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Quantitative assessment of nutrition in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Szczuko, M.
Skowronek, M.
Zapalowska-Chwyc, M.
Starczewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
quantitative assessment
human nutrition
nutrition deficiency
polycystic ovary syndrome
PCOS zob.polycystic ovary syndrome
Background. PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is called a pathology of the XX century and affects at least 10-15% women of childbearing age. The therapy involves pharmacotherapy of hormonal imbalance, as well as the change of lifestyle, including the diet. Objective. Performing the quantitative assessment of components of diets of women with PCOS, comparing the results with current dietary standards for Polish people and defining dietary requirements for the patients. Material and Methods. The study was performed on 54 women of childbearing age (average age 26.03± 5.52) with PCOS syndrome diagnosed according to on the Rotterdam criteria. Anthropometric measurements of the patients were made and BMI and WHR calculated. Quantitative assessment of women’s diets was performed based on the analysis of 3-day food diaries and food records taken from the previous 24h with the interview method. The data were introduced to a dietary software DIETA 5.0, calculating the average intake of the energy, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, cholesterol and dietary fibre. The obtained results were compared to Polish dietary guidelines. Results. Examined group was characterized by increased waist circumference (98.71± 13.6 cm) and an average WHR was 0.92± 0.08. An increased average value of BMI was also shown (28.91± 5.54 kg/m2). The patients consumed, on average, 1952.5±472.7 kcal daily, and the risk of insufficient intake of protein was determined in 36.7% of examined women. The highest risk of deficiency in minerals in women with PCOS was related to calcium (634 mg), potassium (3493 mg) and magnesium (250.1 mg), whereas with reference to vitamins deficiency as much as 70% of tested women were at risk of insufficient intake of folic acid, 36.7% of them - vitamin C, and 26.7% - vitamin B12. The average consumption of vitamin D was at the level of 3.4 μg. Test group was characterized by excessive average consumption of total fat (50%), SFA (70.4%) and saccharose (50%). The percentage of people with excessive average intake of cholesterol was at the level of 40.74%. As much as 83.3% patients consumed too low amounts of dietary fibre in their diets (<25g). Conclusions. In diet therapy of women with PCOS there should be higher intake of folic acid, vitamins D and C, cobalamin, dietary fibre and calcium. The consumption of total fats, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol should be reduced, as through facilitating the development of diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases, they affect the dysfunction of ovaries. The diet of some of the patients should be also supplemented by potassium, magnesium and zinc. The introduction of a properly balanced diet should be the key in the treatment of women with PCOS diagnosed according to Rotterdam criteria.
Wstęp. Syndrom policystycznych jajników (PCOS) nazywany jest patologią XX wieku i dotyka co najmniej 10–15% kobiet w wieku reprodukcyjnym. Terapia dotyczy zarówno leczenia farmakologicznego zaburzeń hormonalnych, metabolicznych jak również zmiany stylu życia, w tym sposobu żywienia. Cel. Ocena składu ilościowego jadłospisów kobiet z PCOS, porównanie go z obowiązującymi normami żywienia dla ludności polskiej oraz sprecyzowanie zaleceń żywieniowych dla pacjentek. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 54 kobiety w wieku rozrodczym, z rozpoznanym, według kryteriów Rotterdamskich, zespołem PCO (średni wiek to 26,03± 5,52 lat). Wykonano pomiary antropometryczne oraz obliczono wskaźniki BMI i WHR. Oceny ilościowej sposobu żywienia kobiet dokonano w oparciu o analizę trzydniowych dzienniczków oraz jadłospisu zebranego metodą wywiadu o spożyciu z ostatnich 24 godzin. Dane wprowadzono do programu dietetycznego DIETA 5.0, obliczając średnią podaż energii, składników odżywczych, witamin, składników mineralnych, cholesterolu oraz błonnika. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z obowiązującymi w Polsce normami żywienia. Wyniki. Badana grupa charakteryzowała się zwiększonym obwodem pasa 98,71± 13,6 cm, a średnia WHR była równa 0,92± 0,08. Wykazano zwiększoną średnią wartość wskaźnika BMI (28,91± 5,54 kg/m2). Pacjentki spożywały średnio 1952,5±472,7 kcal dziennie, a zagrożenie niedostatecznym spożyciem białka stwierdzono u 36,7% badanych kobiet. Największe ryzyko wystąpienia deficytu składników mineralnych u kobiet z PCOS dotyczyło wapnia (634 mg), potasu (3493mg), magnezu (250,1 mg) natomiast wśród witamin aż 70% kobiet badanych było zagrożonych niewystarczającym spożyciem folianów, 36,7% niedoborem witaminy C a 26,7% witaminą B12. Średnie spożycie witaminy D kształtowało się na poziomie 3,4 μg. Badana grupa charakteryzowała się nadmiernym średnim spożyciem tłuszczu ogółem (50%) NKT (70.4%) i sacharozy (50%). Odsetek osób z nadmiernym średnim poborem cholesterolu był na poziomie 40.74%. Aż 83.3% pacjentek miało zbyt niską podaż błonnika w diecie (<25g). Wnioski. W dietoterapii kobiet z PCOS należy zwiększyć podaż folianów, witaminy D i C, kobalaminy, błonnika oraz wapnia. Powinno ograniczyć się spożycie tłuszczu ogółem, nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych i cholesterolu które pogłębiając rozwój cukrzycy i chorób sercowo-naczyniowych wpływają na dysfunkcję jajnika. Dietę części pacjentek z PCOS należałoby również uzupełnić w potas, magnez, cynk. Wprowadzenie prawidłowo zbilansowanej diety powinno być kluczem w leczeniu kobiet z PCOS rozpoznawanych kryteriami Rotterdamskimi.