Przygotowana propozycja rozważań jest drugim tomem tryptyku poświęconego zagadnieniom pracy społecznej (w pierwszym ukazana została jej ontologiczna perspektywa) i stanowi kontynuację namysłu czynionego ze społeczno-pedagogicznego punktu widzenia. Czytelnicy znajdą tu odwołanie do teoretycznych i praktycznych doświadczeń, wywodzonych z aktywności akademickiej oraz bezpośredniej służby społecznej, podejmowanej przez autora publikacji w Polsce, Anglii, Niemczech i Stanach Zjednoczonych. W dalszej kolejności powstanie tom koncentrujący się na problematyce etyki pracy społecznej. Będzie to publikacja zamykająca projekt wprowadzający do dalszej analizy teoretycznych i praktycznych zagadnień służby wpisującej się w obszar pracy społecznej. Książka ta jest adresowana do odbiorców, którzy z perspektywy humanistycznej pragną spoglądać na sprawy człowieka i jego udziału w procesach przebudowywania rzeczywistości życia codziennego. W sposób szczególny może ona służyć teoretykom i praktykom w poszukiwaniu mostów łączących siły ludzkie w służbie Drugiemu Człowiekowi, zawiera bowiem propozycję podejścia badawczego, łączącego się z działalnością społeczną.
The purpose of this publication is introductory presentation to the reflection on the
epistemological dimension of social work. I refer here to the intended triptych announced
in the first volume, a book that came out in 2009 1. The course of the whole utterance is
conducted from the perspective of social pedagogy, which corresponds to my disciplinary
affiliation. I am referring directly to the sources plotted by Helena Radlińska’s pen, and for
me she makes an example of a Master consistent in her views and action, both at the level
of academic and social activity.
Tackling the issue of the epistemological dimension of social work I refer to the
socio-pedagogical tradition of cognitive activities (research). That is at the same time an
invitation to a discussion about cognition and getting to know everyday affairs of human
life, since they are of interest to academics as well as practitioners involved in social ser-
vice. A particular point of concern is the area of social work, which is where the process-
ing of the reality of everyday life takes place. The uniqueness of the specifics of this area
requires the researchers to think deeply before taking any action meant to interfere with
life whose main actors are people. A Hippocrates’s principle Primum non nocere, seems to
be a special beacon, which cannot be neglected at any stage of planning and direct interfer-
ence in the affairs of human life, families, groups, communities, etc.
The observations devoted to the problem of the epistemological dimension of social
work allow for stating clearly that social work is a real and relational being. Its referents
can be found in the social work practice space, as well as in the sphere of reflection and
theoretical deliberations on this practice. The socio-educational pedigree of social work
goes back to the work of Helena Radlińska. This author, researcher and engaged activ-
ist was at the same time active in the field of science, education, training, care, help,
support and human development. She made social work one of the main areas of the
sub-discipline of social pedagogy, which is her undisputed creation. The reflection con-
ducted in this volume on the fundamental issue – the epistemological reference to social
work – allows to confirm in conclusion that the being in question exists in the reality of
social pedagogy. Through this relationship, boundaries extend to other pedagogy-related
sciences, such as in particular andragogy, resocialization, special education, pedagogy
of care, pedagogy of culture or pedagogy of work and other. At the same time, due to
the ongoing relationships between social work and social action theory, philosophical
reflection on action and deeds, and other theories and categories consistent with social
action and social work, this being exists in the extra-pedagogical space. Here we can
point to such disciplines and their sub-disciplines as in particular philosophy, political
science (especially social policy), sociology (especially sociology of social problems),
psychology (especially social psychology) and medicine (including occupational health,
nursing and health sciences), economics (especially social economics), law (in particu-
lar social law), management (including organization and administering or social market-
ing), etc. In all these spheres we can find traits justifying the existence of social work
fitting into the space of theoretical references and practical operation.
