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L’Artiste et son art qui vient de loin... Gérard de Nerval et son "Voyage en Orient" (1850-1851)
Artist and his Art that Comes from Afar... Gérard de Nerval and his "Journey to the Orient" (1850-1851)
Artysta i jego sztuka zrodzona z dawna/w oddali... Gérard de Nerval i jego "Podróż na Wschód" (1850-1851)
Sosień, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
świątynia jerozolimska
król Salomon i królowa Saby
dążenie do absolutu
cena geniuszu
Temple of Jerusalem
King Solomon and Queen of Sheba
pursuance of the absolute
price of genius
W trzeciej i ostatniej części Voyage en Orient (Podróż na Wschód, 1850-1851), zatytułowanej L’Histoire de la Reine de Saba et de Soliman, prince des génies (Historia królowej Saby i Solimana, księcia geniuszy), Gérard de Nerval tworzy postać Adonirama, genialnego rzeźbiarza i architekta świątyni jerozolimskiej, w służbie króla Salomona. Na poły biblijny, na poły legendarny Adoniram to artysta tajemniczy, niezależny, nieskłonny do tworzenia pod dyktat żadnego autorytetu i żadnej władzy: jego sztuka odzwierciedla dążenie do absolutu i tworzenia dzieł wielkich, podważających wszelkie zasady mimetyzmu i kategorie racjonalności. Samotność, rozpacz i cierpienie są nie tyle ceną geniuszu, ile jego probierzem, jednym ze stygmatów artysty romantycznego.
In the third and last part of Voyage en Orient 1850-1851, entitled L’Histoire de la Reine de Saba et de Soliman, prince des génies (The History of the Queen of Sheba and Soliman, prince of the geniuses), Gérard de Nerval creates a figure of Adoniram, the brilliant sculptor and architect of the Temple of Jerusalem, in the service of King Solomon. The half-biblical, half-legendary Adoniram is a mysterious, independent artist who is inconceivable to create under the dictates of any authority and power. His art reflects the pursuit of the absolute and the creation of great works that undermine all the principles of mimicism and categories of rationality. Loneliness, despair and suffering are not so much the price of genius as the testimony of one of the stigmata of the romantic artist.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2018, 13; 99-113
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Key Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments of Polish Antitrust Law in 2011Key Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments of Polish Antitrust Law in 2011
Jurkowska-Gomułka, Agata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
abuse of a dominant position
anticompetitive agreements
antitrust case law
antitrust legislation
common competition rule of the EU
group exemption
Regulation 1/2003
relevant market
resale price maintanance
R&D agreement
specialisation agreement
The article presents key developments in Polish antitrust legislation and jurisprudence of 2011. Its legislative part focuses on the renewal of Polish Group Exemption Regulations for vertical agreements, specialization and R&D agreements as well as cooperation agreements in the insurance sector. Noted is also the sole amendment of the Competition Act introduced in 2011 which concerns the financial liability of the Polish competition authority. The article covers also the new Guidelines of the UOKiK President on the criteria and procedures of merger notifications. Presented in its jurisprudential part is a number of 2011 rulings, mainly those rendered by the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, divided according to their subject matter with respect to particular types of restrictive practices and other problems related to the decision-making process of the UOKiK President.
Cet article présente les développements principaux relatifs à la législation et jurisprudence antitrust polonaise en 2011. La partie législative de l'article se concentre sur le renouvellement de la réglementation portant sur l'exemption collectif des accords verticaux, ceux relatifs à la spécialisation et R&D, ainsi que les accords de coopération dans le secteur des assurances. De plus, l'article mentionne un seul amendement à la Loi sur la concurrence. Les directives délivrées par le Président du Bureau de la concurrence et protection des consommateurs (UOKiK) en Pologne sur des critères et des procédures relatives à la notification d'une concentration à une autorité nationale de la concurrence sont y également brièvement décrites. Dans la partie sur la jurisprudence, l'article présente les décisions, surtout celles de la Cour suprême et de la Cour d'appel, qui sont divisées selon leur objet en faisant référence à des types particuliers de pratiques restrictives et d'autres problèmes liés au processus de la prise de décision par le Président de l’UOKiK.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2012, 5(7); 191-212
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Indywidualna legalizacja RPM w decyzji australijskiego organu antymonopolowego (sprawa Tooltechnic z grudnia 2014 r.)
