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Workplace Violence: A Study of Turkish Workers
Aytac, S.
Bozkurt, V.
Bayram, N.
Yildiz, S.
Aytac, M.
Akinci, F. S.
Bilgel, N.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
workplace violence
physical violence
psychological violence
This research was conducted to address the experience of workplace violence of Turkish workers from different sectors and to investigate the impact of the exposed violence on their psychological well-being. Data were collected anonymously with printed questionnaires from the volunteer participants and depended on self-reporting. The response rate was 79.0% (1708/2161). The prevalence of workplace violence was found to be 44.8%. The most common type was verbal violence together with mobbing (bullying). Victims of physical violence were mostly males, whereas females were found to be victims of verbal, psychological and sexual violence. Most cases did not result in legal action and the victims remained silent. Psychological well-being of exposed workers in terms of depression, anxiety and stress seemed to deteriorate. Workplace violence remains a silent epidemic in Turkey. Preventive measures against workplace violence and social support for violated workers do not exist.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2011, 17, 4; 385-402
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc psychiczna wobec partnerki w związkach intymnych
Psychological Violence Against Cohabitees in Intimate Relationships
Cygan, Anna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
physical violence
psychological violence
intimate relationships
effects of violence
The article concentrates on psychological violence against cohabitees in intimate relationships; the author does not ignore such important issues as definition of violence, its reasons and effects; she also mentions the results of studies concerning the subject of violence in families, against the background of which she analyzes her own study results.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2013, 3; 31-51
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Misrecognized Violence against Women and Perpetrated by Women. Seeking Remedies
Dutka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Physical violence
domestic abuse
sexual violence
gender norms
This paper explores the misrecognition of women's experience with violence in order to understand better what kinds of approaches to the problem would make it possible to design successful strategies for the prevention of violence. Violence itself, as well as common misconceptions regarding its mechanisms, carries ramifications that go far beyond direct and physical injury. The prevalence of violence and lack of social awareness regarding its mechanisms result in limitations to the social participation of many individuals and groups. Among the groups affected, women have an important place, both due to their number and the way that femininity relates to and disturbs other identities.
Ethics in Progress; 2014, 5, 2; 187-203
Pojawia się w:
Ethics in Progress
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A shaping and a stability of convictions in aggressive behaviors – an analysis of biographical experiences (case study)
Agnieszka, Jaros,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
aggressive behaviors
physical violence
prosecutor – victim – witness
The article is devoted to an issue of shaping and evolution of convictions in aggressive behaviors. Convictions, as quite stable cognitive structures, do not change easily under influence of experiences. However, their influence on a person’s behavior depends above all on the way of interpretation of an event and a role played in an aggressive event. In order to illustrate the described issue, we chose a narrative (case study). On the basis of autobiographical narrative interview, experiences were reconstructed, which were influencing a shaping of convictions connected with aggressive behaviors, as well as variability, depending on a role undertaken in an aggressive behavior.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2018, 56(14); 192-203
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prostytucja w aspekcie prawnym i jej skutki psychiczno-społeczne
Legal aspects of prostitution and its psycho-social consequences
Gwara, Milena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
przemoc fizyczna
dom publiczny
physical violence