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2016, 67, 4
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Insulin resistance assessment in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome using different diagnostic criteria – Impact of metformin treatment
Nawrocka-Rutkowska, J.
Ciecwiez, S.
Marciniak, A.
Brodowska, A.
Wisniewska, B.
Kotlega, D.
Starczewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Introduction and objective: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most frequent reasons for anovulation in infertile women. It can affect 5% – 10% of women of reproductive age. One of the important factors associated with the typical clinical signs and hormonal disorders could be insulin resistance and hyperinsulinaemia. The primary objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of insulin resistance in PCOS women. The secondary objective was to evaluate changes in body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and insulin sensitivity after 3 months of metformin therapy Materials and methods: 68 patients were enrolled in the study. In all participants fasting and 2-h post-load glucose and insulin levels, WHR and BMI were evaluated before and after metformin (2 x 850 mg) therapy. Insulin resistance was assessed using G0/I0, G120/I120, and HOMA-IR indexes Results: Before the treatment, insulin resistance was observed in 26% patients according to HOMA-IR, and in 16% or 28% according to G0/I0 or G120/I120, respectively. Metformin therapy was associated with improvement in insulin sensitivity in HOMA-IR and G120/I120 defined insulin resistant patients. Conclusions: The percentage of insulin resistant PCOS patients differed depending on the method applied. It is necessary to find a single most useful method to measure insulin resistance. Metformin treatment significantly improves insulin sensitivity in insulin resistant patients.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2013, 20, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Starczewski Witold ps. "Wiktor", "Wiktor"-"Pobóg", przybr. nazw. "Julian Retmańczyk", "Witold Zgorzelski", "Stanisław Zakrzewski" (1918-1953), łącznik między Warszawą a Pomorzem oficer wyszkolenia NSZ, następnie AK i ROAK
Podlaszewska, Krystyna.
Słownik biograficzny konspiracji pomorskiej 1939-1945. Cz.2 / pod red. Elżbiety Zawackiej Toruń, 1996 S. 158-159
Zawacka, Elżbieta (1909-2009). Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Starczewski Witold (1918-1953) biografia słownik
Starczewski, Witold
Zjednoczone Organizacje Ruchu "Miecz i Pług" biografie
Narodowe Siły Zbrojne. Komenda Główna biografie
Słownik biograficzny
Oficer wyszkolenia i dca Szkoły Podchorążych przy ul. Miodowej. W Powstaniu Warszawskim walczył na Starym Mieście.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
A new method for automatic determining of the DBSCAN parameters
Starczewski, Artur
Goetzen, Piotr
Er, Meng Joo
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
clustering algorithms
data mining
Clustering is an attractive technique used in many fields in order to deal with large scale data. Many clustering algorithms have been proposed so far. The most popular algorithms include density-based approaches. These kinds of algorithms can identify clusters of arbitrary shapes in datasets. The most common of them is the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN). The original DBSCAN algorithm has been widely applied in various applications and has many different modifications. However, there is a fundamental issue of the right choice of its two input parameters, i.e the eps radius and the MinPts density threshold. The choice of these parameters is especially difficult when the density variation within clusters is significant. In this paper, a new method that determines the right values of the parameters for different kinds of clusters is proposed. This method uses detection of sharp distance increases generated by a function which computes a distance between each element of a dataset and its k-th nearest neighbor. Experimental results have been obtained for several different datasets and they confirm a very good performance of the newly proposed method.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2020, 10, 3; 209-221
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biodiversity of segetal weed community in continuous potato cultivated with metribuzin-based weed control
Pawlonka, Z.