In seeking solutions to the problems posed in the project that I carried out over the
years 2000–2008, I collected empiric material allowing for, inter alia, the preparation of
this volume. The leading issue of epistemological foundations of cognition of social work
understood as a real and relational being is the central category subjected to reflection.
The project was performed in accordance with the assumptions of Helena Radlińska for
social pedagogy – exploration intermingled with action. The research problems included
in it were expressed in the form of certain questions. For the part connected with the epis-
temological layer of social work they related in particular to the foundations of getting to
know the reality of this being. They also alluded to the ways of probing/learning about
social work. As a result of participatory exploration, I would find solutions to the issues
of great interest to me and – in the course of the above considerations – I tried to present
them together with the reasons for the adopted positions. Below, there are contained the
highlights of the findings.
As the basis of cognition of social work we can indicate detailed/specific episte-
mology of social work. It refers to sensory cognition, rational knowledge and emotional
knowledge (experienced). Within the layer explaining the dependencies as well as the
mechanisms and processes taking place in the theory and practice of social work, we
can trace theories of social service, social work, social action and, last but not least, hu-
man forces activation theories. Their usefulness in the context of explanations leads a re-
searcher to understanding the matters falling within the area of social work. Thereby, they
facilitate viewing the issues of processing the reality of social life in relation to the broader
background of matters, events and processes taking place in the social, group, family or
individual life of every person.
The methodological basis for getting to know social work in the approach presented
here is an orientation that I call the third way. However, it is not only the resultant of com-
bining quantitative research with qualitative research, but an approach that also extends
the range of operators of cognition. I assume an integrated (phased) method of viewing/
exploring the reality of social work, in which the researcher uses both the senses and
the mind. Nevertheless, besides the classical system, I also perceive the importance of
emotions that I treat as an element enriching the knowing subject in the relationship the
researcher – the explored environment. Emotions, which undoubtedly accompany human
relationships, are in my opinion one of the essential components determining cognition.
This applies to both the volitional and the perceptual sphere. Hence, it is important that
the researchers should be able to harness the emotional potential of their own forces and
the forces of those who are complicit in research projects. It particularly concerns skilful
management of emotions, so that they do not condition the cognitive process irrespective
of the learning subject (individual or collective).
Another factor determining the adoption of the above-mentioned assumptions for the
research oriented towards redevelopment of the living conditions and human advancement
is the fact that emotions are a constant component permanently inscribed in human nature.
They decide on the type, quality or strength created in the exploratory field of interperson-
al relationships. The researcher aiming to interact with the Other within the processes of
discovering, strengthening and activation of human forces constantly encounters the emo-
tions that accompany these relationships. They somehow get involved self-actively in the
process of communication and cooperation. Emotions are therefore one of the ingredients
associated with getting to know man and his environment. Thus, in the presented concept,
I put the emotional sphere as one of the operators of cognition. I am at the same time aware
that there will be both supporters and critics of this approach. Each of the presented argu-
ments will be significant in the further reflection on the outlined issues.
In social pedagogy defined as lived pedagogy, undertaken research is intermingled
with action. In this context, a researcher cannot be seen as an external entity that conducts
the study objectively, without emotions, foreknowledge, experience, etc. In social peda-
gogy treated as learning by doing, the researcher is deontologicly obliged to get engaged
in the explored environment. Emotions will accopmany the investigator at every stage of
exploration and action to be taken in cooperation with project participants. In this context,
the role of these emotions is specifically highlighted. There is therefore not only a need
to consider them as a component of cognition, but also a necessity to skillfully use them
to make the act of getting to know true and the action actually serve the reconstruction
of social life. Inspiration in this regard is provided by social psychology, which includes
statements on the emotional intelligence of man.
