’s art, try to discover the exotic on its own terms while increasingly confronting the limits of the Western artist’s own powers of apprehension. In Les Immémoriaux (translated into English as A Lapse of Memory), Segalen adopts a Maori point of view to comment on Western culture. The author’s greatest feat was breaking with the colonial exoticism of such nineteenth-century writer-travelers as Pierre Loti for example. Where those authors made no pretence about surrendering Western, or even imperial, values while depicting foreign cultures, Segalen, imitating his Master Gauguin, was intensely self-conscious about his depictions of the other in ways that seem especially modern. In his ethnographic novel, Segalen performs a kind of translation from one art to another which is, for him, a creative process by itself.
L’idée de cet article vise à présenter une relation  particulière entre le peintre et le poète, et à examiner les influences de la vision de Gauguin, que Segalen nomme Maître-du-Jouir, sur la création littéraire de l’écrivain. Les deux Français avaient beaucoup en commun: un sens du mystère, une fascination pour le primitif et l’exotique et un don pour l’ambiguïté. À partir de 1903 jusqu’à sa mort en 1919, la poésie et la prose de Segalen tenteront, à l’instar de l’art de Gauguin, de découvrir l’exotisme à sa manière tout en confrontant de plus en plus les limites du pouvoir d’appréhension de l’artiste occidental. Dans Les Immémoriaux, Segalen adopte un point de vue maori pour commenter la culture occidentale. Le plus grand exploit de l’auteur était de rompre avec l’exotisme colonial d’écrivains voyageurs du XIXe siècle, à titre d’exemple Pierre Loti. Là où ces auteurs ne prétendaient pas renoncer aux valeurs occidentales, voire impériales, tout en décrivant des cultures étrangères, Segalen, imitant son Maître Gauguin, était extrêmement conscient de ses représentations de l’autre de manière particulièrement moderne. Segalen réalise dans son roman ethnographique une sorte de translation d’un art à l’autre qui est, pour lui, une démarche créatrice par elle-même.
Quêtes littéraires; 2019, 9; 102-112
Pojawia się w:
Quêtes littéraires
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krzyż ucznia
Disciple’s Cross
Linke CP, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Ewangelie synoptyczne
Cross in the Jesus’ preaching in commonly interpreted neither as a symbol or as post-Eastern projection produced by Christian community. Similarly the figure of Jesus’ helper, Simon of Cyrene, is frequently interpreted as symbolic one, as the dramatic repetition of Jesus’ indications for his disciples. In this study we try to explain the possibility of real (not symbolic) meaning of the disciple’s cross in the Gospels. We present the texts about cross and disciples divided into three groups: Matt 16, 24 (par. Mark 8, 34; Luke 9, 23), Matt 10, 38 (par. Luke 14, 27), Matt 27, 32 (par. Mc 15, 21; Luke 23, 26). Our analysis of these texts offers the possibility of understanding the preaching of Jesus as eschatological self-revelation of the Lord of Life. In the pericope about Simon we see the historical narrative with relevant information about the members of primitive Christian community presented by Marc. In Luke’s version we recognize the literary rearrangement of this fact in the compatibility with the Jesus’ teaching about disciple’s cross.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2011, 20; 207-223
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
« L’Homme à qui je devais le plus après mon père et ma mère » : Léon Bloy disciple de Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly
"The man to whom I owe the most, after my mother and father": Léon Bloy, Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly’s disciple
Chaumeil, Yoann
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydawnictwo Werset
Barbey d’Aurevilly
Barbey d'Aurevilly
As a substitute father figure, a mentor, a tutor and a writer to be admired and imitated, Barbey d’Aurevilly acted as a master for Bloy from the moment they first met. Indeed, among all the other self-proclaimed heirs of Barbey’s legacy, Bloy seems to be the most ardent disciple of the Connétable des Lettres. As we concentrate on the way Bloy constructs multiple authority figures who all somehow relate to Barbey, we propose to study the way these two writers, who both lean exclusively towards the figurative, give a particular depth to their relationship by elaborating their imagery, which plays an essential role in the way they construct the bond between master and disciple. This investigation will, in addition, lead us to consider how such a relationship cannot come about without any occasional differences of opinion or mutual irritation. Far from shying away from the master, Bloy clearly constructs his own authorial persona in the light of the brilliant master, rather than in his shadow.