Zgodnie z art. 203 Kodeksu karnego zabronione jest uprawianie prostytucji. Jednakże prostytucja jest to powszechnie istniejące zjawisko – fakt społeczny. Istnieje wiele czynników, dzięki którym dziewczyny decydują się na taki, a nie inny sposób zarabiania pieniędzy. Obecnie także pojawiła się nowa jego forma, a mianowicie sponsoring. Prostytucja jako zjawisko nie jest społecznie szkodliwa. Problem pojawia się, gdy nasilają się przyczyny tego stanu rzeczy, zanikanie silnych więzi społecznych, głębokiej emocjonalności czy utrata poczucia tożsamości. Seks niewątpliwie jest dziedziną życia człowieka. O sposobie zaspokojenia popędowych napięć seksualnych, a także o poziomie osiąganej przy tym satysfakcji nie decydują funkcje narządów płciowych, a cała osobowość. Seks pełni różne funkcje, a mianowicie psychologiczną, społeczną i biologiczną. Społeczeństwa były różnie nastawione do zjawiska prostytucji. Przez jednych była ona społeczne akceptowana, zaś przez drugich surowo represjonowana. Prostytucja w świetle prawa karnego oznacza nierząd prowadzony w celu osiągnięcia zysku. Także w związku z prostytucją jest karalne stręczycielstwo, kuplerstwo i sutenerstwo. Następstwa prostytucji mogą być psychologiczne i psychiatryczne. Pierwsze z nich polegają na tym, że młoda kobieta nie zdaje sobie sprawy z konsekwencji jakie mogą być po zdecydowaniu się na taką formę pracy, nie ma świadomości jak obciąża swoją psychikę. Kobiety mają do czynienia z przemocą i brutalnością w tym zawodzie, są upokarzane i wyszydzane przez klientów. Drugie natomiast polegają na tym, że kobieta sama do siebie traci szacunek, a potem zaczyna nawet siebie nienawidzić. Nawet jeśli kobieta z tym zerwie, pozostaje w niej poczucie winy i trauma wstydliwej przeszłości. Istnieją natomiast międzynarodowe regulacje prawne związane ze zjawiskiem prostytucji. Jedną z nich jest Konwencja ONZ w sprawie Eliminacji Wszelkich form Dyskryminacji Kobiet i druga Konwencja ONZ w sprawie Zwalczania Handlu Ludźmi i Eksploatacji Prostytucji.
Under the Polish criminal law, i.e. art. 203 of the Criminal Code, prostitution is forbidden. Prostitution is a widely existing phenomenon – a social fact. There are many reasons, factors on the basis of which girls opt for one and not another way to earn money. Currently its new form has also appeared, namely a sponsorship. Prostitution itself is not socially harmful. The problem appears when the phenomenon intensifies, and more precisely – the causes of this state of affairs. The disappearance of strong social bonds, deep emotions, loss of sense of identity can also lead to many undesirable consequences. Sex certainly is a sphere of human life. The manner of satisfying impulsive sexual tensions, as well as the level of achieved satisfaction do not depend on the functions of sexual organs, but on the whole personality. Sex fulfills various functions, i.e. psychological, social and biological. The attitude of the society to prostitution varies. Some just accept it socially, while others strictly repress it. Under the criminal law, prostitution means indecent behavior aiming at obtaining profit. Procurement, pimping and facilitating prostitution are punished in relation to prostitution. The consequences of prostitution may be psychological and psychiatric. The first are related with the fact that a young woman is not aware of the consequences which may arise after deciding on such a line of work and is not aware of the mental burden. Women deal with violence and brutality in this profession; they are humiliated and derided by their clients. While the second are connected with losing respect to herself, and then even starting to hate herself. Even if a woman gives up prostitution, a horrendous feeling of guilt and trauma of embarrassing past remain. There are international legal regulations related with the issue of prostitution. One of them is the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the second is the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others. Prostitution is a form of a suicide: it kills the body and mind because if you become indifferent and do not feel anything wrong, you will not feel anything good either. Each sexual act requires love since each woman desires to be respected and loved, and not only used.
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM; 2016, 6
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long Way to the 2014 Istanbul Convention: Its Role and Significance
Hršak, Eva
Kovač, Jernej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
physical violence
intimate relationship
human rights
Istanbul Convention
This article investigates the historical aspects of physical violence in intimate relationships. The primary purpose is to illustrate the legal aspects and emotional dynamics of physical violence in intimate relationships, focusing on differences in perspective of various historical eras. We analyzed the Istanbul Convention, which represents a base document for preventing physical violence in domestic environments. In addition, we have analysed curriculum in kindergarten. We have discovered that the topics from the Istanbul Convention are incorporated in the kindergarten.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2023, 13, 2; 247-263
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Domestic violence against seniors in rural areas of West Pomerania, Poland
Kołodziejczak, S.