Talking about the methodical layer of the epistemological dimension of social work
I take as a reference point the integral model of the cognitive process throughout all its
stages. This entails the legitimacy of the use of all available investigative methods. My cri-
terion is the adequacy of selected methods and instruments accompanying them, accord-
ing to the existing needs and possibilities. I emphasize here the special role of boundaries
designated with ethical standards of social (socio-pedagogical) research. Thus, preserv-
ing the fidelity and procedural consistency in relation to ontological, epistemological and
methodological assumptions, I adopt the free use of both quantitative and qualitative in-
struments. Depending on the stage of the exploration, I treat each way towards cognition
as equivalent to the remaining ones. Quantitative orientation allows one to grasp the trends
and directions of interesting phenomena or processes against the background of broader
references to the social, cultural, political, economic, or educational reality. Qualitative
orientation ensures for the researcher the possibility of dealing with social work to inves-
tigate deeper into narrower segments of reality. It also leads to the understanding of the
essence of the phenomena and processes they learn about, and ensures the opportunity to
get closer to the practice of the action of processing the conditions of life and human de-
velopment. Through interactions with individuals and social groups, the researcher gains
knowledge about the world and at the same time he or she can take the role of a promoter
of environmental change realizing/materializing the ideal. The researcher has for this pur-
pose well-founded arguments supported by the exploration and practical experience in the
area of social service. I therefore point to the third way, which is commonly referred to as
Action Research following the nomenclature used by Kurt Lewin, but which had already
been applied in research attempts of the Polish social pedagogy it the interwar period. As
regards the theoretical reference underpinning the presented concept of detailed episte-
mology – epistemology of social work, I emphasize the role of the grounded theories and
the constructivist theories that complement the theories of social activity, social action,
social service and human forces activation. This collection provides the theoretical basis
for the practice of social work.
In the undertaken considerations, I have shown that gaining knowledge on social
work involves learning about its individual segments. I have distinguished nineteen types
(substantive ranges) of specific actions which constitute the area of social work. However,
this catalogue is by no means a closed one. It is subject to constant transformation pro-
cesses that determine the dynamics of change and development of the field of theory and
practice of social work. Hence, the presented segments do not close the space of social
work. In the ontological dimension it constitutes a being subject to cyclical advancement.
This is accompanied by the expiration of some and the formation of further components
ultimately determining social activities within the daily practice of services of specific
professions. It is consistent with the concept of social pedagogy perceived as a practical
science that serves practice.
We could say that the space of social work has a matrix structure in the presented con-
cept. It is sensitive to social change, which consequently determines the dynamic move-
ments both in the field of social work, and beyond its borders. The anticipated further de-
velopment of social work is the effect of these movements. This applies to the theoretical
dimension, as well as practice and further specialization (segmentation) corresponding to
this process. The fundamental factor integrating all segments of the activity occurring in
the field of social work is education. It fills the space of the field, and also determines the
scope and directions of the impact in specific segments of social work.
Seeking for epistemological reasons of cognition of the being which is the central
category of interest – namely, social work – I made an assumption about the relationships
of epistemology and methodology. In particular, I thought that philosophical reflection on
cognition expressed in the theory of knowledge/cognition encompasses the space of meth-
odological reflection. In such reasoning, I referred to the analogy to the position recogniz-
ing the existence of a detailed/specific methodologies. I assumed, therefore, that in the
area of methodology conceived as meta-knowledge about the social purposes of scientific
knowledge/cognition and legitimate strategies for their implementation, there are specific
methodologies. Reasoning further, I assumed that in the broad philosophical reflection on
cognition – general epistemology – detailed epistemologies are distinguished. This circle
also includes a detailed epistemology of social work. Such assumption implied future
directions of reflection. I included the narrower layer of methodological reflection into the
area of theoretical reflection (epistemological) on the social work knowledge (epistemol-
ogy of social work). It concerns the nature and methods of getting to know social work.
This is the methodology of social work, which in the procedural dimension corresponds
to the methodology of cognition of that being. The whole of this area recognized as meta-
knowledge of social work cognition refers to the ontological, epistemological, and meth-
odological plane, and ultimately the methodical one.
