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The Newest Polish New Yorkers: A Social and Demographic Profile
Fiń, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
According to U.S. Census data, New York City is the one of the main places of concentration for members of the Polish diaspora. Despite the fact that the migration stream from Poland to the United States is not as large as it was in the past; Polish immigrants continue to be in the top twenty ethnic groups coming to the city after 2000. The literature-both in Polish and English-lacks complete research about the Polish diaspora in New York City. This article attempts a description of Polish immigrants in New York City. In the analysis, particular attention is focused on general demographic characteristics and socioeconomic characteristics. Four dimensions of socioeconomic characteristics are included: education, occupation, income, and residence patterns. The sociological significance of the analysis lies in the fact that these characteristics provide us with the basic indicators of social status and give us a general picture of the group’s adjustment and integration, or lack of it, to the vertical structure of the host society.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2015, 41, 4 (158); 193-214
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowy Jork w prozie Janusza Głowackiego
New York in the prose writings of Janusz Głowacki
Paliwoda, Agata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Janusz Głowacki
New York
W artykule zarysowany został obraz Nowego Jorku jaki wyłania się z prozy Janusza Głowackiego. Pisarz skrupulatny w odtwarzaniu topografii metropolii, widział ją miastem wielkich kontrastów, nieograniczonych możliwości i całkowitej nieprzewidywalności. Zawsze krytyczne w twórczości Głowackiego spojrzenie na Nowy Jork zwłaszcza w ostatnich powieściach ujawniło całą swą ostrość i głębię. Miasto jawi się parabolą świata globalnego – chaosu i pomieszania wartości – rzeczywistości, w której nędza i bogactwo sąsiadują ze sobą, ludzie pozbawieni autentyczności instrumentalnie posługują się innymi, konfrontacja z innością rozmywa tożsamość, a wartości są kreowane przez rynek i pieniądz.
The paper depicts the image of New York which emerges from the prose writings of Janusz Głowacki. The writer, meticulous in representing the topography of the metropolis, saw it as a city of stark contrasts, unlimited possibilities and complete unpredictability. The view of New York, always critical in Głowacki’s writing, revealed its sharpness and depth especially in his recent novels. The city appears as a parable of the global world, its chaos and confusion of values, as a reality, in which poverty and wealth exist next to each other, people devoid of authenticity treat others like objects, confrontation with otherness blurs identity, and values are created by money and the market.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2020, 26, 2; 121-129
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Memory of the City: New York 9/11/2013
Jasiński, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
New York architecture
Twin Towers
The article presents functional, spatial and symbolic transformations of New York City and its architecture after the terrorist attack of 9/11. Destroyed Twin Towers have been replaced by the new WTC One, highest building in the US. Its architecture is controversial, but according to author, it will soon became a new symbol of New York. 9/11 tragedy did not stop development of the city. Just contrary: New York’s ambition is to become a model for cities in the 21st century, a resident-friendly and sustainable urban eco-system.
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy; 2013, 3(17); 216-225
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New York City Taxicab Drivers and the Immigrant Experience
Hodges, Graham Russell Gao
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Taxi driving is a primary occupation for immigrants to New York City. Driving a cab in New York City, the home of a substantial majority of American cabbies is nearly a rite of passage for newly arrived male immigrants. For generations Americans have believed that the job helped an immigrant to learn the city, acculturate to American mores, earn sufficient cash to secure a better occupation, and ultimately insure that his sons will not have to wrestle a steering wheel twelve hours or more a day. During the 1950s that dream sometimes became a reality. More recently, cab drivers spend their work lives pushing a hack through the city streets. Still would-be cab drivers come from all over the world to push a hack in New York City. In this article, I will indicate how New Yorkers and cab drivers themselves perceive the trade as composed of aliens, criminals, acculturating new Americans, in identity politics or as part of a multicultural mosaic, and today as proletarians.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2015, 41, 4 (158); 215-227
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
El principe constante? Jan Lechoń and politics (after 1939)
Sobczak, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Jan Lechoń
New York
In the article, I focuss on the theme of the political views of Jan Lechoń during his New York exile, which emerged in his literary work, letters, and Dziennik. The main elements of the political stance of the author of Srebrne i czarne were in that time: resolute anti-communism, critical assessment of the actions of the government in exile, his declared admiration for America, and a nostalgia for the interwar period (idealising Józef Piłsudski). The discussed views of the poet exerted a considerable influence on his personal life, which was proven by the politically motivated breaking off his long-time relations with Julian Tuwim. One important problem is where to locate Lechoń’s dissatisfaction with the political changes in Poland, which he stated often, within the reasons for his suicide.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2017, 44, 6