Terelak, A.
Bulsa, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Domestic violence
rural areas
physical violence
psychological violence
sexual violence
physical negligence
psychological negligence
Introduction and objective. The study on domestic violence in rural areas of Western Pomerania (Poland), carried out in October 2017, aimed at determining the scale of domestic violence against the elderly, taking into account its 5 forms: psychological, physical, economic and sexual violence, as well as negligence. Materials and method. The research concept was implemented with the use of a representative sampling method by means of a questionnaire-based audit interview, and using research tools to measure the social scale of the phenomenon of domestic violence, the victims of which were the elderly from one of the rural communes of Western Pomerania. Results. The basic results of the survey were as follows: 1) 40.1% of seniors reported experiencing violence from their family members; 2) 36.5% experienced psychological violence and 21.9% – negligence; 3) 8.8% were victims of economic violence and 5.1% – of physical violence; 4) sexual abuse was the least frequently reported – 0.7%. Conclusions. Domestic violence in rural areas could affect as many as 40% of seniors. Generally, they admitted to experiencing one of the 5 forms of violence distinguished in the study, of which acts of psychological violence were predominant. Negligence and economic violence were relatively less frequent. Physical violence was even less prevalent. On the other hand, 8.1% of seniors experienced 3–4 forms of violence, which could be considered as a situation of increased risk of pathologisation of their family life.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2019, 26, 1; 92-96
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy „rodzeństwo zawsze się bije”? Znormalizowana przemoc między rodzeństwem w dzieciństwie — stan badań, skala zjawiska, doświadczenia dorosłego rodzeństwa
Do “Siblings Always Hit Each Other”? Normalized Violence between Siblings in Childhood — Research, the Scale of the Phenomenon, and the Experiences of Adult Siblings
Dębska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
physical violence
psychological violence
przemoc fizyczna
przemoc psychiczna
This article deals with the problem of sibling violence in childhood. According to the data, children are particularly often the victims of physical and psychological abuse from their brothers and sisters. However, this topic is relatively rarely discussed in Polish sociological and psychological literature. Among other reasons, there is a tendency to perceive violence between children as irrelevant and as an unavoidable element of childhood. The author has three purposes. First, she presents the state of expertise on sibling violence. Second, she presents data obtained from the Empowering Children Foundation on how many children report sibling violence to the Helpline and thus illustrates the scale of the phenomenon in Poland. Third, she attempts to show how the experience of sibling violence in childhood is reflected in the stories adults recount in regard to their biographies and their relations with their siblings. Cases are cited that illustrate the various circumstances of physical and psychological violence in sibling relations.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2020, 64, 3; 51-74
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Scale and forms of domestic violence against schoolchildren in rural, rural-urban and urban areas
Terelak, A.
Kołodziejczak, S.