The conducted considerations correspond to the tradition of pedagogical and social
reflection and practice of cognitive activities taking place in the social work field real-
ity. Based on the example of the research conducted by Helena Radlińska and her teams
I presented ways of organizing research that was carried out in human life environments.
I also portrayed methods and instruments which were used by the first social pedagogues
in the course of gathering empirical material. With reference to the theoretical reflection of
Helena Radlińska I depicted methodological bases of social pedagogy and rules for taking
exploration in field of social activity. A leading role is played here by a man along with his
forces. In accordance with the basic principles of social pedagogy, these forces are a crea-
tive factor. Therefore, they are subject to the processes of discovering, strengthening, mul-
tiplication and activation. Ultimately, they serve the reconstruction of the gregarious life in
the name of an ideal. Social pedagogy is a borderland science in its nature. Hence, it draws
benefits from many other disciplines, whose achievements are useful for pedagogues and
social activists. They engage their forces in the co-creation process of everyday life real-
ity, so as to make the conditions that occur there favorable for human development and
multiplication of happiness experienced by every person.
Conducting research in the field of social work is connected with practical activity. It
is done for the purpose of creating the image of the analyzed reality and plotting the cor-
responding maps. A parallel objective is activation of one’s own forces as well as those of
other participants of the exploration oriented towards processing the reality of gregarious
life. The research is going to serve a social activist in his or her daily occupation-related real-
ity, and even in his or her daily service undertaken for the good of the Other. The resulting
images and maps are a kind of a signpost, which will be used by a person getting engaged in
the action in the field of social work. The creator of the map (who is often its user as well)
is assumed to know the foreordination of the prepared product. Nevertheless, what is also
necessary is the awareness of the conditions in which this map will be used. It must have
not only the main roads and basic facilities marked, and secondary paths and points of lower
significance will not be sufficient, either. This map must feature hills and valleys, hidden
caves and trenches, irregularities of seemingly smooth surface and holes that entail risk of
falling down. It needs to render, with all possible faithfulness, all dangers a social activist
may encounter while taking action in a specific area of social work depicted on the map.
Mapping the threats that may affect the processes of social activities is the nega-
tive perspective of the created image. However, the image cannot be one-sided, and – in
particular – sketched entirely from the negative point of view. It is also useful to identify
these factors that constitute for the activist and social pedagogue support in the undertaken
rebuilding of the reality. This also requires a precise definition of the positive values of
the reality explored. In other words, there is a legitimate need for highlighting these roads,
which are available and can also be used as an alternative. They will make a kind of emer-
gency exits identified in case of possible failures encountered in the performance of the
original action plan.
Another important aspect of the diagnosis of conditions in which social activities
will be undertaken is determination of the potential of environmental forces. Recognizing
these factors, which in the course of processing the reality of life gregarious will provide
support is a very important issue. It is not just about a kind of reserves of human forces, but
first and foremost about the environmental causative attributes remaining in the potential
disposal of a pedagogue or a social worker. An acting researcher will refer to these forces
in situations where it will be necessary to strengthen the flagging strength. On the map
there will make the points where the activist will be able to receive support in action, get
competent advice or emotional strengthening, as well as refresh, relax, and verify the as-
sumptions with the then current developments. There, he or she will find the opportunity
to reflect and refocus the process when necessary. These sites are important for logistical,
organizational, and mental reasons.