Père de substitution, mentor, tuteur, objet d’admiration et d’imitation, Barbey d’Aurevilly remplit pour Bloy, depuis leur rencontre, les fonctions d’un maître. Parmi tous ceux qui se revendiqueront d’un héritage de Barbey, Bloy semble en effet avoir été le disciple le plus fervent du Connétable des Lettres. Tout en nous concentrant en particulier sur la manière dont les figures d’autorité qui renvoient à Barbey se construisent chez Bloy, nous nous proposons de voir comment ces deux écrivains, qui sont entièrement du côté du figuratif, donnent une densité particulière à leur rapport à travers le travail de l’image qui prend une place centrale et essentielle dans la construction du lien entre un maître et un disciple. Cette enquête nous amènera en outre à considérer qu’une telle relation de va ni sans prise de distance ponctuelle ni sans agacement réciproque. Loin de s’effacer devant le maître, Bloy se construit clairement moins dans l’ombre que dans la lumière d’un maître qui l’éclaire.
Quêtes littéraires; 2019, 9; 56-66
Pojawia się w:
Quêtes littéraires
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacja mistrz – uczeń w nauce współczesnej – kontekst kulturowy
The Master – Disciple Relationship in Contemporary Science – Cultural Context
Piasek, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
relacja mistrz – uczeń
obiektywistyczny model poznania
konstruktywistyczny model poznania
master – disciple relationship
objective model of cognition
constructivist model of cognition
The article discusses the problem of the master – disciple relationship and its presence in modern science in the context of two models: an objective model of cognition and a constructivist model of cognition.
W artykule podjęto problem relacji mistrz – uczeń i jej obecności we współczesnej nauce w ramach dwóch jej modeli: Obiektywistycznego Modelu Poznania i Konstruktywistycznego Modelu Poznania.
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2019, 8, 1; 34-42
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leader Formation in the Church
Kopiczko, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
Jesus Christ
The goal of this article is to show the way in which leaders are formed in the Roman Catholic Church. The analysis starts with a short presentation of the method used by Jesus Christ in forming his disciples. Then, it attempts to update the model of Jesus by applying it to our times; the attempt is realized by presenting three embodiments of leadership: a priest, a catechist, and an evangelizer.
Studia Gilsoniana; 2017, 6, 1; 63-84
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczeń i znawca. Stanisław Cywiński wobec Norwida
Disciple and Connoisseur. Stanisław Cywińskis Attitude to Norwid
Buś, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Stanisław Cywiński (1887-l940), a Vilna teacher (he taught Czesław Miłosz among others) and literature student, is among the most outstanding, and the most completely forgotten, figures in Norwid studies. He was forgotten chiefly because of his firmly held and openly proclaimed opinions close to the national-Catholic orientation and of his uncompromising stance as a publicist; this brought him into conflict with the pre-war political establishment (culminating, to the Sanacja regime's discredit, in his conviction for an affront to the memory of Piłsudski). After the war, Cywiński was classed as a champion of the political right and of religious obscurantism. Cywiński's martyrdom and death in the Soviet labour camps reinforced the existing mechanism of political and ideological interpretation of his position and achievements, also in the area of literary criticism and research. All this affected decisions concerning the collection and reissue of his scattered publications, scholarly interest in him and even his very inclusion as part of the heritage of literary studies. Still, if any one person among the early researchers could be called a “Norwid scholar”, that appellation was almost as a matter of course linked then, and is to be linked today, with the figure of Cywiński. We have no other example among literary scholars who also wanted to leave their imprint on national culture of someone so totally engrossed in the study of Norwid and doing it with such passion, such perseverance and such acumen. If the concept of “criticism as accompaniment” could be extended so as to include accompanying the progress of the writer's reputation, posthumous representation of his interests, moulding public opinion and mediation between it and the writer's work, then Cywiński would be a rare, indeed an extreme instance of such an attitude. His attitude was notable for its unique focus not just on discovering and studying Norwid, but above all on the “social” aspect of Norwid's work and of his very existence as a model; Cywiński was eager to share the treasures he discovered; he was generous, to some perhaps even importunate, in his efforts to remove stumbling blocks from the reader's path. Nor did Cywiński rest satisfied with his role as a Norwid admirer and advocate. His zeal for knowledge as a critic was coupled with his temperament as an ideologist and constructor of a model of culture (including social and political culture). His persistent exegesis of Norwid's “testament”, lasting for many years, was to serve his own critical constructions, but it also aimed to put the poet's writings to work as a vehicle for the way of thinking and feeling that Cywiński regarded as exemplary. That is why