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The impact of fin-tech companies on the digital transformation of banking in the Republic of Croatia
Utjecaj fin-tech kompanija na digitalnu transformaciju bankarstva u Republici Hrvatskoj
Bračun, Sanja
Turkalj, Krešimir
Data publikacji:
European Business School Zagreb
digitalna transformacija Fin-Tech kompanije
digital transformation
Fin-Tech companies
The digital transformation of the financial sector is making strong progress in the global market. Fin-Tech companies are increasingly competing with, or even completely bypassing the existing financial sector, primarily banks. This trend is evident also in the Republic of Croatia, where new companies and their innovative financial products are increasingly emerging. In order to verify the readiness of Croatian banks to digital transformation and the implementation of new products and services, a qualitative research has been carried out (interviews with ten relevant respondents in the banking and Fin-Tech companies) to check the impact of Fin-Tech companies outside the banking sector on the banking system itself. During the research, particular attention was given to assessing whether banks and Fin-Tech companies on the Croatian market recognized the current needs of their clients, how well they adapted to their needs and whether banks can continue to be leaders in the digital transformation of the Republic of Croatia. As far as customer needs are concerned, a minor part of the respondents believe that the portfolio of banking services will merely be supplemented with new products and services, while most of the respondents believe that in the next 5 years the existing money transfer and card-based banking services will be replaced by completely new business models. Bank representatives note the strong influence of Fin-Tech companies on the global market but believe they still have a minor influence in the Republic of Croatia. They also believe that the banks are generally adapting well to the new situation and will continue to be leaders of digital transformation. They will retain this position primarily because of their size and the amount of capital they have at disposal in the process of building the perception of the safety of their business, which remains extremely important for Croatian clients. Based on research results, recommendations have been made for further activities related to digital transformation, which banks should implement in order to maintain a leading position on the Croatian financial services market.
Digitalna transformacija financijskog sektora na globalnom tržištu snažno napreduje. Fin-Tech kompanije sve više konkuriraju ili čak u potpunosti zaobilaze postojeći financijski sektor, primarno banke. Taj trend vidljiv je i u Republici Hrvatskoj, gdje se sve više pojavljuju nova poduzeća i njihovi inovativni financijski proizvodi. U cilju provjere spremnosti hrvatskih banaka na digitalnu transformaciju te implementaciju novih proizvoda i usluga, kroz provedeno kvalitativno istraživanje (intervjui s deset relevantnih sugovornika iz područja bankarstva i Fin-Tech kompanija) provjeren je utjecaj Fin-Tech kompanija koji su van bankarskog sektora, na sam bankarski sustav. Dodatna je pozornost tijekom istraživanja posvećena procjeni jesu li banke i Fin-Tech kompanije na hrvatskom tržištu prepoznale aktualne potrebe svojih klijenata, koliko im se dobro prilagođavaju te mogu li banke i dalje biti lideri u digitalnoj transformaciji Republike Hrvatske. Što se tiče prilagođavanja potrebama klijenata, manji dio sudionika istraživanja smatra kako će se portfelj usluga banaka tek nadopunjavati novim proizvodima i uslugama, dok ipak veći dio sudionika istraživanja smatra kako će u idućih 5 godina, postojeće prvenstveno platno prometne usluge banaka i kartičarskih kuća biti zamijenjene posve novim poslovnim modelima. Predstavnici banaka uočavaju jak utjecaj Fin-Tech kompanija na globalnom tržištu, no smatraju da u Republici Hrvatskoj oni ipak imaju manji utjecaj. Također, smatraju da se banke generalno dobro prilagođavaju novoj situaciji te da će i dalje ostati lideri digitalne transformacije. Tu poziciju zadržat će prvenstveno zbog svoje veličine i količine kapitala kojom raspolažu u procesu izgradnje percepcije sigurnosti svog poslovanja koja je hrvatskim korisnicima i dalje iznimno bitna. Na temelju rezultata provedenog istraživanja dane su preporuke daljnjih aktivnosti vezenih uz digitalnu transformaciju, koje bi banke trebale provesti u cilju zadržavanja vodeće pozicije na hrvatskom tržištu financijskih usluga.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo; 2020, 10, 2; 78-91
Pojawia się w:
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sektor Fin-Tech – zagrożenie czy szansa dla banków?
Zelga, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
tradycyjne banki
traditional banks
Postępująca globalizacja oraz dominacja nowoczesnych technologii powodują modyfikacje na wielu obecnych rynkach towarów oraz świadczonych usług. Banki podkreślają ideę równych szans dla wszystkich uczestników rynku, jednak powstaje pytanie czy stanowią wystarczająco elastyczne i konkurencyjne cenowo podmioty? Okazuje się bowiem, iż tradycyjna bankowość nie stanowi zagrożenia dla sektora Fin-Tech, nastawionego na współpracę w zakresie ożywienia sektora finansowego, dostosowującego swoje usługi do oczekiwań klientów. Wykazano, iż firmy Fin-Tech powinny poddać swoje firmy regulacjom sektora finansowego, co sprawi, iż wykreowane zostaną równe reguły gry wszystkich podmiotów oferujących podobne usługi oraz zapobiegnie arbitrażowi regulacyjnemu.