A social activist (pedagogue or social worker) cannot be subject to the processes
of instrumentalization or even dehumanization. As each action operator, however, such
person is constantly exposed to several threats in this area. The existing risks make it
necessary to take into account crises situations while preparing the concepts of support
and recuperation involved in the process of rebuilding the gregarious life. At this point
it can be added as a technical note that even the instruments of action require periodic
maintenance and repairs. Therefore its is not surprising that a person who is involved in
the processes of social and environmental change requires care and attention to efficiency
in every aspect of his or her operation. This person must be at the same time aware that
upon entering the path of processing the reality of human life he or she will receive ad-
equate support – both personal and infrastructure. Without a clear diagnosis of the factors
which a researcher may refer to during overload (a crisis), he or she would have a sense
of lonely wandering without any hope for support. The accompanying attitudes are likely
to lead to distortions in the course of interaction with the human forces that at each stage
must be seen as partner forces. An activist, who is experiencing emotional alienation is
prone to assuming authoritarian and even dictatorial attitudes. The loss of trust and instru-
mentalism in interpersonal relations are only some possible derivatives of the process of
growing frustration resulting from the destructive internal tensions (emotional, mental and
spiritual). On the other side of this continuum, he or she may experience a subjective sense
of injustice. The consequence of these states can be resignation and withdrawal from the
path of cooperation in the processing of reality. Then, the loss of hope for the success of
the mission will only be a correlate accompanying the process of self-marginalization of
the social activist (pedagogue).
An accurate picture of the existing reality facilitates the creation of models of ideal
reality (its different dimensions). These models reflect the anticipated condition indicating
the direction of actions taken up in the field of social work. This process involves planned
development of strategies and programs for social activity and setting targets and tasks
envisaged (necessary) for their implementation. In the practice of operational activities
it is useful to assign specific performers to the appropriate tasks. A significant role in the
selection of the executors of these tasks is played by their competences, predispositions,
experience and skills. Also the resources made available and necessary for the implemen-
tation of the distributed tasks are of substantial importance. With respect to the instru-
ments, particularly noteworthy is the ability to properly use them. Excellent technical
equipment is not enough because it will not have any meaning without proper imagination
and the ability to make the use of the tangible assets. Due to the liquidity and efficiency
of the actions taken, it is also necessary to identify the ways of achieving the assigned
tasks and goals. At this stage of planning, a key role is played by the deadlines concerning
the completion of the tasks. The individual activists (researchers) are obliged to fulfil the
obligations taken at the indicated time intervals. However, these intervals cannot be the
result of a priori arrangements made on the basis of evidence inadequate to the realities of
practical action. It is particularly important in this aspect to search for such time frame-
work which will take into account both the causative potential of the implementers and
environmental conditions under which the activities will be carried out. Excessive short-
ening of the period for the implementation of operational tasks in practice causes the need
for changes in the schedule of the project. On the other hand, the unwarranted extension
of these deadlines may lead to a decrease in efficiency due to postponing of the moment of
launching concrete work. As a result of this phenomenon, there is a threat of misconduct
and low quality of the execution of the tasks. This is related to undertaking the so-called
delayed action, while still trying to implement it in the allotted time. This issue seems to be
clear and unambiguous on the level of thought. However, in the practice of social activity
it is one of the key factors generating disturbances in the realization of projects based on
the interaction of the forces of collective entities. Hence, it deserves special attention in
the course of the conceptual and planning works.