Cywiński concentrates mainly on a search for regularities, on explaining the mechanisms behind Norwid's work. He aspires to know Norwid fully in order to promulgate him the more confidently, but also to refute objections accusing Norwid of “unintelligibility” and “excessive pride”, which have isolated him from readers, and to correct interpretations he considers erroneous or unfair. His objective is a full “apology” of Norwid, which under the circumstances becomes a restitution and rehabilitation, a justification of his high standing in poetry and culture at large and, perhaps even more importantly, of his potential role in Polish life. Cywiński's many publications (including some eighty on Norwid), diary entries, his work as a teacher and popularizer (about 150 talks and lectures), and the testimony of his friends demonstrate that Norwid occupied a quite unique position in his hierarchy of values and in the pattern of his spiritual life as a whole almost from the very beginning. The present article seeks to reconstruct the course of both Cywiński's private (personal) and scholarly fascinations with Norwid. Norwid appears frequently in Cywiński's everyday life and work and in his various writings: as an object of reflection and reminiscence, and as an ally, a source of the writer's evaluations and attitudes. One often gets the impression that Cywiński is trying to live “like Norwid” and write “like Norwid”. Our reconstruction of the images of “Norwid the man” and “Norwid the artist” (image of his work) as they emerge from Cywiński's writings leads us to conclude that those images are rich and (despite their “apologetic” character) by and large accurate. The image of Norwid's work gains perspicuity with the adoption of the critic's systems of evaluation and internal hierarchies, and of his more general convictions regarding the essence and functions of literature and art. The next problem is how Cywiński read Norwid's works, what were the horizons of his reactions and attitudes as “receiver” and whether they can be arranged in a system of “styles of reception” or “norms of interpretation” both from a private and from a critical, scholarly perspective. Cywiński has often been accused of approaching Norwid like a confessor and of subjecting the poet's work to ideological deformation. However, with the variety of critical attitudes ascribed to him, declared by him and evidenced by available testimonies of reception, we have to say that Cywiński's reading of Norwid was profound, many-sided, and marked by an ability to penetrate the writer's principal intentions. That ability perhaps sometimes was a consequence of Cywiński's declared “critical harmony” with the poet, but it must be seen primarily as a fruit of the critic's purposive work, which continued over a period of many years, on finding suitable interpretative contexts and methodological standpoints for Norwid's writings and on enriching the concept of poetry (with types he calls “prose poetry” and “poetry of ideas”) so as to make it encompass the full complexity of Norwid's uncommon literary forms. His exertions led Cywiński to conclude that Norwid's poetry calls for a “special methodology”, imposing on the critic the requirements of perfect preparation, sensitivity and interpretative skill; finally, because of the tragic fates of Norwid's reception, the critic also has to give the poet some “moral credit” and show a willingness to understand him.
Studia Norwidiana; 1995, 12-13; 91-136
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Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Być uczniem Jezusa - alternatywna parafraza Mt 10-12
To be a disciple of Christ - alternative paraphrase of Matth. 10-12
Bardski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Ewangelia Mateusza
Nowy Testament
uczeń Jezusa
Gospel of st. Matthew
New Testament
disciple of Jesus
In our article we propose a new translation of Matth. 10–12 into Polish. AYer discussing other Polish translations of the text (in the footnotes), we suggestalternative options that would intensify the expressivity of the narrative and stress the semantic aspects that have been neglected in former Polish translations but seem to be important in the context of the postmodern reception of the biblical text.
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 31, 4; 106-130
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Niewiasta" i "uczeń, którego miłował Jezus"
Gryglewicz, Feliks
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ewangelia według św. Jana
L’auteur du quatrième Evangile rapporte par deux fois que Jésus s’est sęrvi du terme „femme” pour s’adresser à sa mère; cette mention et celle du „disciple que Jésus aimait”, comme aussi d’autres détails dans le même récit du testament, jamais rencontrés auparavant, révèlent une pensée théologique profonde. Elle fut signalée d’abord à Cana en Galilée puis exprimée par les paroles du Christ en croix et par ce que le quatrième évangéliste écrit du testament du Christ. Cette pensée est la suivante: Marie, debout auprès de son Fils crucifié, realise la prophétie de la femme, contenue dans le protévangile; par la volonté du Christ Elle devient mère de tous ceux qu’Il a aimés et pour lesquels II a fait 1’offrande de sa vie, et ils deviennent ses enfants; les personnes présentes au Calvaire constituent le premier noyau de ceux qui se rassembleront autour du Seigneur Jésus, regarderont avec foi le bois de son supplice, moyennant quoi ils pourront obtenir le salut.
