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Wyszukujesz frazę ""Heraldyka"" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Herby na gotyckiej chrzcielnicy z katedry w Poznaniu
Stróżyk, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
herby rycerskie
polichromia gotycka
gotycka chrzcielnica metalowa
katedra poznańska
biskup poznański Andrzej z Bnina
In der Posener Domkirche St. Peter und Paul hat sich ein gotisches Taufbecken aus Metall erhalten, auf dem im Frühjahr 2016 Polychromiereste mit fragmentarisch erhaltenen vier Wappen entdeckt wurden. Die auf uns gekommenen archivalischen Erwähnungen lassen die Entstehung des Objekts auf die Zeit vor dem 30. April 1447 datieren. Auf dem Deckel des Taufbeckens sind höchstwahrscheinlich die Wappen folgender Geschlechter zu sehen: Łodzia – Nałęcz – Awdaniec – Leliwa (das erste und das letzte Wappen sind sehr schlecht erhalten, weshalb ihre Identifizierung nur hypothetisch ist). Die Wappen stellen die Ahnenprobe des Posener Bischofs Andreas von Bnin (um 1396/1397–1479) dar, die bereits von seiner Bronzegrabplatte aus dem Posener Dom bekannt ist. Das Posener Taufbecken ist älter als das Gnesener, das 1448 gestiftet wurde. Es entstand zwischen 1435 (als Andreas Posener Domherr wurde) und 1447 (als das Taufbecken zuerst erwähnt wird). Seine Entstehung kann vorsichtig auf die Jahre 1439-1447 eingegrenzt werden, da es wohl wahrscheinlicher ist, das Andreas von Bnin das Objekt erst nach der Übernahme des Bistums Posen gestiftet hat. 
In the Poznań Cathdral of St. Apostles Peter and Paul there is a gothic metal baptismal font, on which remains of colour polychromy with fragments of four coats-of-arms were found in the spring of 2016. Some written sources allow to date the object to before 30 April 1447. On its cover there are most probably the arms of the knightly clans: Łodzia – Nałęcz – Awdaniec – Leliwa (the first and last of these are hardly visible so their identification is only hypothetical). The coats-of-arms display the ancestry of Andrzej of Bnin, bishop of Poznań, of the Łodzia clan (b. circa 1396/1397, d. 1479), known also from his bronze tomb slate, preserved in the Poznań Cathedral. The Poznań font is older than that of Gniezno, produced in 1448. It was made between 1435 (when Andrzej became a canon of Poznań) and 1447 (when it was first mentioned in sources). The dating may be cautiously narrowed to the years 1439-1447, as the object was most probably ordered by Andrzej of Bnin after he became the bishop of Poznań.
Roczniki Historyczne; 2016, 82
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Studya heraldyczne" Antoniego Małeckiego a polskie badania nad heraldyką rycerską
"Heraldic Studies" by Antoni Małecki and Polish Research into the Knightly Heraldry
Wroniszewski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Studya Heraldyczne (Heraldic Studies), a book published in 1890 by the scholar from Lvov Antoni Małecki may be the most important work in the accomplishments of the study into heraldry of the Polish lands. Obviously, not all his establishments and theses were proved by later research, yet the book offered a new and different look at the adaptation of heraldry in Poland. At the same time, it cleared the research area by successfully questioning the validity of a theory about runic genesis of Polish coat of arms in consequence of an invasion by the Scandinavians who established the Polish state and imposed its ruling class (the nobility). Małecki correctly separated proprietary marks, with their different functions, of Polish noblemen found on their seals to the turn of the fourteenth century from their later coats of arms. Małecki’s Studya Heraldyczne provoked an animated discussion on the origins of heraldry in Poland and the function of coat of arms. The present article emphasizes its most important elements and theses, touching also upon some social questions, especially the beginnings of kinship organization of the medieval Polish nobility. The discussion, bringing about many valuable observations, did not, however, lead to any decisive conclusions. An explanation of the emergence of coats of arms and names was given by the research of Janusz Bieniak in the last quarter of the twentieth century, who starting from a synthetic image drawn by A. Małecki, demonstrated a process of development of family coats of arms and names at the turn of the fourteenth century.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2016, 20; 323-337
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W historiograficznym cieniu? Czternastowieczni Piastowie z linii opolskiej między Krakowem a Pragą.