Bulsa, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
domestic violence
child abuse
rural areas
physical violence
psychological violence
sexual violence
physical neglect
psychological neglect
family violence
Introduction. In 2017, the third cyclical study on the scale of domestic violence against schoolchildren and youth in one of the rural communes of the Western Pomerania (Poland) was carried out. The study took into account five forms of violence: mental, physical, neglect, economic and sexual. The previous two editions of the study covered urban-rural (2016) and urban communities (2015). Materials and method. The research concept was implemented by means of the representative research method, using an auditing questionnaire interview technique, based on a research tool developed on the basis of a number of previous qualitative research and quantitative tests to measure the social scale of domestic violence. Results. Domestic violence against minors reaches 48.2% in the rural area under study, 51.8% in the urban-rural area and 65.5% in the urban area. In all types of areas, the most frequent form of violence was psychological violence, it affects 42.4% of children in rural communitys, 51.3% in urban-rural and 60.5% in urban municipalities. In reference to other, less frequent forms of violence, there was also a difference in scale according to the area type. Conclusions. The incidence of individual forms of domestic violence varied depending on the type of area: Psychological violence: rural areas – 42.4%, urban-rural – 51.3%, urban areas – 60.5%; Neglect: rural areas – 21.1%, urban-rural – 13.5%, urban areas – 22.3%; Physical violence: rural areas – 17.1%, urban-rural – 20.7%, urban areas – 29.4%; Economic violence: rural areas – 12.6%, urban-rural – 19.2%, urban areas – 29.3%; Sexual violence: rural areas – 3.2%, urban-rural – 3.6%, urban areas – 8.1%.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2019, 26, 4; 572-578
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojnicka, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
physical violence, domestic violence, hegemonic masculinity, subordinated masculinities, male victims, perpetrators, men-to-men violence, Europe
The aim of the paper is to present and analyse the intersection between men, masculinities and physical violence in the comparative, European dimension as this issue is still too rarely raised in the existing literature dealing with issues on both violence, and men and masculinities. The presented findings result to a large extent from research conducted by an international team of researchers within the PROGRESS The Role of Men in Gender Equality project (2011–2012). The paper presents analysis regarding connections between perpetration of violence and the character of traditional, hegemonic masculinity; data on the scale and types of violence perpetrated and experienced by men from different European countries; analysis of the position of men as a victims of (physical) violence; and a presentation of the forms of men’s (social) activism against (male) violence. 
Studia Humanistyczne AGH; 2015, 14, 2
Pojawia się w:
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczanie przemocy w szkole a jakość życia dzieci w Wielkopolsce
Szwarc, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
life satisfaction
emotional violence
physical violence
satysfakcja z życia
przemoc relacyjna
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania satysfakcji z życia przeprowadzonego w 2014 r. wśród losowo wybranych dzieci w wieku 8, 10 i 12 lat uczęszczających do szkół podstawowych w województwie wielkopolskim. Celem badania było porównanie subiektywnej oceny jakości życia dzieci doświadczających i niedoświadczających przemocy ze strony rówieśników. Dokonano podziału uczestników badania ze względu na rodzaj doświadczanej przemocy — fizycznej (bicie) i relacyjnej (odtrącanie). Do oceny jakości życia wykorzystano skale psychometryczne: OLS (Overall Life Satisfaction), SLSS (Student Life Satisfaction Scale) i BMSLSS (Brief Multidimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale). Porównano średnie wartości wymienionych wskaźników dla dzieci doświadczających i niedoświadczających przemocy według wieku. Do oceny statystycznej istotności różnic zastosowano test t-Studenta. Ponadto skonfrontowano stan posiadania niektórych dóbr w obu grupach uczestników badania oraz porównano poziom zadowolenia z niektórych elementów składających się na jakość życia. Badanie wykazało, że satysfakcja z życia dzieci bitych i odtrącanych maleje wraz z wiekiem szybciej niż w przypadku pozostałych dzieci. Jednym z czynników wpływających na to jest gorsza sytuacja materialna dzieci doświadczających przemocy. Kolejny czynnik to własny wygląd, przy czym nabiera on znaczenia w starszych grupach wieku.