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Central Park w Nowym Jorku, jego geneza i teraźniejszość
Central Park in New York, its origins and the present
Wilczkiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Central Park
Nowy Jork
New York
Central Park jest jednym z bardziej znanych oraz na pewno najczęściej odwiedzanym miejskim parkiem świata. Prostokąt o bokach 4000 × 800 metrów zajmuje powierzchnię 3,41 km2. Granicami Parku są ulice o nazwach: Central Park North, Central Park West, Central Park South i Fifth Avenue. Liczący obecnie ponad 150 lat zabytek Nowego Jorku jest jednym z pierwszych publicznych parków świata. Naturalną bazą dla powstania Parku jest interesująca konfiguracja terenu charakterystyczna dla całej wyspy Manhattan. Granitowa skała o niezwykłej twardości - tak można krótko scharakteryzować teren, na którym powstał Central Park. Central Park wygląda niezwykle naturalnie i trudno wprost uwierzyć, że został on w całości zaprojektowany przez człowieka, a właściwie zespół projektantów - wizjonerów, twórców amerykańskiej szkoły architektury krajobrazu, wśród których najbardziej znanym był Frederick Law Olmsted. Usytuowany pomiędzy 59 i 110 ulicą nowojorski Central Park jest niewątpliwie najbardziej znanym obiektem projektowanym przez Olmsteda. Posiada on wiele elementów charakterystycznych dla obiektów przez niego projektowanych - szerokie otwarte przestrzenie dla publiczności, malownicze widoki i wijące się ścieżki spacerowe. Zgodnie z projektem Olmsteda nawieziono 500 000 stóp sześciennych humusu zebranego z pól New Jersey. Ziemia została przekopywana ręcznie i przy użyciu nowoczesnych maszyn. Zasadzono 4 miliony drzew, krzewów i roślin reprezentujących 1400 gatunków botanicznych. Został zaprojektowany wewnętrzny niezależny system komunikacji - osobno dla pieszych, powozów oraz koni. Liczne mostki zapobiegały kolizjom. Powstawały pierwsze budowle - The Dairy (Mleczarnia) oraz tak zwane "Serce Parku" - dwupoziomowy plac z fontanną zwany Bethesda Terrace i Promenada, czyli The Mall.Central Park jest miejscem prawdziwie demokratycznym. Niezależnie od wysokich cen mieszkań położonych najbliżej Central Parku, w Parku wszyscy mają równe prawa. Przybysze z innych dzielnic biorą udział w imprezach organizowanych przez Park na równi z mieszkańcami z sąsiadujących z Parkiem domów. Podobnie jak sto lat temu, tak i dziś dla nowojorczyków Central Park jest ich prywatnym podwórkiem, szczególnie ulubionym miejscem spotkań mieszkańców miasta. Matki przyprowadzają tutaj dzieci na liczne place zabaw. Starsi i młodzież jeżdżą na rowerach, wrotkach, konno. W niedzielę można spotkać turystów z całego świata (szczególnie licznie w pobliżu Metropolitan Museum), a także przybyszów z innych miast Ameryki czy dzielnic Nowego Jorku.
Central Park is one of the best known, and certainly the most often visited, city parks in the world. A rectangle measuring 4,000 × 800 metres covers the area of 3.41 km2. The streets: Central Park North, Central Park West, Central Park South and the Fifth Avenue indicate the Park boundaries. This over 150-year-old historic landmark of New York was one of the first public parks in the world. The interesting lie of the land, characteristic for the whole island of Manhattan, provided a natural base for creating the Park. Granite rock of unusual hardness - this could in brief characterise the area in which Central Park was created. Central Park looks very natural and it seems almost unbelievable that it was entirely designed by a man, or actually by a team of designers - visionaries, founders of the American School of landscape architecture, among whom the most famous was Frederick Law Olmsted. Located between the 59th and the 110th Streets, the Central Park in New York is undoubtedly the best known object designed by Olmsted. It possesses numerous features so characteristic for objects he designed - wide open spaces for the public, picturesque views and winding paths. According to Olmsted's project, 500,000 cubic feet of humus collected from New Jersey fields was brought to the Park. The soil was dug over by hand and with the use of modern machinery. 4 million trees, shrubs and plants representing 1400 botanical species were planted. An independent internal traffic network was designed - separately for pedestrians, carriages and horses. Numerous bridges helped to avoid collisions. The first buildings were erected - The Dairy and the so called "Heart of the Park"- a split-level square with a fountain called Bethesda Terrace, and the Promenade or The Mall.Central Park is a really democratic place. Regardless of the exorbitant prices of apartments located in the vicinity of Central Park, everybody is equal in the Park. Guests arriving from other residential districts participate in the events organised by the Park as well as the inhabitants of the apartment houses adjoining the Park. Just like one hundred years ago, today the Central Park seems a private backyard for all New Yorkers, a favourite meeting place of the city dwellers. Mothers bring their children to the numerous playgrounds here; adults and the young cycle, roller-skate or ride horses. On Sundays tourists from all over the world can be encountered here (in particularly large numbers in the vicinity of the Metropolitan Museum) as well as arrivals from other towns and cities in America, or other residential quarters of New York.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2011, 29; 106-114
