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Women managers’ professional career versus motherhood
Moczydłowska, Joanna M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
emotional costs
koszty emocjonalne
Purpose: The aim of the article is to get to know female senior managers’ beliefs and experiences about combining their professional career with motherhood. Methodology: A narrative analysis of the literature and a diagnostic survey (tool – survey questionnaire) were used. The selection of the studied sample was deliberate. The respondents were only women occupying high managerial positions (157 people). The following research problem was formulated: how do women in high managerial positions perceive the influence of their professional career on their motherhood? The problem was detailed in the form of research questions: 1. To what extent did the professional career of the surveyed women managers influence their decision to become a mother? 2. What psycho-social costs resulting from combining professional and family roles were incurred by the surveyed women? Findings: Female managers are statistically more likely to postpone the decision to become a mother and declare that they will not have children compared to women who pursue a different career path. The vast majority of them experience a sense of guilt due to the lack of time for their children and believe that they have "missed" important developmental moments in their child's life. Female managers participating in the study experience a strong role conflict (the role of the manager versus the role of the mother). They are aware of the high emotional and health costs resulting from combining the social roles of a mother and a manager. Most of their career goals remain unchanged after the baby is born. Research limitations/implications: The obtained research results are treated as pilot ones. The complete achievement of the research goal requires continuation of the research on a larger sample of female respondents, as well as the use of comparative analysis methods, e.g. comparing the results of the research among female managers with the results obtained in other professional groups or among men. Practical implications: The results of the research can be used to improve the policy of equality between women and men in organizations and to create a pro-family policy of enterprises. Social implications: The article contains research results that help to understand better the childfree phenomenon in specific professional groups, and thus to diagnose various social attitudes towards combining career and motherhood. Originality/value: this is the first study of this type conducted on the population of top female managers in Poland.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2022, 159; 293--303
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie marki osobistej menedżera dla tworzenia wartości rynkowej współczesnego przedsiębiorstwa
The importance of a manager’s personal brand for creating a modern company’s market value
Muszyńska, Weronika
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
marka osobista
wartość rynkowa
personal brand
market value
Obecnie obserwuje się dynamiczne zmiany w przestrzeni biznesowo-marketingowej, w tym postępującą digitalizację [Rajchel, 2019] i globalizację [Kowalczyk, 2006], a także intensyfikację działań ukierunkowanych na autopromocję oraz zarządzanie karierą, oparte na marce osobistej [Kowalczyk, 2020]. W przedsiębiorstwach coraz częściej zauważa się, że marka osobista menedżera stanowi nie tylko determinantę jego indywidualnego sukcesu zawodowego, ale może przyczyniać się do wzrostu wartości rynkowej przedsiębiorstwa. Celem artykułu jest zdefiniowanie pojęcia „marka osobista”, jak również określenie znaczenia marki osobistej menedżera dla tworzenia wartości rynkowej współczesnego przedsiębiorstwa. Praca ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Dla realizacji postawionych celów przeprowadzono przegląd najnowszej literatury oraz indywidualne wywiady pogłębione (IDI) na grupie osób zajmujących stanowiska menedżerskie w przedsiębiorstwach z branży doradczej, zlokalizowanych w województwie mazowieckim (N = 11). Dodatkowe kryterium włączenia do próby stanowiła aktywność z wykorzystaniem mediów społecznościowych i staż pracy na stanowisku menedżerskim (min. 1 rok). Badanie przeprowadzono w okresie od stycznia do marca 2022 r., wykorzystując narzędzia teleinformatyczne. Przedmiotem badania była marka osobista menedżerów – jej znaczenie dla wartości rynkowej współczesnego przedsiębiorstwa. Dokonanie przeglądu najnowszej literatury pozwoliło stwierdzić, że marka osobista jest definiowana jako: wizerunek w oczach innych osób, zbiór indywidualnych cech, obietnica wartości i rezultat procesu. Badani menedżerowie markę osobistą najczęściej rozumieli jako wizerunek w oczach innych osób, a jej związek z wartością rynkową przedsiębiorstwa nie został przez nich jednoznacznie określony. Autorka zidentyfikowała lukę badawczą wskazującą na niedostateczną liczbę publikacji określających znaczenie marki osobistej menedżerów dla budowania wartości rynkowej współczesnych przedsiębiorstw. Ponadto pojęcie marki osobistej, zwłaszcza w polskiej literaturze naukowej, jest w niewystarczającym stopniu rozpoznane dla konkretnych grup zawodowych (np. specjalistów czy przedstawicieli władz publicznych), podczas gdy marki osobiste stanowią coraz częściej determinantę ich kariery zawodowej. Artykuł zawiera także praktyczne implikacje dla menedżerów zainteresowanych kreowaniem atrakcyjnych marek osobistych.