Authorisation of RPM in the decision of the Australian Antitrust Authority (Tooltechnic case from December 2014)
Kohutek, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
ustalanie minimalnych/sztywnych cen odsprzedaży (RPM)
australijskie prawo konkrencji
„indywidualne wyłączenie” z zakazu porozumień antykonkurencyjnych
zjawisko pasażera na gapę (free-riding)
resale price maintenance
Australian competition law
“individual exemption" from the prohibition of competition restricting agreements
Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi prezentację australijskiej sprawy Tooltechnic, w której organ an-tymonopolowy tego kraju – po raz pierwszy historii – autoryzował nałożenie przez wskazanego przedsiębiorcę obowiązku przestrzegania minimalnych cen odsprzedaży (RPM) elektronarzędzi Festool przez jego dystrybutorów. Obok faktów tej sprawy ukazane oraz skomentowane zostały także prawno-ekonomiczne argumenty jakie przesądziły o legalizacji tej praktyki w Australii oraz ich znaczenie dla stosowania polskiego oraz unijnego zakazu porozumień antykonkurencyjnych w odniesieniu do RPM.
This paper describes the Australian Tooltechnic case, in which the antitrust authority – for the first time in history – has authorized application of resale price maintenance by that undertaking. Besides the presentation of the fact of the case, this article evaluates legal and economic arguments which determined the authorization of such practice and also their relevance for the application of Polish and European prohibition of competition restricting agreements relating to RPM.
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny; 2015, 4, 5; 86-99
Pojawia się w:
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Siódme: „Nie kradnij”. O średniowiecznym odkrywaniu rynku na marginesie książki Paola Prodiego
“Seventh: You shall not steal” – notes on the medieval „discovering” of the market in the margin of Paulo Prodi’s book
Bukała, Marcin W.
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
VII Przykazanie
Paolo Prodi
cywilizacja Zachodu
Franciszek Accursius
Rajmund z Penyafort
Klarus z Florencji
Tomasz z Akwinu
Max Weber
historia idei
forum sumienia
prawo kanoniczne
etyka gospodarcza
idee ekonomiczne scholastyków
władza ekonomiczna
słuszna cena
powszechne oszacowanie
dobro wspólne (bonum commune)
VII Commandment
Middle Ages
civilisation of the West
Francis Accursius
Raymond of Penyafort
Clarus of Florence
Thomas Aquinas
history of ideas
forum of conscience
canon law
ethics of economic life
scholastic economic ideas
economic power
just price
common estimation
common good (bonum commune)
In the article, the topic of the medieval „discovering” of the market is discussed, with the references to the Paolo Prodis’ book Settimo non rubare. Furto e mercato nella storia dell’Occidente. The author of the book, following Harold Berman, finds the changes in the 11th and 12th century Church, as the decisive mile stones in the development of the civilization of Western Christianity. The mentioned „papal revolution” led to the historical distinction between the spiritual and the political sphere, and later, to the autonomy of economic one. Accordingly, the Italian historian rejects the thesis that Enlightenment was the new beginning in the European history. In the P. Prodi’s analysis, the Latin term forum plays the crucial role. The word signified the place, square, especially the place where court proceedings occurred. Therefore, in the later abstract sense forum signified criteria or rules of judgement: both in the juridical meaning (forum civile, f. canonico, f. consciantiae), and the economic one, in which forum meant exactly „the market”. The “discovering” of the market rules was a consequence the development of the theoretical reasoning about mercantile activity. It was essentially related to the concepts of the just price (iustum pretium) and the common estimation (communis aestimatio). According to P. Prodi the common character of the estimation was of essential importance, as well as the new version of the Roman rule Res tantum valet, quantum vendi potest, with the medevial addendum: scilicet communiter. The author criticised the view, that the process of defining of the market was mainly the result of reception of Aristotelian Ethics and Politics. He underlined that in the penitential handbooks of the 12th and 13th century the focus was significantly shifted from the vice of avarice to the commandment „You shall not steal”; moreover the significant violation of the rules of fair market exchange begun to be considered as a sin against this commandment. In the article, the significance of the application of the notion forum commune by Thomas Aquinas (in the treatise on credit sale) was underlined. The interconnection between the concept of the market and the idea of common good was expressed in the juxtaposition of terms: forum commune – bonum commune. M. W. Bukała observes that the thesis about the limited influence of Aristotelian thought on the examined issue can be additionally confirmed by the analysis of the Article on mercantile profit in Summa Theologiae by St. Thomas (II-II, q. 77, a. 4), where Aquinas distances himself from the Philosopher’s view. The P. Prodi discourses were amended by the significant distinction: not every violation of ethics of economic life was considered as the theft by the medieval moralists – e.g.: the determinatio of the casus of buying grain with the deferred delivery for an undercut price, in canon „Naviganti” (X 5.5.19, 2do), and in the related comments of the 13th century canonist, Clarus Florentinus. Moreover, the Jacques Le Goff’s critique of the Prodi’s approach was undermined.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 177-192
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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