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Wyszukujesz frazę "in Warsaw" wg kryterium: Temat

Popławska-Bukało, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
The historical building in 26 Koszykowa Street is the seat of a Public Library established almost a hundred years ago for the capital city of Warsaw. In 2007 this institution will be celebrating its round anniversary. Created in 1907 thanks to the initiative of the Public Library Society, it has been almost uninterruptedly gathering and rendering available scientific collections and the belles lettres. From 1914 it is housed in an object erected due to the funds and efforts of Eugenia Kierbedz, born Kierbedz, the daughter of Stanislaw, an outstanding communications engineer and the author of the first permanent bridge across the Vistula in Warsaw. The Library was designed by acclaimed architects: Jan Heurich Junior and his collaborators - Wladyslaw Marconi and Artur Gurney. The building is composed of the two-storey main part which occupies the whole width of the front of the lot, and a single-storey outbuilding in the back, connected by means of a narrow and also one-story passage, perpendicular to the north-south axis. The most representative is the front fragment and the passage built on a ground plan similar to the letter T, which originally served predominantly library purposes. It still houses the large reading room featuring lavish architectural outfitting, harmoniously corresponding to the monumental facade which refers to the principles of Classical architecture. The outbuilding adjoining the passage and granted two wings of different width and height (on the ground plan of the letter L) formerly contained book storerooms, which burnt down during the second world war. Almost from its very outset the Library has been forced to tackle assorted problems involving available space. Successive postwar transformations (such as the erection of a new reading rooms building on the spot of a non-extant house in 28 Koszykowa Street) managed to meet the constantly growing needs of this institution for only a brief space of time. This is the reason why despite numerous failures, up to this day the Library has not resigned from efforts to expand and modernise its facilities. The results of a competition organised by SARP have been announced in December 2005. First prize for a conception of enlarging the Library went to the Bulanda, Mucha Architekci Sp. z o.o. studio. The adaptation of the Library buildings complex will be carried out in stages, and its completion is foreseen for 2007. Will it be conducted with due respect for the historical substance, or shall it assume the form of a successful integration of the new with the old; finally, will it add splendour to the anniversary of the hundred-years old institution? We still do not know the answer.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2006, 2; 57-68
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z korespondencji Emila Młynarskiego. Listy z lat 1905–1906 ze zbiorów Muzeum Teatralnego w Warszawie
From Emil Młynarski’s correspondence. His letters of 1905–1906 in the collection of the Theatre Museum in Warsaw
Szczepańska-Lange, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
opera w Warszawie
Filharmonia Warszawska
życie muzyczne Warszawy
Opera in Warsaw
Warsaw Philharmony
Musical life in Warsaw
Artykuł zawiera opatrzoną wstępem i komentarzami edycję dwunastu listów Emila Młynarskiego pisanych do żony Anny  w Lozannie w okresie 1905–06.  Młynarski wywiózł wówczas czwórkę małych jeszcze dzieci i żonę do bezpiecznej Szwajcarii, z dala od wstrząsanej rewolucją Warszawy. Sam pozostał w mieście, czasem odwiedzał rodzinę. Nie był obecny przy narodzinach najmłodszej córki Anny w nocy z 31 XII 1905 r. na 1 I 1906 roku. „Szwajcarka, obywatelka wolnego kraju – napisał w jednym z listów – nie to co my, wiecznie pod knutem”. Mógł to pisać bez obaw, gdyż listy przesyłał  „okazją” (poczta w Warszawie strajkowała). Listy są cenne nie tylko jako świadectwo postawy politycznej Młynarskiego, ale też jako swobodne, nie poddane autocenzurze  wypowiedzi. Ponadto stanowią one jedyny znany dziś ułamek rozproszonej po świecie spuścizny epistolarnej autora. Dokumentują okres przesilenia w jego działalności zawodowej, któremu towarzyszą trudności finansowe, jako że od chwili zerwania z Filharmonią Warszawską (kwiecień 1905 r.) jednym miejscem pracy byłego dyrektora tej instytucji jest Instytut Muzyczny. Młynarski stoi na czele uczelni, ale to nie wystarcza do samorealizacji ambitnego i utalentowanego  kapelmistrza. Listy portretują także czułego kochanka i męża, zakochanego w żonie.  