Czechowicz, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
księstwo opolskie
The Chronicle of the Polish Dukes
Piotr of Byczyna wrote in his work Cronica principum  poloniae (dated at end of the 14th century) about the impossibility of  information about Piasts of Opole. The medieval Silesian historiography did not devote them much attention. However, it does not have to mean that they were of low historic importance. It is suggested by the analysis of creations such as the duke’s mausoleum in St. Anna’s chapel in the church of Franciscans in Opole. The tombs from the years 1379–1382, by presenting three generations of local dukes are a manifestation of documenting, in the form of monuments, the revindication policy whose aim was to unite the once magnificent Duchy of Opole that had been dispatched since the end of the 13th century. Self-awareness and political ambitions of the dukes of Opole can be supported by not only spectacular and well-known doings of Vladislaus II of Opole (+1410) but also, among others, by the attitude of Bolko I of Niemodlin, who in the years 1358–1359 advised emperor Charles VI on the appropriate way of proceeding in his court dispute with the bishop of Wroclaw. Other manifestations of the dukes’ power include a crown that appeared on the seals of the rulers from Opole, and a peculiar similarity between the seal of duchess Euphemia of Niemodlin and the seal of Louis I of Brzeg and – at the same time – the Wroclaw starost seal of Charles IV with the bust of the emperor. Dukes of Opole not only manifested their aspirations for the Polish crown but also, in the person of Henry of Niemodlin, discreetly accentuated their claims to Wroclaw (Henry was a son of Euphemia, who was a daughter of the last Piast of Wrocalw, Henry IV). Their testimony is not only Henry’s document that founded the collegiate church in Głogowek, but also the form of the church that referred to the collegiate of the Holy Cross in Wroclaw. Piasts of Opole, due to their careers on the Bohemian court (for example, Bolko II of Niemodlin was a court judge in Prague) and the debt that Wenceslaus IV, king of Germany and Bohemia owed them for over 20 years, remained in close relation with the sovereign. They showed it, among others, by ornamenting the colbers of the collators’ lodge in the parish church in Kropkowice with the effigies of Wenceslaus IV and his wife. This servility distinguished the Piasts of Opole from the attitude of their relatives from Legnica and Brzeg – the employers of Piotr from Byczyna. Louis I of Brzeg, his son and nephews, in the era of the beer war or  the war of priests (1380–1383) almost  copostopenly competed with the  the Bohemian sovereign. The difference in the attitude towards  Wenceslaus could be the reason why Piotr of Byczyna not only did find any information about the Piasts of Opole but deliberately did not provide too much of it, or at least not in a seperate chapter. Fragments of information scattered throughout the voluminous chronicle caused that the Piasts of Opole underwent a historiohraphic degradation.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2013, 13; 68-77
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Religione pro Deo, Sapientia pro Patria. Kreacja wizerunku biskupa wileńskiego Konstantego Kazimierza Brzostowskiego w grafice okolicznościowej
Stankiewicz, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Konstanty Kazimierz Brzostowski
W artykule omówiono kreację wizerunku biskupa wileńskiego Konstantego Kazimierza Brzostowskiego (1644-1722) w świetle dedykowanych mu rycin i panegiryków. Część portretów graficznych ukazywała go jako biskupa wileńskiego i pierwszego duchownego w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim. Niektóre ryciny zdobiące panegiryki zostały ozdobione dekoracją zgodną z symbolicznym znaczeniem herbu Brzostowskiego Strzemię i herbów innych litewskich spokrewionych z duchownym. Symbolika herbu traktowanego jako emblemat nie tylko odwoływała się do przypisywanych duchownemu cnót, ale także, wraz z odpowiednim programem inskrypcji, manifestowała jego rolę polityczną w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim, co miało duże znaczenie w konflikcie między biskupem wileńskim a rodziną Sapiehów, zwłaszcza Kazimierzem Janem Sapiehą (1642–1720).
The article presents the image creation of Konstanty Kazimierz Brzostowski (1644–1722), bishop of Vilnius, in the light of dedicated to him engravings and panegyrics. Part of the engraved portraits presented him as the bishop of Vilnius and the first ecclesiastic in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Some of the engravings were adorned with a graphic decoration conforming with the allegoric meaning of the Strzemię coat-of-arms of Brzostowski and coat-of-arms of other Lithuanian families. This determined not only individual virtues but also, together with the relevant quotations, became a manifestation of his political position in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This strategy was very important in the case of the conflict between the bishop of Vilnius and family of Sapieha, especially Kazimierz Jan Sapieha (1642–1720).