Rymuza, K.
Starczewski, K.
Bombik, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The objective of the work reported here was to determine the relationship between herbicide rate and the biodiversity of weed communities in potato cultivated in continuous cropping. A seven-year field experiment was conducted to examine the effect of 4 metribuzin rates and an uncontrol on weed infestation in successive years of continuous potato cultivation. The following indices were calculated: the Shannon-Wiener and Simpson’s indices of species diversity and the Simpson’s index of domination. A total of 33 species were recorded in the experimental plots. Echinochoa crus-galli was the dominant species. The most abundant segetal communities were observed in untreated plots. An application of the herbicide reduced the biodiversity of the agrophytocenosis. Cultivation in continuous cropping increased the species number of the weed community in potato. The herbicide and cultivation in continuous cropping did not significantly affect the biodiversity indices but their values, to a great extent, confirmed the trends revealed by the analysis of weed infestation.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2015, 55, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of agronomic factors on the perennial ryegrass lawn colour
Wpływ regulatorów wzrostu na kolorystykę odmianowych muraw życicowych
Starczewski, K.
Affek-Starczewska, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
In the report, the influence of applied plant growth regulators and weather conditions on the colour of perennial ryegrass cultivars was shown. The results were obtained on the basis of field experiments in which four cultivars of perennial ryegrass were used: Inka, Lisuna, Sabor, Figaro. Grasses were exposed to three plant growth regulators: Moddus 250 EC, Bercema CCC, Flordimex 420 SL. The experiment was conducted in the experimental plot of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce (52°10’ N; 22°17’ E) in 2003-2005. Tested cultivars of perennial ryegrass were characterized by a uniform colour, but statistically significant differences occurred between individual years of research. In the case of growth regulators, a trend related to reduction in the overall assessment of lawn colour was shown in the tested cultivars. The results obtained show that among growth regulators, Moddus had the strongest effect on the colour of the tested cultivars. It was proved that retardants applied differently affected the colour of lawns in individual months and years of the study.
W pracy przedstawiono wpływ stosowanych regulatorów wzrostu: Moddus 250 EC, Bercema CCC i Flordimex 420 SL oraz czterech wybranych odmian życicy trwałej (Lolium perenne L.): Inka, Lisuna, Sabor i Figaro oraz przebiegu warunków pogodowych na kolorystykę muraw trawnikowych. Doświadczenie prowadzono na obiekcie doświadczalnym Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach (52°10’ N; 22°17’ E) w latach 2003-2005. Odmiany życicy trwałej charakteryzowały się wyrównaną kolorystyką, jednak statystycznie istotne różnice wystąpiły między poszczególnymi latami badań. Badane odmiany reagowały obniżeniem ogólnej oceny kolorystyki trawników na zastosowane regulatory wzrostu. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że z zastosowanych regulatorów wzrostu najsilniej na murawy oddziaływał Moddus. Jednocześnie wykazano, że użyte do badań retardanty odmiennie wpływały na kolorystykę trawników w poszczególnych miesiącach i latach badań.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura; 2011, 10, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A novel grid-based clustering algorithm
Starczewski, Artur
Scherer, Magdalena M.