The Biblical Annals; 1967, 14, 1; 39-48
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczeń i mistrzowie (Pamięci Tadeusza Mikulskiego)
The Disciple of Masters (To the Memory of Tadeusz Mikulski)
Małek, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Tadeusz Mikulski (1909-1958) was one of the most prominent scholars of Polish literature, especially of the times of the Enlightenment. The paper reminds us of his person, his way to science, and highlights his interests in books, bibliography, and editorship. An important role on this way was played by his teachers (masters): Zygmunt Mocarski, Ignacy Chrzanowski, Kazimierz Piekarski, and Ludwik Bernacki.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2003, 51, 1; 39-49
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La relation Beauvoir-Sartre ou le dialogue existentiel et intellectuel maître(sse)-disciple
The relation between Beauvoir and Sartre, or an existential and intellectual dialogue between a master and a disciple
Ledwina, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydawnictwo Werset
the other
The legendary relation between Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre was based on a specific communion of the two existentialists’ souls and bodies. It is Sartre that is generally considered to be the spiritual guide of this duo and that is why his role should be approached with caution in order to show that Beauvoir was by no means an epigone of her master. A contrario, it is the inspiration stemming from her literary output that can be found in a handful of works authored by the founder of Les Temps modernes (Modern Times). This impact is particularly conspicuous in the play entitled Dirty Hands, referring to The Second Sex, in which the author reflects on the concept of myth and shows his interest in women’s authorship. Thus, the literary output of Beauvoir and Sartre, two strong personalities of uncommon talent characterised by sameness and dissimilarity, proves their mutual admiration for their partner’s achievements and their acceptance of the other. Taking this aspect into account, reading their works from an intertextual point of view appears to be extremely fascinating.
Le pacte légendaire de Simone de Beauvoir et Jean-Paul Sartre se fondait sur une connivence intellectuelle et affective entre eux deux. Étant donné que d’habitude Sartre était considéré comme le guide spirituel de ce duo, cela vaut la peine de relativiser le rôle du philosophe pour montrer que Beauvoir n’était aucunement au miroir de son maître. A contrario, ce sont les traces de son inspiration que l’on retrouve dans certains textes du fondateur de la revue Les Temps modernes. Cette influence se fait ressentir avant tout dans la pièce Les Mains sales, se référant au Deuxième Sexe, où l’auteur se rapporte à la notion de mythe, tout en manifestant son intérêt pour, et par, l’écriture au féminin. Ainsi, l’œuvre de Beauvoir et Sartre, deux personnalités fortes, d’un talent inédit, des consciences, à la fois, jumelles et différentes, prouve non seulement leur admiration réciproque pour leur travail respectif, mais aussi l’acceptation de l’autre. En témoignent leurs ouvrages, lus dans la perspective intertextuelle.
Quêtes littéraires; 2019, 9; 125-137
Pojawia się w:
Quêtes littéraires
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tutoring jako alternatywna metoda edukacji
Brzozowski, Tomasz Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Master – disciple relationship
education system
relacja mistrz – uczeń
system edukacji
Problematyka referatu dotyczy prób implementacji idei tutoringu w polskim systemie nauczania. Tutoring jako nowa forma pracy z uczniem, opierająca się głównie na symetrycznej relacji pomiędzy nauczycielem a podopiecznym, ma krótką historię w polskim systemie oświaty, na poziomie edukacji ponadgimnazjalnej. Tutoring na ogół jest postrzegany jako idea alternatywna wobec tradycyjnych metod pracy z uczniem, stając się szansą na wzajemne zrozumienie potrzeb intelektualnych oraz emocjonalnych ucznia i nauczyciela. Jest także metodą znacząco różniącą się od tej, którą stosuje się z powodzeniem na uczelniach anglosaskich. Okres wdrażania tutoringu i przystosowania go do specyfiki pracy w polskiej szkole zaowocował wypracowaniem jego nowych form, uwzględniających rodzime uwarunkowania kulturowo-obyczajowe. Ta nowatorska forma pracy sięgająca korzeniami klasycznego modelu relacji mistrz - uczeń nierzadko napotyka poważne bariery, głównie natury systemowej. Celem artykułu jest zarówno wskazanie korzeni tej interesującej i skutecznej metody nauczania, jak i przedstawienie możliwości jej implementacji w rodzimym systemie edukacji. Autor nie tylko pokazuje jej zalety, lecz także podkreśla mankamenty, zwracając uwagę na odmienność kulturową i systemową krajów anglosaskich, z których pochodzi tutoring, i polskiego modelu oświaty. Ponadto, autor przedstawia problem specyfiki polskich doświadczeń we wdrażaniu tej metody, jej przebiegu, nowatorstwa oraz pozytywnych efektów pracy.
