Tytuł pozycji:
Wartości i obawy życiowe młodzieży akademickiej
Values and Life Fears of Academic YouthIn every social group people are aware of what is good, precious and right, they desireor avoid certain things, seek something, value some ‘objects’ over others. It is intheir youth that individuals try to organize their vision of life, oft en while experiencingtwo contradicting values. People as refl ective beings has always asked questionsabout the sense of their choices and actions, value of words and deeds, passing andlasting values. Th e intensity of these questions is especially high in time of enteringadulthood, as well as in diffi cult times and during experiences of suff ering, loss, injustice,incomprehension and threat which force individuals to confront their valuesystems. Th rough this we acquire wisdom, resistance and maturity. Similar crises ofvalues seem necessary for proper development of a person. Th is article attempts topinpoint life aims and goals (life values) and life fears of academic youth.