Książek, Wojciech
Dębski, Maciej
Wang, Lipo
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
data mining
grid-based clustering
grid structure
Data clustering is an important method used to discover naturally occurring structures in datasets. One of the most popular approaches is the grid-based concept of clustering algorithms. This kind of method is characterized by a fast processing time and it can also discover clusters of arbitrary shapes in datasets. These properties allow these methods to be used in many different applications. Researchers have created many versions of the clustering method using the grid-based approach. However, the key issue is the right choice of the number of grid cells. This paper proposes a novel grid-based algorithm which uses a method for an automatic determining of the number of grid cells. This method is based on the kdist function which computes the distance between each element of a dataset and its kth nearest neighbor. Experimental results have been obtained for several different datasets and they confirm a very good performance of the newly proposed method.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2021, 11, 4; 319-330
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biodiversity of segetal weed communities when chlorsulfuron-based weed control is being used on continuous winter wheat
Pawlonka, Z.
Rymuza, K.
Starczewski, K.
Bombik, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between herbicide rate and weed community biodiversity in continuous wheat. A six-year field experiment was conducted to examine the effect of four chlorsulfuron rates in comparison with untreated (the control) plots, on the status and severity of weed infestation - in successive study years of cultivating winter wheat in monoculture. In addition, the following indices were calculated: Shannon-Wiener and Simpson’s index of biodiversity, and Simpson’s index of domination. A total of 36 weedy species were identified in the experimental plots. The richest segetal communities were established in the control plots. An application of herbicide reduced the biodiversity of the agrophytocensosis. A short-term monoculture did not impoverish the species richness of the weed community established in winter wheat. The average number of species in the community was significantly greater in the second study year. In the initial study years of monoculture, the biodiversity of the segetal community increased markedly compared with rotation-based cultivation. The calculated indices of biodiversity were not significantly affected by herbicide rate or monoculture but the indices confirmed the trends outlined by an analysis of the status and level of weed infestation.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2014, 54, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Po czym rozpoznać dobre repozytorium?
How to recognize a good repository?
Lewandowski, Tomasz
Starczewski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
otwarte repozytorium
open repository
search engine
Starannie prowadzone repozytorium to repozytorium dopasowane do całego systemu repozytoryjnego, obejmującego repozytoria instytucjonalne i dziedzinowe oraz repozytoria danych. Wymiana metadanych umożliwia powstawanie agregatorów. Ważna jest nie tylko dostępność treści w Internecie, ale również ich widoczność. Repozytoria mogą poprawiać widoczność zdeponowanych w nich treści uwzględniając wymogi wyszukiwarek internetowych, które dla wielu użytkowników są podstawowym sposobem pozyskiwania informacji naukowej. W artykule przedstawiono generalne zasady poprawiania widoczności w Internecie, a także kilka szczegółowych wskazówek.
A carefully conducted repository fits well into the whole repository system, which includes institutional and discipline repositories, as well as data repositories. It is possible to develop metadata aggregators owing to metadata exchange. Visibility is no less important than access to the materials on the Internet. Repositories can improve visibility of the deposited materials by taking into account the requirements of search engines, which are the basic means of obtaining scientific information for many users. The article presents general rules of improving online visibility and a few specific pieces of advice.
Biblioteka i Edukacja; 2014, 6
Pojawia się w:
Biblioteka i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How the analytical hierarchical process and revitalisation work together: A case study of Poland
Rogatka, Krzysztof
Starczewski, Tomasz
Kowalski, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
urban regeneration
multi-criteria analysis
comparative analysis
Due to the multifaceted nature of the revitalisation process, its evaluation and monitoring, as well as possible comparisons, are complex and difficult to carry out. Evaluation of the revitalisation process currently poses a challenge for all municipalities. The article aims to compare the revitalisation process in the two Polish cities of Toruń and Bydgoszcz. The analysis was based on two financial perspectives: 2007–2015 and 2016–2023. The authors chose a multi-criteria analysis method based on the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) as the main research method. The results show that the Local Revitalisation Programme of the City of Toruń for the years 2007–2015 had the best impact on the revitalisation process. Using the AHP method, we could carry out a multidimensional evaluation of the revitalisation process. Moreover, it allowed us to combine different elements of the evaluation of the revitalisation process and transform them into one synthetic result, ranking each programme in a hierarchy. At the methodological level, the article presents a new approach to conduct research in socio-economic geography, using the tool of multi-criteria analysis derived from the disciplines of economics and management sciences. Until now, the AHP method has not been used in the analysis of the revitalisation process, which confirms the innovative character of the conducted research.
Quaestiones Geographicae; 2022, 41, 4; 141-163
Pojawia się w:
Quaestiones Geographicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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