Tęsknota do niej walczy o lepsze z myślami  o powrocie do zawodu. Na nic jednak znajomości  i kontakty  Młynarskiego nawet w kancelarii generała-gubernatora: w operze warszawskiej, do której chce wrócić, ani w ogóle w życiu  muzycznym miasta nie ma dla niego na razie miejsca. Konflikt z Aleksandrem Rajchmanem, dyrektorem administracyjnym Filharmonii, z powodu którego Młynarski opuścił jej podium,  trwa nadal. Oponenta swego, z pochodzenia Żyda, nie cierpi, ale nie postrzega go w kategoriach etnicznych, co warto to odnotować jako  rzadkość w czasach gdy antysemityzm był niemal normą.    Do edycji dołączone jest Posłowie, którego treścią są dramatyczne losy rodziny pozostałej po Młynarskim w latach II wojny światowej. Z sióstr Anny Młynarskiej jedną, Henrykę i troje jej dzieci wywieziono na Syberię jako „element społecznie obcy”, podobny los spotkał dwoje dzieci drugiej siostry Wandy. Anna Młynarska uniknęła deportacji prawdopodobnie dzięki ukryciu się w małym domku w sadzie. Jej syn Bronisław, więzień obozów sowieckich po 17 IX 1939 r., jako jeden z garstki 395 oficerów polskich uszedł z życiem z masakry katyńskiej. Znalazł się w grupie osób, o których zwolnienie wystarała się ambasada niemiecka. Autorka przypuszcza, że za tymi staraniami stał  Richard Strauss, pierwszy szef Reichsmusikkammer, który od 1903 r. znał dobrze jego ojca, Emila Młynarskiego.
The article is an edition (with introduction and commentaries) of Emil Młynarski’s twelve letters to his wife Anna, who in 1905–1906 resided in Lausanne. At that time, Młynarski took his wife and four (still small) children away from the revolution-ridden Warsaw to the safety of Switzerland. He remained in the city, but visited his family at times. He was not present at the birth of his youngest daughter Anna (in the night of 31 December 1905 / 1 January 1906). ‘[She is] a Swiss, so a citizen of a free country’, he wrote in one of the letters, ‘unlike us, who remain perpetually under the [Russian] knout’. He could write openly, since he sent those letters courtesy of private travellers (the Warsaw post was then on strike). The letters bear valuable testimony to Młynarski’s political attitudes, and retain the value of free sincere statements, not subjected to self-censorship. They also happen to be the only part of his correspondence (scattered throughout the world) that is known to researchers today. They are a document of a time of crisis in his professional work, accompanied by financial problems, resulting from the fact that from the moment he hadbroken his ties with Warsaw Philharmonic (in April 1905), which he had headed, his only employment was now in Warsaw Music Institute. Despite holding the post of the Institute’s director, he still felt frustrated in his personal ambitions as a talented conductor. The letters also present Młynarski as a caring husband and lover, genuinely in love with his wife, torn between missing her and hopes for a return to his profession. Nevertheless, even his connections and contacts at the governor-general’s office did not restore to him either a place at Warsaw Opera, where he wished to return, or in the city’s music life in general. His conflict with Aleksander Rajchman, the Philharmonic’s administrative director, which was the reason for Młynarski leaving the conductor’s pulpit – continued. Młynarski hated his opponent, but did not see him in ethnic categories as a Jew, which was very rare in those times, when anti-Semitism was virtually the norm. My edition has been supplemented with an afterword concerning the dramatic fates of Młynarski’s family during WWII, when one of Anna Młynarska’s sisters, Henryka, was deported with her three children to Siberia as ‘a socially alien element’, as also were two children of another sister, Wanda. Anna herself avoided the deportation most likely by hiding in a little cabin in the orchard. Her son Bronisław, found himself in Soviet POW camps after the invasion of 17 September 1939, and was one of the small group of (395) Polish army officers who survived the Katyn massacre – as one of those whose release from the camp was due to the efforts of the German embassy. I believe that those efforts may have been inspired by Richard Strauss, the first head of the Reichsmusikkammer, who had been a close acquaintance of Bronisław’s father, Emil Młynarski.