Submitting at this point the research concept of creative cognition, which may be
a way of conducting research in the field of social work, it is worth emphasizing once
again the exceptional importance of the practical dimension of social work. Research in-
tertwined with action has great causative potential, which can be used successfully in the
system meant to support the human (social) development. The outline of this system was
shown in the summary of the first volume of the anthology of social work – Introduction
to ontology... (2009a). Assuming the historical perspective it can be seen that the origins
of philanthropic activity was characterized by immediacy and attractive. With the increase
of the public awareness, as well as according to the expansion of the concept of respect
for human life and dignity of every human being, welfare activities were gaining more
and more supporters and donors. As a result of the process of sensitizing people to social
issues, there occurred gradual engagement of forces in rescue, compensation, care and
assistance operations. This served strengthening the forces of the weak or those in need
of support. The idea of getting involved in actions for the benefit of fellow human beings
has been proliferating for centuries and gaining allies. In the initial period, this mainly
concerned the orientation to counteract the effects of calamities that caused tragedies in
everyday human life. The dominant activities were of protective and rescue character
and served resolving or mitigating problems such as hunger, homelessness, illness, be-
reavement, disability caused by participation in hostilities or arising at work. Benefactors
funded field hospitals, shelters, soup kitchens, and offered spiritual support, or – in some
cases – even material one. Along with the professionalization of these activities, there
was a shift from orphanages and rescue centers to a higher level system solutions – social
welfare. The idea of a care system, the coverage and the emerging foundations of profes-
sionalization meant that the activity taken in this area referred to the idea of systematiza-
tion. Securing the basic life needs of a man at the minimum biological level (referring to
satisfying the existential needs), was gradually replaced by higher-standard services. As
for their quality they corresponded to the level which is currently defined as the minimum
subsistence level. It sets out the basic conditions of human life in accordance with the
standards in a given time and space.
The current stage of civilization development has helped shape the constitutive bases
for the social assistance system. It is an expression of a deeper reflection on the nature
of man and social issues that accompany human existence. It marks a higher level of de-
velopment of system activities in relation to the previously functioning welfare system.
Progressive standardization, attention to the quality of offered social services, care for
man perceived as a subject of interaction and, at the same time, a multidimensional being
– thesea are the attributes of development. They are also the impulses, which can be read
in the context of the described changes as a manifestation of the development of civiliza-
tion. This observation leads to the conclusion that the offer of the twenty-first century
are system products of increasingly higher quality. They make it easier to overcome the
hardships that people experience in different types of situations destituting their existence.
However, a significant feature of the aid scheme is its focus on the social sphere. In prin-
ciple, the products offered by social assistance serve providing support to people who are
unable to cope on their own with solving problems and issues marginalizing or completely
excluding them from the social life. At the same time, in the operation of this system, we
can recognize certain elements that give hope of moving on to the next stage of the system
development. These include in particular measures meant to stimulate people to explore
their own potential and activation of the possessed forces. The aim here is to overcome the
passiveness and active participation in the processes of co-creation of everyday life reality.
Another designate inscribing in the formal and legal dimension of the functioning of this
system in Poland is the evolution of language. The name that is becoming increasingly
more common and is used in the official nomenclature and the discourse conducted within
the system refers to the idea of social integration of individuals, families, social groups, as
well as the society as a whole. This is reflected by the formal name of the department in
the Ministry of Social Policy – support and social integration. This can be read as the next
step in the system development.
Anticipating the directions for further transformations in the area of social activities
on the Polish soil, we can re-invoke the concept of the system of human (social) develop-
ment support. It involves going beyond the activity of social nature. Giving the system
activities social significance extends the range of possibilities and the extent of impact.
The social dimension is a component of the space relating to the social field of activity
of individuals, institutions or organizations undertaking social activities. Such orienta-
tion seems to reflect the increasing level of substantive quality within the system. It does
not limit itself to solving problems, or even preventing them. First of all, it refers to the
idea of co-creation such conditions in which human creative potential will be used. The
general assumption states that man co-participating in social activities will be subject to
ongoing development. He will be a subject of co-creation of the everyday life reality.
The process of joint transformation of the conditions of gregarious living will therefore
advance the development of human resources. It will also stimulate individuals and whole
communities to be active to achieve ever higher social self-consciousness. The culture of
cooperation based on the ideas of humanist subjectivity, partnership and respect for hu-
man dignity will in this approach fill the space of community involvement in the affairs
of everyday life. The realization of the ideal outlined in this way may in turn add to the
dynamics of the process of people growing into the idea of humanity. The interiorization
of this idea can help individuals and social groups in the process of acquiring the features
that constitute the being of a human actively immersed in the reality that is co- -created,
-processed, -reconstructed.