The article presents the results of a research on the life satisfaction, conducted in 2014, among randomly selected children aged 8, 10 and 12, attending primary schools in Wielkopolskie voivodship. The aim of this research is to compare the subjective assessment of the life quality of children experiencing and not experiencing peer violence. Division of the participants was conducted due to the type of experienced violence — physical (beating) and emotional (rejection). Psychometric scales such as OLS (Overall Life Satisfaction), SLSS (Student Life Satisfaction Scale) and BMSLSS (Brief Multidimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale) were used to evaluate the quality of the examined children life. The mean values of the above-mentioned indicators for children experiencing and not experiencing violence according to age were compared. The Student’s t-test was used to evaluate the significance of differences. Moreover, the state of certain goods possession in both groups of participants was confronted as well as the level of satisfaction with some aspects of life quality was compared. The research has shown that life satisfaction of beaten and discarded children decreases with age faster than other children. One of the factors impacting such results is the worse financial situation of children experiencing violence. Another factor is appearance, but it becomes more important in older age groups.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2017, 7
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klaps za karę. Wyniki badania postaw i stosowania kar fizycznych w Polsce
Spanking for punishment. The results of the study of attitudes and use of physical punishment in Poland
Włodarczyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
kary fizyczne
przemoc fizyczna
physical punishment
physical violence
Kary fizyczne są najczęstszą formą przemocy fizycznej wobec dzieci. Głównym celem badania było poznanie postaw i doświadczenia dorosłych Polaków dotyczących stosowania kar fizycznych oraz ich wiedzy na temat prawnego zakazu stosowania tych kar w Polsce. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone metodą CAWI na próbie N = 1005 dorosłych Polaków, w tym n = 661 rodziców. Według Polaków rodzice coraz rzadziej stosują kary fizyczne wobec dzieci, szczególnie w porównaniu z innymi formami krzywdzenia. Spada także przyzwolenie na ich stosowanie przez rodziców. Nadal jednak niemal połowa dorosłych Polaków (48%) uznaje, że rodzic ma prawo uderzyć dziecko za karę. Większość Polaków (61%) wie, że stosowanie kar fizycznych wobec dzieci jest w Polsce zakazane. Więcej niż co czwarty polski rodzic (26%) przyznał, że zdarzyło mu się stosować kary cielesne. Jako powody rodzice podają z jednej strony zmęczenie, utratę cierpliwości i bezradność, a z drugiej – temperament i dobro dziecka.
Physical punishment is the most common form of physical violence against children (UNICEF, 2014). The main objective of the study was to recognise the attitudes and experiences of adult Poles regarding the use of corporal punishment and their knowledge of the legal ban of corporal punishment in Poland. The study was conducted using the CAWI method on a sample of 1005 adult Poles, including 661 parents. According to Poles, parents are less likely to physically punish their children, especially when compared to other forms of abuse. The approval for use it by parents is falling. Still, almost half of adult Poles (48%) believe that a parent has the right to hit a child as a punishment. The majority of Poles (61%) know that the use of physical punishments against children is prohibited in Poland. More than every fourth Polish parent (26%) reported that he had ever used corporal punishment. As the reasons parents give on the one hand tiredness, loss of patience and helplessness, on the other – the temperament of the child and doing it for the child’s own good.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2017, 16, 4; 81-107
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc w rodzinie. Wyniki Ogólnopolskiej diagnozy skali i uwarunkowań krzywdzenia dzieci
Violence in the family. Results of the Nationwide Diagnosis of the scale and determinants of child abuse
Szredzińska, Renata
Włodarczyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
przemoc fizyczna
przemoc psychiczna
kary fizyczne
wiktymizacja pośredni
physical violence
psychological violence
physical punishments
indirect victimization
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki Ogólnopolskiej diagnozy skali i uwarunkowań krzywdzenia dzieci, którą przeprowadzono w 2018 r. na losowej próbie 1155 dzieci i nastolatków w wieku 11–17 lat. Analizie poddano zjawiska przemocy fizycznej, przemocy psychicznej i zaniedbania fizycznego oraz wiktymizacji pośredniej w postaci bycia świadkiem przemocy domowej. Okazało się, że co piąty nastolatek doświadczył przemocy fizycznej ze strony bliskich osób, a odsetek ten wzrósł do 33%, gdy do analizy włączono doświadczanie kar fizycznych w postaci klapsów. Spośród badanych 19% doświadczyło przemocy psychicznej w rodzinie, 6% – zaniedbania fizycznego, a 13% było świadkiem przemocy domowej wobec osoby dorosłej lub innego dziecka w rodzinie. Wykazano istotny związek wszystkich wymienionych kategorii krzywdzenia z podejmowaniem zachowań autodestrukcyjnych – samookaleczeń i prób samobójczych.