Muzyka; 2019, 64, 4; 111-149
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Droga do wykluczenia – neoliberalny dyskurs wokół prywatyzacji warszawskich szkół i stołówek
Road to Exclusion – Neoliberal Discourse on Privatization of Schools and School Canteens in Warsaw
Romanowski, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
educational politics in Warsaw
Road to Exclusion – Neoliberal Discourse on Privatization of Schools and School Canteens in Warsaw The article deals with social influence of neoliberal discourse on privatization of schools and school canteens in Warsaw. In the light of social analysis of discourse, the term means social activities situated in the area designated by ‘understanding, communicating and interpersonal interactions, where the above mentioned phenomena are being a part of a wider context constituted by social and cultural structures and processes’. In Teun A. van Dijk’s understanding of the term, a discursive social activity takes place, when ‘the language users take part in communication not only as entities, but also as members of various groups, institutions and cultures’, whereas through their statements they create, they confirm or question the social and political structures and institutions. The city council and district councils are places where the speech not only mirrors relations of social ascendancy (the councilors are always first to speak before the inhabitants), but also this ascendancy is being ‘performed’ by ‘constituting’ their recipient at the moment of enunciation (for example the figure of ‘homo sovieticus’ often mentioned by the councilors). Councils are places, where the enuncia- ted social structure mentions and preserves the ascendant’s position. The aim of the article was to show how some of the macro-scaled problems (neo-liberalism, crisis of the representative’s democracy) reveal its violent nature in the micro-scale (Warsaw councilors’ policy towards schools and school canteens).
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy; 2014, 1; 26-59
Pojawia się w:
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A forgotten hero: Jan Morawiński (1907–1949)
Zapomniany bohater – Jan Morawiński (1907–1949)
Olkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
Jan Morawiński
National Museum in Warsaw
Wilanów collection
Royal Castle in Warsaw
plunder of art works
Notes of a Curator at the National Museum published in 1970 in the second volume of the book Struggle for Cultural Goods is the only generally available testimony to saving the Wilanów historic monuments by Jan Morawiński, a forgotten hero from the times of WW II. Additionally priceless because of Morawiński documenting the looting of 137 paintings belonging to the pre-WW II Branicki collection at Wilanów. The above-mentioned Notes were published by the Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy after the manuscript kept in the private archive of the author’s daughter Agnieszka Morawińska. The notes, however, resemble pieces of paper torn from a notebook in which an earlier chapter is missing. The missing chapter does exist, yet for unknown reasons was omitted in the two-volume Struggle for Cultural Goods. Warsaw 1939–1945 edited by Prof. Stanisław Lorentz. The present paper is based on Morawiński’s hand-written testimony, supported by archival sources and recollections of his colleagues from the National Museum in Warsaw (MNW). From August 1939 to August 1944, Jan Morawiński, together with others, was involved in saving precious museum exhibits in the Museum building, but also throughout Warsaw. He was involved in packing the historic monuments into crates which were to help them survive the toughest times, and he helped to put out fires at the Museum, risking his own life. Moreover, he rescued the Royal Castle collections during the hardest bombing of Warsaw, transporting them to the storages in Warsaw’s Jerozolimskie Avenue. For his dedication he was awarded the Virtuti Militari Cross of the 5th class by Gen. Juliusz Rómmel. After Warsaw’s surrender, he was assigned Head of MNW’s storerooms and inventories: when Director Lorentz was absent, he acted as his deputy. In the first period of the Nazi occupation he courageously faced German officials. Furthermore, he headed the clandestine action of inventorying and documenting German destructions and plundering. The knowledge amassed in this way was extremely helpful in the restitution of the looted historic monuments, not only museum ones. He also contributed to documenting the destruction of the Warsaw Castle. Imprisoned by the Nazis, he went through Gestapo’s hands at Daniłowiczowska Street in Warsaw. Later on, he became manager of the Museum of Old Warsaw in the Old Town, at the same time acting as a guardian of the Wilanów collection. Following the defeat of the Warsaw Uprising, he participated in the so-called Pruszków Action in whose course he was badly injured.