Currently, there are dynamic changes in the business and marketing space, including progressive digitization (Rajchel, 2019) and globalization (Kowalczyk, 2006), as well as intensification of activities aimed at self-promotion and career management based on a personal brand (Kowalczyk, 2020). In companies, it is more and more often noticed that the personal brand of a manager is not only a determinant of his individual professional success, but can contribute to the growth of the company’s market value. The aim of the article is to define the concept of “personal brand”, as well as to define the importance of a manager’s personal brand for creating the market value of a modern company. The work is theoretical and empirical. To achieve the set goals, a review of the latest literature and individual in-depth interviews (IDI) were carried out on a group of people holding managerial positions in consulting companies located in the Masovian Voivodeship (N = 11). An additional criterion for inclusion in the sample was activity with the use of social media and work experience in a managerial position (at least 1 year). The survey was conducted in the period from January to March 2022 with the use of ICT tools. The subject of the study was the personal brand of managers – its importance for the market value of a modern enterprise. The review of the latest literature allowed to conclude that a personal brand is defined as: an image in the eyes of other people, a set of individual characteristics, a promise of value and the result of a process. The surveyed managers most often understood a personal brand as an image in the eyes of other people, and their relationship with the company’s market value was not clearly defined by them. The author identified a research gap pointing to an insufficient number of publications describing the importance of a personal brand of managers for building the market value of modern enterprises. Moreover, the concept of a personal brand, especially in Polish scientific literature, is insufficiently recognized for specific professional groups (e.g. specialists or representatives of public authorities), while personal brands are more and more often a determinant of their professional career. The article also contains practical im lications for managers interested in creating attractive personal brands.
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie; 2022, 66, 4; 106-120
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Педагогічні умови формування комунікативних умінь у фахівців у сфері управління
Pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills in management specialists
Савчук (Savchuk), Наталія (Nataliia)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
комунікативні уміння
інтерактивні технології навчання
педагогічні умови
особистісно-орієнтовані технології
communicative skills
interactive learning technologies
pedagogical conditions
personality-oriented technologies
The article substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills in specialists in the field of management. It is determined that communication skills are the ability to establish and maintain important contacts with other people, the appropriate system of professional knowledge, skills and practical skills that contribute to effective communication. And in order to improve the educational process and increase its effectiveness as a way of forming communication skills in management, the following pedagogical conditions were formed: the formation of positive motivation, the use of principles of innovation, interactivity and professional orientation; providing psychological and pedagogical support to specialists in the field of management; application of interactive learning technologies (business and role-playing games, brainstorming, project method, case studies, debates, psychological trainings); providing modern content of professional training of managers in order to form communicative skills in the process of studying the humanities. It has been proved that specialists with high communicative skills meet European educational standards, it is necessary to introduce dialogic training, which will promote the formation of dialogic competence, which is the highest expression of communicative competence of managers and will implement psychological and didactic mechanisms of self-organization. , will ensure the development of critical thinking, solving important educational tasks of mastering productive knowledge, integrative skills in dialogue. It is determined that in the process of application of dialogic learning the motivation of learning increases, interest is shown, there is a formation of communicative skills, creativity, intelligence, their worldview expands. Thus, based on the analysis, it should be noted that the formation of communication skills of managers should be clearly structured. In addition, it is important to direct the learning process to personality-oriented interaction, as well as to implement interactive learning technologies, namely: role-playing and business games, trainings, case situations, project method, brainstorming. And the implementation of these technologies in the learning process should be based on the following principles: problems in learning, interdependence and interdependence of the study of individual disciplines; situationality; accessibility; professional orientation; integration; the principle of activity approach in learning and group cooperation.