One could say that the concept of the system of human (social) development support
is a proposal whose primary purpose is to coordinate and integrate activities. They are
focused on both solving problems and social issues and preventing them. This area also
comprises rescue actions. They have a use in emergency situations of crisis, when short-
term projects are most needed and effective. However, the foundation of this system is
supporting man in the development of his potential. It is used for achieving increasingly
higher ability to be a partner co-creating the reality and co-responsible for the quality and
quantity of achieved results related to social interaction. That makes a man endowed with
specific personal resource values become a contributor to the reality of everyday life. He
is therefore the subject of cooperation and – at the same time – the recipient of the manu-
factured goods for the public and individual use. Through social self-consciousness, he is
able to make sacrifices and compromises in the name of solutions meant to improve the
quality of social life. Understanding of the nature of social relationships and interpersonal
dependencies causes in the assumed approach that that the person involved in the process
of co-creation and co-transformation of the living environment skillfully eases social ten-
sions generated by differences in individual human interests. Sensitivity, as well as emo-
tional and social intelligence lead an active social co-activist to rational choices based on
substantive grounds. Taking into account the local specificities rooted in the supra-local
space he or she can participate in co-transformation of the gregarious living conditions in
the name of an ideal.
The ideal approach outlined above to model system solutions undertakes to indicate
paths approximating a man to the ideal state. The available capacity comprises social
work, which in the considered approach I can point to as a primary path to perfection. As
a theory, and the more so as a sphere of practice it can be extremely useful. In the applica-
tion context, social work can be seen as a set of instruments fit for use in the processes
of the transformation of the reality of human life. Utilization of this tool conglomerate is
possible both at the stage of the social development support system, and as part of its op-
eration. In this aspect, it seems that the rank of research concepts enabling the exploration
of the area of social work is increasing. Getting to know it bears the marks of a permanent
process that once started is a continuous one contributing to the transformation of the life
reality of individuals, families, communities, groups of people, social groups and the en-
tire human race. It is in fact exploration based on action intertwined with research.
Cognition of social work can be carried out in the course of projects based on the as-
sumptions of the research-action concept. It is accompanied by a process of transforming
the explored environments of human life. This approach, however, requires appropriate
competences form the researcher active in the field of social work. This in turn is related
to the necessity of proper preparation/training of the exploring activists in the area of crea-
tive cognition. Referring once again to the guidelines Helena Radlińska I can re-prime
in this context the postulate of thorough preparation for research work. It applies to both
academics and representatives of practical activity. In cognitive processes based on the
assumptions of the concept of research linked with action (which in a simplified way can
be defined as creative cognition) they are equal partners.
The experience gained through the undertaken research projects lead me to report
a general statement. It refers to the realm of attitudes adopted by an active researcher in
the field of social activity. I mean here the attitude towards the world around them and
the role assumed by the co-participating researchers. Exploring the field of social work
requires reflection on this issue. It is connected with a number of interpersonal relations
tied up during the project at each stage of its conceptualization and implementation. The
adopted attitudes reflect the approach of the investigating researcher towards the environ-
ment covered by the project.
In the operational dimension, it is therefore necessary to determine the superior goal
that determines the planned cognitive activity. This issue becomes particularly important
in the context of releasing (activation) the potential of human forces. It applies both to the
researcher’s own forces and those at the disposal of the persons co-participating in cogni-
tive situations. In this regard, it is useful to refer to the reflection of Helena Radlińska. She
emphasized that social pedagogy is a a practical science serving life. This entails the need
to identify appropriate goals of the research conducted in the field of social work practice.
From the pedagogical and social message it can be gathered that they should ultimately
contribute to the creative use of the expenditures (in terms of forces, time, energy, material
resources – property, financial resources, etc.). The practical nature of social pedagogy in-
clines/leads to constructing such research projects that will contribute to the multiplication
of the human good. They will facilitate multiplication of the knowledge of the explored
reality. The application dimension of this knowledge will be used for the benefit of the
activities undertaken in the area of social work.