Muzealnictwo; 2021, 62; 220-226
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Otorhinolaryngology teaching at the Warsaw University in 1920–1939
Bruzgielewicz, Antoni
Bartoszewicz, Robert
Krupowies, Walentyna
Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Ewa
Niemczyk, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Otorhinolaryngology Clinic in Warsaw
student teaching
Introduction: Before the Department and Chair of Otorhinolaryngology was established, scientific and professional activity on the ENT field was carried out in others specialist departments, including internal and surgery departments, as well as in hospital outpatient clinics and clinics dealing with ear, nose and larynx diseases. Otorhinolaryngologist got involved in this activity. The Chair of Otorhinolaryngology at the University of Warsaw was established on June 1, 1920, while the Department on January 15, 1921 at Elektoralna Street 12 in Warsaw was opening. Aim: In this paper we discuss on the otorhinolaryngology student’s teaching in the newly opened Chair and Department, taking into account staff, housing, teaching aids and legal acts issued at that time.
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny; 2020, 9, 4; 11-16
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie publikacji francuskich przy realizacji nagrobków na cmentarzach Warszawy w latach 1840-1860. Wzornik Josepha Marty’ego
The use of French templates during the execution of tombstones for the cemeteries of Warsaw from 1840 to 1860. Joseph Marty template
Wiraszka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw
Evangelical Cemeteries in Warsaw
Louis Marie Normand
Ferdinand Quaglia and Joseph Marty templates
The article in question is a continuity of the subject brought up in the magazine ”Ar-tifex Novus” published in October 2017. Its first part referred to the tombstones created on the ground of works printed in Paris in 1832 on the pages of two illustrated magazines whose authors were Ferdinando Quaglia and Louis-Marie Normand respectively. The other part was dedicated to the pattern book by Joseph Mart and the objects performed on its ground. Collected pieces of information enable us to conclude that between 1840 and 1860 on the premises of the necropoleis of Warsaw a minimum of 20 tombstones, with the forms fol-lowing those published in the above mentioned magazines, were raised. The vast majority of preserved examples, as many as 14, can be found on the premises of the Powązki Cemetery, another three were discovered at the Evangelical Augsburg Cemetery and two at the Evan-gelical Reformed Cemetery. Moreover, it has been stated that such tombstones happen to be funded on the premises of necropolies located outside the boundaries of the capital e.g. in Lublin, Pułtusk, Radom etc. Even though none of the tombstones was signed, it can be con-cluded the center of production and distribution was Warsaw and the stonework manufactures in operation in the city. Among others, attention was drawn to two manufactures: the one of Jan Ścisłowski (1805-1847) located at 6 Powązkowska Street, inherited and led by his two sons-in-law: Antoni Messing (1821-1867) and Jan Bernard Sikorski (1832-1906), and the other belonging to the Mantzl family, Jan Józef senior – the father (1806-1875) and Józef Jan junior, – the son (1834-1906), the manufacture previously located at 19 Chłodna Street. The tombstones funded and co-funded by relatives and friends were copings to graves of the wealthy, high officials, militaries, real estate and factory owners, entrepreneurs, mer-chants as well as craftsmen. The offer of the stonework manufactures in Warsaw reflected the taste of the elite, in the vast majority of Catholics of aristocratic descendance willing to show pro-French likeness and respect to the culture in question, having it as more sophisticated than the one dating back to the monarchy of Louis the XIV, and in particular, forming bonds with the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte the I.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2018, 25; 284-311
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warsaw doctors – creators of the polish otorhinolaryngology
Kierzek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Ośrodek Umea Shinoda-Kuracejo
history of medicine in Warsaw
history of otorhinolaryngology
The achievements of 19th-century Warsaw physicians and the first decades of the twentieth century who created the Polish otorhinolaryngology are presented briefly. The most famous of them are Teodor Heryng, Alfred Sokolowski and the surgeons Franciszek Jawdyński and Julian Kosiński. Other well-known doctors in Warsaw, whose merit were significant, are also analyzed.