The ongoing globalization and dominance of modern technologies cause modifications on many current markets of goods and services. Banks emphasize the idea of equal opportunities for all market participants, but the question arises whether they are sufficiently flexible and competitively priced entities? It turns out that traditional banking is not a threat to the Fin-Tech sector, focused on cooperation in the recovery of the financial sector, adapting its services to customer expectations. It has been shown that Fin-Tech companies should submit their companies to financial sector regulations, which will result in creating equal rules of the game for all entities offering similar services and preventing regulatory arbitrage.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2018, 3, 19; 79-88
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Robo-advisors as Automated Personal Financial Planners – SWOT Analysis
Waliszewski, Krzysztof
Zięba-Szklarska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
digital financial planning
personal financial management
automated financial advisors
fin-tech regulation
Automatic financial consulting (robo-advice) is a financial innovation in the area of personal financial planning, and in particular investment consulting classified as fin-tech (financial technology). The main disadvantage of traditional investment advice is limited availability due to the required amount of assets and high management costs. These disadvantages are answered by robo-advice, using artificial intelligence and algorithms without the participation of a physical adviser, thereby reducing or abolishing minimal assets and reducing costs [Kocianski 2016]. The purpose of the article is to analyze strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats of robo-advisors, especially when compared to traditional financial advisors. This paper is an analysis of a history, regulations, application, functionality and development of Robo-Advice. The concept of Robo-Advice was critically analysed, with presentation of current strength and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats. We aimed showing that Robo-Advice should be innovative, feature a new approach, and should transform the current financial consulting. There are still, however, many opportunities and challenges in this field, which await discovering. The article uses the SWOT analysis method, analysis of the literature and reports. As indicated by the analysis, robo-advisors are not a threat to traditional financial advisors, but their complement, which makes the hybrid model connecting a physical advisor assisted by technological solutions (robo-advisors) most likely. This thesis is also confirmed by the small scale of robo-advisors’ activity compared to traditional advisors measured by the market penetration rate (in 2023 about 2% assets under management).
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2020, 3, 27; 155-173
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki sukcesu rozwoju podmiotów sektora FinTech na rynku polskim: studium przypadków
Success factors for the development of FinTech entities on the Polish market: a case study
Czarkowska, Marta
Polasik, Michał
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
cyfrowe finanse
technologie cyfrowe
digital finance
digital technologies
Od 2009 roku obserwowany jest dynamiczny rozwój nowego segmentu niebankowych podmiotów typu start-up, określanych mianem FinTech. Dynamiczny rozwój usług na rynku finansowym, które wykorzystują technologie cyfrowe sprawił, że FinTech stał się niezwykle popularny zarówno wśród pracowników sektora bankowego, jak i szerokiego grona konsumentów oraz postrzegany jest jako synonim nowoczesności. Głównym celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wyników badań, które miały określić czynniki sukcesu dla rozwoju podmiotów FinTech. Badania zostały zrealizowane metodą wielokrotnego studium przypadku, obejmującego sześć wybranych start-upów FinTech działających na rynku polskim. Zastosowano również szeroki przegląd literatury. Badania własne, jak i analiza źródeł wtórnych pozwoliły ustalić, że jednym z kluczowych czynników wspierających sukces rozwoju podmiotów FinTech jest nawiązanie współpracy z bankami. Współpraca ta przynosi znaczące korzyści obu stronom, pozwalając na wykorzystanie potencjału komplementarności ich atutów i zwiększenie możliwości wspólnego rozwoju. Część z rozwiązań jest w pełni oparta na współpracy z bankami, czego przykładem jest BLIK jako system zintegrowany z aplikacjami bankowości mobilnej. Natomiast główną barierą dla rozwoju branży FinTech w Polsce okazały się ograniczenia związane z regulacjami prawnymi i sposobem ich wdrożenia. Rynek finansowy staje się coraz silniej uregulowany, a polski organ nadzoru nad nim prowadzi dość restrykcyjną politykę. Zdecydowanie najważniejszym czynnikiem, który decyduje o popularyzacji cyfrowych usług podmiotów FinTech wśród polskich konsumentów jest zdolność do zapewnienia im szeroko rozumianej wygody.
The dynamic development of services in the financial market that use digital technologies has made FinTech synonymous with modernity, and a term with growing popularity, both among banking professionals and the wider consumer community. Since 2009, the dynamic development of this new segment of non-banking startup entities within the financial sector, FinTechs, has been observed. The main objective of this study is to identify success factors for the development of FinTech entities, by conduscting research using a multiple case study method involving six selected FinTech entities operating in the Polish market, supported by an extensive literature review. Our research, as well as the analysis of secondary sources, established that one of the key factors supporting the success of the development of FinTech entities is the establishment of cooperation with banks, which brings significant benefits to both parties - banks and FinTechs - allowing them to exploit the potential for complementarities between their strengths and increase opportunities for joint development. Some of the solutions introduced by FinTechs are fully based on cooperation with banks, for example BLIK, a system integrated with mobile banking applications. The main barrier to the development of FinTechs in Poland has turned out to be limitations related to legal regulations and the manner of their implementation in the Polish market. The financial market is becoming increasingly regulated, and, at the same time, the Polish financial market supervisory authority is pursuing a rather restrictive policy. The most important factor that determines the popularity of digital FinTech services among Polish consumers is the ability to provide them with broadly understood convenience.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2024, 105, 3; 31-40
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Financial technologies in personal financial planning: robo-advice vs. human-advice
Waliszewski, Krzysztof
Warchlewska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
personal financial planning
human advice
JEL codes: D10, G20, G50, L84, O33
The paper presents the essence of financial technologies in personal financial planning, especially robo-advice. The main aim of the paper is to describe the presumptions for the development of robo-advice. An analysis of robo-advice on personal finance management was made. The analysis was based on a review of the subject literature, and on primary and secondary research. Particular attention was paid to the intensification of activities in the implementation of modern solutions and tools supporting the management of personal finances and the gradual development of robo-advisors. Modern solutions are still struggling with great distrust on the part of their current and potential customers, and the development of modern technologies in liquidity and asset management still requires a human factor.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2020, 82, 4; 303-317
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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