The paper focuses on attempts of implementing tutoring in the Polish education system. Tutoring as a new form of work with the student, based mainly on a symmetrical relationship between the teacher and the student, has a short record of existence in the Polish education system at the level of secondary education. Tutoring is generally seen as the idea of an alternative to traditional methods of working with students, becoming an opportunity for mutual understanding of intellectual and emotional needs of the student and the teacher. Tutoring is also a method that differs significantly from the one which is used successfully in English universities. The period of implementation of tutoring and adapting it to the specific context in Polish schools, resulted in the elaboration of the new forms, taking into account the conditions of indigenous cultural and moral factors. This innovative form of work dating back to the roots of classical model of Master-disciple relationship often faces significant barriers, especially in the nature of the system. The aim of the article is not only to identify the roots of this interesting and effective teaching methods, but present the possibilities of its implementation in the Polish education system. The author not only shows the advantages, but also highlights its shortcomings, noting the cultural and system differences between the Anglo-Saxon countries (where tutoring comes from) and a Polish model of education. In addition, the author presents the problem of the specificity of the Polish experience in the implementation of this method, its progress, innovation and positive effects of work.
Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja; 2017, 13; 291-303
Pojawia się w:
Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacja mistrz – uczeń w Drugim Liście do Tymoteusza.Analiza socjoretoryczna
Master – Disciple Relationship in 2 Tm. Socio-Rhetorical Analysis
Pakowski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
podejście socjoretoryczne
historia wychowania
2 List do Tymoteusza
Listy Pasterskie
relacja mistrz – uczeń
Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation
upbringing history
2 Timothy
pastoral epistles
master – disciple relationship
Saint Paul's epistles, especially so called pastoral epistles, bring us an unique picture of person being simultaneously master and disciple. Paul is aware that as an apostle he is always servant of God. At the same time, as a teacher he already has own disciples, like saint Timothy. The article comes up with an analysis of the relationship between master and disciple in 2Tm. Using so called socio-rhetoricalapproach, it compares Paul's model to the upbringing models known in the ancient Mediterranean: Jewish, Greek and Roman conceptions. After analysing inner texture, intertexture and social and cultural texture as well as the sacred texture it turns out that Paul made his own model of such relationship. While using many patterns form previously know models, he states that the relationship between the master and the disciple is in fact the relationship between three persons: the master, the disciple and God. Both master and disciple need to receive grace from God. Master may give his disciple an example of own life in order to inspire him. He is also able to show his disciple paths leading to God. However, God is the one who chooses his disciples, who enables them to gain both knowledge and virtues, andfinally who is the first and the most important master.
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2019, 32, 2; 84-101
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le maître et son disciple dans le Manuel de l’arriviste d’Henri Chateau ou comment devenir un arrivé
The master and his disciple in Henri Chateau’s Manuel de l’arriviste, or how to become an arrivé
Hanotte-Zawiślak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydawnictwo Werset
narration autobiographique
autobiographical narrative
Even the form of Henri Chateau’s novel, published in 1901, emphasizes the relationship between a master and his disciple. It uses autobiographical narrative and is based on the advice given by the arrivé to his young follower. The subject places the book among, what we call, arriviste novels – a category of the realist novel developed in 19th century, whose beginnings can be traced back to Stendhal and Balzac. Nevertheless, the structure of the narrative is singular and questions the very principle of arrivisme, inseparable from individualism. This paradox requires a reconsideration of the idea of teaching in such conditions. Our paper analyses the arriviste’s education process and presents the benefits and risks of the relationship between the master and his disciple. 
Le bref roman d’Henri Chateau, publié en 1901, souligne déjà par sa forme la relation entre maître et disciple. L’œuvre utilise la narration autobiographique et se construit autour des conseils donnés par l’arrivé à son jeune adepte. Le sujet inscrit l’ouvrage dans ce que nous appelons le roman de l’arriviste, une catégorie des romans réalistes développées au XIXe siècle à partir des personnages de Stendhal et de Balzac. Pourtant, l’organisation du récit est singulière et interroge le principe même de l’arrivisme, conçu sur l’individualisme. Ce contexte questionne l’idée de l’enseignement dans de telles conditions. Notre article analyse le procédé d’apprentissage de l’arriviste et montre les bénéfices et les risques de la relation réciproque entre le maître et son disciple.
Quêtes littéraires; 2019, 9; 90-101
Pojawia się w:
Quêtes littéraires
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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