Medicina Internacia Revuo; 2017, 28, 109; 288-291
Pojawia się w:
Medicina Internacia Revuo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Three Squares – a commentary on the history of a place. Saxon Square in Warsaw
Trzy Place Glosa do historii miejsca. Plac Saski w Warszawie
Szymski, Adam-Maria
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
Saxon Square in Warsaw
Plac Saski w Warszawie
The conducted studies concern historical and contemporary analyses of the development of three squares COMMENTARY. The studies presented in this paper are related to Saxon Square located in Warsaw. The analyses comprised a large number of historical sources which evidence the development of space on the square. The studies also involved projects relating to elements of the development of the square. Part of the analyses also involve numerous competitions for the development of Saxon Square.
Prowadzone badania dotyczą analiz historycznych i współczesnych zagospodarowania trzech placów GLOSA. Przedstawione w tym artykule badania dotyczą placu Saskiego znajdującego się w Warszawie. Analizy obejmowały liczne źródła historyczne, które pokazują rozwój przestrzeni placu. Badania objęły również projekty dotyczące elementów zagospodarowania placu. Część analiz obejmuje liczne konkursy, które obejmowały zagospodarowanie placu Saskiego.
Przestrzeń i Forma; 2020, 42; 9-52
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń i Forma
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
There Will be no Strength. (In)coherence and (Im)potency
Antoniuk, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Czesław Miłosz
The Room
In Warsaw
post-war poetry
In 1949, Czesław Miłosz spent a few days in Wroclaw, which was still in ruins after WWII. Six years later Miłosz wrote an interesting poem entitled Pokój (The Room) and created a symbolical vision of the city. The article discusses the style and meaning of the poem, and compares it with another (earlier) poem by Miłosz entitled In Warsaw, which also referred to a post-WWII, heavily destroyed city. This comparison reveals the convergences and differences between both texts.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2016, 38, 8
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Les pieces de George Sand dans les Théâtres de Varsovie au XIXe siecle
The plays of George Sand at Government Theatres of Warsaw in the 19th century
Bochenek-Franczakowa, Regina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Neofilologii
George Sand
nineteenth-century theatre in Warsaw
The article discusses the stagings of George Sand’s plays at Government Theatres of Warsaw in the 19th century (“Mauprat,” “Le marquis de Villemer,” “Académie de l’art poétique,” “Le mariage de Victorine”). The play that achieved the greatest success was “Mauprat,” staged almost continuously at the Teatr Wielki from 1856 to 1878. The success was due to the tastes of the Warsaw audience, sensitive to the achievements of the Romantic theatre and attached to their stage “stars”: in the case of “Mauprat,” the beloved “star” was Jan Królikowski, who frequently appeared as John Mauprat during the 20-year staging period. The article presents the traits of “Mauprat”’s adaptation and translation by Jan Tomasz Seweryn Jasiński (based on the available theatrical copies of the play), as well as theatrical reviews appearing in the press at that time, concerned with all of Sand’s plays which were staged in Warsaw.