У статті обґрунтовано педагогічні умови формування комунікативних умінь у фахівців у сфері управління. Визначено, що комунікативні уміння – це здатність налагоджувати і підтримувати важливі контакти з іншими людьми, відповідну систему професійних знань, умінь і практичних навичок, які сприяють досягати ефективного спілкування. А з метою удосконалення навчального процесу та підвищення рівня його результативності як способу формування комунікативних умінь у фахівців у сфері управління, було сформовано наступні педагогічні умови: формування позитивної мотивації, використання принципів інноваційності, інтерактивності та професійної спрямованості; забезпечення психолого-педагогічної підтримки фахівців у сфері управління; застосування інтерактивних технологій навчання (ділові та рольові ігри, мозковий штурм, метод проектів, кейс ситуації, дебати, психологічні тренінги); забезпечення сучасного змісту професійної підготовки менеджерів з метою формування комунікативних умінь у процесі вивчення гуманітарних дисциплін. Доведено, що фахівці, які володіють комунікативними уміннями на високому рівні відповідають освітнім європейським стандартам, необхідно впровадити діалогове навчання, яке сприятиме формуванню діалогічної компетентності, що є вищим вираженням комунікативної компетенції фахівців-управлінців та дозволятиме реалізувати психологічні і дидактичні механізми самоорганізації дослідницької та пошукової діяльності фахівців, забезпечуватиме розвиток критичного мислення, вирішуючи важливі освітні завдання оволодіння продуктивними знаннями, інтегративними уміннями в рамках діалогу. Визначено, що в процесі застосування діалогового навчання підвищується мотивація навчання, проявляється зацікавленість, відбувається формування комунікативних умінь, креативності, інтелекту, розширюється їхній світогляд. Таким чином, на основі проведеного аналізу, необхідно зазначати, що формування комунікативних умінь у фахівців-управлінців має бути чітко структурованою. Крім того, важливо, спрямувати навчальний процес на особистісно-орієнтовану взаємодію, а також впроваджувати інтерактивні технології навчання, а саме: рольові та ділові ігри, тренінги, кейс-ситуації, метод проектів, мозковий штурм. А втілення даних технологій в процес навчання має здійснюватися на основі наступних принципів: проблемності у навчанні, взаємозумовленості та взаємообумовленості вивчення окремих дисциплін; ситуативності; доступності; професійної спрямованості; інтегрованості; принцип діяльнісного підходу в навчанні та групової співпраці.