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzeń miejska a uniwersytet jako przykład konfliktu społeczno-politycznego w Nowym Jorku i Berkeley, 1968–1969
Urban space and the university as an example of social and political conflict in New York and Berkeley, 1968–1969
Batóg, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
New York
public space
In the 1960s public space, alongside with other social problems, became one of the areas where conflicts and tensions which had accumulated in previous years were visible. The problem was not only its spatial development and the manner in which it was done, but also its availability for local communities. At the time of defragmentation of the American society and searching for access to places for everyone, it became a problem of not only social but also political nature, as it intensified at the height of a deep crisis of the American state institutions. Examples of such tensions are youth protests against the activities of Columbia University in New York and Berkeley in 1968 and 1969, respectively. The universities intended to expand campuses at the expense of the areas, which, despite being wasteland, were significant to the strong counter-culture in Berkeley and the black population of the New York Morningside neighborhood, where the university is located. While in the case of the New York university the desire to build a sports hall resulted from the real needs and the need to expand the housing base, the case of Berkeley shows how delay and the incapability of making decisions translated into unexpectedly large and dramatically ended riots. The similarities between the protests in both universities can be seen in the aversion to large corporations, such as universities, the subject of the dispute (the area necessary for its development), a highly administrative and bureaucratic way of conflict resolution and its result – a strike, violent demonstrations and deaths. The main difference between the protests is the political focus visible in Columbia, consisting in the desire to provoke a sharp crisis in other universities, by carrying out an occupational strike to be a model for other universities and building an alternative community based on countercultural values, in the form of, open to all their manifestations, Berkeley People’s Park. In a broader context, events in both universities can be interpreted as a symbolic clash between the old order and the new one, for which the dispute over public space was only a pretext in the struggle for recognition and acceptance.
Białostockie Teki Historyczne; 2018, 16; 211-230
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Teki Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New York’s super-slender towers and European slender high-rise buildings: differences in the urban context
Musiał, Robert
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Lubelskiej
super-slender tower
slender skyscraper
New York
The latest construction technologies have enabled the erection of very slender skyscrapers. This phenomenon is developing significantly in New York, but very slender high-rise buildings are also being designed on other continents. The aim of this paper is to characterize existing and planned slender European skyscrapers. The study examined the location of slender high-rise buildings and their relationship with their surroundings. It sought differences and similarities in the location of slender European skyscrapers within the urban fabric compared to American skyscrapers. The presented examples of slender skyscrapers in Europe illustrate the diversity of their locations, the character of the areas in which they are designed, and the buildings themselves. The analysis of their relationship with the surroundings revealed many differences compared to New York's super-slender towers, such as the presence of open space, location at significant distances from other buildings, and even location in landscapes dominated by nature. Only some slender European high-rise buildings are designed in high-density development, which may resemble New York's super-slender towers.
Budownictwo i Architektura; 2023, 22, 4; 39--69
Pojawia się w:
Budownictwo i Architektura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O kwestii oryginału, przekładu autorskiego i adaptacji. Wokół polskiej i angielskiej wersji Antygony w Nowym Jorku Janusza Głowackiego
On the original, the self-translation and the adaptation. Considerations about the Polish and the English Version of Janusz Głowacki’s Antigone in New York
Amenta, Alessandro
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Janusz Głowacki
Antigone in New York
Janusz Głowacki’s internationally acclaimed tragicomedy inspired by Sophocles’ Antigone has been the subject of intense debate and misinterpretations. The article aims to demonstrate that the play was primarily written in Polish, and that the English version is an adaptation/rewriting made by the author in collaboration with the American screenwriter Joan Torres. Furthermore, it shows that the English version was created while the writing of the Polish text was still in progress, so that the former influenced and left clear traces in the latter, questioning the traditional hierarchy between the original and the translated or adapted text.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2020, 38; 225-250
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parki Nowego Jorku. Droga do sukcesu
Parks of New York. The road to success
Jagiełło-Kowalczyk, M.