Summing up the considerations dedicated to the epistemological aspect of social
work, I can pose a crucial question. It may be the beginning of the cognitive process un-
dertaken in the area of each segment of the reality of human life. This question bears a tele-
ological meaning and refers to the aim of cognition – why?, for what purpose?, what is this
cognition for? These are relevant issues from the point of engagement of human forces,
the potential of which should be utilized as efficiently as possible. Referring to the goal of
the cognitive activities carried out, the researcher is faced with the fundamental problem
of determining his or her position in the investigated reality. The aim of the research sets
the place of the exploring subject, which in the socio-pedagogical research is required to
actively participate in the life of the explored reality. This objective also determines the
instruments that can and should be applied to achieve the desired effects of interference
in a segment of the human life reality. I can apply here a comparison of a researcher and
a student. The latter, in order to gain academic recognition, makes the goal of studying
his or her personal development, acquisition of knowledge, mastering skills and improv-
ing performance that will enable him or her the application of the gathered knowledge in
practical activities. An important result, though somewhat secondary, is the result of a test,
quiz or exam. Grades are for such student some indication of the progress in the process
of studying. This tool provides feedback on the areas that are already mastered sufficiently
for a given level of educational advancement. They also yield information about the issues
that require further work in to correct and improve one’s performance.
The same can be said about a researcher who will gain recognition when the cogni-
tive actions taken by him or her will serve life. The cognitive goal is fundamental, but not
the only one. We can even consider its secondary position with respect to the practice of
reconstruction of reality in the course of action. This is due to the recognition of the pref-
erential role of social service. Cognition, in this approach, can lead to building theory and
development of a scientific discipline. However, in the context of a practical orientation,
these will be effects that are associated with the preparation for the work of rebuilding the
reality of human life. The resulting theories can thus be useful for the practice of social ac-
tivities, but will not be recognized as an autonomous scientific goal. Cognition and its theo-
retical consequences are to contribute to efficient utilization of human forces in the processes
of transformation of everyday human existence. In the practice of socio-pedagogical re-
search, cognition of reality leads to exploring the potential of available (implicit, explicit)
human forces. This diagnosis is essential in planning social activities that are undertaken
with these forces. It determines the rationality of engaging the potential at hand that de-
serves to be used successfully and effectively.
From the socio-pedagogical perspective it seems that the practical and humanistic
goal is as important as the cognitive and academic goal. In contrast, a widely recognized
human (social) interest is put over the research interest, oriented at achieving theoreti-
cal gains. This does not mean, however, that the scientific dimension of cognition and
its theory-creating character are harmed. These are inter-balancing aspects of cognition
conducted in the area of social pedagogy. Their final effects heighten the effectiveness of
social activity. Hence, one should not interpret too hastily the thoughts expressed here, and
presume that the guiding thesis put forward by is deprecating the theoretical dimension of
the activities of social pedagogues with simultaneous appreciation of the practical context
of their activity. Identifying with the viewpoint of Helena Radlińska I accept that social
pedagogy as a science is to serve life. It is a hands-on science, so it chooses serving for
processing the reality of gregarious life in the name of an ideal as its top priority. However,
in order for this service to be efficient and kept at a high level, social activities must be
grounded to a good theoretical foundation. In such cases, practice is based on the universe,
not the casuistry, which enables efficient operation in identified situations. Social service
is a service to the future, and also a service to the unknown, as expressed by Helena
Radlińska. It requires then good preparation justified with general statements explaining
certain regularities with which the getting-to-know creator (acting in the environment of
human life) will deal in everyday service. Therefore, the priority attributed in the context
of cognition to the reality of social work does not diminish the importance of its theoreti-
cal dimension, which arises as a result of cognition, as an element accompanying gaining
knowledge about the reality subject to exploration.