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe; 2022, 7(4); 141-147
Pojawia się w:
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment and analysis of the environmental impact of the thermo-shrinkable packaging process on the way the packaging machine is powered based on LCA
Walichnowska, Patrycja
Idzikowski, Adam
Data publikacji:
effective management
humanistic management
technological support
Increasing requirements in the field of monitoring the impact of machines contributes to the analysis of production processes in order to verify their environmental loads. The research carried out in this area is aimed at identifying the negative impact of the tested object to be able to introduce changes in the consumption of raw materials and energy while limiting the negative impact on the environment. The article will present the results of the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the process of mass, thermo-shrinkable packaging of beverage bags depending on the change in the way the packaging machine is powered. In addition, as part of the analysis, it was indicated which stage of the process has the biggest negative impact on the environment. LCA results are presented at the stage of endpoint characterization.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2023, 3 (31); 355--360
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Certain Conditions of the Motivation Process
Stachelek, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu
The article discusses the topic of the motivation process, which appears to be important and complex from the point of view of the organization. No one today needs to be convinced about the extremely important mechanism of shaping interpersonal relations in a company by motivating. The importance of motivation is analysed at the level of both business entities and public organizations. In addition to imposing demands on the employee and issuing instructions, there are various, more or less visible ways of influencing the employee, which are aimed at increasing the efficiency of his work. There are no universal rules for building incentive systems that would work in every situation. So, what motivates you to perform your duties diligently? The prospect of receiving a reward or promotion, or maybe the spectre of punishment?
Logistics and Transport; 2023, Vol. 57-58, No. 1-2; 27-37
Pojawia się w:
Logistics and Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efficiency of Functioning the Manager (Commander) in a Hierarchical Organisation
Wołejszo, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Policji w Szczytnie
hierarchical organisation
The effi ciency of operation of hierarchical organisations (military, police, State Fire Service, Border Guard, etc.) is largely derived from the effectiveness of the work of commanders (managers) at all levels. It is they who indicate the goals of the activity, assign tasks to subordinates and coordinate their work. At the same time, they have the personal, material, fi nancial, and information resources necessary to perform the assigned tasks. Therefore, it seems important to properly understand the role and tasks that commanders/managers perform in hierarchical organisations. The necessity to take up this issue results mainly from the change in the scope of tasks and the structural and organisational changes of these formations (the army, the Police of the State Fire Service). The increasingly broader spectrum of tasks set for our army, police and fi re brigades results in a permanent modifi cation in the fi eld of skills and qualifi cations of modern commanders. In the process of analysing these changes, one should take into account the scientifi c basis derived from the chievements of the theory of organisation and management as well as one’s own solutions and experience in this area. The article presents selected aspects of the role and tasks of modern commanders (managers) as well as shortcomings in the organisation of work by a manager/commander. Hence, after defi ning the role of the commander, their tasks in the form of duties and powers are described. Effi cient and effective operation of commanders requires a number of activities and specific skills. Therefore, the description of activities and leadership skills is a logical complement to the chapter. Moreover, the essential functions and roles performed by commanders are highly correlated with the basic roles of managers in civil organisations. Therefore, the analogies between the work of commanders and the work of managers in civil organisations were also taken into account.
Przegląd Policyjny; 2023, 149(1); 244-259
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Policyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Expert’s Model of Managerial Competencies for Engineer 4.0 (EMMCE)
Więcek-Janka, Ewa
Werner-Lewandowska, Karolina
Radecki, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
competency model
manager 4.0
engineer 4.0
industry 4.0
The purpose of this article is to present a proposal for an expert’s model of managerial competencies in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0. This revolution results in the emergence of new competency requirements for employees at every organizational level. In the article, we focused on the requirements for Engineers 4.0, in connection with managerial competencies expected from them. In order to answer the research questions, we conducted expert research by referring to our previous studies. Findings: The conducted research allowed to develop an expert’s model of managerial competencies for Engineer 4.0 (EMMCE). The results of the study allowed to determine the scope of managerial competencies for an engineer in the age of Industry 4.0, thus contributing, in a practical scope, to the creation of requirements for candidates applying for a managerial position in manufacturing enterprises. The model makes it possible for educational and training entities to adapt their teaching programmes and training offer to the modern requirements of the industry.