Barnaś, K.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Wydział Architektury. Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego
Nowy York
New York
Nowy Jork słynie z wielkiej ilości parków, skwerów i terenów zielonych. Stanowią one odpowiedź na zapotrzebowanie współczesnego człowieka odnośnie do publicznych przestrzeni miejskich. Zawierają w sobie różnorakie funkcje: od podstawowej rekreacyjnej poprzez komunikacyjną, sportową, usługową, edukacyjną, aż po kulturową. Pełnią ważną rolę społeczną. Znajdują się w różnych częściach miasta. Artykuł przedstawia formy działalności urbanistów, architektów, zarządców jak i użytkowników, dzięki którym wybrane parki NY osiągnęły dziś status niezwykle atrakcyjnych przestrzeni publicznych w mieście.
New York is famous for its numerous parks, squares and green areas. They are an answer to the needs of modern man in terms of public urban spaces. They contain within them numerous different functions: from basic recreation to being a circulation space, providing sports facilities, services, education, as well as culture. They fulfil an important social role. They are located in various parts of the city. The paper illustrates the manner of operation of urban designers, architects, administrators, as well as users, thanks to whom the selected parks of New York City have achieved the rank of outstandingly attractive public spaces within the city today.
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe; 2016, 16; 122-131
Pojawia się w:
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Garrick Club i Players – aktorskie kluby dżentelmeńskie
Kędziora, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
gentlemen’s club, actor, Garrick, Players, London, New York
Glarrick Club and Players – gentlemen’s clubs of actorstGentlemen’s Club is an institution associating people of approximately the same social status, political preference, professional position, or interests, to which only previously accepted members can be admitted. London’s Garrick Club and New York’s Players Club are unique actors’ clubs in the world, which have specified precisely their professional activity profiles and which own collections of theatre memorabilia and conduct wide-scale charitable activity. Both organizations have similar management systems, a similar model of artistic activity, organization and promotion, as well as member recruitment system. Garrick and Players are one of the last places, where you can naturally come into direct contact with the XIX century culture, where beauty and uniqueness lies in constancy and preservation of the morality of the old days.
Zarządzanie w Kulturze; 2011, 12, 3
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie w Kulturze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój architektury szkół publicznych Nowego Jorku w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku
Development of public school architecture in New York in the first decade of the 21st Century
Dudziński, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
architektura szkół
Nowy York
budowa szkół
school architecture
New York
school construction
Nowy Jork i jego architektura kojarzą się większości z nas z panoramą drapaczy chmur na Manhattanie. Tymczasem jako wielokulturowa metropolia, w której żyje ponad osiem milionów mieszkańców, miasto to musi się zmagać z wieloma niezwykle złożonymi wyzwaniami. Jednym z nich jest niewątpliwie system edukacji, którego poziom ma bezpośrednie przełożenie na jakość życia jego mieszkańców. Jakość szkół i ich dostosowanie do unikalnych potrzeb miejsca i czasu ma tu znaczenie fundamentalne.Lata 2000-2010 to okres szczególny dla rozwoju infrastruktury związanej z edukacją w Nowym Jorku, głównie za sprawą szeroko rozumianej polityki na szczeblu zarówno ogólnokrajowym, jak i lokalnym. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu analizę tego procesu, pod kątem nie tylko skali niespotykanej w miastach polskich, ale również metod zastosowanych w szeroko rozumianym procesie inwestycyjnym.Autor podejmuje próbę przybliżenia wybranych aspektów związanych z tymi zagadnieniami - posługując się reprezen¬tatywnymi przykładami szkół oraz wykorzystując własne doświadczenia projektowe i realizacyjne dotyczące obiektów szkolnych w Polsce i w USA.
New York and its architecture is known to most of us as a panoramic view of skyscrapers in Manhattan. Meanwhile this multicultural metropolis with over eight million inhabitants is struggling with many complex challenges. One of them is undoubtedly system of education, the level of which has direct effect on the quality of city residents’ life. Quality of school architecture and its adaptability to unique requirements is very important factor. Period between years of 2000 and 2010 was in many ways very unique for infrastructure development related to education in New York, mainly due to a wider policy at both national and local levels. This study aims to analyze this process, not only because of its scale unprecedented in Polish cities, but also in order to show methods used in the investment process.