Acta Philologica; 2016, 49; 151-161
Pojawia się w:
Acta Philologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miasto utrapienia, pejzaż pamięci: Żeromski, Singer i żydowska Warszawa
The Dolent City, the Landscape of Memory: Żeromski, Singer and Their Jewish Warsaw
Chyła, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
Stefan Żeromski
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Jewish quarter in Warsaw
In this article the author analyses Stefan Żeromski’s and Isaac Bashevis Singer’s fiction in search of contrasts and similarities in their images of 19th and early 20th century Jewish Warsaw. Singer portrayed it repeatedly in many of his works, such as In My Father’s Court (1966), Shosha (1978), Love and Exile (1984) and The Certificate (1992). Żeromski depicted it in two of his novels: Ludzie bezdomni [Homeless People] (1899) and Przedwiośnie [The Coming Spring] (1924). One would expect the differences to be huge and numerous and the resemblances rare and superficial. Singer memorialized a world that is no more, which was his own universe and heritage, while Żeromski was an outsider exploring an area that is mysterious, afflicted with severe poverty and in some ways out of bounds. Nevertheless, there are some intriguing analogies, particularly when Singer showed his streets, shops and houses through the eyes of a complete stranger or an incomer who perfectly remembers his childhood spent on Krochmalna Street but revisits to find it profoundly transformed—full of new thoughts, ideas and experiences.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2021, 11; 9-19
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Egyptian collection from Łohojsk in the National Museum in Warsaw
Majewska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
museum in Łohojsk
National Museum in Warsaw
Michał Tyszkiewicz
Egyptian collection
The National Museum in Warsaw, founded in 1916, took over the function of the older Museum of Fine Arts in Warsaw, founded in 1862. Between 1918 and 1922, the National Museum was systematically enriched through donations by private persons and institutions. One of the most important collections, placed there in 1919, was that originating from an old private museum owned by the Tyszkiewicz family in Łohojsk, donated through the agency of the Society of Fine Arts ‘Zachęta’ in Warsaw. The museum in Łohojsk (today in Belarus, not far from Minsk) was founded by Konstanty Tyszkiewicz (1806–1868). The rich collection of family portraits, paintings, engravings, and other works of art was enriched in 1862 by Count Michał Tyszkiewicz (1828–1897), who bequeathed a substantial part of the Egyptian antiquities brought from his travel to Egypt in 1861–1862. The Łohojsk collection was partly sold by Konstanty’s son, Oskar Tyszkiewicz (1837–1897), but some of these objects were purchased in 1901 by a cousin of Michał Tyszkiewicz, who then donated them to the Society of Fine Arts ‘Zachęta’. At this stage, the whole collection amounted to 626 items, of which 163 were connected to Egypt. During World War II, the National Museum in Warsaw suffered serious losses. At present, the exhibits originating from Łohojsk include 113 original ancient Egyptian pieces, four forgeries, and 29 paper squeezes reproducing the reliefs from the tomb of Khaemhtat of the 18th Dynasty (Theban tomb no. 57).
Światowit; 2018, 57; 249-257
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Michał Murawski, The Palace Complex. A Stalinist Skyscraper, Capitalist Warsaw, and a City Transfixed, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2019, pp. 366.
Mafrica, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Book reviews
The Palace of Culture in Warsaw
Polish Architecture
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2020, 11; 212-214
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polin: „Ultimate Lost Object”
Tokarska-Bakir, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
POLIN Museum in Warsaw
performative democracy
politics of memory
Polin: "Ultimate Lost Object”The article is a critique of the POLIN Museum’s contemporary exhibition, which – according to the author – suppresses the most difficult aspect of Polish-Jewish past, the ones associated with the violence of the pogroms that were the decisive factor in the greatest waves of Jewish emigration from Poland.Polin: „Ultimate Lost Object”Tekst stanowi krytykę projektu wystawy współczesnej Muzeum POLIN, tłumiącej – zdaniem autorki – najtrudniejsze, związane z przemocą pogromową, aspekty polsko-żydowskiej przeszłości, które zdecydowały o największych falach emigracji Żydów z Polski.  
Studia Litteraria et Historica; 2016, 5
Pojawia się w:
Studia Litteraria et Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Against Great Civilizing Missions. Working on “How to Save the World on a Small Stage?”
Sztarbowski, Paweł
Wawrzyńczak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego we Wrocławiu
climate change
ecological theatre
Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw
From a practice-as-research perspective, the author analyses his dramaturgical work on the performance How to Save the World on the Small Stage? directed by Paweł Łysak (Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw, 2018). This particular case is the starting point for complex research of methods and tools for ecological theatre. Una Chaudhuri’s idea of “Fifth Wall Dramaturgy” becomes the inspiration to exceed only human perspective and involve inhuman actors to the theatrical structure.
Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna; 2021, English Issue 2021; 70-89
Pojawia się w:
Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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