Management and Production Engineering Review; 2023, 14, 1; 87--104
Pojawia się w:
Management and Production Engineering Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formalne i nieformalne strategie w pracy opiekunki w żłobku
Heland-Kurzak, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
early years practitioner
strategies in the nursery
tacit knowledge
relationships with parents
relationships with children
relationships with the manager
opiekunka w żłobku
strategie w żłobku
wiedza ukryta
relacje z rodzicami
relacje z dziećmi
relacje z kierownikiem
Wprowadzenie: Artykuł dotyczy strategii w pracy opiekunki w żłobkach w kwestii tworzonych przez nie relacji z dziećmi, koleżankami w pracy, kierownictwem oraz rodzicami. Opisana wiedza ukryta jest przedstawiona w świetle zasobów żłobka, a nie jego braków. Cel badań: Ukazanie, jak relacyjna wiedza ukryta uwidacznia się w pracy opiekunki w żłobku. Metoda badań: Badaniem objęto 20 opiekunek w żłobkach warszawskich, był to wywiad pogłębiony. W badaniach wykorzystano ramy teorii wiedzy jawnej i ukrytej Collinsa. Analiza danych wywiadu odbyła się za pomocą oprogramowania MAXQDA 2022. Część wywiadu dotycząca prezentowanych wyników badań w niniejszym artykule zawierała 12 pytań. Wyniki: Podczas analizy zakodowanych fragmentów na temat strategii stosowanych w rozmowach i współpracy z kierownictwem żłobka podzielono je na dwie części. Pierwsza część strategii to stosowanie ich wobec kierownika, który jest uznawany za osobę: godną zaufania, pomocną, zaangażowaną, wyrozumiałą. Druga część strategii to stosowanie ich wobec kierownika, który jest uznawany za osobę: nieprzewidywalną, niezorganizowaną, niesprawiedliwą w zarządzaniu finansami, niesprawiedliwą w zarządzaniu zasobami pracowników oraz niezaangażowaną. Większość opiekunek deklaruje wobec koleżanek i dzieci otwartą strategię rozmowy, opartą na bezpośredniości komunikatu i szczerości wypowiedzi. Opiekunki deklarują, że wobec rodziców wykorzystują metodę kanapki. Wnioski: Zaobserwowano, że największe nasilenie nieformalnych strategii występuje w relacji opiekunki z rodzicem. W wypowiedziach badanych osób zauważono, że nawet jeśli relacyjna wiedza ukryta próbuje ujrzeć światło dzienne, to zachodzi ona zasadniczo jednostronnie pod postacią wymagań wobec rodziców do spełniania oczekiwań żłobka. Rodzicom trudno zaimplementować zasady panujące w żłobku do zasad panujących w domu.
Introduction: The article concerns the strategies in the work of early years practitioners in terms of the relationships they create with children, colleagues at work, management or parents. The description of tacit knowledge is presented in the light of the nursery’s resources, not its weaknesses. Research Aim: To show how relational tacit knowledge is visible in the work of early years practitioners in nurseries. Method: The study involved 20 early years practitioners in Warsaw, it was an in-depth interview. The study used the framework of Collins’ theory of explicit and tacit knowledge. The analysis of the interview data was carried out using the MAXQDA 2022 software. The part of the interview concerning the research results presented in this article contained 12 questions. Results: When analyzing the coded fragments about the strategies used in conversations and cooperation with the nursery management, they were divided into two parts. The first part of the strategy is applying them to a manager who is considered to be a trustworthy, helpful, committed, understanding person. The second part of the strategy is to apply them to a manager who is considered to be unpredictable, unorganized, unjust in financial management, unjust in managing employee resources, and uncommitted. Most early years practitioners declare an open strategy of conversation towards their colleagues and children, based on the directness of the message and honesty of expression. The early years practitioners declare that they use the sandwich method with their parents. Conclusions: It was observed that the greatest intensification of informal strategies occurs in the relationship between the early years practitioners and parents. In the statements of the respondents, it was noticeable that even if relational tacit knowledge tries to see the light of day, it is basically one-sided in the form of requirements for parents to meet the expectations of the nursery. It is difficult for parents to implement the rules prevailing in the nursery to the rules prevailing at home.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2023, 42, 2; 211-224
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inappropriate Use of Submission and Rejection Emails for Advertising Revision Services and Congresses
Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
editing services
editorial manager
email advertizing
online submission system
Finding a niche journal for the submission of an academic paper can sometimes be a challenge for authors, and finding the right choice may involve a series of submissions and rejections. Emails from editors and journals related to the submission or rejection of a paper should be strictly related to these purposes, i.e., to inform authors that their paper has been received, outline the subsequent editorial handling or peer reviewer steps in the former, or the reasons for rejection in the latter. This paper highlights four cases of - in the author’s opinion - the abuse of such emails by COPE member journals and publishers (Emerald Publishing Ltd., Springer Nature, Elsevier, Wiley) to advertise for-profit English revision and editing services and/or conferences, as a way to maximize these emails for a dual purpose, namely to inform authors of submission-related aspects (valid communication) while also trying to obtain clients and thus business for non-submission-related aspects (invalid communication). Since an abuse of email-based communication for non-academic purposes is an ethics-related matter, there is a need for systematic research of this potential abuse of emails from both COPE member and non-member journals.