Artifex Novus; 2020, 4; 162-180
Pojawia się w:
Artifex Novus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symbolika herbu Sokola
Symbolism of the Sokola Coat of Arms
Gapski, Marcin H.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
herb Sokola
Sokola coat of arms
wild boar
The wild boar and the bear have been present in people's beliefs and customs from time immemorial. This was the case both with beliefs of representatives of folk culture – e.g. peasants in Byelorussia or shepherds in Silesia – and with recipients of high-brow and sophisticated chronicles written by medieval historians. The boar and the bear lived side by side, and this common presence – both the real one, connected with their similar habitats, and the proximity in the sphere of material and spiritual culture – could lead to the features of both these animals merging in one image, that is in the Sokola coat of arms, in which one can see a half-boar and half-bear.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2009, 57, 2; 21-35
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pieczęcie sądów ziemskich w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim w latach 1564–1792
Sipavičiūtė, Justina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
tłok pieczętny
statuty litewskie
sąd ziemski
Lithuanian Statutes
land court
W artykule rozpatrywane są pieczęcie sądów ziemskich i ich urzędników w WKL (w dziewięciu powiatach województw wileńskiego i trockiego) w latach 1564–1792. Materiał empiryczny do badań stanowiło około dwustu niepublikowanych pieczęci sądów ziemskich i ich urzędników. Artykuł dzieli się na trzy części. Część pierwsza zawiera analizę sposobu określania w statutach litewskich i Volumina legum zasad używania pieczęci sądów ziemskich i ich urzędników oraz realizowania tego w praktyce. W części drugiej pieczęcie sądów ziemskich zbadano pod względem heraldycznym i sfragistycznym. Takiej samej analizie w części trzeciej poddano pieczęcie urzędników sądów ziemskich – sędziów i podsędków. W artykule postawiono tezę, że zawarte w II Statucie litewskim z 1566 r. i trzecim z 1588 r. oraz wprowadzone w ramach reformy z 1764 r. normy określające używanie pieczęci sądów ziemskich i ich urzędników były przestrzegane. The article deals with seals of land courts and their officials in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (in nine districts of the Wilno (Vilnius) and Troki (Trakai) voivodeships) in 1564–1792. The study is based about two hundred unpublished seals of land courts and their officials. The article is divided into three parts: part one presents an analysis of how the use of seals by land courts and officials was described in the Statutes of Lithuania and the Volumina legum, and in what way those regulations were implemented in practice. Part two is devoted to a thorough heraldic and sphragistic analysis of the seals of land courts, and part three – to an analysis of land court officials: judges, and sub-judges (singular: podsędek, subiudex). The article puts forward the thesis that the norms included in the Second (1566) and Third (1588) Lithuanian Statutes, and those introduced by the reform of 1764, regulating the use of seals of land courts and of their officials were abided by. The article is supplemented by an annexe with the photographs of seals of land courts and their officials.
Rocznik Lituanistyczny; 2017, 3
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lituanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Najstarsze pieczęcie Ciechanowa
The Oldest Official Seals of Ciechanów
Górczyk, Wojciech Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa im. Ignacego Mościckiego w Ciechanowie
coat of arms
St. Peter
sfragistyka miejska
św. Piotr
Artykuł zawiera informacje dotyczące najstarszych pieczęci Ciechanowa jako podmiotu municypalnego. Jest próbą wykazania, że opracowania z zakresu sfragistyki mogą być interesującym źródłem wiedzy o historii miasta, w szczególności jego ustroju i prawach miejskich. Oczywiście przy zachowaniu korelacji między opracowaniem sfragistycznym a dokumentami i materiałami dotyczącymi szeroko rozumianych dziejów miasta.
The article contains information on the oldest offi cial seals of Ciechanów as a municipal entity. It is an attempt to show that studies in the fi eld of sphragistics can be an interesting source of knowledge about the history of the city, in particular its system and municipal rights. Of course, while maintaining the correlation between the sphragistic study and documents and materials related to the broadlyunderstood history of the city.
Studia Mazowieckie; 2022, 17, 1; 79-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Mazowieckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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