Phenomena of physical and psychological violence, physical neglect and indirect victimization, in the form of witnessing domestic violence. Every fith teenager experienced physical violence from close relatives. This percentage grew to 33% when the experience of physical punishment in the form of spanking was included in the analysis. 19% of respondents experienced psychological violence in the family, 6% have physical negligence experience and 13% witnessed domestic violence against an adult or other child in the family. The analysis of the results showed a significant relationship between all the above categories of abuse and self-destructive behavior: self-harm and attempted suicide.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2019, 18, 3; 36-67
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reporting of workplace violence towards nurses in 5 European countries – a cross-sectional study
Babiarczyk, Beata
Turbiarz, Agnieszka
Tomagová, Martina
Zeleníková, Renáta
Önler, Ebru
Sancho Cantus, David
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
occupational health
physical violence
verbal abuse
reasons for non-reporting
ObjectivesThis study aimed to assess country-specific evidence of physical and non-physical acts of workplace violence towards nurses working in the health sector in 5 European countries, and then to identify reasons for not reporting violence experienced at work.Material and MethodsThis retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in 5 participating countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Turkey, and Spain). All registered nurses working in selected healthcare settings for at least 1 year were invited to participate in the study. A questionnaire adapted from the Workplace Violence in the Health Sector Country Case Study – Questionnaire, developed jointly by the International Labour Office, the International Council of Nurses, the World Health Organization and Public Services International, was used. The selection of healthcare settings and the distribution of the questionnaire were conducted according to the recommendations of the questionnaire authors.ResultsIn total, 1089 nurses submitted completed questionnaires which could be included in the study. Of these, 54% stated that they had been exposed to non-physical violence and 20% had been exposed to physical violent acts. A total of 15% of the surveyed nurses experienced both forms of workplace violence. In addition, 18% of the respondents confirmed having witnessed physical violence in their workplace. The most common perpetrators were patients and patients’ relatives. In about 70% of these cases, no actions were taken after the act of violence to investigate its causes. About half of the study group did not report workplace violence as they believed it was useless or not important. The most common consequences of workplace violence included being “superalert” or watchful and on guard.ConclusionsNurses internationally are both victims of and witnesses to workplace violence. Workplace violence is often seen by nurses as an occupational hazard and, as such, it remains not reported. The first step in preventing workplace violence is not only to acknowledge its existence but also to ensure the appropriate reporting of violent acts.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2020, 33, 3; 325-338
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Klaps, a nawet parę pasów…” – stosunek Polaków do przemocy w wychowaniu
“Spanking or even belting…” – the attitudes towards violence in upbringing in Poland
Jarosz, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
kary fizyczne
przemoc fizyczna
corporal punishment
physical violence
W artykule na tle ogólnej refleksji nad historią używania kar cielesnych przedstawiono wyniki badań surveyowych przeprowadzonych w ramach monitoringu postaw społecznych wobec przemocy w wychowaniu, który realizowany jest przez Rzecznika Praw Dziecka. Ukazuje postawy Polaków dotyczące aprobaty vs dezaprobaty zachowań przemocy wobec dziecka, jakimi są klapsy i tzw. lanie, poziom uznawania kar cielesnych w wychowaniu oraz obraz występowania i rozmiary przemocy w wychowaniu w świetle ujawnień rodziców. Uzyskany obraz pokazuje zarówno stosunkowo wysoką aprobatę społeczną przemocy w wychowaniu, jak i jej występowanie w praktyce wychowawczej polskich rodzin.
Against the background of general reflections on the history of corporal punishment, the article presents findings from surveys conducted within the monitoring of social attitudes towards violence in parenting, carried out by the Children’s Ombudsman. It discusses Poles’ attitudes of approval vs. disapproval of violent behavior towards children, such as spanking or smacking, the level of acceptance of corporal punishment in parenting, and the prevalence of such violent behavior as reported by parents. The research has found a relatively high level of social approval for violence in parenting, as well as its actual presence in Polish families’ parenting practices.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2014, 13, 4; 116-137
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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