Ethics in Progress; 2023, 14, 2; 68-76
Pojawia się w:
Ethics in Progress
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Logistic Organization Personnel - General Issues
Pawęska, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu
The article contains a presentation of the results of analyses of studies relating to investing in the personnel of modern organizations. Conclusions from these analyses were related to the need to improve competences by the personnel of logistics companies. The conditions of their functioning and the resulting need to improve or acquire new knowledge and qualifications by employees were emphasized. The role of managers in the process of influencing personnel was highlighted, mainly in the context of creating work teams and striving for their high efficiency.
Logistics and Transport; 2023, Vol. 57-58, No. 1-2; 5-16
Pojawia się w:
Logistics and Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Menedżer bezpieczeństwa organizacji w otoczeniu kulturowo zmiennym. Studium teoretyczno-koncepcyjne
Organization security manager in a culturally changing environment: a theoretical and conceptual study
Leśniewski, Michał Adam
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
menedżer bezpieczeństwa
otoczenie kulturowo zmienne
studium teoretyczno-koncepcyjne
security manager
culturally variable environment
theoretical and conceptual study
Zmienność otoczenia zewnętrznego wpływa na zamiany zachodzące w otoczeniu wewnętrznym organizacji (przedsiębiorstwa). Jednym w czynników, które muszą być brane pod uwagę w rozwoju organizacji, jest bezpieczeństwo. Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa organizacji wymaga posiadania menedżera bezpieczeństwa, który będzie realizował proces permanentnego stabilnego funkcjonowania organizacji w zmiennym otoczeniu. Należy pamiętać, że bezpieczeństwo można rozpatrywać w różnych punktów widzenia, nie tylko jako stan wojny lub pokoju w danym państwie, ale także stan zagrożenia ze strony konkurentów itp. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie kulturowego modelu menedżera bezpieczeństwa wraz z czynnikiem elastyczności. Model jest wynikiem badań teoretyczno-koncepcyjnych autora niniejszego opracowania, które wzbogaca dyscyplinę nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości.
The variability of the external environment affects the changes taking place in the internal environment of the organization (enterprise). One of the factors that must be taken into account in the development of an organization is security. Ensuring the security of the organization requires having a security manager who will implement the process of a permanent stable functioning of the organization in a changing environment. It should be remembered that security can be considered from various points of view, not only as a state of war or peace in a given country, but also as a state of threat from competitors, etc. The aim of the study is to present a cultural model of a security manager with a factor of flexibility. The model is the result of theoretical and conceptual research by the author of this study, which enriches the discipline of management and quality sciences.
Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka; 2023, LIII, 4; 75-85
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Naruszenie dóbr osobistych kierownika jednostki kontrolowanej - glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Warszawie
Infringement of Personal Rights of Auditee Managers – Commentary on the Judgement of the Appeal Court in Warsaw
Dziwisz, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
naruszenie dóbr osobistych przez NIK
naruszenie dóbr osobistych kierownika jednostki kontrolowanej
naruszenie dóbr osobistych w wystąpieniu pokontrolnym
infringement of personal rights by NIK
infringement of personal rights of an auditee manager
infringement of personal rights in a post audit statement
Wyrok Sądu Apelacyjnego (SA) w Warszawie z 15 września 2021 r. dotyczy naruszenia dóbr osobistych przez publikację wyników kontroli NIK. Sąd uznał, że wskazując w wystąpieniu pokontrolnym osobę odpowiedzialną za nieprawidłowości stwierdzone w funkcjonowaniu jednostki Najwyższa Izba Kontroli może naruszać jej dobre imię, ale działania te – w wypadku prawidłowo prowadzonego postępowania kontrolnego – nie mogą być uznawane za bezprawne. Prezentowana glosa ma charakter aprobujący. Rozważania SA zostały uzupełnione omówieniem przepisów ustawy z 23 grudnia 1994 r. o Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli odnoszących się do zakresu postępowania kontrolnego oraz informacji prezentowanych w wystąpieniu pokontrolnym.
The judgement of the Appeal Court in Warsaw of 15th September 2021 is related to infringement of personal rights through publication of NIK audit results. The Court rightly stated that when a person responsible for irregularities is identified in a post audit statement, their reputation may be damaged. However such activities, if the audit proceedings are appropriate, cannot be considered illegal. The message of the commentary is approving. The considerations of the Court are complemented with the presentation of the provisions of the Act on 23rd December 1994 on the Supreme Audit Office, related to the scope of audit proceedings and information presented in a post audit statement. In the lawsuit on protection of personal rights with the participation of NIK, the Court is not an appeal organ, and it is not mandated to examine the audit results or their accuracy. The author of the article shares the assessment of the Appeal Court and at the same time he indicates existing mechanisms that ensure objectivity of NIK’s audits, both legal and practical. He emphasises that if court proceedings could question the assessments and conclusions of the Supreme Audit Institution, the constitutional position of NIK would be questioned.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 3 (410); 45-54
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Negotiation as a determinant of educational efficiency and the work of the safety manager
Kopczewski, Marian
Elak, Leszek
Nowicka, Julia
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
The aim of the didactic and educational activity of every university, especially the military one, is to prepare the graduate intellectually and professionally to live in society. When creating educational programs in a specific field of knowledge or subject of education, it is assumed that their implementation will ensure that the teachers acquire the necessary minimum of required competences. In such a case, the authors of didactic programs always have a number of doubts or dilemmas such as: To what extent do the assumed competences correlate with the requirements and needs of the social reality, especially the professional one, in which the graduate is prepared to act? To what extent do the content of the curricula and the organization of the didactic and educational process ensure the acquisition of the assumed team of competences by the teachers? Of course, there are many more dilemmas of this type. Not all of them can be unequivocally resolved, if only due to the complexity of social situations in which the accuracy and reliability of the competences acquired by students are verified. Curricular education of students of military universities in the fields of study: national security, is aimed at, among others, the best possible preparation of future officers to command a sub-unit as well as managers and managers to manage human teams in state and local government institutions dealing with the organization and protection of public safety. An important element of the process of commanding a military sub-unit as well as managing in a situation of a potential threat is the ability to make accurate decisions as well as efficiently act and motivate subordinates and co-workers. In situations of uncertainty and insufficient information, and at the same time not only a potential but also a real threat to health and life, this requires not only appropriate psychophysical predispositions but also specific professional competences, especially in the area of distinguishing competences. Bearing the above in mind, the content and purpose of the article will be to introduce theoretically into the issues of social competences, seen from the perspective of a manager - leader - manager, and also an attempt to show the conditions of the manager's functioning - in various social situations, his role, tasks and qualifications, ensuring efficient management of the organization, these include: priorities in the implementation of tasks, skills, creative attitude and preparation for conducting negotiations. Requirements for modern managers - organization leaders - are extremely high, and meeting them does not guarantee only success. They lead people who, above all, need to be taught and prepared: to work in their position, to live in society, as well as to bring each other closer and focus around each other. Employees are different, they are strong and weak, full of pride and quite humble, curious about the world and, despite their different ages, overwhelmed by apathy. All of them, thanks to the work of managers and their competences, knowledge and skills, become good employees at various levels of the organization, and then managers. However, the basis of a manager's work is also, and perhaps above all, communication skills, the basis of which are negotiations.