Architecturae et Artibus; 2013, 5, 1; 19-38
Pojawia się w:
Architecturae et Artibus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie procesów asymilacji Polonii w Nowym Jorku
Spatial differentiation of assimilation processes of Polish community in New York City
Tomalka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
New York City
Nowy Jork
W artykule dokonano próby analizy procesów asymilacji Polonii zamieszkującej Nowy Jork. W tym celu przedstawiono wybrane czynniki wpływające na tempo oraz różnicowanie zjawiska asymilacji nowojorskiej społeczności polonijnej. Przedstawiono genezę i rozwój tej grupy osób oraz jej obecne rozmieszczenie i wielkość. Przedmiotem badań są również procesy naturalizacji związane z przyjmowaniem amerykańskiego obywatelstwa, działalność instytucji i organizacji polonijnych, a także posługiwanie się językiem polskim przez polonijną społeczność Nowego Jorku oraz kultywowanie rodzimych tradycji.
The paper aims the analysis of assimilation processes of Polish community in New York City. In order to study this complex problem it is necessary to characterize selected factors influencing the pace of assimilation and its differentiation in New York's group of Polish descent. The article presents an origins and development of Polish and Polish-American community as well as its current spatial concentration (residential pattern) and total population in the city. The research also includes naturalization processes associated with taking U.S. citizenship, activities of Polish institutions and organizations and use of native language by group of Polish descent as well as the cultivation of native traditions. The first Poles immigrated from Poland in the seventeenth century to the Dutch colony, at that time – the New Netherlands and to New Amsterdam as the center of the province. However, the biggest wave of immigration from the Polish lands was related to the socio – economic intense inflow at the turn of twentieth century. Currently, New York's Polish community is made up of various waves of immigrations. However, the most significant group of Polish immigrants is that from the last two decades. Thus, Polish community in New York can be defined as a relatively young, which mainly emigrated from Poland in the nineties last century. According to the 2009 American Community Survey , there is about 243,000 people of Polish descent in New York. This group includes both Polish Americans (people born with American citizenship in the United States), as well as Polish immigrants with Polish or American citizenship. Most people with Polish ancestry live in Brooklyn neighborhoods (Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Borough Park, Park Slope, Midwood). The Queens community of Polish descent is mostly located in Rigdewood, Maspeth, Middle Village, Bayside, Bellerose, Floral Park. In Manhattan, Polish community is more dispersed and people with Polish ancestry live mainly in East Village, the Upper West Side and Yorkville (so-called Little Poland). Based on the residential patterns of the Polish community in New York and the spatial concentration of various ethnic organizations and institutions (churches, Sunday schools, associations, institutions, foundations, etc.) the author identifies four areas that are characterized by high population density of the Polish ethnic group as well as the presence of a number of Polish institutions. There are two areas in Brooklyn borough – Greenpoint / Williamsburg, Park Slope and one in Queens – Ridgewood / Maspeth and Manhattan – East Village. Along with decreasing influx of Polish immigrants and their movements into new communities (spatial dispersion) it can be expected to intensify the processes of assimilation in this group. In addition, it can be observed that the number of naturalized persons is gradually increasing. Another indicator of assimilation advancement might be the attainment of English-proficiency. The greater the level of English-language skills, the higher the chance for educational and employment achievement. A large part of the Polish community in New York (64% of this group) uses only English. Polish language is used mainly by generations of immigrants living primarily in Brooklyn (Greenpoint) and Queens borough (Ridgewood). Among different Polish organizations and institutions the most important is Polish parish and church which cares for the traditional customs, celebrating Polish Christmas and other holidays. Many Polish parishes in New York City also formed schools (called Sunday schools) which are an important factor in delaying the processes of assimilation.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2012, 1; 221-241
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Louis Kossuth’s letters from Europe to “The New York Times” (1853-1856)
Marczewska-Zagdańska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Lajos Kossuth
The New York Times
Crimean War
Austrian Empire
Lajos Kossuth Letters written for The New York Times in the years 1853-1856 are short essays commenting on current political, social, ethnic and military events associated with the ongoing Crimean War. Originally entitled Democratic Letters on European Matters and American Policy and then Letters from L. Kossuth, written in exile in England during the Crimean War in Europe, create a very specific series of more than 40 numbered texts in which the Hungarian patriot and the independence activist lectured his point of view, made his reflections, often not without sharp criticism of the great superpowers and the United States, sometimes tinged with a hint of bitter irony and black humor. The primary aim of those Letters, as it seems to be, was not only to bring distant events taking place across the ocean closer to the Americans but also to move consciences, to shake out of indifference, to encourage to more active attitudes and actions towards the Old Continent. Kossuth hoped at the same time that the memory of him, sympathy, enthusiasm and kindness showed to him during his stay in the USA in the years 1851-1852 did not expire and would help him in his arduous educational actions of American society.
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej; 2012, 47
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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