Wiedza Obronna; 2023, 1; 149--169
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Professional education and its impact on professional practice
Edukacja zawodowa i jej wpływ na praktykę zawodową
Kaděra, Radek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi
professional education
activation didactic forms and methods
worker’s personality
professional training programs
manager’s personality
kształcenie zawodowe
aktywizujące formy i metody dydaktyczne
osobowość pracownika
programy doskonalenia zawodowego
osobowość menedżera
This article considers professional education and its impact on professional practice. The educational starting points of the topic and the forms and didactic methods of education which help to activate workers and their participation in education are discussed in the introduction. The article presents the psychosocial aspects of life which modify the work performance of the worker. These are partial aspects of his life path and include both individual educational motives and barriers. Educational barriers can be caused, for example, by the inappropriate setting of professionally oriented educational programs. Managers can have a significant impact on workers’ educational motivation.
Artykuł dotyczy edukacji zawodowej i jej wpływu na praktykę zawodową. We wstępie omówiono edukacyjne punkty wyjścia tematu oraz formy i metody dydaktyczne edukacji, które sprzyjają aktywizacji pracowników i ich partycypacji w edukacji. W artykule przedstawiono psychospołeczne aspekty życia, które modyfikują wydajność pracy. Są to częściowe aspekty jego drogi życiowej i obejmują zarówno indywidualne motywy edukacyjne, jak i bariery. Bariery edukacyjne mogą być spowodowane na przykład nieodpowiednim ustawieniem programów edukacyjnych zorientowanych zawodowo. Menedżerowie mogą mieć znaczący wpływ na motywację edukacyjną pracowników.
Kultura i Wychowanie; 2022, 22, 2; 169-181
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Wychowanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selection of train traffic manager’s activities in training process using Functional Resonance Analysis Method
Haładyn, Szymon
Magott, Jan
Restel, Franciszek
Wolniewicz, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
train traffic manager
traffic manager activities
Analytic Hierarchy Process
kierownik ruchu pociągów
czynności kierownika ruchu
proces hierarchicznej analizy
In training process of rail traffic manager (controller) using virtual reality technology, selection of activities among those assigned to a workplace and scenarios that should be taken in training is an important issue. The selection method that is based on performance variability of her/his activities has been proposed in the paper. This variability has been characterized by timing and precision. The traditional reliability and safety analysis methods are not sufficient when building the training program for traffic managers. In the paper the train controller work has been modelled using Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) that is system oriented approach. Scales of values of timing and precision that are train transport driven have been presented. They are different when comparing with typical timing and precision scales given in FRAM literature. In the paper the estimation of probabilities of occurring of values of timing and precision scales for these activities has been calculated as the mean from the values obtained by questionnaire done in traffic manager community or using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In FRAM with AHP approaches presented in literature, AHP pairwise comparison is executed using natural numbers and their reciprocals what is typical in AHP method. In our paper the AHP is used for estimating the probabilities, so in pairwise comparing the rational numbers are applied, because natural numbers and their reciprocals would limit the set of values of probabilities. The activities and scenarios that the training should be concentrated on are selected from those with the greatest variability.
Archives of Transport; 2023, 65, 1; 39--51
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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